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March 9, 2007




-At University Hospital, a nurse leaves Cassie's room and Chelsea enters it. Cassie asks what took her so long. Chelsea reminds Cassie that a nurse was in her room so she couldn't just walk in and blow their cover. Cassie tells Chelsea she is smarter then she looks, which is no surprise since she is following instructions quite nicely. Cassie asks for the surveillance tape. Chelsea gives it to her reluctantly, knowing full well Cassie is going to use it somehow to destroy Max and Abby.

Chelsea also tells Cassie that getting the tape was easy as the guard was knocked unconscious when she arrives. Cassie says that is odd and wonders what happened. Chelsea adds that the guard is fine and she heard that she ended up getting up thinking he fell out of his chair and hit his head. Cassie thinks that is probably the case as no one else had reason to be in there. She just hopes no one finds out the tape is missing until she can alter it and use it for her gains.

Cassie then orders Chelsea to close the door and pop the tape into the TV/VCR combo on the wall in her room. She needs to take a look at it to see what sort of editing work needs to be done. Chelsea does just that as Cassie asks her to stand watch at the door to warn her when someone is coming so the tape isn't seen by anyone. Cassie begins to play the tape as Chelsea acts as lookout.

Meanwhile, Abby tells Max she doesn't wish to speak with him. Max says he needs to tell her he was wrong. He should've never blamed her for what happened and he treated her horribly. Abby says he is right and also admits that she blames herself too and rightfully so. She did contribute to what happened to Cassi. However, he had no right to blame her and not even let her explain like he did. He knows her. They were good friends and on their way to even more.

Max says that the fact it was his baby and it's mother and that he felt he failed is why he lashed out. He was just so emotional. Abby understands but asks about the days after the accident. He never came to see her and ignored her without even coming to apologize or talk things out. He didn't believe in her or have any faith in her and that is something she can't forgive or forget. She says she has nothing more to say to him and wants him to leave. Max tries to convince her to give him a chance to make it up to her but she tells him to either get out or she will have him thrown out. Max reluctantly leaves, saying he is sorry again as he leaves. While alone, Abby breaks down in tears over all she has lost.

-At Lucas's apartment, Kate is still sitting on the couch and making sure Will doesn't go MIA again. She hopes he will eventually open up to her or, at least, come out of his room. Meanwhile, Will realizes he can't take it anymore and needs to get out. Mr. Slouse and some of the building security and other neighbors are watching on his parents' instructions to make sure he doesn't runaway again. Will realizes he needs a distraction.

He sees Mr. Slouse reading his paper and sitting in the window directly across, making him able to see Will going out the fire escape. Will looks around his room and sees his baseball. He takes it and gets an idea. He goes to the window and tosses the ball at Mr. Slouse's other window, breaking the window and making a crashing noice. Mr. Slouse gets up and heads to where the ball went as Will uses this distraction to make his way down the fire escape and race off into the night.

-Fire continues to engulf Chez Rouge. Hope and Julie continue to call for Doug and Maggie, with no response. Roman arrives and says the SPD and fire department are on their way with the EMT's. Hope and Julie fill him in on what is going on. Based on what he is told, Roman realizes Doug and Maggie have been in there too long and he can't afford to wait. He tells Hope he is going in. Hope says that the service entrance door is ajar enough to pull open slightly to enter. Roman says he will use that. Hope tells Julie she is going in too. Roman tries to discourage her but realizes he can't argue with his stubborn sister-in-law.

Julie begs Hope again not to do this but a teary-eyed Hope grabs her intensely, telling her that her father and aunt are in there and she needs to help. Julie begins to get hysterical again and tells Hope they can't die. Hope says they won't and she embraces and kisses Julie, promising her it will be alright. Julie begs her to be safe. Hope tells her to say a few prayers. Hope then helps Roman pull open the service door and then she slips in behind him through the small gap they created by getting the door open wide enough. Julie starts to go after them but Victor and Nico arrive.

Julie looks at him and says this is all his fault. Nicole soon arrives as well and says:

Nicole: Figures. After months and months of not drinking, the one time I want and need a drink one of the most reasonable bars in Salem goes up in flames.

Victor: Shutup Nicole.

Julie fills Victor, Nico, and Nicole in on what is going on and points the finger at them. She tells Victor his little scheme to break all ties with Maggie by making her think he was having an affair with Nicole pushed her over the edge and now she and Doug may die. Victor turns away in disgust and then turns back, telling Julie now is not the time and place to argue and have this discussion.

Sami and Lucas then arrive with Jack, Billie, Greta, and Frankie right behind them. Various media outlets are there now and Jack and Greta are covering for The Spectator. They all ask if there is anything they can do. Julie says they can pray. Jack and Billie look at each other and Billie tells Jack this fire has the MCF's name written all over it. Jack, Frankie, and Greta agree and say that this gives them all the more reason to continue to investigate and research so they can get to the bottom of the MCF mystery before it's too late. Jack, Greta, and Lucas comfort Julie.

Meanwhile, the MCF is watching nearby when Marlena shows up.

Marlena: What the hell is going on here? Why would you want me to meet you here with a fire going on and so many people around?

MCF (via voice changer): Just listen. I need you to stay here and watch the happenings. I need to take care of something. Get as close as you can and see what you can overhear and report back later.

Marlena: Whatever. I don't get why I must do...

MCF: Just do it.

The MCF leaves Marlena, who hides among the bushes outside Chez Rouge, observing all the action and drama.

At Roberts & Associates, Eric is finishing up some photo assignments when Caroline shows up. She has a basket of homemade cookies for him as a celebratory gife for his new job. Caroline admits she isn't a big fan of Kate but she is happy her grandson has a new job. Eric thanks her. Just then, Joelle races in and calls out for Eric. She then puts on the TV and asks Eric if that is his wife on TV as it looks like her. Eric sees Nicole with Victor at the fire scene and says it is. They both see the fire is at Chez Rouge. Eric says he needs to get down there and find out what Nicole is doing there. Caroline says she is going with him and they race off.

-Back at Lucas's apartment, Kate is reading a magazine when there is a knock on the door. She opens it and finds Mr Slouse. he tells Kate that Will threw a baseball through his window. Kate asks why he would do that. Mr. Slouse says it was a distraction so he could sneak out, only he managed to catch a glimpse of him as he was running down the alley. Kate calls out to Will in his room and he doesn't answer. She calls down to building security, who sends a guard up. The guard breaks down the door and Kate can see that Will is gone, like Mr. Slouse said. She tries calling Lucas but he can't hear his phone at the fire scene. Kate calls the hospital and then the office, where Joelle tells her there is a fire at Chez Rouge and that Lucas is there. Kate races off to get to Lucas and tell him about Will.

-Back at the fire scene, Hope and Roman fight through the flames searching for Doug and Maggie. A fiery beam begins to come down from the roof above Roman. Hope calls out to him in the nick of time as he dives out of the way. Meanwhile, outside, the fire department and emergency units arrive with Abe and Shane in tow. Julie explains what is happening to Abe, Shane, and the fire cheif as Sami tries to calm her.

Meanwhile, Nicole warns Victor that he better make sure he keeps Julie and Maggie's mouth shut about what she did for him. He tells her not to worry as he will come through on his end of the deal. Nicole warns he better. Victor notes how Nicole hasn't changed one bit. She is still the same conniving bitch she always was and he wonders how long it will be until Eric realizes it. Eric then arrives with Caroline. Eric kisses and embraces Nicole and asks what she is doing there. She says that she went out for a drink and found this scene. He kisses her and remarks how horrible this is as she worries Julie or Maggie will blow her secret.

Caroline goes up to Victor and tells him it's been awhile. Victor remarks how Caroline isn't being so hostile towards him like she was prior to his "death." Caroline says alot changed. Victor asks if she was shocked he was alive. Caroline smiles and says that nothing shocks her anymore but she was a little stunned when she learned he was alive on TV and in the papers. Victor then looks at the fire and turns to Caroline, saying it's all his fault. He then looks ahead and hopes that Maggie makes it out of this, along with Doug and any others.

Celeste shows up. Abe asks what she is doing there. She says she was on her way to pick up Theo from a playdate when she had a vision and it was of a fire like this one endangering many lives. It looks like she was too late to stop it. They both are stunned when Lexie shows up. Celeste asks her why she is there and she says that this fire could be something to do with the MCF and she wants to see what develops and if they get a lead.

Meanwhile, Steve and Kayla show up on the scene. They reunite with everyone including Caroline, Jack, Shane, and Frankie. Kayla says they just got in and drove by and saw the fire. Caroline gets them up to speed. Kayla is worried about Hope and Roman in there and goes to see if she can help. Steve offers to help too but Kayla says no, not with his previous head conditions and memory problems. Steve stays back and tells Kayla to be careful as she goes to talk with the EMT's.

-Back at University Hospital, we see a mysterious person stalking around near Cassie's room. The person then goes up the nurses station. All of a sudden there is a page for Chelsea to come to the nurses station for a phone call. Cassie is still playing the tape but tells Chelsea to go ahead. She is nearly finished looking at it and she will be done before anyone walks in. Chelsea says fine and leaves. Meanwhile, Max is on his way to the room. Chelsea goes to the nurses station and the nurse gives her the phone.

We then see the mystery person that was near Cassie's room racing down the staircase. The person makes their way to an alley outside of the hospital. The camera then pans around to reveal the person...who is now clad in a black cloak. It's the MCF!!! Chelsea says "Hello" repeatedly on the phone with no answer until the MCF finally responds, via voice changer, with:

MCF: The truth always comes out, young Chelsea. The scary part is sometimes you don't control when and where. This is one of those times.

The MCF hangs up, leaving Chelsea wondering what is going on and worried that her secret is coming out.

Meanwhile, Cassie is watching the tape of her fall as Max prepares to walk in. He then opens the door and catches a glimpse of the tape, shocking Cassie. She quickly turns it off but Max has seen enough to ask what it is and prompty grabs the remote when Cassie tries to say it's nothing. He plays the tape and sees the whole argument between Abby and Cassie and how Cassie fell down the stairs on her own. He looks at her, his face showing he is clearly enraged, as Chelsea walks in and realizes the jig is up.

-On the pier, Will is walking aimlessly with no idea where he is going. He is simply trying to clear his mind so he can stop thinking about Alan and what he did to him and what he threatened to do to him and his family. Will then sees something behind some crates that sparks his curiosity. He goes over and is stunned to find...a beaten and bloodied Bo lying there motionless. Will tries to wake his Uncle Bo up but he gets no response.

-Kate arrives at the fire scene and races over to Sami and Lucas. She tells them about Will. Caroline tells Sami and Lucas they must go. Julie tells them to go deal with their son. Maggie and Doug would want that. She or someone in the family will call him later to let him know what is happening. Lucas and Sami embrace her and prepare to leave. Eric offers to go to help. Sami is reluctant to leave with Roman in the burning restuarant but realizes she has to go. Nicole, wanting to make sure Victor fulfills his promise and that no one finds out what she did, offers to stay back and tells Eric and Sami she will call them with news on Roman and others. They thank her and agree. Eric kisses her and says he loves her as he leaves with Sami, Kate, and Lucas.

-Jack, Billie, Greta, Frankie, Lexie, Celeste, Nicole, Caroline, Steve, Kayla, Shane, Abe, Victor, Nico, and Julie all watch in horror as the fire deparment enters the building. Julie overhears a fireman say that it has been way too long and that those in there may already be lost. Julie breaks down. Greta comforts her. Celeste then has a vision of a man yelling and jumping through flames. She wonders what it means.

Meanwhile, inside the burning Chez Rouge, Roman and Hope continue to search, covering their noses and mouths with the cloth napkins they found on the tables. Roman finally spots Maggie and races over to her. Hope helps him pull her up and they race to the service door. Dodging flames and falling beams, they get to the door and pull it open a little more to get Maggie out with them. They get Maggie over to Kayla and the EMT's. Victor is relieved to see Maggie out. Kayla says she needs to get to the hospital. Maggie is loaded into the ambulance and Victor says he will go with her. Julie seems against it but doesn't argue. Nicole tells Nico to take her to the hospital too since he is going there...she needs to discuss things with Victor. He reluctantly agrees.

The EMT's tell Hope and Roman they need medical attention. Julie warns them both not to argue. Hope notices the fire department backing away from Chez Rouge and telling spectators to back away. She wonders what is going on. Hope tells the fire chief that her father is still in there. The fire chief says that the building is about to give way and they can't risk putting the men in that danger. Besides, as much as he hates to say it, anyone still in there after that long has nearly an impossible chance to survive. Julie breaks down and begins to hit the fire chief. Hope holds her back and gets in the chief's face, telling the chief he can't give up.

Hope: My father is still in there!!! How can you just give up?

They then hear one part of the building collapse. Julie goes running towards the building.

Julie: DOUG!


Roman looks at a desperate Hope and Julie. Meanwhile, Abe gets a call from someone with a altered voice. It's the MCF!! Abe notices this is the same voice as the person that tipped the SPD off to Bo and Victor's whereabouts a few months ago.

MCF: I just thought I would let you know...you are being watched. Look to the right of your wife.

Abe: How do you know my wife?

MCF: Nevermind. Just do it.

The MCF then hangs up.

MCF: Sorry, Marlena. Sacrifices have to be made sometimes.

Abe asks if the person is still there before hanging up. He then follows instructions and looks where he was told and is stunned to see...Marlena!!! Abe races to Roman and Shane and tells him who he sees. Roman is stunned to see her too and tells them both they need to sneak up or they will scare her off. Marlena then sees them looking at her and takes off. Roman gives chase, with Abe and Shane in tow. The fire chief turns around and Hope uses the moment to try to race into the building. She is held back by some firemen, screaming as Greta comforts a hysterical Julie:


The screen then fades out on a split screen of Julie in tears being held by Greta and a desperate, crying Hope being held back by the firemen.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Roman (as Marlena watches in the shadows): Marlena! I know you are here.

Nicole to Victor: I won't go down for you so you better come through for me or I will make you pay.

Sami to Lucas: Where's our son?

Will to Bo: Can you here me, Uncle Bo?

Cassie (in tears) to Max: Let me make you understand. Please!!

Hope to Julie: Roman, Abe, and Shane are gone and if the fire department won't do anything. I will have to...and they can't stop me.


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