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Episode #334 - Thursday, March 22, 2007:

  • Kate and Nicole faint when they learn they are mother and daughter! Nicole is shocked and demands to know how this transpired! Kate says with Stefano, anything is possible! Kate calls Nicole a moron saying if she had even one Hispanic parent like Paul Walker, she’d look more ethnic like Brandon does! Nicole tells Kate to shut up! And Kate wonders how Nicole never knew she was adopted before. Victor says it’s likely it was not a legal adoption if Stefano is involved.
  • Sami and Peter get into an awful fight when Peter reveals he had Annie trapped, but she somehow got away. Peter is blown away by Sami’s ungratefulness.
  • The Fury comes up from the trees with a machete and terrifies Abby, Max, and Connor. Abby lets out a horrible scream. A chase begins. Connor, Abby, and Max start a chase through the forest.
  • Kate and Nicole continue to argue. Nicole comes to the chilling realization that Stefano Dimera is her father…and it hits her hard.
  • Peter and Annie do battle for the tape.
  • The Fury is out to kill MAX!
  • Annie pulls Peter into a kiss in order to distract him from getting the tape.
  • The Fury gets into a fight with Max. Max overpowers the Fury. But the Fury cuts Max’s arm with the machete. Abby screams for Max. Connor realizes the depth of Abby’s love for Max when she puts herself in the path of the Fury to save Max! The Fury is hesitant to kill Abby.
  • Abby begs the Fury not to do this! Abby says the Fury must know them all if he or she is doing this. She asks The Fury why. Abby seems to be getting to the Fury as the Fury drop the machete!
  • Peter falls right into Annie’s trap as she seduces him into a hot sex session.
  • Andy and Sarah find the Fury, Max, Abby, and Connor! Max realizes he finally has cell phone reception and decides to text Bo while he can. Max tries to do so without the Fury noticing. Abby continues to try and get the Fury to realize what he or she is doing. The Fury’s eyes fill up with tears.
  • Bo gets a text from Max saying the Fury is on Smith Island, trying to kill them!
  • Bo and Hope end their fighting and take the Fancy Face to Smith Island immediately! They call for backup, saying there is a murderer on Smith Island with a bunch of innocent civilians!
  • Peter and Annie continue their hot sex while on the floor of an abandoned warehouse.
  • Abby sees tears in the Fury’s eyes, and she realizes the Fury is getting ready to give up and turn himself/herself in. Connor sneaks up from behind the Fury and tackles the Fury to the ground. Abby screams no and claims she was doing fine without Connor’s help! The Fury and Connor do battle!
  • Bo and Hope close in on the Island as they put their fighting aside. Bo and Hope arrive at the island.
  • The Fury and Connor continue to fight. Abby hit’s the Fury in an attempt to save Connor. The Fury smacks Abby across the face, and she screams. Max punches the Fury for touching Abby. The Fury raises the machete to kill Max like he/she originally intended. Abby throws herself in front of Max. Connor consequently throws himself in front of Abby in an attempt to save her. The Fury brings the machete down and drives it straight into Connor’s chest. The Fury and Connor lock eyes as Connor sees through the eyes and into the same soul his sister last saw only hours before. Abby’s screams echo. *FREEZE FRAME.*

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