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April 3, 2007




-At Katherine's cabin near Green Mountain, she opens the door to look out. She is worried that Cal isn't back yet and wonders if something is wrong as nightfall is upon them. She hears something moving with her foot and looks down to find a note with her name on it. It's from Cal, who says he has to take care of something and that he may not be back until sometime tomarrow. Katherine wonders what is going on with him.

Meanwhile, Cal is in a truck with a guy nameed Jed, thanking him for giving him a ride. Jed tells him it's no problem. He knows that him and his lady friend have been staying that cabin together for quite a few months and everything he has seen suggests they are good people. Jed insists he had to make a run into town anyway. Cal is just grateful that Jed lives in a cabin nearby and that he happened to run into him. He admits being afraid to ask him to help him but since he saw him packing for a trip he figured that Jed was his best option.

Jed says it's all good and asks why Cal is headed into town. He tells Cal he always sees his lady friend going into town for groceries and supplies but never him. Cal admits that Katherine never let him leave all that much. She wanted him isolated. Jed asks why Cal would have to be isolated. Jed stops the car and asks Cal to tell him if something is wrong with him because, if there is, he wants him out of his car right now.

-At Salem Place, Sami is with Lucas and Eric having a cup of coffee at Java Cafe. All three are discussing their worry concerning Carrie and how much she is beginning to fall apart. Sami tells both Eric and Lucas that Carrie may end up right next to mom...in the psych ward.

Meanwhile, at Carrie and Austin's room at the Salem Inn, Carrie is lying on the couch motionless. Austin looks at her and notices her blank stare. He asks if she is ok. Carrie doesn't answer. Austin turns around and then takes out the engagement ring he bought earlier. He wonders if he should still propose with Carrie's mental state being like it is.

-Nicole arrives at the Salem Inn and is on her way up to her suite when she bumps right into Kate. Kate says hello to her and comments on how busy she has been. Nicole doesn'ty understand. Kate says that she heard about her marital problems and about her new baby. Nicole asks Kate what she wants and says she has no time to deal with her. Kate says that she also knows about her getting Lucas's old job at Titan and wants to know how she managed to get Victor to agree to that since he hates her. Nicole is silent. Kate also asks Nicole what other favors Victor did for her.

-At the Kiriakis Mansion, Victor comes downstairs calling for Philip. Philip comes in and asks what is going on. Victor says he just learned of what happened with Belle.

Victor: How stupid can you be? How could you hit her? And to let your mother see it...Philip!

Philip: How did you find out?

Victor: Oh, so that was it. You weren't going to tell me. Did you think I wasn't going to find out? I have cameras all over this house and Nick directed my attention to footage of what happened between you and Belle. He was examining the footage and saw everything.

Philip: I lost my temper. I just couldn't take it anymore.

Victor: That is no excuse. You must keep your emotions in check. You are a Kiriakis. Act like it. What you did was stupid. You may as well have given Claire to Belle on a silver platter.

Philip: I can fight this, dad. We can. I have power and resources as your son but if you help me and we use all the power and resources we have at our family's disposal...

Victor: No! You know, I knew when I was presumed dead and you had a taste of power as head of the empire that your ego would get inflated and you would get power hungry. I just never thought I would see you like this. I am not getting involved in this Philip. I have enough on my plate with the cloaked figure mystery and everything else.

Philip: So, again, you push your son and his needs aside.

Victor: Don't you get it!! If this cloaked person isn't stopped, we are all in danger. There is no telling what this son of a bitch can do and will do! I am doing this for you and all I care about.

Philip: Whatever. I know damn well this is about your darling Maggie too. You continue to sniff around her like some kind of...

Victor (takes Philip by the collar): YOU SHUTUP!! You have no right to go off on people like this you spoiled brat! I heard the way you talked to your mother and it's the same way you are talking to me and I won't have it. Your time as head of the empire has corrupted you beyond words and if this keeps up, you won't have anything at your disposal. You will be completely cut off from it all. Do you understand me?

Philip: You would really do that?

Victor: If this behavior doesn't stop, damn right I would. (lets go of Philip's shirt collar) Now, this is what you are going to do. You will sign the papers and give Belle full custody. Accept visitation and clean up your act. Prove yourself to her and to me. We both need to know that you aren't going to continue down this path you are on. Once you have done all that, we will look into fighting to get full custody again at a later date. Hell, maybe Belle will even give you another chance or give you joint custody without legal action being taken. There is nothing else that can be done, Philip. If word gets out about what you did, it will be a PR nightmare for this family and yoru good name and reputation will be destroyed and my name and reputation will take a hit. That would hurt business and the power and honor that are family stands for.

Philip: But...

Victor: No buts. You agree to Belle's demands or you lose everything. Your choice.

-Back at Katherine's cabin, Katherine is contemplating her relationship with Cal. She wonders if she is ready for this type of relationship. She has never experienced love in her life. She has never found a guy to feel that strongly about and there were times she never beleived in that kind of love. She wonders if what she feels for Cal is that kind of love or if it's even something that could last. She sits down near the fireplace and wonders if she and him have a future or even a real relationship given the many doubts she has about how she feels and about how Cal feels.

Meanwhile, Cal has just finished explaining his and Katherine's story and everything about himself to Jed. Jed is in awe and apologizes to Cal. Jed insists that he didn't want to pry but he was concerned. Cal understands. Jed starts the truck up again and apologizes for delaying their trip. He just didn't want to continue on if something was up with Cal. Cal says it's fine. All he is worried about is that his plan works as it may be his only chance. Jed looks at Cal and smiles.

Jed: You love this Katherine gal alot, don't you?

Cal: Yeah. You know, walking through the woods today and telling you everything that has happened, it just made me realize that I love her more then I even knew. I just have to show her and prove myself to her and this is my only chance. I have to get it right and I only hope I can get everything I need to do that.

Jed: Well, I will do my best to make sure we make up time. The quicker we get there, the quicker you can get back to your lady love and make that magic happen.

Cal: Thanks. Thanks for everything. I just hope it all works out. It has to.

-Back at the Kiriakis Mansion, Philip turns away from Victor in disgust and then back towards him and says:

Philip: You really think I don't have a choice?

Victor: Just do it. I promise you, Philip. It's for the best and we will take further action down the road. I must go. Nico is waiting for me and there is some business that needs tending to. I apologize for being harsh but you needed it and heed my words, Philip. They're for the best.

Victor leaves as Philip says:

Philip: Like hell they are. I will sign the papers and give in to Belle this time but I am not going to wait around for you, old man. I am sick of empty promises. I am not going to rely on anyone anymore. I am going to acquire the power I need to get what I want. Then, I don't have to ask anyone for help. Not dad...not mom. Not anyone. No more doormat Philip. No more caving in...I am out for me and only me from now on. Once I have unlimited power and influence, no one will stop me. No one.

-Back at the Salem Inn, Nicole tells Kate to just leave her alone and mind her own business. Her kids are sick of her meddling and so is she. Kate says she knows Nicole is hiding something. She saw what happened with Carrie at Salem Place. Kate adds that she intends to find out if Carrie's claims were true and what exactly is going on between Victor and Nicole. She will find out what he helped her with and what he asked for in return from her. Nicole says she is full of it.

Kate: Think what you want, honey. You know...I always wondered. Isn't it funny how you and Eric found that baby the same night as Carrie's mysteriously "died?" And to find it at Green Mountain, which is roughly 30 or 40 miles away. Odd coincidence. And Carrie feeling such a connection to the child. Wow...well, you have a nice night, Nicole. I am sure that you and me will be talking quite a but in the days to come.

A cocky and smiling Kate leaves as Nicole shows a look of panic and wonders what is she going to do. Kate can't find out about her and Victor's deal. Nicole also begins to wonder if Carrie's claims could be true and Evan is hers. She thinks about how that could be true and how the baby ended up at Green Mountain. No matter what, she refuses to give up her son. Evan is hers and Nicole vows to fight whoever she has to to hold on to him.

-Back at Salem Place, Eric tells Sami not to think like that. Sami apologizes but reminds Eric of the way Carrie was when she left. This baby thing has hit her hard and it could be enough to push her to the limit just like all the things that happened to mom over the years made her snap. Lucas says they just have to hope that Austin can help her and get through to her and, if not him, someone else. Sami and Eric both hope he is right as their family can't take another tragedy with everything else that has happened and that is going on.

Meanwhile, back in Carrie and Austin's room, Austin continues to contemplate proposing and realizes it could do Carrie some good. It will give her something to look forward to and something good in her life to hold on to. He looks at and recalls thinking she was doing so well. He goes and sits next to her and asks her again if she is ok. She is still silent. Austin gets frustrated and begs her to talk to him and asks what she wants from him.

Carrie: I want my baby. Go to Nicole and get him.

Austin: Carrie...I think holding Evan and...I think you kind of were in a fantasy world. I think you want your baby back so desperately and holding Evan kind of fulfilled that want and need. He is not yours.

Carrie: Eric and Nicole found him the same night he was born. Green Mountain isn't that far away. He is mine, Austin. I know it. I felt it.

Austin: Carrie, it's all a coincidence. I will admit I questioned it too but you said your baby was dead. Why would you lie

Carrie (recalling that she lied and her reasons for it): He's mine. I know it.


Carrie: NO!!!!

Austin: Yes!!! Deep down, you know I am right!!

Carrie: No!! I want my baby!!! I want my baby!!!

Carrie begins to bang on Austin's chest and crumbles in his arms, crying hysterically as Austin holds her and does his best to comfort her as the screen fades out.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Carrie to Austin: I have something to tell you...

Sami to Eric (with Lucas): You think Nicole is up to something?

Philip to Belle: Here you go. Papers signed. Happy?

Nicole to Victor: I need your word. Please!!! I can't lose everything!!!

Cassie: What the hell is going on?


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  • Members

Another great one. Love Victor getting into Phillips face like that, he deserves it. I can feel Carrie's desperation, I actually feel bad for her. Which is difficult since I have never liked her. Great job!

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  • Members

Great episode as usual. I want Carrie to have her baby back like NOW. She has always been one of my favorite soap characters and she deserves some happiness.

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