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March 29, 2007




-At Cal and Katherine's cabin, Katherine comes downstairs. She is upset about sleeping too late and then comes across Cal asleep in the couch. She goes near him and he then wakes up, feeling her presence in the room. He asks if she is feeling better. Katherine says she was never sick. She was just upset. Cal asks her what she wants from him.

Katherine: I need to know. I need you to open up to me!!!

Cal: About what?

Katherine: What your feeling? I know you had some sort of nightmare or breakthrough last night but you didn't tell me. I am still your doctor, Cal. I should've never let this go. I should have never stood by and went along with your desire to leave your past behind. I brought you out here to get away from the outside world and everything that was familiar to you from your life as Roman Brady. That doesn't mean I want you to leave all those you grew to care about behind. Your past is important, Cal. Just giving up...you will always wonder. You will always have that feeling of having so many blanks where they should be memories. Cal, I know you have grown to care about me but I am just not sure how much of that has happened as a means for you to try to forget the past and move on from it. I can't help feeling that I am your escape and your distraction from remembering. I know you are scared about what you may find out but...I am here. You have to get answers...deep down you want to get answers. I don't want to be used as a way to try to block out your past life as Roman Brady or as a way of you trying to block out any memories you may have. I am your doctor, damnit and I won't let that happen. It stops now.

Cal: Oh, so now it's back to that again. It's back to just you as my doctor now.

Katherine: You know that isn't the case. There is definitely more between us but I am still your doctor as well. I care about you and just want what is best for you.

Cal is silent. He then takes his coat and walks out of the cabin as tears stream down Katherine's face.

-At Salem Place, Eric is having coffee at Java Cafe when Greta approaches him. They embrace and he asks how she is doing. She says she is fine but asks how he is. Eric asks how she knows. Greta says she went over to the Horton's to express her condolences concerning Marie and Lucas was there. He heard it from Sami. Greta apologizes for what he is going through.

Eric fills her in on what happened and greta agrees with Eric that it does seem weird how Victor would help Nicole without something in return, especially based on their past. Eric says he feels like she is leaving alot out and he feels like he can't trust her. He also feels like she thinks it was a mistake to marry him or that maybe they rushed it due to his illness. It just seems like Nicole hasn't changed one bit and is still the same selfish, manipulative she grew to be when married to Lucas and Victor.

Greta says she isn't sure what is going on but one thing she knows is that Nicole loves Eric. She saw that when Nicole learned Eric was dying. Greta reminds Eric that Nicole gave up her lofe and job in LA for him. Eric mentions how Nicole seemed bitter about that. Greta says that may be true but she knows Nicole loves him. Greta tells Eric he can't give up on her but Eric says he isn't sure what he can and should do.

Greta: Go to her. You love her and Nicole isn't stupid. There is no way she would pass a guy like you up.

Eric thanks Greta and says he doesn't deserve a friend like her, especially after putting her through what he did when he was ill last Fall. Greta reminds Eric that he is special to her and she will always care about him. She would do anything for him. Eric dittos that sentiment and they both embrace as he thanks her for listening and for her advice.

-On the other side of Salem Place, Austin and Nicole have just left the jewerly store. Austin takes out the ring he bought for Carrie and asks Nicole if she is sure that Carrie will like this. Nicole says she loves it but it won't matter with Carrie. Carrie isn't like her in that Carrie will appreciate anything Austin gives her. Nicole admits she has expensive tastes so her standards are higher but it won't matter for Carrie. Austin thanks her for her help. Nicole says they are friends and that is friends do.

Nicole admits she doesn't have many friends so she is thankful for Austin being in her life. Austin says he is glad to have her as a friend too and says he hopes she knows she can always come to him about anything. He will never judge. Nicole is suspcious and asks what that means. Austin says it means what it is. Nicole says it seems like he is hinting at something. She tells Austin to just come out and say it.

Austin admits that he feels she is holding something back from their discussion earlier. He insists he only wants to help and he feels like she is involved in something that could really mess things up for her. Nicole gets upset and says:

Nicole: I thought I was here to help and here you are interrogating me. Some friend you are.

Austin: Nicole, come on. You can trust me to not say anything. I just feel like if you tell me everything I can help you more...

Nicole: Oh yeah. Right. Honorable, sanctamonious Austin. So, if I tell you I did something illegal, your not going to tell anyone? Right?

Austin: Did you?

Nicole: Answer my question first.

Austin: Eh...it depends what it is.

Nicole: I knew it. You would never bend the rules or stay silent about someone that did.

Austin: So, you did do something...

Nicole: You know what...this conversation is over.

Austin: Nicole...come on...

Nicole's diaper bag then falls on the ground after slipping off her arm and she goes to pick it up. Austin helps her but Nicole says she doesn't need it. Austin insists. Nicole realizes all the formula she had spilled out and that Evan is due for a feeding soon. Austin says there is a convenience store around the corner that has stuff like that. He can stay with the baby.

Nicole is reluctant but realizes she needs to go since Austin isn't familiar with what Evan needs. Austin says to consider it an apology for his interrogating her. Nicole agrees and says she will be back soon. Meanwhile, Austin holds Evan and feels a connection to him. He looks into Evan's eyes and says that those beautiful eyes remind him of Carrie's eyes.

-Sami is walking out of Ballistix at Salem Place when she bumps right into Carrie. Carrie apologizes and Sami says it's fine. Sami notices Carrie is upset and asks if she is ok. Carrie says she is fine. She is just looking for Austin and the office said he was at Salem Place. Sami tells Carrie she knows something is wrong with her and says it's best to get things like that out. She knows all to well. She thinks that maybe she can help. Carrie doesn't think so.

Lucas then walks up and greets Sami with a kiss. Sami asks how everyone is at the Horton's and Lucas says it's tough but they are being as strong as ever, especially gran. Carrie feels bad that she hasn't called them yet but says that she will. She gives Lucas her condolences. Lucas thanks her and asks if everything is ok. Sami tells Lucas she just needs time with Carrie. Lucas agrees but Carrie says it's not necessary. She tells Sami thank you for caring but that she has to go. Carrie then leaves in a hurry as Sami watches her, wondering what is going on.

-Back at Katherine's cabin, a frustrated Katherine wonders what it's going to take to get Cal to open up to her. His future and their future together may depend on it as she isn't even sure how much he loves her or is just using her as a distraction or escape. She just wishes he would let her in and would consider not turning his back on his past and learning more about the life he can't remember.

Meanwhile, Cal is roaming around in the woods and is remembering all of what Katherine told him before he left. He admits that he now sees what he has to do, especially if he wants to be with Katherine and have a happy future with her.

Cal: I need to do this...I want to. I have to. I love Katherine and it's time I show her how much. I need to prove to her that I'm not using her or that she is not my escape or anything like that. She needs to know without a doubt. She has never been found love in her life and it's time she really feels that kind of love in all its greatness. I think I know just what I have to do.

-Back at Salem Place, Nicole returns and takes Evan from Austin. She asks how he was. Austin says he was an angel. He also apologizes to Nicole again. Nicole says not to worry about and thanks him for watching Evan while she went to the store. Austin tells Nicole he doesn't want to lose her as a friend and should've never questioned her again like that. Nicole says it's fine. She doesn't want to lose him either because it's not like she has ab abundance of people that like her or are friends with her. She apologizes herself for flying off the handle and thinks they should drop it.

Austin agrees and says he must go. He thanks Nicole for her help. Nicole thanks him too. They embrace as he then leaves. As he leaves, Austin wonders to himself what Nicole isn't saying.

-At the Java Cafe, Sami and Lucas are kissing and enjoying each other. Sami can't get Carrie off her mind and says she knows something is wrong. Lucas reminds her it's none of their business. Sami agrees and says he is right. Sami then remembers that she forgot to pick up her dress from the dry cleaners for the funeral. Lucas says he will go with her but Sami insists he hold their table as she only has to go around the corner and will be right back.

Sami races around the corner and opens the door to the dry cleaners and nearly hits Austin, who is examining the ring he bought for Carrie, in the head when he isn't paying attention coming around the corner. Sami apologizes but Austin says it's his fault. He wasn't paying attention. Sami notices the open ring box on the ground and picks it up. She studies the ring and realizes Austin bought it for Carrie. Sami asks if Austin is going to propose to Carrie. Austin nods and tells her not to tell Carrie. It's going to be a surprise.

Austin notices an upset look on Sami's face and asks if she has a problem with him proposing to Carrie.

-Back on the other side of Salem Place, Nicole is sitting on a bench with Evan and is feeding him his formula. Eric approaches her and says hello as Nicole gives him a cold look. Eric tells Nicole they need to talk.

-Back at the Java Cafe, Lucas gets up to get a newspaper to read while he waits. Meanwhile, Carrie is nearby and is frustrated she can't find Austin. She reiterates that it's time she tells him and everyone else the truth. Lucas comes up from behind and asks Carrie what she is talking about. Carrie is caught off guard. Lucas asks her what she is hiding and why she is so upset.

Carrie remains silent as the screen fades out.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Jack to Billie (with Frankie and Greta): Hopefully, this will our big break.

James to Alan: It's all set. The trap has been laid. Deveraux and Reed are going to get what is coming to them.

Eric to Nicole: Do you want a divorce?

Sami to Austin: I just don't think it's a good idea to propose.

Austin to Sami: Why?

Lucas (who walks up behind Austin and Sami): Because Carrie is upset about something and is definitely hiding something.

Carrie: How am I going to do this?

Kate (on her cell phone): Who is this? What is going on?


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Love that Austin and Nicole still have the relationship that they can reach out to each other. And that Greta and Eric can as well. I would love to see Greta and Eric fall in love and have a relationship.

Another great one!

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