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The Storm - Episode 24



The PCPD Squad Room --

Ric walked into the squad room with a purpose, the folder in his hand. He slammed down the folder on the desk of an unexpecting police officer. As he did, Mac came out from the interrogation room wondering what was going on in his squad room.

"What is going on out here?!" Mac asked as he approached Ric was obviously upset about something.

"You tell me that Sonny isn't walking out of here tonight, Mac?! Give me something we can hold him on!" Mac hung his head. He knew Ric wanted Sonny so bad he could taste it, but Mac didn't have enough evidence to hold him this time.

"I'm sorry Ric, we don't have anything but Zander's word for it. The other evidence got thrown out, loopholes from the previous investigation." Mac replied somberly. He wanted as much as Ric did to get Sonny for killing Frank, but screw ups in the previous investigation prevented some evidence to be presented to the court, and without it, they had nothing to charge Sonny with.

Mac and Ric stood together as Sonny emerged from the interrogation room. "Can we remove the cuffs now?" Sonny's attorney said as she stood beside her client.

"Spencer, remove the cuffs." Mac ordered.

Lucky hesitated. "Now, Spencer." Mac ordered again. "Yes sir." Lucky did as he was ordered to and released Sonny's wrists from the cuffs.

As Sonny walked past Ric, he smirked and said smugly .... "Better luck next time, counselor."

Ric's angered eyes followed Sonny towards the door. It took everything he had inside him not to grab Sonny but he left him go. He would have his day with Sonny and when he did, he'd be sure no one would be witness to it.

Ric muttered to himself .... "Don't you worry, Sonny .... next time will be here sooner then you know."

Ric's Office --

Ric stormed out of the squad room and back to his office. He was angry, he was frustrated and he was going to put Sonny Corinthos behind bars for what he had done to his family if was the last thing Ric would ever do. He reached his office and slammed the door. He chuckled to himself and wondered what his colleague, Alexis would think about his behavior now, she'd probably send him to see the shrink.

It was back to square one with the case against Sonny. He was just hoping that after 15 years, those who were interviewed back then would be willing to talk with police now. He sat down behind his desk and reached for the file folder on this case. As he did there was a knock at his door.

"Yeah, come in!" he shouted from behind his desk. The door opened slowly and his visitor peered inside.

"I'm not going to get hit or anything if I come in, am I?" Steele joked.

"Nah, not right away, Steele. Come on in." Ric chuckled as he invited the Detective into his office.

"Look, I'm sorry about the case falling through like it did. But all is not lost, sir." Steele said as he stepped into Ric's office and closed the door.

"Not all lost? As of right now, yeah it is." Ric said as he flipped open the file folder.

"Not quite yet. I still have a few aces up my sleeve. Would you like to hear the hand I have yet to deal?" Steele replied and what he had to say certainly interested Ric.

"Sure, pull up a chair, Steele. Tell me about it." Ric replied as Steele accepted Ric's offer and sat down.

"I don't think we can get Mr. Corinthos on murder charges, but that may change in time, but what I do have is evidence, hard evidence that can convict him on numerous other charges. At least it would give us time to gather the evidence we need for that murder charge." Steele said.

"What other charges are we talking about, Steele?"

"The kind that can put a man away for the next 20 to 25 years. The kind that would consist of drug running from here to Florida and back again."

What Steele had to say piqued Ric's interest. Whatever would tie up Sonny's attorney for a while was good enough for him. It would buy them some time to gather evidence for a murder conviction.

"And how did you come about this evidence?" Ric asked as he leaned forward in his chair.

"Various sources, but mostly from digging in the right places and talking to the right people." Steele replied, though vague with his answer.

"I'm listening." Ric replied wanting to hear more.

"Friends of mine in a different precinct have folders on Mr. Corinthos, dating back 10 to 15 years, but just didn't have enough to charge him with anything in particular. Witnesses paid off, disappeared or worse. Evidence collected disappeared or not logged and fell through the cracks ... there was always something that happened to force the release of Mr. Corinthos. But all of it put together would bring some mighty hefty charges against him....perhaps Federal charges as well." Steele explained.

"I see. Am I too assume that these files are still in Florida and that by tomorrow afternoon you could have these cases for me?" Ric asked hoping Steele could get what he needed.

"Yes, I guess you could assume that." Steele smirked.

"Good .. get them for me ASAP. I want to see them right away. And while you're at it, I want all the information you can get on this 15 year old murder case. Everything, from transcripts from the court files to witness statements to the evidence that was logged in. I want to know if Sonny Corinthos got a parking ticket in Florida during the time he was there!" Ric ordered.

"You got it. It might take a while for some of it but I can get it to you." Steele replied knowing his mission was a large one but it could be done.

"Good .. I expect full reports from you by tomorrow afternoon."

Steele nodded in acknowledgement of Ric's request and got up from his seat.

"Don't worry, we'll get him, sir." Steele added before he left Ric's office.

Ric felt a little better after his conversation with Detective Steele. One way or another he was determined to file charges against Sonny Corinthos that would stick. He could feel it inside him, it was going to happen very soon.

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