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March 14, 2007




-Sami and Kate are still going at it, blaming the other for Will’s disappearance. That is until Lucas and Eric step in and get both women to stop, pulling them apart as Lucas screams.......

Lucas: I am sick of this [!@#$%^&*] with you two!! My son is missing, God knows where, and all you two can do is fight and bitch at each other!

Eric: (Breathing heavy) Thank you, Lucas.

Lucas: This makes no sense whatsoever. Mom, all you can do is point fingers. Nothing is ever your fault.

Kate: Oh. So you blame me for this?! I guess once again you’ll let poor Sami off the hook, huh?

Lucas: You’re damn right!

Kate is shocked by her son’s tone.

Lucas: Sami has screwed up more times than I care to count but you know something? At least she has admitted it and grown from it. The woman she is now is light years ahead of the person she used to be.

Both Eric and Sami listen to Lucas as tears fall from Sami’s eyes.

Lucas: What have you ever done that didn’t cause trouble or benefit anyone but yourself?

Kate: Lucas......

Lucas: I spent my whole life thinking my father was dead. Because of you. On top of every dirty trick you have played on me, the Bradys, Victor, and God knows who else. You still do the same things you have always done and it ends for me right here.

Kate: Lucas.........what are you saying?

Lucas: That when I do find my son and help him through whatever is bothering him enough to make him run away, the first chance I get I’m going down to City Hall.......

And having my last name changed to Horton.

Everyone is stunned.

Lucas: I’ve had it with you. I can’t believe that I even came from your body. You make me sick! Now, why don’t you stick that in a pipe and smoke it. And don’t you EVER come near me or my family again. If you do.......

I won’t be responsible for my actions.

Lucas turns and walks off, continuing to search for his son. All Sami and Eric can do is look at Kate sadly as they run off to catch up with Lucas, while Kate stands all alone on the pier......

With tears streaming down her face.

-Walking down the road, Will and Bo have made good on their escape. Bo stops him and tells him that he knows that there is something bothering him and reminds Will they have a deal. Will says it’s something that he is too ashamed to talk about. Bo tells him that he knows a thing or two about being ashamed. When Will asks what he means, Bo says that if he tells him, it stays right there. It goes no farther. Will promises on everything that he will not say one word. He also tells Bo that he won’t judge him. Bo says good. That’s something he doesn’t need right now.

Bo walks past Will and explains that he just remembered being molested by his Uncle Eric when he was a kid. Will is stunned. Bo goes on, saying that he feels so less than a man right now. He can’t even look his wife in the face anymore. He just knows she’ll blame him for what happened. Will hears Bo say what is on his mind and in his heart. Bo turns to him and tells him that it’s taking everything in him not to either jump off the Salem Bridge or blow his brains out. Will tells him that he knows exactly what he means.

Will then informs Bo that he has just went through the very same thing. With Alan. Bo sighs deeply, telling his great nephew how sorry he is to hear that. No wonder he’s been acting like he has been. Bo also says he knew Alan was still up to no good. Will tells him that if anyone finds out, he doesn’t think he could live down the humiliation and pain it would cause. Then, Bo says, he can just trust him. Bo invites him to come stay with him at his motel room but since Will flashes back to that night, he declines.

Bo says that’s fine but still gives him his room number in case he wants to talk things out. They both then promise to keep each other’s secrets...no matter what happens. They shake hands as they separate, going off to opposite directions into the cool night air.

-At the hospital, Alice has just been brought in as Doug’s family awaits news of his condition. Julie tells Alice that he has been in surgery for quite some time and that she is sick of the waiting. Alice tells her to have faith as Hope stands off to the side, listening. She silently prays for her father’s recovery and for the safe return of her husband. Caroline comforts her. As the family waits, the Rich comes out to the waiting area. He tells everyone that Doug is alive but the news isn’t good.

He is unconscious. His brain has lost a lot of oxygen and, therefore, there is now a strong chance that he may never regain consciousness. He maybe in a coma for the rest of his life. Everyone is stunned. Hope holds Julie as she sinks down to the floor, crying. Hope picks her up and sits her in a chair as Julie says she wants to see her husband. Rich says that is fine but only for a few moments. Hope stands her up as Caroline and Alice watch them walk slowly to Doug’s room.

Once inside, they see that he is lying quietly in his bed. Machines are helping him breath and he looks as though he is sleeping. Julie takes his hands and tells him that she isn’t going anywhere. She will by his side no matter what. Hope wipes tears from her face as she bends down and kisses him on his forehead, as they both stand next to his bed crying at what has happened to him. Hope silently whispers that she wishes Bo was there with her.

Sami, Lucas, and Eric arrive at Lucas's apartment. They hope to find Will there and are starting to consider bringing the police in to help. Lucas is stunned by something he sees in Will's bedroom and motions to Sami and Eric to come over. They do and are shocked to see Will asleep in his bed. Lucas is about to wake him but Sami tells him not to. She instructs Lucas to let him sleep and they can just keep an eye on him and find out why he ran and what is going on in the morning.

-In the psychiatric department of the hospital, Marlena is freaking out. She is fluctuating between personalities. Barbara is trying to explain to Roman that she doesn’t know who she is right now. Her mind is all over the place. One minute she is calling herself Marcy and, the next, she claims to be Samantha. Roman wonders if that is because of her decesased twin sister, who held the same name. Belle arrives just in time to hear what is being said. Roman asks Barbara if Marlena will be ok and Barbara tells him that they will do the very best they can. Barbara then leaves to see to Marlena.

Belle asks her father what happened and Roman fills her in on the previous night. Belle tries to call Sami but her phone is off. After a few more moments, Belle finally reaches Sami at Lucas's apartment. When she fills her in on what’s happening, Sami says she’ll be right over. Eric says he will come too as Lucas decides to stay put and make sure Will doesn't go anywhere.

Meanwhile, Barbara rejoins Roman and Belle. Roman asks for an update. Barbara tells Roman that they know of three personalities that Marlena has...the normal Marlena (which she has yet to see), Marcy (who she thinks her to be now), and Samantha. She doesn't know the traits and representations of each personality but she will find out and warns that Marlena seems very ill and could be very dangerous.

Roman, Belle, and Barbara then hear Marlena say she can hear them and that she will make them all pay.

Marlena: Mark my words...all those who wronged me...I WILL MAKE SURE YOU ALL BURN IN HELL!!

Marlena then laughs uncontrollably as a horrified Roman, Belle, and Barbara watch and the screen fades out on Marlena's demented face.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Roman to Marlena: Was it you? Did you cause the fire at Chez Rouge?

Belle to Sami, Eric, and Carrie: We all have to band together. Mom and dad need us now more then ever.

Victor to Maggie: I am here for you...

Alice to a crying Hope: We just need to beleive

Julie to Victor and Nicole: You two will pay for this!!!

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