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March 7, 2007




-Hope and Doug are at Maggie's house after returning from searching for her all morning. Doug has no idea where Maggie could be and is really worried, as is Hope. Alice calls Hope on her cell and asks if there is any word. Hope apologizes saying there isn't but says she will let her known as soon as there is. Hope tells Alice to get some rest as she has been up all night with worry. Alice tells Hope not to worry and tells Hope to just pray and have faith that Maggie will be alright and to encourage others to do the same. Hope says she will and hangs up. Hope tells her father that she hopes Maggie is alright as she isn't sure any of them can take much more tragedy and turmoil.

Meanwhile, Julie is searching Salem Park for Maggie and wonders where she could be. The scene then shifts to Chez Rouge. Maggie has locked all the doors and closed the restaurant for the day. She has all the light off so no one will know she is there and she has a single candle lit on the bar. There are empty liquor bottles lying around the bar area where she is sitting. She is disheveled and completely out of it. She is angry at the world and at God but says he is not completely at fault. She lost Mickey because she chose to stay back on the island and because she never reached for him before the explosion. Her other mistake was being naive in thinking she could find love again...a love like she had with Mickey. She bought Victor's act and he trampled all over her heart and then some.

Maggie opens another bottle of whiskey and begins to down it. She says she no longer cares what happens to her anymore. She can't live like this...thinking about all that she has lost and how it's her fault and how she was so stupid in thinking Victor loved her. She should've saw it coming. He was probably using her for something. She then walks around the restaurant and has flashbacks to special times with Mickey and with Victor, including the romantic night they had when she opened Chez Rouge for him privately in December. She begins to break down and goes into a rage, throwing the bottle at the wall near the bar.

-At Salem University Hospital, Abby is stunned when Greta comes to see her. They embrace and Greta says she just wanted to check in to see how she is doing. Abby says fine and asks how Greta is doing. She heard that she is the new Spectator editor and that she is her father's boss now. Greta says she loves it and feels like things are just about to get exciting. She tells Abby she is sorry for everything she is going through but encourages her to keep the faith. Abby says that it's getting harder and harder to do that.

Meanwhile, Max is having coffee in the cafeteria when Frankie joins him, asking what he needed. Max says he called him because he has no idea what to do or who to beleive concerning Cassie's fall. Frankie says it's easy...he knows Abby. Abby has made mistakes behavior-wise recently but her mother had just died. She is paying for them now and the poor girl is suffering. Frankie asks Max if he really thinks Abby would deliberately hurt Cassie and his baby. Frankie reminds him that Abby is someone he knows and trusts. Cassie is a Dimera that has wanted him for some time now due to their one night stand. He asks him who he should beleive...someone from a family they know and trust or someone from the Dimera family who seems to care more about the hold the baby had on him rather then the baby itself.

Max tells Frankie that Cassie isn't as bad as he says. Frankie says he knows she is bad news. Even when she was believed to be a Brady, she was never stopped being what she was. She is conniving, manipulative...it's who she is. Max is silent and Frankie tells Max that he knows the right answer deep down. It's no contest and the fact that he ever would side with Cassie is laughable as Abby would never lie about or do something like this. She feels guilty enough as it is. Max contemplates Frankie's words.

-In Cassie's hospital room, Chelsea arrives and asks why Cassie had a nurse come get her. Cassie says she has another task for her...it's what they discussed before. If Chelsea chooses not to do it, she will go down in flames and see her two dirty secrets come out. Chelsea turns around in disgust and her eyes well up in tears as she begs Cassie to stop this. Cassie refuses saying she will stop when she gets what she wants and she wants Max and revenge on Abby for what happened to her child.

Chelsea reminds Cassie that Abby did nothing to her but Cassie thinks otherwise. She should've just stepped aside and let her be with Max or, at the very least, should've bowed out of their argument before it reached the stairwell. Chelsea notes that Cassie could've stopped the argument too. Cassie quickly changes the subject and tells Chelsea to do what she asked of her...go to the hospital security headquarters and find a way to get the surveilance tape from the day of her fall. The headquarters is in the basement so all she has to do is create a diversion and take care of the security camera in that room so she doesn't get caught. The other cameras won't be a problem as no one would think that Chelsea is helping her.

Cassie tells Chelsea that hospital security is holding on to the tape until they get word on whether she is going to seek an investigation and legal action against Abby in regards to her fall. Cassie can't be blamed for stealing the tape because she is in her room and the security cameras will show that. Chelsea asks what Cassie is going to do with it. Cassie tells her nevermind and to find a way to get the tape...now.

-At Lucas's apartment, Sami is calling for Will and he tells Sami from his room that he doesn't feel good and has a headache. He just wants to be left alone. Sami continues to wonder what is wrong with him and vows to get to the bottom of it. Lucas arrives and tells Sami there is someplace he wants to go and he will tell her about it on the way. Sami doesn't want to leave Will right now but Lucas notes that he won't be alone. There is then a knock on the door. It's Kate. Sami rolls her eyes and tells Lucas that now is not the time to call her. Kate reminds Sami that Will is her grandson and she is worried about him too. Sami is upset that Lucas told her but Lucas insists she has a right to know.

Lucas tells Sami he really wants to get going and tells Kate thank you for coming over. They don't want Will alone and are afraid he may run away again. Kate says it's no problem and says she will try to get him to talk to her. Sami says that won't be necessary. She can help her son. Lucas then ushers her out to prevent a fight, telling her they need to go. After they leave, Kate knocks on Will's door and asks if he is alright. There is no answer. Kate calls out to him and begs him to answer and to talk to her about what's going on.

Meanwhile, in his room, Will is lying on his bed in tears as he is thinking about what Alan did to him and how he threatened to him and his family if he didn't remain silent. Will begins to shake and puts his head into his pillow so that Kate won't hear him crying.

-At University Hospital, Austin is with Carrie. Carrie is very much contemplating telling Austin the truth about her baby in hopes that they can find him together. Austin mentions how much they have been through and hates that there has been so much hurt. Carrie feels the same and feels horrible that things are so tense with them and Sami and Lucas. Lucas then comes in and says they don't have to be that way. Sami adds that it's time they put the past behind them all and moved on.

Lucas: I wanted to do this today, despite all of us having so much to deal with. It couldn't wait any longer. I don't want to live like this and I know none of us do. I don't condone what you two (looking at Carrie and Austin) did. You betrayed me and you hurt me. You keeping this from me hurt the most and, Carrie, you going into hiding with what could've been my baby...and considering what happened...

Carrie: I know, Lucas. I am so sorry. I know I hurt you...all of you deeply. I have made so many mistakes in my life and it just seems like I keep making worse and worse ones.

Lucas: We all made mistakes. All of us and I know we all regret them but that is all part of growing. Just look at Sami. After all she has done, she has finally grown up. She is finally the Sami we all knew she could be and I couldn'e be more proud.

Austin: Either could I.

Lucas: If Sami can change, we all can change and improve ourselves so it's time for a fresh start. For all of us.

Sami: Lucas is right. We have all hurt each other and many others and rehashing everything and holding grudges isn't worth it. Life is too short. We are family and we need each other. Whatever it was...fate, destiny...for whatever reason we all ended up mix matched together but, deep down, we knew it wasn't right. I belong with Lucas and you guys belong together. I guess we were just meant to go through all this but, now, it's all been righted and I think moving on and just starting with a blank slate will maintain that and our happiness. So, what do you guys say?

Lucas: No more rehashing. No more anger. It will be hard to forget but we all have things that we did that need forgiving. We all made mistakes so let's just leave them where they are and vow to always be honest with each other.

Carrie begins to tear up and thinks about telling all about the baby but can bring herself to do it.

Lucas: Let's just remember the good times and joke about the bad. Just as long as we don't mention the ugly we will be alright.

They all laugh.

Lucas: So, is that ok?

Austin: Sounds great.

Carrie: Fine by me.

Lucas: Ok...so...friends again?

Austin: Friends again.

Carrie: Yep. Friends again.

Sami: Friends and sisters again (smiles at Carrie).

Austin and Lucas embrace and shake hands as Sami embraces both Carrie and Austin. Lucas gives Carrie a friendly kiss and hug.

-Back in Cassie's room, Chelsea reluctantly agrees to go get the rape, remembering what her secrets coming out could do to her and her family. She leaves as Cassie look on, pleased that her plans are on track and promising that she will have Max and Abby will be destroyed.

Meanwhile, Greta tells Abby to just have hope and pray that things work out. Max will come around. If not, he is stupid to let a girl like her go. Abby says she just doesn't want to end up alone. Greta looks down and Abby apologizes, realizing Greta has had trouble with her love life. Greta says it's ok. She tells Abby she needs to go and will see her later. Abby thanks her for stopping by and they embrace and promise to see each other soon.

At that same moment, Frankie tells Max he has to go. Greta then walks by and says hello to both of them. She asks Frankie if he was just on his way to meet her, Jack, and Billie at The Spectator to start their research and investigation. He says he was. Frankie takes Max aside and tells him to go to Abby and make this right. Deep down, he knows that what he did was wrong and that Abby should not be treated like this by him. Frankie hugs him and wishes him luck as he leaves with Greta. Greta asks Frankie if he is ready to get going on this MCF stuff. He says he is as ready as he will ever be.

-Max goes to Abby's room and paces back and forth outside it. He is hesistant to go in, realizing how much he probably has hurt her as it is just know setting in how awful he treated her. He understands now that he really screwed up. He realizes he just needs to go for it and make this right. He then walks into Abby's room, stunning Abby. Abby asks what he wants. Max says they have to talk.

Meanwhile, in the basement of the hospital, a mysterious person is walking through the hospital security headquarters. It's the MCF!! The camera then pans around to reveal a guard on the floor unconscious. The MCF has a video in hand, that is dated 2/13/07 and says "SECURE AND HOLD IN LIEU OF POTENTIAL POLICE INVESTIGATION-CASSIE DIMERA FALL CASE." The MCF then walks out of the security headquarters, closing the door behind him or her. Chelsea then arrives and wonders how she is going to do this. She enters the headquarters and finds the guard knocked out, seeing this will be easier then she thought

Chelsea looks around for awhile and finally finds a video dated 2/13/07 and with the same title "SECURE AND HOLD IN LIEU OF POTENTIAL POLICE INVESTIGATION-CASSIE DIMERA FALL CASE." She takes it and checks the security camera, noticing it's not on. She wonders what is going on and checks the guard's pulse. He is alive. She wonders what is going on here and leaves before she is blamed for it. As she leaves, the MCF steps out of the shadows, holding the video, saying:

MCF (via voice changer): Sure you got the right video, young Chelsea?

The MCF then laughs as he or she exits via a maintenance entrance.

-Hope and Doug are on the peir searching for Maggie. They decide it's best to split up so they can cover more ground. Doug asks Hope if it's time to get the police involved. She says it's near that time and they should probably consider it if they don't find Maggie within the hour. They separate and Hope tells Doug she will call and check in with him in an hour.

Meanwhile, Julie arrives at Chez Rouge. She tries to open the front door and, later, the side doors and employee entrance and learns they are all locked. She sees the lights off and wonders what is going on and why the place is closed during the day. She bangs on the front door and yells to Maggie if she is in there.

Maggie, with tears streaming down her face and liquor still in hand, says:


Maggie, in her emotional drunken rage, intentially knocks over the candle. The area around the bar catches fire, with the broken liquor bottle on the floor and all the liquor behind the bar only enhancing the flames.

Maggie (crying): Mickey gave me this...I don't deserve it or anything...or anyone. Let it burn...let it all burn. It doesn't matter...nothing matters. I destroyed everything including myself...I may as well destroy this place too.

The flames consume the front end of the restaurant. Maggie walks away from the flames but trips and falls while in her drunken state, hitting her head on a table. She lies unconscious as the restaurant is engulfed in flames and Julie can be heard screaming outside "Maggie!!! Are you there?" as the screen fades out.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Eric to Nicole: You never did tell me where you went last night.

Hope: Oh my God...Bo!!

Kate to Will: Open this door now and tell me what the hell is going on!!

Sami to Lucas: What's wrong? It's my Aunt Maggie.

Victor to Nico (watching TV): Oh God...

Julie to Doug: She's in there. Maggie is in the restaurant!! (as Maggie lies in the restaurant inferno).

MCF (watching the fire): This gives me an idea.


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