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March 19, 2007




-At the Brady Pub, Kim is with Caroline, begging her not to tell Kayla about Bo's molestation and her and Roman keeping it a secret. Caroline tells Kim it must be done. Kim notices that Caroline is still mad at her. Caroline reminds Kim that she has a right to be mad at her after what her and Roman did.

Shane then arrives and Kim admits she is happy to see him. Caroline gives him the cold shoulder when he says hello to her. Kim asks Caroline if she is still mad about Shane lying concerning Carrie's whereabouts. Caroline says of course she is still mad. Carrie was left alone with Alan for months and she doesn't buy for a minute that Alan has changed. Carrie's baby ended up "dead." She has a right to be mad at him too.

Kim asks Caroline if she is ever going to forgive her, Roman, or Shane. Just as Caroline is about the respond. Kayla walks in with Steve. Kim and Shane embrace and greet Steve and Kayla, happy to see them home and well. They talk about the fire at Chez Rouge and Kayla says all is well with them but Doug and Maggie need their prayers.

Shane asks Steve about his condition and Kayla and him fill everyone in on his laspes of memory. Steve mentions he has an appointment with Dr. Barbara Harris this afternoon. Kim tells Steve that is good and that it will all come back to him eventually.

Kayla tells Caroline she is there to hear what Caroline wanted to tell her. Kim looks at Caroline and then turns to Shane. Shane smiles and says he is there for her, just like she is there for him. They will get through this together.

-At the Horton House, Hope is with Alice and asks if she needs anything. Alice says she is fine and asks how she is. Hope breaks down in tears. She is worried about Bo since he is still missing and her father being in a coma is just too much. She needs him and she needs Bo. Alice tells her to have faith. She did see Bo at the bar last night and she made the right decision leaving to help rescue her father. Bo is still around and he will come back to her or they will find him.

Hope thanks Alice for always knowing what to say. They hold hands and say a prayer together in hopes for everything to work out.

-At University Hospital, Victor and Julie discuss their plan to protect Maggie by pinning the fire on Marlena. Julie says they can start by making sure no on reads Maggie's medical chart, which has her blood alcohol level on it. Rich walks by and Victor goes over to him with Julie, telling Rich they need to talk about a great matter of concern.

Meanwhile, in the hospital psych ward, Roman is holding a crying Marlena, grateful that he has finally reached the REAL Marlena. Marlena tells Roman she is so glad to be back with him. Roman promises her that he will stand by her and that they will help her. They will make her all better.

Marlena then pulls away. She gives Roman a cold and evil look before pushing him away with her body. She continues to scream and push him away with her body, despite the straightjacket she is in, saying:


Roman: Doc...I love you. Where did you go? Where is the real Marlena?


Roman looks on stunned. Barbara comes in with an orderly upon hearing the screams and orders Roman out. The orderly restrains Marlena.

Barbara asks Roman what happened and he fills her in on finally reaching the real Marlena and then her snapping and calling herself her dead sister's name "Samantha." Barbara explains to Roman that Marlena's alters fluctuate and that her "Samantha" personality is her dark, evil, dangerous side. The other personality that they know about, "Marcy," is more of a wild, sexy, playful side. That side is still trouble but not really too dangerous and out of control. She expects a more calm, subdued personality to develop eventually as well, since that usually happens in cases like this.

Roman asks if Barbara can help her. She says she will try her best but no more visitors for the time being. She tells Roman to tell the rest of the family that before going back inside Marlena's padded cell. Roman looks in and sees Barbara and the orderly trying to calm a screaming Marlena down. A single tear drops down Roman's face as he walks away as Marlena's screams for them to "LET HER GO!" can be heard.

Elsewhere, in the hospital, Lexie arrives to visit a comatose Stefano. She is unaware that Celeste has been trailing her. Lexie tells Stefano that she has been working with people in his organization and has determined she is going to Europe with a team of his men to find Tony or clues that may help them learn if the MCF has Tony or not. She tells Stefano that she will learn what the MCF has that he wants and she will make the MCF pay for shooting him. She kisses him and says a loving goodbye to him, asking him to wish her luck.

Meanwhile, Celeste is listening and calls Abe. Abe soon arrives and asks what she is doing. Celeste explains that Lexie is going to Europe and they need to follow her. Abe is fine with that if they are going to put their plans into action to destroy the Dimera's to prevent their hold over Lexie. Celeste also tells Abe he will need to put a tail on Lexie so they know where she is when they get to Europe. He says he will get on that and will book a flight.

Celeste tells Abe she really hopes this works. This is the only way to end the Dimera reign and end their hold over Lexie. Tony was always trying to change the face of the Dimera's and finding him could be the key to doing all that. Abe says that this may in some way play into the MCF mystery as Lexie is doing this for Stefano and something the MCF told hin before the shooting. Abe and Celeste are both hopeful. Abe leaves to make the arrangements as Celeste watches Lexie with Stefano, vowing to save her daughter from his clutches.

-At the Pub, Caroline explains to Kayla how hard this is. Kayla takes her hand and tells her to just say it. Caroline finally lets it out and explains how Bo was molested by Uncle Eric as a child. Kayla is shocked and says she can't beleive he got to Bo and Kim all those years ago. Caroline explains that it happened while her and Shawn Sr were away. Kayla is horrified.

Caroline explains that Bo was so traumatized he blocked it out and began to remember it after being shot in Sydney. Kayla realizes that was why Bo was going into those violent states in the warehouse with Hope and at the hospital. Caroline adds that Bo remembered in hynosis and lashed out afterwards and is now pushing everyone, including Hope away. Kayla says they need to find him and Caroline agrees but admits Bo is in such a bad state...she is almost afraid of what they will find.

Kayla asks if Roman has men out looking for Bo. Caroline says he does and adds that she has more to tell her. Kayla asks what more could there be. Caroline says that two people knew all these years about Bo and what happened to him but stayed silent. They wanted to protect him and since he blocked it out let it go in hopes he would never remember. They didn't want to burden her or Shawn Sr.

Kayla asks who would possibly know and hide that from all of them for all these years, even if they had good intentions. Meanwhile, Kim begins to shake and tears stream down her face in response to the impending reaction from Kayla. Shane comforts her and says he is there and it's alright. Caroline looks at Kim and then at Kayla and says that it was her brother and sister. Roman and Kim knew all those years and never told anyone. Kayla is shocked and looks at a crying Kim, just as Roman enters the Pub.

Caroline, Steve, Shane, Kim, and Kayla all turn towards Roman. Roman looks at Kim, Caroline, and Kayla and realizes what has happened. Kayla looks at Kim and Roman and says:

Kayla: How could you? How could you do this to Bo? How could you keep this from us?

Shane comforts Kim as Roman remains silent and looks into an angry and horrified Kayla's eyes.

-Back at the hospital, Rich asks what Victor and Julie are concerned about. Victor explains that it appears that Marlena is the person behind the fire at Chez Rouge and they are concerned that someone will get a hold of Maggie's blood alcohol level and suggest that she had a role in it. Julie adds that her family is worried about bad publicity for them and for Maggie if word gets out she was drunk last night.

Rich assures them there is nothing to worry about. Medical records are confidential and if Marlena is the arsonist then they have nothing to worry about. The police are already probably proving it or getting a confession. Rich leaves as Victor tells Julie he isn't leaving things to change. Julie figures out he is going to have someone change Maggie't chart.

Victor nods and tells Julie that there is something she needs to do. When the police question her, she is to say that Marlena was at the scene when she arrives at Chez Rouge. She is to say that she saw Marlena leave out the back right before the fire. He adds that they will have to somehow convince Maggie to go along with this and say that she heard a noise and that someone could've been inside the restaurant with her. Julie says she doesn't like lying, especially in this case with lying to the police. It's breaking the law.

Victor reminds her they are doing this for Maggie. To protect her. He reminds her of Doug and her family. This is for them too. Julie understands and says she is doing what she has to do. Victor tells her he will be in touch and leaves.

Later, Julie goes to visit a comatose Doug and tells him she is sorry for everything she has done and everything she is going to do. She begs him to come back to her. She needs him. She then breaks down as she lies near him. Meanwhile, Victor visits a sleeping Maggie and vows to protect her and do whatever it takes to help her. He cares too much to see her suffer because of him. He then cresses her cheek and kisses her hand lovingly.

-Back at the Horton House, Hope goes to the kitchen to get more tea. The phone rings and Alice picks up the cordless and says hello. Hope is getting the tea when she hears Alice scream "No!! I can't be true!"

Hope races back in the room to find Alice upset, tears welling in her eyes. Alice tells the person on the other end of the phone call if they are sure. She then says ok and that she will call them later and hangs up. Hope asks what is wrong and if she is ok.

Alice: That was...something terrible has happened Hope.

Hope: What is it Gran? More bad news? How much more can we take?

Alice: It's...Marie. She's left us...she's passed.

Hope: You mean...Marie died?

Alice: Yes...yes she...

Alice then breaks down as Hope takes her in her arms, cries right along with her, and comforts her as the screen fades out.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Abe to Celeste: There is no telling the danger we may be getting into.

Lexie to Victor: I need a favor.

Hope to Alice: It's going to be ok Gran. (Hope hugs Alice)

Julie to Doug: If you ever found out what I did and what I am going to do...you and me would be through.

Maggie to Victor: I don't want you here. Leave!

Caroline to Kim and Roman: Are family will never be the same again.

Kayla to Steve: We will get to the bottom of this. I promise you.


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