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March 5, 2007




-It's past midnight in Salem and a new day is in it's early stages. Kayla and Steve are in a motel outside of Chicago after their return flight to Salem was grounded due to bad weather. Kayla apologizes to Steve for them having to make an unscheduled landing. She also apologizes that they had to cut their little trip down memory lane short. Her mother called and told her that there was issues with her family and that they needed her so she felt like this was right.

Steve is ok with it and tells Kayla it's fine. He has already remembered so much and the memories of his being tortured have not surfaced in awhile. Kayla says they can pick up right where they left on on the trip once she handled what she must. She figures it will be good for him to get a break from putting pressure on himself to remember anyway. Steve agrees. Kayla goes to take shower and smiles at home before she enters the bathroom, saying that she feels like they are so close to getting their life back. Steve smiles back as Kayla closes the bathroom door.

Steve decides to lay down on the bed and, as he watches TV, someone is watching him from outside the motel room.

-Back in Salem at the Deveraux home, Billie pulls away from Jack and walks away from him. Jack kissing Billie and then Billie returning the kiss has clearly flustered both of them. Both are silent until Jack says:

Jack: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I...

Billie: No. It's...ok. I...

Jack: I only did it because you were hysterical and upset. I just wanted for you to calm down and kissing you was the first thing that...I'm sorry.

Billie: No. I'm sorry. I was irrational. I still blame myself and I feel guilty as hell but JJ, Angel, and their mother and brother...whoever killed them would've gotten to them anyway regardless if we told the police what we knew. I can't change what happened but I can avenge their deaths and make sure they don't die in vain. I can make sure we break this mystery open and catch this mysterious cloaked figure and whoever is working with him or her.

Jack: Now that's the spirit. That's the Billie I know. The four of us...you, me, Frankie, and Greta. We will get to the bottom of this. God knows the police and ISA are having trouble.

Billie: Yeah. Hey...Jack. Thanks. Thanks for being here and for listening and....

Jack: That's what friends are for. You did the same for me when Jennifer died and when our daughters nearly died. I'm just sorry I had to kiss you to shut you up.

Billie: Yeah...well, it meant nothing. I mean, we're just good friends and, even if it did mean something, I have been hurt so many times and with so much going on...I'm not ready for another relationship right now. Not now...maybe not ever.

Jack: Yeah. I'm not ready to move on either. Jennifer has only been gone for eight months and I have so much on my plate as it is. You don't have to worry. We are just good friends and that is all we will be. I'm sorry if I compromised our friendship.

Billie: You did nothing wrong...just like you tell me. It's fine.

They embrace, both clearly upset and both apparently still affected by all that has happened.

-At the Kiriakis Mansion, Victor tells Nicole to sit down. Nicole asks what Victor could possibly want from her. He says he has a proposal for her. He says he has a plan...a plan that will push Maggie out of his life. It's a little extreme but it's necessary. He needs to cut ties to her. It's simply too dangerous for her to be involved with him and he cares too much. Nicole asks what Victor needs her to do. He looks at her and says he just needs her to put on a show. Nicole looks at him, wondering what he means and her face then turns from one of confusion to one of shock. Nicole tells Victor that she can't do that, especially since she is married and she would lose everything if it ever got back to Eric, which it's bound to if Maggie and anyone else sees it.

Victor assures her he will make sure everything works out. Nicole asks how. He asks for her to trust him. He says he will give her a great reward in return. Nicole suddenly has a look of contemplation on her face, which then turns to a devilish look. Victor says he knows that look and asks what Nicole has in mind. She fills him in on the baby she and Eric found at Green Mountain and how she wants to adopt him. She asks Victor to pull some strings and to make sure she gets custody of the child. Victor asks if that's all. Nicole thinks for a moment and then says no and adds:

Nicole: There is something else I want. I gave up my job for my husband and now he is working and I will not be homemaker, even with a child. So...what I want from you is a job worthy of my talents. I want you to give me a high-ranking position at Titan. I know Philip fired Lucas while you were presumed dead so you have an executive position to fill. You know I do a good job and my track record speaks for itse...

Victor: Shutup Nicole. So...you want this baby you found and Lucas's former job at Titan?

Nicole: Yep. That's it. Oh, and your word that none of this gets back to Eric or anyone else that can ruin things for me. That's all.

Victor: Yeah...that's all. Fine...Nicole. You have yourself a deal.

Victor reaches out his hand and Nicole reaches back and they shake hands.

-At Maggie's house, Julie tells Maggie she doesn't think it will be a good idea if she sees Victor. Maggie asks why. Julie explains that he just got back and it may be too soon. She also tells Maggie she knows Victor has alot to deal with. Maggie asks how she knows so much. Julie reminds her that, while she was drunk, Maggie let it slip that Victor was alive so she tracked him down and convinced him to come home. She saw Maggie falling apart and felt like she needed to do something. Maggie doesn't remember that and it makes her wonder who else she may have told about Victor. She embraces Julie and thanks her for helping to bring Victor back. Julie begs Maggie not to tell Doug. He would be furious. Maggie agrees.

Maggie says she still wants to head for Victor's. They have alot to talk about afterall. Julie's cell phone rings. She excuses herself and answers it. It's Victor and he asks Julie where Maggie is. She explains that she is right there with her and that she wants to see him. Maggie tries to grab the phone once she hears it's Victor. Victor, figuring word of his return had spread, tries to tell Julie to bring Maggie over to the mansion with her as he doesn't want her to be alone. Julie can't hear him as Maggie tries to grab the phone. Julie drops her cell phone and loses the call. Maggie says to forget it...she will just head over to the mansion right now.

Maggie races out with Julie behind her, wondering what Victor was trying to say to her. Julie reminds Maggie she had a few drinks and shouldn't drive. Maggie then asks Julie to drive. Julie gives in and agrees and they head for Victor's. Meanwhile, Victor tells Nicole it's showtime and then goes to give Nico and Henderson their instructions.

-Back at the motel room where Steve and Kayla are staying, Steve's eye is closed and Kayla is enjoying her shower. Just then, the person watching Steve from outside picks the lock on the door and enters the room. The person walks over to the bed and watches over Steve. The person then pulls out a syringe and prepares to use it. The person is....

the MCF!!!

Steve then opens his eye, feeling someone is watching him. He is stunned to see the MCF with the syringe and it reminds him of the memories he had of being tortured and of them drugging him with syringes and all sorts of needles. Steve tries to fight the MCF off but can't as the MCF shoves the syringe right into his leg. Steve then screams in pain, getting Kayla's attention in the shower. The MCF then kneels down next to Steve and says:

MCF: You have been a naughty boy, haven't you? Leaving Salem like that...tsk tsk. Well, not to worry. The problem has been solved and all is right again. I must go...Patch. Can't be caught in here, you know. Don't worry, though. I will be in touch.

The MCF then leaves as Steve's eye slowly closes and he begins to go into convulsions.

-At Salem University Hospital, Eric is with Carrie in her room and they are catching up. He he apologizes for not being there for her when she needed him. Carrie says she understands. Austin comes in and hugs Eric and they shake hands. He asks how Nicole is. He says she is fine. A nurse comes in and tells Carrie it's time for bed and that visiting hours were over some time ago. Austin and Eric apologize. They say their goodbyes to Carrie with Austin giving her a kiss and Eric giving her a hug. They both leave.

Outside Carrie's room, Austin and Eric talk about what happened while he was away. Eric feels horrible for Carrie and says that is why he didn't mention the baby he and Nicole found. Austin asks what baby. Eric tells him that he and Nicole found a newborb baby boy near Green Mountain Lodge. CPS now has control over the child but Nicole wants to adopt it. Austin's interest is piqued and asks when Eric and Nicole found the child. Eric says it was the first night they were at the lodge. Austin notes that that was the same night they found Carrie and she told them her baby "died." Austin asks Eric if he knows where the baby is. He says no and asks why. Austin tells Eric that he needs to see the child ASAP.

-Back at the Deveraux house, Billie decides to go up to bed. Jack tells her that the guest room should be all set for her. She thanks him again for everything and they share an awkward embrace. She then smiles and turns and looks at him as she walks upstairs. After she leaves, Jack thinks about the kiss and notes that Billie kissed him back. He wonders if there really is more between them and if they are both just afraid to pursue it. Meanwhile, upstairs, Billie thinks about the kiss too and can't help but wonder the same as Jack.

-Back at the motel room, Kayla races out of the shower and over to Steve, asking why he screamed. Steve doesn't respond and isn't waking up. Kayla begs him to wake up. She checks his pulse and notices his breathing is heavy and that his heart rate is high. She wonders what is going on. She is about to call 911 when Steve wakes up. Kayla asks if he is ok. Steve looks around confused and asks where they are. She reminds him of their trip but Steve is clueless as to what she is saying and simply asks:

Steve: What happened at the Ball?

Kayla (confused): What ball?

Steve: New Year's Eve. There were guys with guns all over and they were ready to shoot. Is everyone ok?

Kayla: Steve...what are you...is New Year's Eve the last thing you remember?

Steve: Yeah...I think so. The last thing I remember is passing out in the middle of the ballroom as the shots were about to be fired. Other then that, I don't remember anything after that and I certainly don't remember how I got here.

Kayla: Oh my...how did this happen?

As a confused Steve and a bewildered Kayla try to figure out what is going on, the MCF watches outside and laughs, pleased at what he/she is seeing.

-Maggie and Julie arrive at the Kiriakis Mansion. Maggie is about to enter. Julie pulls her aside and, remembering Victor wanted to tell her something on the phone, says she doesn't think that this is a good idea. She just has a bad feeling. Maggie dismisses Julie's instincts. Julie says that maybe Maggie should just cut ties to Victor for awhile and focus on cleaning up her life. Maggie reminds Julie that she started drinking again when Victor left. Julie tells Maggie that she needs to be strong enough on her own to fight the temptation to drink and that she needs to get some help. Victor can't always be around.

Maggie ignores her and rings the bell. Henderson answers and asks what Maggie is doing there. Maggie says she must see Victor. Henderson insists it's not a good time and that Mr. Kiriakis isn't there. Nico then comes downstairs and tells Henderson that he can go home as Mr. K doesn't need him the rest of the night. Nico doesn't see Maggie there. Maggie pushes past both of them and races upstairs to find Victor. Julie follows behind her while Henderson and Nico look at each other and smile. Nico says:

Nico: Good job. It went just as planned.

Henderson: I just hope this doesn't push Mrs. Horton over the edge. She is such a nice person. I would hate to see her...

Nico: Mr. K knows what he is doing. Otherwise, he wouldn't be doing this.

Maggie is now upstairs and is checking all the rooms. She is now outside Victor's bedroom. Julie advises her to knock first but Maggie is so excited to find Victor and reunite with him that she just opens the door and stops dead in her tracks, stunned by the scene she has come upon.

The camera then pans across the room to reveal Nicole and Victor in bed together, kissing passionately. Tears stream down Maggie's face as she tries not to beleive what is right in front of her as Julie comforts her.

Maggie (crying): No...No...it can't be.

Julie: Aunt Mag...

Maggie: NO!!!!!!

Maggie's scream gets Nicole and Victor's attention as Victor and a devestated Maggie lock eyes as the screen fades out on her horrified face.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Celeste to Abe: I think I may have some answers that you are looking for.

Lexie to Stefano: You saved my life and I promise you I will catch the person that did this and make them pay.

Kayla to Steve: How could this happen? How could you just forget the last two months?

Eric to Austin: What are you saying?

Austin to Eric: That maybe there is a chance Carrie's baby is still alive and...

Carrie: What?!

Maggie to Victor: I hate you. I HATE YOU!!!


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