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March 6, 2007




-At the motel outside of Chicago, Kayla continues to be confused as to Steve forgetting the last two months. She asks him again if he is sure he doesn't remember anything since right before the shootout at the New Year's Eve Ball. Steve says he is sure...the last thing he remembers is Stefano and Victor's men, along with the SPD and ISA, all surrounding the room looking like they were going to open fire. He then remembers passing out and that is it.

Kayla recalls hearing Steve scream a few minutes ago while she was in the shower and she wonders if maybe he had another traumatic memory of being tortured or something. That could cause him to block out some things but it wouldn't cause him to block out all the happy memories and all the progress they had made over the past few weeks while on their trip. Steve feels horrible that his condition has regressed and begins to break down. Kayla takes him in her arms and tells him it will be ok. They will figure this out and beat this together. They will go on another trip and help bring those memories back again.

Kayla reminds Steve that if he remembered before, he can remember them again. Steve still feels bad hearing that he had made so much progress and that he and Kayla were close to getting their lives back. Kayla says they will find happiness and he will recover. She won't give up on him and she begs him not to give up on her. He says he won't and thanks her for supporting him. He can't remember much about her but he can see that she cares and loves him, although he doesn't think he deserves it. Kayla tells him not to say that and says he does deserve it. She promises him that he will get his memories back and be Steve again and that he will recover. She adds that they will find out what happened tonight to make him forget the past two months...that she promises him.

-At Salem University Hospital, Lexie enters Stefano's room with Rich. Rich tells her that Stefano made it through surgery but is in a coma. It looks like he will recover but they don't know when he will wake up. Lexie thanks him and asks if she can be with her father alone. Rich leaves.

Lexie sits down next to her father and takes his hand lovingly. She then breaks down in tears and begs her father to fight and come back to her. She needs him to help her get revenge and get her son back. She also needs him to tell her what the MCF said. They can never get rid of the MCF if he doesn't wake up. He may hold the key. She tells him that she doesn't understand what he told her before going to surgery. She says that she thought about Tony and him being what the MCF was talking about when he hinted at something to Stefano prior to being shot.

Lexie notes that they have no idea where Tony is and that Stefano has had people looking for him since summer. That could very well fit in with what the MCF told Stefano about having "something he wanted" and something he had been "searching for." Lexie sees Stefano's heart rate go up on the monitor as she is mentioning this. She asks out loud if he thinks she should increase the search for Tony. She looks at Stefano and admits that she can feel that he would want that...that he would want to explore this to see if Tony is who the MCF is talking about. She needs to check this out and, if she checks out the obvious places that Andre or Ernesto would've kept him, then it would lead to the conclusion that the MCF has Tony.

Lexie promises Stefano that will get revenge on the MCF for doing this to him and she will look into the Tony possibility. She kisses his hand and lays on his stomach. Meanwhile, outside Stefano's room, Celeste has overheard the whole exchange. She goes in search of Abe and finds him at the Nurses Station. He asks her if she is finally ready to go home. Celeste explains to Abe the conversation she heard Alexandra having with Stefano and she says she has an idea.

She reminds Abe of their plan to do their own investigation to find a way to bring down Stefano and the Dimera's to stop their influence on Alexandra and to protect Theo. She tells Abe that Tony could be the key. He has always tried to give the Dimera name honor and respect. He would want to clean up the Dimera image so he may be willing to provide some sort of info to help them somehow bring down Stefano and the Dimera organization. This way, Tony could rebuild it in a more positive light. Abe likes the idea. Celeste explains that Lexie is going to be looking into the possibility that the MCF has Tony, based on what the MCF told Stefano before his shooting, so Celeste thinks they should monitor Lexie and tail her every move.

Abe is hesistant at first, saying this may be a wild goose chase and could push Lexie further away from them, but agrees it could work out. He says it's worth a shot. Celeste thanks him and says she hopes this helps with getting the Lexie they know and love back and maybe with bringing down the MCF somehow. Abe hopes so too.

-On another end of the hospital, Eric doesn't get what Austin is tyring to say. He asks Austin if he is suggesting that the baby he and Nicole found is Carrie's. Carrie overhears and is stunned. Eric whispers to Austin to cool it and not to give Carrie false hope. Austin tells Carrie that she misunderstood. They were just talking about how they need to watch her so she doesn't become delusional after all she has been through. Rich then comes by and tells Carrie she needs to be in bed if she wants to go home later today. He also reminds Eric and Austin visiting hours are over.

Eric and Austin apologize. Austin kisses Carrie good night and Eric embraces her. Carrie goes back to her room, wondering if Eric and Austin lied and if they may be on to something in regards to her baby. Carrie begins to lean more and more towards admitting the truth...that her baby is still alive and she lied. She begins to beleive that may be the key to finding her baby. Outside the room, Eric tells Austin to be more careful. Carrie has been through enough. She doesn't need false hope. Austin apologizes. He just thinks it's weird that Nicole and him found a newborn child at Green Mountain on the same day as they found Carrie and learned that her baby had "died." Not to mention they found Carrie about 5 miles away from Green Mountain Lodge.

Eric tells Austin it's nothing more then a coincidence. Nothing more. Carrie wouldn't lie about her baby dying and she certainly wouldn't give him or her up. Austin agrees that Eric is right. They shake hands and bid each other goodnight after admitting it's been a long day and night. Eric leaves while Austin continues to ponder what Eric told him. Austin thinks about how Carrie went into hiding and lied to all of them about being with her mother just because she didn't want to cause problems with those she cares about and she didn't want her baby to grow up around alot of tension due to the paternity. He wonders if it's possible Carrie lied again saying her baby died when it's actually alive and she only gave it up. He looks in on Carrie lying on her bed, wondering if his theory could be true.

-At the Kiriakis Mansion, Julie tries to comfort a devestated Maggie over the sight of Victor and Nicole in bed together. Victor and Nicole quickly collect themselves and leave the room to get dressed. Maggie asks Julie how he could do this to her. Victor and Nicole return fully dressed. Victor apologizes for them walking on on this.

Maggie (crying): How could you do this???!!! I thought you cared about me!!! You were my friend and I thought we were turning into something more!!!

Victor: I'm sorry, Maggie. I'm sorry if you misunderstood. I am still your friend and I do care about you but it was never anything more then that. I'm sorry. I will still be there for you...

Maggie: You told me you loved me before you left. How and when in the hell did you hook up with this tramp?

Nicole: Hey!

Victor: It just happened. I have been gone for awhile and...

Maggie: Don't tell me things chance. Julie tracked you down and met with you. She would've told me if you had intentions to...

Victor: Well, there are things Julie doesn't have the right to know so I kept it to myself.

Julie then recalls herself telling Victor to either settle things with Maggie or cut all ties to her. She figures he is cutting all ties to her right now and that this is all a setup with Henderson and Nico's help. She wonders what Nicole is getting out of this.

Maggie: I can't beleive this. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?!!

Victor (puts head down): I'm sorry. I didn't want you to see this...

Maggie (crying hysterically): Well, I am glad I did. Now I know the truth. I got played. Now I know Mickey is and was my only true love. I will never have anything close to that again. I had hope I found it with you but...you hurt me so much!!!

Victor: I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say.

Maggie: Don't say anything. I'm through anyway. I'm not going to stand here and subject myself to looking at this disgusting display anymore.

Maggie gets in Victor's face and says:

Maggie: I HATE YOU!!! I HATE YOU!!! YOU BROKE MY HEART!!! YOU KNOW WHAT I HAVE BEEN THROUGH!!! THE HEARTBREAKN, THE SUFFERING...HOW COULD YOU STEP ALL OVER ME LIKE THIS?! IT'S NOT RIGHT!!! I guess I deserve this...Mickey did die because of me so maybe it's payback. I chose to stay on the island and he stays back and BAM! He's gone and so is my life. I may be still living but, tonight I realize, I will never be as happy again as I was before that night Mickey died. Never. Thank you, Victor Kiriakis. Thank you for giving me hope and making me think everything could be ok again...and then ripping my heart out and walking all over it. I hope you burn in hell!!

Maggie slaps Victor and then races out in tears with Julie behind her. Maggie races out of the mansion and Julie can't catch up. Julie reaches the car and notices that Maggie hasn't returned to it. She realizes Maggie has taken off on foot.

Meanwhile, Victor tells Nicole her work is done. She can leave. Nicole wants Victor's assurance that no one else will find out about their ruse. She can't have Eric or anyone else find out that she had "sex" with Victor. Victor tells her not to worry. She also reminds Victor to take care of his end of the deal. He says he will. Nicole tells him he better and leaves.

Julie returns to Victor and asks how he could do this. Victor reminds her of her saying that he needed to settle the Maggie situation. He just did...he cut ties to her. Julie asks if he had to be that extreme and that harsh. She warns Victor that if Maggie goes over the edge, he will be to blame. Julie leaves as Victor looks on, thinking and hoping he did the right thing and that it will all turn out for the best.

Julie then calls Doug, who is still up in the the early morning hours with Alice as they were worried about her and Maggie. Julie tells Doug she will need his help and that maybe he should call Hope to help as something has happened and Maggie is missing. Doug says he will and that he will be right there. Julie hangs up and prays Maggie is ok.

Meanwhile, Nicole gets in her car and hopes that Victor keeps his end of the bargain. She also hopes that he makes sure Julie, Maggie, and anyone else that knows she was with Victor will keep their mouth shut. She drives off in her car while, out of the shadows, the MCF emerges with a camcorder. The MCF presses play on the unit and it shows Nicole and Victor in bed and having "sex." The MCF stops it and says:

MCF (via voice changer): Oh, don't worry Nicole. No one is going to say a word...they will be able to see what you did.

The MCF then laughs as he or she walks away and the screen fades out.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Max to Abby: We need to talk.

Cassie to Chelsea: I have another task for you and, if you refuse, you go down in flames.

Sami (with Lucas) to Carrie and Austin: I think it's time we lay everything out and put the past in the past.

Kate to Will: What is going on?

Hope to Doug: I'm not sure any of us can take much more.

Julie: Maggie!!! Are you in there?

Maggie (crying): To hell with this place...to hell with everyone!!!


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