Episode 61: The Quartermaine Plan
Brenda hands over James to Edward. She smiles at Edward and kisses James. “Ned, can you and I talk for a minute?” Brenda smiles to everyone and walks out into the foyer, Ned following her. “Ok, the DNA test came back and of course you are the father. I had no doubt about that but Scott wanted that done. Do you want James today and tomorrow? I know its short notice, but you haven’t seen him for a while.”
Ned nodded quickly and said briskly, “Yes Brenda I do want to see him. I have missed him. How are things?”
“Fine. Scott will be getting in touch with you about a custody schedule.” Brenda said shortly, unsure of how she should act.
“I don’t want my son raised around Sonny.” Ned walked around the foyer, Brenda watching him. “When Sonny is out of your life and not an influence on you, then I will gladly allow you to have custody. Until then, I will instruct my lawyer to file an emergency custody hearing.”
Angry, Brenda said, “I am not an unfit mother and you know it Ned.”
“Those are my terms Brenda.”
Brenda picked up her coat and walked towards the door. “Well, please remember that I came here in good faith. I knew you would react like this and was advised not to even allow you to see James. I didn’t think that was fair to James. I will see you in two days. Call me if you need anything.” Brenda closed the door firmly behind her.
Knowing that he had to face his family again, Ned opened the door to the living room. Emily, Monica, Dillion and Justus were on their way out. Ned watched as AJ and Sarah cooed over James, Edward beaming from ear to ear.
“Where’s Brenda?” AJ asked.
Ned sat down on the couch, “She left. She and I don’t quite see eye to eye.”
Edward drew his brows together, “You and Brenda can work anything out. I trust you will for this precious little boy.”
“I am afraid that James will be growing up under the influence of one Sonny Corinthos.” Ned confided. “AJ I am sure you can relate.”
“Oh yes.” AJ scowled. “What can I do to help? I don’t want another Quartermaine child raised by that man.”
Ned sat back in the couch, “Brenda and I are going to court. I am fighting for custody. In fact, Carly came to me and wants to, I guess you could say, join forces with her. She says she doesn’t want Michael and Morgan near Brenda.” Ned rubbed the back of his neck, “I don’t know what to do here.”
Edward spoke up angrily, “We need to ensure that miscreant doesn’t raise that child! Maybe we can use Carly to get Michael back in here as well.”
AJ piped up, “If there is one thing I know about Carly, she has always been a jealous person. And has always been the most jealous of Brenda.”
“Why don’t I see what I can do?” Sarah asked. “I mean, I want AJ to spend time with his son. I definitely think that both these goals can be accomplished. From what my sister has told me, Carly’s only friend is Jason right?”
“True….” Ned said slowly.
“I can befriend her. Play on her jealousy. Have her tell me information about her and Sonny from when they were together which you could possibly use Ned. I don’t know, maybe it would help.” Sarah asked.
Edward walked around the room and pointed at AJ, “AJ, the smartest thing you ever did was marry this girl. I like it and I like her.”
Ned said uncomfortably, “I don’t want to get too dirty. I just want my son.”
“And I want my son too Ned. Sonny shouldn’t be allowed to raise both our children. Does that seem fair?” AJ asked rhetorically. “If Sarah wants to try it, let her. She is a Quartermaine now.”
“Ok.” Ned finally agreed.
Edward smiled in joy, “Finally a chance for the Quartermaine heirs to be raised properly and not by that good for nothing reprobate!”
Robert’s phone rang and he squawked, “Scorpio”
“It’s Taggert. I got something in a Walmart in the next town over.” Taggert drawled. “One of the clerks positively identified Sam McCall as a woman who dropped some pictures off. I showed him her picture and he immediately identified her.”
“Excellent work Taggert.” Robert started
Taggert broke in, “He actually wrote down her name and number off the slip. He calls her a goddess. I have put out an APB on her, this time with the alias, get this, Laurie Spence. That’s what she called herself.”
Robert snarked, “Oh Dear God. Luke will flip out. Are you bringing him down to the station?”
“Already on the way boss.”
“We’ll meet you there. What’s this kid’s name?”
Taggert laughed, “Spinneli. And boss, he’s a weird one.”
Patrick stood at the Nurse’s Station and waited for Robin to come down the hallway. When she approached, she coolly said, “Dr Drake, I understand you need a consult? How can I help you?”
Very cordially and professionally, he handed her a chart. “Please take a look. Should I go with the first drug cocktail? That seems to be the best route for my patient.”
Robin scanned the chart for several moments and then handed it back, “I concur. Is there anything else Dr Drake? I am rather busy.”
“Actually there is.” Patrick looked around and grabbed her elbow. He guided her towards the elevators. “I want to talk about the other day and Sarah.”
“There is nothing to say Patrick.” Robin said coldly. “You lied to me. You played me for a fool. Now Sarah can’t have children because you were too busy moving on to your next conquest to even think about her. What if that was me Patrick?”
Patrick lowered his voice, “I didn’t love her Robin.”
“That’s not what she said. Makes me wonder if you really do love me Patrick or if when you get bored, you will move on.”
“I mean, I thought I did, but you taught me how to love. I didn’t know what love was until I met you Robin. You have to believe me.” Patrick pleaded. “I love you Robin, you know that.
“I don’t have to do anything Patrick and I don’t believe a word out of your mouth. I will be at the Brownstone.” Robin stormed past Patrick, leaving him staring after her.
Carly was sitting at a table in MetroCourt, going over the books. So many thoughts were going through her head about Jax and Sonny and her kids, she could hardly think. It was times like this that she missed Courtney.
Carly was startled when a Raspberry Iced Tea was set in front of her. “Hi, you must be Carly. I don’t think we have met. My name is Sarah. Sarah Quartermaine. Mind if I sit down?” Sarah didn’t wait for an answer as she sat down.
Bemused, Carly said, “Now, how can I help the wife of my ex husband.”
“Well we have a couple things in common.” Sarah said confidently. She paused and took a sip of her drink, “We both dislike the most sanctimonious women in Port Charles.”
“I would assume that you like your sister.” Carly replied.
Sarah smiled, “I was talking about Robin Scorpio and Brenda Barrett. They have done things against us and need to pay. Interested?”
Carly was very interested, but didn’t let on. “I might be. Go on….”
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