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The Storm - Episode 27



The Courthouse--

As Zander stood with Emily talking with Alexis and Ric, he could feel Sonny's eyes piercing through him. His attorney came over to the table and congratulated Ric on a job well done. Ric accepted her hand and shook it graciously. Sonny got up from his chair and rubbed against Zander as he passed him on the way out of the courtroom. Zander glared in Sonny's direction as he walked out the door.

"I can't believe him. He now knows that he is my father and still has no words for me." Zander said angered by Sonny's demeanor towards him.

"You weren't expecting fatherly love from Sonny, were you?" Ric replied as he put some papers back in his briefcase.

"No but I was expecting some acknowledgment to the fact that he's my father."

"Come on, let's go grab some lunch at Kelly's, this might take a while for the Grand Jury to re-conveen." Alexis suggested as she passed behind Ric and headed towards the double doors of the courtroom.

"I want to call my parents first and check on Devon." Emily said as she and Zander followed Alexis out into the hallway, Ric bringing up the rear as he grabbed his briefcase from the table and followed.

Emily called her parents and checked on Devon as Alexis and Zander along with Ric talked amongst themselves for a few minutes till she finished her conversation on the phone. Zander gave her a look of concern when she re-joined them.

"He's fine. Alice is reading him his favorite story." Emily smiled and the four of them walked out of the courthouse onto the front steps and noticed the media frenzy that was gathering at the bottom of the cement stairs. Ric led the way around the reporters and the rest followed quietly not wanting to bring attention to themselves as they bypassed the chaos that was apparently waiting for them.

Kelly's Diner --

As they walked into Kelly's, Emily noticed Elizabeth at the counter and excused herself from the group to go and talk with her friend.

"Hey." Emily said as she came up behind Elizabeth.

"Hey. Big day in court for you guys, so I hear." Elizabeth replied as she glanced over to the table that occupied Zander, Alexis, and Ric.

"How's Jason?" Emily asked concerned for her brother and trying to avoid the conversation about Sonny and Zander.

"He's doing fine. It's going to take some time till he's 100 percent but he's getting along just fine. He misses you, you know."

"I know, and I miss him too. I will make a point of it to call him, it's just that with all that's going on right now .. well, you know." Emily replied she disappointed in herself for not taking the time to keep in touch with her brother.

"I know and Jason understands, I'm sure. I gotta get back to the penthouse, I don't like to leave him alone for too long." Elizabeth answered as she grabbed the take out food she ordered in her hand.

"Okay, well tell Jason that I'll call him, and soon." Emily reminded Elizabeth before she walked out the door of the diner. Emily re-joined Zander at the table.

Penny came shortly and took their lunch orders. She poured some coffee in the cups that were on the table for them while they waited for their food. Emily noticed the looks exchanged between Ric and Alexis and began to wonder just how close they really were getting.

"So what's really going on between the two of you?" she asked bluntly.

Alexis's eyes widened at Emily's boldness and looked at Ric as he shrugged off the question asked. "There's nothing going on, why would you ask that?" Alexis replied wondering herself where the question came from. She didn't think it was so obvious that there was more to the courtroom antics between them.

Ric snickered at the thought of he and Alexis becoming more then what they already were, which was nothing more then colleagues.

"And what are you smirking about? There isn't anything going on between us." Alexis repeated.

"I was just thinking of the thought of us together, you know *that way*." he chuckled. "It's a ridiculous idea." he added as Alexis folded her arms in front of her.

"You got that right, utterly ridiculous." she agreed.

"Uh huh." Emily smiled at the two of them, still thinking there was more to them then they were letting on.

The four of them sat and ate lunch together, they had a few hours to fill, Ric figured. The Grand Jury could take a while to return their decision, so they spent their time at the diner. As they finished up, the ringing of Ric's cell phone could be heard from his jacket pocket. He reached in and flipped it open to answer it.

"Okay, we'll be right there." he said then flipped it close again. "The Grand Jury is re-convening in 20 minutes." he added before taking on last sip of his coffee. He reached into his pocket and pulled out enough bills to pay for lunch and they all walked out of the diner together.

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A part of me was thinking Sonny would say something regarding the revelation that he is Zander's father, however, it was good that he just stared at him instead.

Loving the tense friendship between Emily and Elizabeth...as well as Emily's direct approach to askng Ric and Alexis if there was anything more going on between them.

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