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The Storm - Episode 19



At the cabin --

Zander laid with Emily in his arms till they both had fallen asleep on the overstuffed couch in front of the fireplace. She began to stir and woke up in Zander's arms. She quietly got up from the sofa and went up stairs to check on Devon, who had slept through night, surprisingly. Zander felt her get up off the sofa and he turned into the cushions waiting for her to return.

Emily walked down the stairs and went back to the couch to check on her husband. She pulled the afghan up over him leaving him sleep a little while longer. She knew he was exhausted from the long night before, and he could use the extra rest without interruption.

He heard her walking away after covering him up and called out to her. "Em...where you going?" he asked as he turned over.

"I was going to let you get some sleep, you were so tired last night." she said as she came back towards him.

"No I'm good...." he said groggily as he wasn't quite awake yet. She giggled cause she noticed she was right and he did need his rest.

"Come here, lay with me." he asked as he reached for her hand to join him on the sofa.

She looked up towards the upstairs thinking Devon would be okay for a little while longer, he was still asleep too. "Okay just for a few minutes. Devon will be up soon." she said as she took his hand and laid back down on the couch with him.

He wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him. He felt so content with her by his side, her body fit so right with his, just like the right piece that completed the puzzle.

She didn't want to fall asleep with him, but she did. The sun filtered in through the windows and made funny shapes on the hardwood floor in the living area where they slept.

They were awaken by the rapping on the cabin door, and Zander awoke with a start. He wondered who would be knocking, no one knew they were there but one other person. He and Emily got up off the sofa and went to the front door to answer it.

Zander peered out the window as he pulled back the curtain and noticed someone he knew standing on the front porch. He went to open the door as Emily scurried to the kitchen to make some coffee.

"Alexis ... what are you doing here? How did you know ..?" he greeted her and invited her inside the cabin.

"Beautiful place, Zander." she said as she entered the cabin and walked around the first floor.

"Thanks, but you didn't answer my question, Alexis. What are you doing here?"

Alexis turned towards him ... "I was in the neighborhood and decided to stop by." she managed a smile for him.

He cracked a smile in return. "Seriously, Alexis. It must be something important for you to drive up here to talk with me, what's going on?" he asked as he turned away from her and walked into the living room. She followed him and took a seat that he offered her.

Alexis looked up at him, as he stood next to her, she replied ... "What's going on is that we have 24 hours to come up with something to charge Sonny with or he's going home."

"Alexis, what do you want me to do? I can't just force the memories to come into my head, ya know. It's going to take me longer then 24 hours to know for sure it was Sonny."

"I know, Zander. I'm sorry for pressuring you like this. But it's important that we have all our angles covered, because right now, Sonny's attorney is not all too happy that we have him locked up on suspicion of murder."

Emily emerged from the kitchen with a tray of coffee mugs and a decanter of fresh coffee.

"I thought you guys might need some of this." she said as she sat down the tray on the coffee table. "Hi Alexis, how are you?" Emily greet their guest as Alexis smiled and pulled her into a hug.

"I'll be better when I know I have a case against Sonny I can win." she glanced at Zander who was pouring some coffee into one of the mugs.

"Yeah Zander told me all about it. I guess it's riding on him right now, isn't it?" Emily asked as she sat down on the couch.

"Unfortunately, yes it is. What about talking with a professional?" Alexis suggested and Zander shot a glare towards her.

"No shrinks, Alexis. I'll remember on my own, thank you." Zander objected.

"Okay, no shrinks. I have to be getting back to town, now, but thanks for the coffee and conversation." Alexis said as she turned and walked towards the door.

"Zander if you remember anything, even if it's the smallest detail, you call me. Okay?" she added as she turned around towards him.

"I will Alexis, don't worry, you'll be the first person I'll call." Zander replied as Emily went to see their guest to her car.

Alexis and Emily walked down to Alexis's car that was parked out in front of the cabin. "I don't know what to say Alexis, I don't know how to help him." Alexis eyes were filled with concern for she and Zander.

"I know but pushing the issue isn't going to help him remember, he's going to remember when he's ready to. And all you can do is be there for him when he does. Because I have a feeling when he does remember, he's going to need you more then ever."

Alexis pulled Emily into a hug and gave her a quick peck on the cheek goodbye. "Thanks for coming all the way up here, I know it's a ride from town." Emily appreciative of Alexis going out of her way to make sure they were alright. Alexis smiled and then got into her car.

Emily turned back towards the cabin as Alexis turned the car around and headed back out the long dirt driveway. Emily made her way back into the house and closed the old wooden door of the cabin. When she stepped into the cabin she heard Devon's cries from upstairs. Zander so deep in thought, he didn't flinch at the sound of his son crying for them.

Emily rushed up the stairs to comfort Devon and soon the crying had stopped. Emily emerged from upstairs with Devon in her arms as she came down the stairs with him in her arms. Devon's eyes were puffy and red from crying as his face lit up when he saw Zander sitting on the couch. Devon reached for his dad as Emily walked into the living room.

"Would you watch him for a couple minutes till I get his breakfast ready?" Emily asked of Zander as she sat Devon down on the couch.

"Yeah sure, go ahead, we'll be fine. Won't we?" Zander said as he picked his son up in his arms and fell back with him on the couch. Devon giggled. Zander laid down on the couch with Devon sitting on top of him. Devon watched as Emily disappeared into the kitchen and Zander bounced him up and down on him. Emily could hear Devon's giggles as she put together his breakfast.

All seemed right with Zander and the family he loved so much, but the past was still lurking and just waiting for him to remember what he tried so hard to forget.

At the hospital --

Jason was getting stronger and stronger every day, and every day it was getting harder and harder to keep him in the bed. He didn't want to stay much longer in the hospital, he had had enough of the dismal place.

"Okay, so when am I getting out of here?" he asked the duty nurse who was on that particular morning.

"I don't know Mr. Morgan, I'll have to ask the attending physician on your case." she replied as she checked his vital signs for the third time that morning.

"Okay, you go do that. I want to get out of here. I have a business to run and I can't run it from this hospital bed." he remarked as the duty nurse turned and walked out the door.

"Well, you're feeling better I see." Elizabeth said as she stood in the doorway.

"I do feel better and I want to go home, I can't take much more of this place." he replied and reached for her hand.

Elizabeth knew she had to tell Jason about Sonny being arrested, it was all over the front page of the morning paper, he was bound to see it or hear someone talk about it. She went and sat down on the swivel stool next to his bed and he could see in her eyes something was on her mind.

"What's wrong, Elizabeth?" he asked.

"Something's happened, Jason. And I think I should tell you before you hear it from someone else." she replied.

He could see that this was difficult for her to do, so he prepared himself to hear the worst. "What is it?" he asked again.

"It's Sonny, Jason .... he's been arrested on suspicion of murder."

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What a way to find out about your closest friend...Glad Jason is on the mend.

Love the Alexis/Zander scenes...I figured she would come by to lend not only moral support, but sound advice.

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