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The Storm - Episode 26



The Courtroom - Zander testifies --

Zander looked over at Sonny sitting at the table to his left and felt nothing, there was no love for the man who shot his stepfather. Sonny was in for a rude awakening if he thought he was going to get away with raping his mother and killing Frank. Zander assumed that Sonny remembered all of what happened that night, the argument that ensued between he and Frank, he didn't realize that much of that night and led up to it was a big black hole for Sonny too.

Ric saw that Zander was in distress about telling his story and nodded in encouragement. Zander glanced at Ric and then at Emily before he began, he knew he had the support of his family to help him through this.

"Please tell us Zander, what transpired that night." Ric coaxed.

"Um, it was after midnight, and I couldn't sleep. So I went downstairs to the kitchen to get a drink. I saw the light on in my father's office, which wasn't unusual, he often worked late. I didn't hear any voices coming from the office as I passed to go to the kitchen. I got my drink and walked back passed the office to the stairs. Voices were now arguing and very loudly." Zander stopped as Ric interrupted him.

"And how old were you, Zander?" Ric asked.

"I was 8 years old. And I was curious as to what was going on in the office, so I stood and listened at the door. It wasn't closed tight, but I stayed out of sight just the same." Zander continued.

"And who was arguing inside Frank's office?" Ric asked.

"Um, it was Frank and his right hand man, Michael Corinthos." Zander replied as he looked at Sonny.

"And Michael Corinthos for the record is Sonny Corinthos, is that right?"

"Yes, Michael Corinthos was the name Sonny used while he worked for my ... for Frank." Zander replied and corrected himself.

"And Zander, do you remember what the argument was about? Please tell the court."

"The argument was about my mother. Frank accused Michael of sleeping with my mother and betraying him by doing so." Zander replied as images of what was said flashed in his head.

Ric looked towards Sonny and then back at Zander. "Was this affair consensual, Zander? Or did Mr. Corinthos rape your mother?"

"Your Honor! Rape was not specified in the list of charges against my client, it should not be mentioned now!" Victoria stood up from her seat and objected to the line of questions.

"Your Honor, the mention of rape wasn't mentioned in the charges because the statute of limitations has run out for the charge, plus it is part of the argument that led up to the killing of Frank Smith. It is very much relevant in this case." Ric argued.

"Sit down counselor. The word rape will be removed from your question Mr. Lansing." Judge Cooper ordered.

Ric turned towards Zander and asked again. "Was the affair consensual?"

Zander looked up at the judge for approval to answer. "No it was not. And Frank was furious with Michael for taking advantage of my mother."

"And how long before this argument did this non consensual affair happen?" Ric asked and noticed Zander's eyes as he asked the question, knowing his answer would shock Sonny right out of his shoes.

"About 8 years prior to the night Frank died."

"8 years? Huh? Would it be a pretty good assumption that you Zander Smith were a result of that non consensual affair between Michael Corinthos and Frank's wife?"

Zander sat in the witness box, his eyes locked onto Sonny's, he wanted to see the reaction to the man who was his father. "Yes it would be, Mr. Lansing."

Those sitting in the courtroom gasped and whispers could be heard from the back of the courtroom. Sonny did react in any way to Zander's revelation. Victoria though gave her client a good long look.

"What happened next?" Ric asked after the courtroom got silent once again.

"Frank threatened Michael and told him that he would pay for his betrayal. I saw Frank pull the gun out of his desk drawer and point it at Michael. Michael then pulled his gun and pointed it at Frank. He told Frank that he wouldn't be paying for his crimes, that Frank would." Zander replied.

"And then what happened?"

"Then Michael shot Frank before Frank could shoot him." Zander startled as the sound of a gunshot went off in his head.

"Thank you, Zander. No further questions. You're witness." Ric replied as he passed Victoria and sat down at the table with Alexis.

Victoria rose from her seat and buttoned her jacket. Sonny staring directly at Zander still in the witness box. Victoria approached the stand with a legal pad in her hand.

"Wow, this must of been very traumatic for you, Mr. Smith, being only 8 years old at the time. Why didn't you come forward about this alleged crime till now?" Victoria asked.

"I didn't come forward about this till now, because I didn't remember till now." Zander answered as his eyes locked on Emily sitting in the front row. Her smile encouraging him.

"If I may ask, Mr. Smith .. what kind of business are you in?"

"Objection, your honor. Mr. Smith's business is not relevant to this case." Ric objected as he stood up from his seat.

"It certainly is your Honor. Goes to credibility and character of this witness." Victoria replied.

"I'll allow it. Mr. Smith answer the counselor's question."

Zander cleared his throat and looked towards Alexis and Ric for an okay to answer Victoria's line of questioning. Alexis nodded it was okay to answer. Being that Ric was the DA in this case, Alexis had agreed to become Zander's attorney on record.

"I'm in the import and export business." Zander replied with hestitation.

"Oh so you're following in your father's footsteps?" Victoria asked. Zander knew where she was going with these questions and hesitated to play along.

"After Frank died, my uncle took over my father's company. Until a few years ago, after he died, I inherited the company and all it's holdings."

"Have you ever been arrested, Mr. Smith?" Victoria shot back.

"Your Honor, where is this going? Zander Smith is not on trial here." Ric got up from his seat and question trying to save Zander from the line of questioning from Victoria.

"Move it along, counselor." Judge Cooper ordered.

"Isn't it true that DA Ric Lansing is your brother?" Victoria asked as she moved off the topic of Zander's business.

"Yes it's true. He's my half brother." Zander replied.

"Half brother? Your mother is Ric's mother, isn't that right?"

"Yes that's right. He's 12 years old then I am."

"And where was he the night Frank Smith was shot?" Victoria asked glaring at Ric.

"He was at boarding school. He wasn't home much, just summer vacations." Zander quickly replied wondering where she was going with this.

"So Ric wasn't in the house that night?"

"No he wasn't." Zander locked his eyes on Ric and gave him a look of confusion.

"Are you sure?"

"Your Honor, I think it was established that I was not in the house that night, it's been asked and answered." Ric spoke up.

"He's right counselor. You asked, and the witness answered. Any other questions for this witness?" Judge Cooper asked from the bench.

Victoria flipped through some paperwork that laid on the table, Sonny's eyes never leaving his focus on Zander.

"Yes your Honor I do. Are we to believe that Mr. Corinthos is your biological father?" she asked and Zander stiffened in his seat.

"Yes that's right." Zander replied glaring at Sonny.

"So this would mean you will be testifying against your own father?" she asked hoping to spark something inside the witness to make it apparent there are old wounds left open.

Zander took a deep breath before answering. He knew what she was up to and wasn't going to let her get the better of him to blow the case against Sonny.

"Sonny Corinthos killed a man 15 years ago, he needs to be punished for the crime. It doesn't matter who is, Frank Smith was the only father I knew and that man killed him!"

Zander's answer surprised her, she was expecting an outburst from him, but he kept calm and answered her question directly with no hesitation.

"No further questions." Victoria said in defeat and took her seat.

"You may step down, Mr. Smtih. Court will adjourn while it deliberates on the case at hand." Judge Cooper replied with the stroke of his gavel.

Zander stepped down from the witness box and walked in a bee line to Emily. She stood up and greeted him with a loving embrace. "You did great up there, I am so proud of you." she replied as he held onto her tightly.

Now came the waiting, waiting for the judge to come back with his decision, Zander hoping there was enough to indict Sonny for the murder of his father.

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