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March 30, 2007




-At the Spectator office, Greta return and joins Frankie, Jack, and Billie. They are all pleased that Victor is gathering the surveillance videos they think can break this case open. Jack hopes they are right about this and that this is the big lead they need to finally catch this MCF and break the lid off this story.

Meanwhile, Alan meets James in an isolated area of the Salem Park and tells him everything is set. James is pleased and asks him again if he is sure he knows what his part is. Alan says he does. He just hopes they don't get in trouble with the boss.

James says he doesn't care. They would be asked to take care of this problem anyway and he has a personal issue with Jack and Billie. They practically led his family to their death and they are still not stopping in their quest to end their plot. The boss would want them stopped and James admits he will feel a great deal of satisfaction and retribution if he is the one to do it, which he intends to be.

-At Salem Place, Kate is walking around trying to get her mind off her troubles. She still can't beleive Lucas, Will, and now Philip are shutting her out of their lives. She admits she only has herself to blame. Her meddling and behavior led to this. She doesn't know how she is going to get through this.

Meanwhilee, on the other side of Salem Place, Lucas asks Carrie again what is going on. Carrie says she already told him and Sami that nothing is wrong. She just wants to be left alone right now. Her child just died a few weeks ago and she has alot to deal with. Lucas understands but admits that it seems like more is wrong. Carrie begs Lucas to just leave her alone and to tell Sami to back off too. She appreciates their concern but she doesn't need their help nor does she want to talk right now.

Lucas understands and apologizes. He reminds her that despite all the lies and all the pain they have all endured and caused, he still cares about her and always will. He is just concerned, as is Sami. Carrie thanks him. They embrace. Lucas tells her to give Sami and him a call if she needs anything. Carrie nods as Lucas leaves. Carrie then sits down and breaks down in tears, knowing she has to tell the truth and get this off her mind but wonders how she is going to do it.

Over by teh dry cleaners, Austin asks Sami if she has a problem with him proposing. Sami realizes Austin thinks it's something romantic and Sami says it's nothing like that. She will always care about him but she doesn't want him back. Her future is with Lucas and they are happy. Austin asks her why she seems not on board with his decision to propose. Sami reluctantly admits that she just doesn't think it's a good idea to propose.

Austin then asks her why as Lucas comes up from behind and says:

Lucas: Because Carrie is upset about something and is definitely hiding something.

Meanwhile, near the Salem Place cinemas, Nicole tells Eric she doesn't wish to speak with him right now. Eric smiles at Evan and comments on how Nicole seems likev a natural mother to the baby. Nicole says that he has a name...it's Evan. Evan Michael. She doesn't have a last name yet since it depends on what happens with them. Eric nods.

She admits she wanted him to name it but decided to do it herself after last night. Eric apologizes but tells Nicole they have alot of issues to work through. He professes his love to her and adds that he doesn't want to give up. He thinks they have something worth fighting for. He admits maybe they rushed into this marriage due to his illness but thinks they can still make it. He apologizes for being so harsh on her in regards to Victor and the baby thing.

Nicole is still silent. He says that he simply wanted the truth and felt there was more to the story. He knows she loves that baby but he just didn't want to adopt him like this and rob others out of a chance. Nicole asks Eric about her chance. She feels this is right and has felt like that since they found the baby. She can't explain it but knows she did the right thing here. Eric takes a deep breath and says that maybe they should drop it. He just wants them to talk and find a way to work things out. He asks her if she is willing to do that and give their marriage a chance to work.

Nicole remains silent. Eric asks her if she wants a divorce. Nicole replies that she honestly doesn't know. Eric is shocked and asks if she is even willing to give their marriage a chance. Nicole tells Eric she needs to think it over but that she has to go. Eric tells her to call him. Nicole doesn't answer and just walks off as a depressed Eric looks on, wondering if his marriage is over.

As Nicole walks through Salem Place, she realizes she is tired and needs to sit. She goes over to a bench and finds a crying Carrie there. Nicole asks Carrie if she is alright. Carrie says she is fine. She just has alot on her mind. Nicole understands as Carrie has been through hell. Carrie sees Evan, which turns her face from one of sadness to one of joy and happiness at the sight of the child. She asks if that is the baby her and Eric found. Nicole smiles and says it is and that he is officially adopted now. His name is Evan. Carrie is happy for Nicole and Eric. Nicole realizes Carrie has no idea about her and Eric but remains silent.

Carrie looks at the baby and comments on his beautiful eyes. Nicole thanks her. Carrie asks if she can hold him. Nicole is reluctant at first based on Carrie's emotional state since her baby recently died but,eventually, agrees. Nicole says she could really use a cup of coffee anyway so she asks Carrie if she could hold her while she gets one. Carrie says she would love to and Nicole puts the Evan in her arms and says she will be back Nicole leaves.

Carrie is left with Evan and can't help but feel a connection to him. She smiles at him and they both seem to be in their own little world.

Meanwhile, on the other side of Salem Place, Kate's cell rings. She answers it and answers "Hello" repeatedly with no reply. Finally, she hears breathing on the other end and asks whoever it is to say something. The scene shifts to who is on the other end of the phone and it is revealed to be...THE MCF!!!

MCF (via voice changer): Hello, Ms. Roberts.

Kate: Who is this? What is going on? What do you want?

MCF: Calm down. Don't ask questions. Just listen. There is something you will be quite interested in over on the park bench by Ballistix. It's something that will drastically affect two of your children and could change your family forever.

Kate: What are you talking about? Is this some sort of secret I don't know about? What is the meaning of this?

MCF: I told you no questions!! It is a secret. One you hold the key to learning if you just listen to me and go where I told you to go. Now good day, Ms. Roberts.

Kate: Wait! (hears the line go dead) Hello! Hello! (looks at phone) Who was that? My caller ID doesn't have a name...the voice was almost mechanic...like this person was using a voice changer of some kind. I wonder why they wanted me too...well, I guess there is only one way to find out.

-Back at the Spectator, Frankie hangs up one of the desk phones and says that Nico just called. They will have all the surveillance tapes gathered and brought over by tomarrow night. Jack, Billie, and Greta are pleased and all of them hope that this will lead to this investigation being over sooner, rather then later.

Meanwhile, James is talking on his cell to someone and hangs up. He then turns to Alan and says:

James: It's all set. The trap has been laid. Deveraux and Reed are going to get what is coming to them. Tomarrow night we strike.

Alan: Why tomarrow and not tonight?

James: Because it would be too obvious. They were just at the bar with me last night. I want them to let their guards down and not expect it. Plus, there is a Horton family funeral tomarrow. That family is like royalty in Salem. It will work as a nice distraction and as a effective means to make sure there aren't as many people around to get us caught. All eyes will be on that and I am sure Deveraux will be there. Once he leaves there and once we get him and Reed where we want them, we make our move. They won't know what hit them.

-Back at Salem Place, Sami and Austin ask Lucas what he is talking about. He says he just ran into Carrie and she is very upset. He thinks it may be about more then just her baby dying. He still thinks she is hiding something. Sami asks Lucas if she is worse then when they talked to her before. Lucas says it was...she is a wreck. Austin asks them both why they didn't tell him this right away. Sami says that seeing the ring he bought caught her off guard.

Lucas asks about the ring and Sami fills him in on Austin's plan to propose. Sami thinks it's a bad idea given how Carrie is feeling. Lucas agrees. Eric then arrives and asks what is going on. Sami fills him in and asks if he is ok. He explains that he just talked to Nicole and thinks don't look good for them. Lucas says he can relate. He knows Nicole all too well. He is just sorry that she is hurting Eric again. It seems she is still the same Nicole and that she hasn't changed at all. Eric nods and says he is beginning to think that same thing.

Back over on the bench near Ballistix, Carrie is holding the baby. Kate arrives and sees Carrie holding little Evan and sees nothing else around. She wonders why whoever called her would want her to see Carrie holding a baby unless whatever she really was meant to see is gone. She decides to move in closer.

Carrie: Oh, sweet Evan. I had a son just like you. He was beautiful too and had the most gorgeous blue eyes...just like you

Kate walks up and can now hear what Carrie is saying.

Kate: Wow...this is the happiest I have seen Carrie in weeks. It's almost like she is...glowing.

Carrie: You know, my son had a cute little nose like yours too from what I can remember. God...I can't even remember him. My own son...it's all my fault though. I made the choice. I thought I was doing everyone a favor but I wasn't. I didn't want Lucas and Austin to fight. I didn't want families destroyed because of the paternity issue...I just thought my baby would have a better life. I was wrong. I should've never given him up...I should've never let Alan take the baby away like I directed him. Now I will never find my son and never get to hold him like this and...(Carrie breaks down in tears)

Kate: Oh my God...Carrie's baby isn't dead? I knew something more was...Alan. I knew he did something. He had some sort of stake in all this somehow...

Carrie: Sweet, Evan...I feel so connected to you. I don't know why. Holding you like this...I feel like I did when I held my own son. That is a feeling you never forget. Looking at you and those sparkling eyes...

Carrie then has a flashback to the night she gave birth and the moment when she held her son and then gave him to Alan to take away. The scene then shifts back to present time as Carrie looks at baby Evan and then begins to tremble. She then looks deep into Evan's eyes and says:

Carrie (tears in her eyes): It can't be! It's not possible. Your the baby Eric and Nicole found...on the same night as mine went missing. The cabin I was in was only 30-40 miles away from Green Mountain Lodge...but Alan was taking the baby to the hospital. He wouldn't just drop it off at the lodge...but you look...I feel so connected. I feel so close to you and looking into your eyes and remembering that night I held my baby...Oh my God!!! You are...your my son. Your my little boy!! (crying) You have to be! I can feel it!!

Kate (listening): That's it. Whoever called me...this must be the secret. But how did Nicole...wait, Henderson!! My talk with Henderson yesterday. He said Nicole has been around Victor alot lately and harassing him for something. She must have something to do with this.

Nicole then returns to Carrie and Evan and asks Carrie if everything is alright. She sees that Carrie is crying and asks if something is wrong with her or Evan.

Carrie: Nothing is wrong. Everything is right...for the first time in a long time.

Nicole: I don't follow.

Carrie: Everything is right because this baby you and Eric found...this baby...is my son. You and Eric adopted my son, Nicole.

A stunned Nicole stands silent as a curious Kate watches as the screen fades out on a jubilant Carrie's face.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Alice to Hope: It's going to be one of the hardest days of my life. Your children aren't supposed to leave this world before you.

Julie to Maggie: You didn't set that fire, Maggie. That is what you are going to tell the police.

Eric (watching Nicole): What are you hiding?

Austin to Sami (with Lucas): I need to find out what is going on with Carrie...before she goes over the edge.

Carrie to Nicole: Evan is mine! I know it!

Kate to Victor: We need to talk...about your involvement with Nicole.


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