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April 9, 2007




-At Katherine's cabin, she is sitting on the couch worried about Cal and wondering what he is up to. Meanwhile, Jed and Cal are on their way back from Ogden, a small town nearby to Green Mountain, and Jed is asking Cal if he has everything he needs. Cal smiles and says he does. He vows that this will be a night Katherine never forgets.

-At the Deveraux house, Abby is sitting in her wheelchair with Chelsea on the couch next to her. They are watching a movie and eating popcorn. Abby tells Chelsea she wants to thank her again for staying with her. Her father has been working late so much lately on the MCF case and she didn't want to be alone with JJ's babysitter again. Chelsea says it's no problem and she can use the extra case for babysitting JJ. Abby hangs her head, saying she wishes she could watch her brother on her own. Chelsea smiles and assures Abby she will again...one day soon.

The doorbell rings. Both girls wonder who it can be. Chelsea gets up to get it and asks Abby if it could be her father and maybe he forgot his keys. Abby doesn't think her father would be home this early. Chelsea opens the door and sees that it's Laura. Laura and Chelsea greet each other. Abby is stunned to see her grandmother since she would think she would be in bed with her having an early flight back to Africa with granpa. Laura says she couldn't leave because she was worried about her. Laura admits she knows all about what happened with her and Max and she can see how much they are both hurting and she has some advice for Abby that she hopes she heeds.

-Greta and Frankie are at The Spectator waiting for Jack and Billie. Greta looks at her watch and wonders where they are as they were supposed to come right over after the funeral and reception services. Frankie tries to clam Greta, telling her that they probably stopped to check on Abby and Chelsea or something. Greta hopes so.

Meanwhile, Jack and Billie are walking out of Buddy's Burger Barn. Billie can't beleive Jack wasted so much time stopping as the lines were long as hell. Jack says he hardly at the funeral and reception as the food was nothing but the eloquent, upper class shindig stuff. He wanted something that would make a nutritionist cringe. Billie smiles and says this will do it. She tells Jack that they are more then an hour late to meet Greta and Frankie.

Jack says they will understand as they got hung up at the funeral service and reception and had to stop home and check with the girls. Billie wonders if they will understand stopping off for fast food. Jack smiles and says they have enough food for four. Jack's cell rings and he answers it:

Distorted Voice: You want information on the cloaked figure...meet me at the alley outside the old Filmore Rug Factory on Gifford Street. No questiions, no police. Just bring yourself and your partner.

Jack: Wait...who are you? How do you know I have a partner?

Distorted Voice: No questions, Deveraux. Remember that...

Jack hears a hangup and fills Billie in on the phone call. Billie asks Jack if he thinks this is a legit informant. Jack smiles and says there is only one way to find out and takes Billie's hand, dragging her with him. Billie asks Jack if he is sure they should be racing off like this. It could be a trap. Jack reminds Billie she is ISA and is currently a PI and he has been in situations like this. They will be fine. He then drags her off as she rolls her eyes.

Meanwhile, James puts his cell phone away and turns to face Alan. James tells Alan the plan is on and Jack bought it. Alan asks how he knows and James says he knows he did. Jack is desperate for a big break in the case and that desperation plays into their hands. James then points his finger at Alan and warns him there can't be any mistakes. They must follow their plan to the letter. Alan understands and just hopes the boss doesn't get mad. James says he isn't worried because the boss will probably be happy they disposed of those pests. He tells Alan they must go and they both race off.

-At an abandoned warehouse in the upper west side of town, Cassie is still locked in an abandoned room. She wonders when the MCF is returning. She then hears a loud noise outside the door and the door then opens. The MCF enters and apologizes to Cassie for being gone so long. He or she asks if she is enjoying her stay. Cassie sarcastically asks him or her what he thinks. The MCF says fine and is now ready to get down to business. Cassie asks what this business he keeps mentioning is. The MCF reminds Cassie of her desire for revenge on Max Brady, Chelsea Brady, and Abby Deveraux. The MCF says that he or she has a plan that she is very interested in and that he or she can use her help on.

Cassie doesn't understand. The MCF tells her that her hands would be clean. No one would know she did it and she would have her revenge. Cassie asks where this is going. The MCF tells Cassie that he or she wants her to...kidnap Chelsea and Abby. Cassie is stunned.

-In the woods near Katherine's cabin, Cal and and Jed are walking back to the cabin. Cal thanks Jed for helping him set up everything and for the ride into Ogden. Jed says it was no problem and tells Cal to let him know how things went. Cal smiles and says he will. Jed and Cal shake hands. Jed leaves. Cal then says it's time to go get Katherine.

Meanwhile, Katherine wonders if she should call the police or someone to help her go out and look for Cal. She is getting very worried and even wonders if Cal left her. There is then a knock at the door. Katherine races over and opens it. She sees Cal and jumps into his arms. Cal is pleasantly surprised by the greeting. Katherine says she was so worried about him and then, as her face turns angrier, asks where he was. Cal says all her questions will be answered if she just comes with him. Katherine doesn't understand. Cal tells her to trust him. Cal blindfolds Katherine, who is still confused. He tells her to let him guide her. Katherine says she doesn't have a choice. Cal leads her out of the cabin and grabs her coat.

-Nico and several men arrive at The Spectator with seferal large boxes. Nico tells Greta and Frankie these are the surveillance tapes. He tells them that Victor would like to be present when they find anything of importance. Greta understands and says they will get on them right away. Nico says that's good as Victor was only able to gain access to them for 48 hours. Frankie thinks that is all they will need. Nico leaves as Frankie and Greta both are getting worried about Jack and Billie now.

Meanwhile, Jack and Billie arrive at the alley. Billie draws her gun and tells Jack she has a bad feeling about this. Jack tells her that it will be fine if they are aware of their surroundings and cautious. Both of them are unaware of the two masked assailants dressed in black behind them. The two assailants sneak up from behind both Jack and Billie, cover their faces with black hoods, and drag them off as their screams can be heard.

-Back at the Deveraux house, Chelsea asks if she should leave but Laura says she can stay. Abby tells Laura she doesn't want to talk about Max. Laura thinks they must and reminds Abby of everything that has happened in the past year. Uncle Mickey, her mother, and now her Aunt Marie have all passed away. She also reminds her of her own near-death experience and her paralysis. Laura hates to bring all that up but tells Abby that there is a lesson to be learned from it all, especially after today:

Laura: Life is short, my darling. Extremely short. You almost lost your life when you were little and also recently. I know all about the mistakes Max made but you have to consider the heightened emotions of the situation. He lost his unborn child during that time. He had to grieve and you know the childhood Frankie and him had. He wanted to do right by that baby and that baby was his chance to give his son or daughter what he didn't have growing up. I know your father doesn't like what Max did and, in a way, either do I but we have known him and Frankie for years. People make mistakes, Abigail. You did and that is how you ended up where you are.

Abby: Thanks for reminding me.

Laura: It's the truth, sweetheart. Doesn't Max deserve another chance given the circumstances?

Abby: Why do you care so much about me and Max? I don't get it.

Laura: Because I saw the way he looked at you at Christmas. How concerned he was for you when you nearly died. I saw the pain he was in at the funeral today not being able to be with you. I can see the pain you are in. It's not right, darling. If it doesn't work out, fine but you two deserve a chance to make it right and you are the only person who can make it happen. It is a Horton mantra, afterall. We are all about forgiveness and second chances. Hell, your mother and father had so many chances to work things out...it's all part of life and relationships. You will always have ups and downs. It's what you learn from them that matters and this could make you two closer then ever. Just...think about it.

Chelsea: Come on, Abby. She's right.

Abby: Fine. I will.

Laura: Thank you. Now, I must be going girls. Bill and I have an early flight. Abigail, darling, I hope you take my advice. I know you and I aren't on the best terms because of my actions...

Abby: Grandma...it's in the past. Remember, I forgave you back at Christmas and so did dad.

Laura: I saw the way you reacted to me at Alice's this morning. I know there is still some ill feelings there but, in time, I hope to earn back your trust and your father's. Even if you two feel everything is ok, I need to feel like I have earned it back. For me.

Laura them embraces Abby and says goodbye to Chelsea and Abby as she leaves. Chelsea looks at Abby and asks her if she is really going to consider giving Max another chance. Abby hesistates but says yes but she has to think first. She tells Chelsea she has alot of thinking to do.

-Cassie can't beleive the MCF wants her to help kidnap Chelsea and Abby. The MCF tells Cassie that they will leave a note saying they both left town and adds that niether girl will be hurt. The MCF tells Cassie he or she just needs Jack and Billie distracted and then both girls will be returned. In the meantime, the MCF informs Cassie that Max will feel guilty and will be blamed as the reason why both girls took off. Cassie will have her revenge. The MCF asks Cassie if she still wants revenge on Max, Chelsea, and Abby. Cassie nods but says that she was thinking of handling it some other way.

The MCF says her hands will be kept clean. He or she assures Cassie she won't go down for helping to kidnap the girls. The MCF moves closer to Cassie and tells her that no matter how she feels about this, she is going to do it anyway. He or she needs Cassie's help and thinks Cassie should jump at this chance at revenge. The MCF tells Cassie to just do as he or she says, cooperate, and just wait to be contacted. He or she will let her know when it will all go down and tell her exactly what to do. The MCF adds that she will have helpers who will committ the actual kidnapping. All she needs to do is help. The MCF cresses Cassie's terrified face and says if she does as he or she says properly and if she tells no one of their meeting or anything about any of this, there won't be a problem. She will also have her revenge.

The MCF asks Cassie if she agrees, reminding her that her saying no or going against his or her wishes results in tragedy for her beloved grandfather. The MCF tells Cassie that he or she put Stefano in the hospital and they can make sure he never comes out. The MCF adds that he or she can make sure she suffers indescribable pain. Cassie finally agrees, reluctantly. The MCF is pleased and says she is free to go, warning her not to say nothing to anyone about what they discussed and their meeting...or else. Cassie understands and leaves. Outside the warehouse, Cassie wonders who the MCF is and why he or she is doing all this. She wonders what she become involved in.

-Cal leads Katherine through the woods as she asks him where they are going and how long until they are there. She is sick of being blindfolded. Cal stops and says they have arrived. He stands behind her and takes the blindfold off, saying "Surprise!" Katherine is stunned by what she sees.

-Back at The Spectator, Frankie wonders if they should start working through the surveillance footage. Greta says they should wait for Jack and Billie. Frankie admits he is really worried now. Greta says she knows something is wrong...she can just sense it.

Meanwhile, Jack and Billie are tied up in a dimly lit warehouse somewhere. They are struggling to break free. Billie reminds Jack that she knew going to the alley was a bad idea. She just knew it was a trap. Jack just ignores her and says they need to focus on getting out of this and not on who is right. Billie thinks the MCF is behind this. Jack says if that is the case, why were there two assailants dressed in black? Billie says they are probably accomplices to the MCF. They know there are some with Marlena and James as two of them. Jack knows the two masked assailants were male and is betting one could be James since they went undercover to the bar.

Billie thinks he's right. James must have known it was them and told the MCF and here they are. Billie reminds Jack that she warned him that undercover assignment would come back to haunt them. Jack ignores Billie and says they just need to find a way out of the ropes before those assailants come back and do God knows what to them.

Meanwhile, outside, the two assailants take their masks off to reveal James and Alan. James is pleased that went well. Alan is complaining about Billie kicking him in the leg and is commenting on her feistiness. James tells Alan to shutup and listen as it's time for the final part of the plan. Alan asks what that is. James opens his bag and pulls out a bottle of kerosene and some matches. Alan is stunned. James says it's time to send Jack and Billie to hell.

The screen then fades out on a splitscreen of an enraged James' face and Jack and Billie tied up, struggling to get free.


Cal to Katherine: It's time I show you how much I love you.

Lucas to Sami: I have an idea how to get answers about Will.

Will to Bo: How are we ever going to move on from this?

Bo to Will: I'm not sure we ever will.

Greta to Frankie: We have to go find them, damnit!! They could be dying somewhere for all we know!!

James to Alan (while watching Jack and Billie through the warehouse window): The way to get rid of pests is by extermination. Burning to ashes...now that sounds like a full proof way, doesn't it?


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