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Episode #322 - Tuesday, March 6th, 2007:

  • The nurses manage to bring J.T. back from the brink of death.
  • Hope tells Belle and Marlena she’ll never be able to forgive them for their irresponsibility!
  • Shawn rips Belle for being so stupid as to take her eyes off the children!
  • Max and Abby scream and yell at Cassie and verbally tear her apart for lying about the paternity of the baby that died at birth! Cassie refuses to admit Jeremy is the father! Connor finally cannot take it anymore, and he confesses that it’s true!
  • Connor says he overheard Jan and Cassie discussing the secret, and the baby was Jeremy’s! Max says Jeremy was the person who just called him and told him the truth. Max tells her to admit it. She refuses. Mimi and Rex arrive and urge Cassie to confess. Cassie finally breaks down and confesses everything!
  • Andy and E.C. continue to bond. Andy says he is at the school for his last semester so he can get a degree in Forensics and Criminal Psychology so he can get a job at the Salem P.D. and nab the Fury before he kills anyone else!
  • Peter does some digging and discovers exactly where Annie Douglas is in Chicago!
  • Max tells Cassie she is a worthless piece of a trash and that he cannot believe he fell for lies AGAIN! Abby freaks out and screams calling Cassie a !@#$%^&*]! Cassie fires back at Abby, and Max and Connor come to her defense telling Cassie she has no right ever to speak to Abby that way ever again! Abby says to Max she wishes he came to her defense when she was saying Cassie lied about how the baby died. Max apologizes, but Abby says it’s too late. She says she made love to Connor and has strong feelings for him. She also says she cannot forgive Max for not believing her over Cassie!
  • J.T. is rushed to a hospital in Chicago since the Salem University Hospital was blown up by the Fury.
  • Hope and Bo stay by J.T.’s side and pray for a miracle.
  • Kayla tells Bo and Hope J.T. was severely injured, and she tells them in the kindest way possible that it will be a miracle if he lives.
  • Annie Douglas dances on a stage in a strip joint. The bar is run down, and no one is there. She prances around the stage unenthusiastically. When a man tries to grope her, she tells him if he touches her, she’ll chop his penis off! Peter is amused.
  • The Fury sends a message to Andy and E.C. telling them he/she is going to kill again before the night is over.
  • Peter offers Annie a briefcase full of money if she gives him a private lap dance.
  • Abby says even though the truth is now out about Cassie, she cannot be with Max because he did not believe her and that says VOLUMES about his feelings for Abby! Max fires back and asks Connor why he did not come forward about Cassie’s lies! Abby is furious at Connor for not telling the truth sooner, but she says it would not have helped her reunite with Max anyway! Abby says she and Max have been over since he chose to believe Cassie over her!
  • Peter and Annie’s lap dance is sexy and steams up the screen. He soon covers her mouth with an handkerchief drenched in ether and knocks her unconscious! Peter vows to bring her back to Salem and prove Sami’s innocence!
  • Abby reprimands Max for being a fool and ruining their love. She leaves him, Connor, and Cassie behind. Connor chases after Abby. Max and Cassie remain. Max tells Cassie he never wants to see her again! He says he hopes she DIES! Cassie breaks down and falls to the ground, crying. Rex comforts her, and Mimi holds onto Rex as he does. She lays on the ground, screaming and crying.
  • Bo works with the police to find out how this happened exactly.
  • Kayla tells Hope she has bad news…Hope screams, and it echoes throughout the hospital.
  • Split screen between a screaming and devastated Hope and Cassie. *FREEZE FRAME.*

Next Episode: Death hits Salem once again!

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