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Interviewer (I): Hello! It's great to finally be able to talk to you!

Arianne Zuker (AZ): Hey. I'm sorry. It's been so busy since I came back in May and between the show and my other projects it's been rough. I am here now so let's dish! (laughs).

I: Ok so tell us how your return came about. You had only left last February and all of a sudden you were brought back in May. What gives?

AZ: Well, when I left in February, James reilly was still writing and I was offscreen quite a bit. It was weird because I was in the Highstyle stuff and the minute Christie (Clark, Carrie) returns, I was on the outside looking in. I don't know what happened but I don't blame Christie (laughs). Anyway, I remember hearing about the new writing regime and Tim (Lowery, EP/HW) called me and said he wanted to bring Jensen (Ackles, Eric) and I back. He told me it was a limited run. I wasn't doing much so I came in for a meeting. I was surprised about Jensen considering it at the time because he had "Supernatural" on the WB but he was willing to work around it since it was summer hiatus time and all. Both he and I met with Tim and we inked a deal to return. It was pleasant and we were told it was about a 6 month arc. All we knew was they were going to re-establish us during the island story and hint at something being wrong with Eric. We knew nothing else but we figured Eric may be ill. We knew that as soon as they reunited us because Eric and Nicole had been apart for so long something had to give.

I: Ok so that takes us into the "Eric is dying" stuff. Now, many fans felt that story dragged and didn't like it at all. What do you think?

AZ: I heard and read some of the comments. It's funny because, as I said, Jensen and I knew a story like that was coming because of the hints and we were told exactly what was going to happen in August because Jensen and I had to be offscreen in September for his show and other projects I had to do. They said they were going to move the story back a bit because we had to be off. When we returned at the end of September, Jensen and I worked alot and so did Julianne (Morris, Greta). At times, it felt forced and rushed and we felt bad because it was a result of our time off in September. Tim then told Jensen, Julianne, and I that they were changing some things and were timing the story to climax around Christmas. They wanted Eric's issues to help move Sami (Alison Sweeney) and Roman (Drake Hogestyn) towards reconciliation. Towards the end of November, we got into Eric on his deathbed and I think that is when fans got tired because there was little movement until Christmas with our story. Everytime Eric was saved he took a turn for the worst so it was frustrating. Plus, I think fans thought it was a triangle and it wasn't. Eric loved Nicole and that was it. Greta only helped him keep the secret. I thought the story was fine but our little time off and I think a change of plans made it a little hard to swallow for some fans.

I: Now, you were supposed to only stick around for 6 months and here you are today on recurring status with Jensen. How did that change occur?

AZ: Well, once Tim realized the story with Eric dying wasn't working too well with some fans, he felt like he had to do something but the funny part is he already realized that there was more story for us. He told me that he kept pulling more and more ideas out so he asked if Jensen and I would stay. I was ok with it because I was available and Jensen was able to work it out. I like recurring because I can always do other things and Tim said that I can come and go when need be so I love it.

I: I would think you would, especially with your current story. How do you feel about being tied to the Carrie baby plot?

AZ: Love it. First off, I was very happy when Jensen and I were told by Tim what we were doing story-wise. This was when he asked us to stay and the story was really what forced us to stay. It was just too good to pass up. I also appreciate how the writers used what Eric and Nicole went through and now have Nicole regretting marrying him in a way. I mean, she gave up her dream job at Highstyle in LA to be by him on his deathbed and I think the story with Eric dying was a really good way of getting many fans who never sympathized with Nicole to sympathize with her. We saw her regret her past and all and, when Eric lived, she thought she would have it all. The dream life she wanted was right there but then reality hit. She remembered she can't have kids and we saw her try other means with no result. She was reminded she gave up her job and then Eric got a job with Kate (Lauren Koslow) while Nicole could find nothing even with all the experience she has. I mean, she would be more successful. She is an executive, afterall. We are seeing that the life with Eric she thought would be perfect isn't so it's interesting. The baby twist I never saw coming. We weren't told until it happened. Jensen was shocked. The MCF stuff is so hush-hush they don't say anything ahead. Even with all the baby talk with Eric and Nicole, we were surprised. I like that it ties us back in with sami (Alison Sweeney), Austin (Patrick Muldoon), Lucas (Bryan Dattilo), and those guys. Plus, we are tied to the MCF now. Love it and love the return of dark Nicole too. They built up some fan sympathy with the Eric dying story so now making her bad again can be good since the fans can root for her a bit like they do sami. I mean, she wants a child and a job and this perfect life so she is very rootable, especially with her past.

I: How about working with John Aniston (Victor) again?

AZ: Fantastic. John and I were so happy because we hadn't worked together in terms of being in a scene alone together since I returned. It's been awhile. As much as I like Jensen, he is really all I have worked with until recently. I had little scenes here and there with Ali, Christie, Austin Peck and Patrick Muldoon, Bryan, and Lauren. I worked alot with Julianne. Now I have John and I am also working a bit with a few others who I actually never have worked with. I love to branch out and Jensen is starting to as well. As I said, I just love how they used not having a job and the whole baby thing and dissatisfaction with her life with Eric to drive Nicole back to her dark side. It's natural and I still think she is rootable because of what the writers have done with me as a character. John and I had a blast with the bedroom scenes and we have some fantastic stuff coming up.

I: Can you give us anymore tidbits story-wise?

AZ: Not much. Everything is hush-hush with VENDETTA and the MCF. All I can say is there is a twists and turns every day and what is coming is just fantastic. The fans can't miss a day.

I: Will Jensen and you stay on if you are asked to remain long-term?

AZ: That is hard for Jensen because he has a show but who knows. He has worked around it thus far. Maybe if it stays recurring. As for me, it depends. Like I said, I like recurring because I can do other things but me staying here long-term would depend on timing and so many other factors. I would have to talk to my husband too. I love it here and love what I am doing but I would have to think it over.

I: Thanks for joining us. Don't be such a stranger!

AZ: Your welcome. I won't. Don't worry (laughs).


VENDETTA Deadline Extended!!!

The deadline to participate in the VENDETTA game has been extended. The original deadline was March 11 but the new deadline will be March 20, the day before the first official VENDETTA clip is posted. Do let me know if you want to participate. There is a thread in the SONBC forum and more information in the VENDETTA category to the right of the blog. We need game players so PM me, PhoenixRising05, or comment in this blog to announce your intention to play. Thanks.

Previews and Peeks into Wk of 3/12/07

-The fire wreaks havoc!!

-Marlena learns she has been betrayed.

-Cassie is one-upped.

-Hope risks it all for Doug.

-Steve takes a leap.

-Nicole rethinks her marriage to Eric.

-Bo and Will bond.

-Lexie decides to go to Europe.

-Julie lashes out at Victor and Nicole.

-Steve's condition confuses Kayla.

-Kate blames Sami for Will's issues, forcing Lucas to tear into his mother.

-Abby stuns Max.

-Marlena vows revenge.

-The MCF manipulates James.

-Maggie comes clean.

-Victor and Julie make a shocking decision.


Monday March 12: The Chez Rouge fire is out of control as Hope risks it all to save her father and a surprising hero emerges. Meanwhile, Marlena learns she has been betrayed as Roman and Co. close in on her.

Wednesday March 14: The MCF manipulates James as Marlena vows revenge.

Friday March 16: Maggie comes clean while Victor and Maggie make a shocking decision.

Next Week: Cal and Katherine reach a turning point. Nicole gets what she wants. Roman tries to reach Marlena. Philip goes too far with Belle. Lexie asks Victor for a favor. Cassie's mysterious meeting takes a shocking turn. Steve tries to learn what is going on with him. Eric and Nicole's marriage begins to crumble. Lexie, Abe, and Celeste head for Europe.


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