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The MCF continues to hold a gun to Cassie's head and has his or her hand covering her mouth. He drags her through several alleys and repeatedly reminds her not to do anything stupid and to remain silent. Cassie notices that they are going deeper and deeper into Salem's seedy part of town. She notices they are entering the upper west side warehouse district. The MCF then stops at a warehouse and peers through the window. He or she then takes out some sort of gadget.

The MCF attaches the gadget to the door handle and Cassie witnesses the gadget turn the door knob and break it right off. The MCF then opens the door and drags Cassie in to the damp, dark warehouse. He or she drags Cassie through the dark as Cassie can feel herself knocking into crates and tables left and right. The MCF then stops and says:

MCF (via voice changer): We are going some stairs. Follow my lead and don't try anything funny.

The MCF continues to cover Cassie's mouth with his or her hand. Cassie is then dragged up the stairs, trying to maintain her balance and to keep from getting injured. After making it up a long and winding steel staircase, Cassie can feel she is on flat ground now. They walk for a short distance before stopping again. The MCF uses his or her lock gadget again to open the door.

MCF: Get in.

The MCF drags her further into the room and then finally lets go of her. The MCF holds her at gunpoint and says:

MCF: Good girl. You behaved better then I thought.

Cassie: Who are you? What do you want?

MCF: You'll see in due time. I must go though but you are going to wait here for awhile.

Cassie: You are the one the police are after. Your the mysterious cloaked figure that has been terrorizing everyone. Your the person who shot my grandfather and put him in a coma!

MCF: I am also the person that can make you dear old grandpa Dimera never wakes up from that coma if you don't follow my instructions and behave yourself.

Cassie: Why are you doing this? Why did you shoot my grandfather and why are you lurking around messing with so many people? You asked me when you called if I wanted revenge on Chelsea, Max, and Abby. How do you know them? How do you know...

MCF: WOULD YOU STOP WITH THE QUESTIONS?! Just sit down and wait for me to get back and then we will handle our business.

Cassie: What business?

MCF: You'll see. I will answer one question for you. It's one of the very questions your grandfather asked me before he went into la la land. You asked why I am doing this and there is a very simple answer to that. It's what you want, Cassie. You feel wronged, don't you? You want to destroy your enemies...you want Max, Abby, and even Chelsea to pay don't you?

Cassie: Yeah...

MCF: That's what I want. I want my enemies to pay. I want revenge, Cassie. I will do whatever it takes to get that revenge. Like I told your father that night, it's called a VENDETTA. That is what this is and, if I have my way, soon I will achieve the goals I set long ago. I have waited so long and it's all so close at hand.

Cassie: I don't understand.

MCF: Good. Let's keep it that way. I must go. Don't do anything stupid because, if you do, I will know it. Beleive me, your being watched.

Cassie: How? This places looks abandoned.

MCF: I have my ways. I will be back soon.

The MCF closes the door. Cassie reaches the door and tries to open it but can't. She doesn't understand how that is possible as the MCF broke the lock off the door. Meanwhile, outside, the MCF has put some sort of electronic lock on the door and then pulls out a small television monitor. The MCF turns it on and he or she can see Cassie inside the locked room.

MCF: Told you I have my ways. You just stay put, Ms. Dimera. You and me have much to discuss.

The MCF leaves as the scene shifts back to the room where Cassie is. We can see a small camera bug attached to one of the desks in the room, which is how the MCF is watching Cassie on his or her monitor. Cassie realizes she can't get out of the room.

Cassie: It's no use. This person found someway to lock it. God...what is going on? Who would want to do all this? Why is he or she doing this to us? Why?!

The scene then fades out on Cassie's bewildered face and then fades into...



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The MCF would have to be strong to pull Cassie up those stairs. It could be a man or a buff female lol

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