Casting Rumors
Rumor around the set says that one veteran is not happy with her storyline and is tempted to walk back to her ranch! Executive Producer/ HeadWriter Tishy practically cut off her leg to get her on the show so the last thing this blog needs or wants is this to happen. A big storyline has been promised for her, with a two month vacation time off between now and then.
Lindze Letherman has been let go. She asked to be released and there was no future for her on the show. Letherman wants to try her luck elsewhere. We wish her all the luck.
Another character, a Quartermaine will be gone by the summer. However, he doesn't know it yet....
Come summertime we are casting several roles to work on a project in the hospital and also to work at MetroCourt. The following roles are rumored to be in search of:
"Tucker", a twenty something in the army who is a friend of Lucas Jones
Lucas Jones
Brook Lyn Ashton
Serena Baldwin
Casting is close for three of those roles, however Serena Baldwin is proving hard to cast. Over 100 18 to 20 year olds have been considered and have been rejected. Looking for a blonde, etheral, kind beauty. Suggestions are welcome
All will be in a storyline with Lulu and another character who will soon be on the canvas. Look for some to mix with Lucy, Carly and Brenda.
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