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S&L: Episode 129



Secrets & Lies: Episode 129
Friday, March 3, 2007

The tone in Robin's voice scared him a little Jason. What could she possibly have to say to him? Neither spoke with one another in quite a few months some time; well, not a real conversation, at least. His cell phone immediately started to vibrate. Flipping it open, he greeted the person on the other end. "Hello? Sonny, I'm on my way to meet Robin right now," he replied, listening to what Sonny was sharing with him. "What do you mean someone's been asking questions about you? What kind of questions? Okay, let me see what Robin wants and I'll come over to see you."

A nagging feeling suddenly came over him after hanging up with Sonny. First he gets the call from Robin, now Sonny. What could possibly be next? As he rounded the corner, making his way to the park, he realized that he spoke too soon. Across the way from him, he spotted Anna and Alexis talking together. Slowing his pace, he curiously watched on, as the two seemed in serious conversation with one another.

"What is Anna Devane doing talking to Alexis?" Jason softly questioned, making sure not to lose sight of them.

Across the way, Alexis pulled out a file, handing it over to Anna. "I thought about what you said Anna and I reconsidered my previous decision. However, if you in anyway have it discovered that it was I that gave you this information on Sonny, I will deny it. Understood?" The sooner she got back to her office and away from Anna, the better, Alexis thought.

Opening up the file briefly, Anna smiled back. "Duly noted and definitely understood, Mrs. Davis. I promise you, you will not regret giving me this information about Sonny Corinthos." Letting the smile to continue playing at her lips, Anna leaned in closer. "Before you know it, Sonny, along with a lot of other crime dealers will be off the streets." Placing the file in her attaché case, Anna walked in the opposite direction.

Back at the other end of the crossing, Jason's mind was in overdrive. What was it that Alexis gave to her? He immediately thought of what Sonny just told him on the phone. Something was definitely up and he didn't like it one bit. Taking his cell phone out of his pocket, he dialed Robin's number. "Robin, I know I said I would meet you at the park, but I need you to meet me later on, okay? Look, I realize you said it was important, but I have something to take care of immediately. Can you meet me at Kelly's in two hours? Fine, I'll see you then."

The next call he made was to Sonny. "Sonny, don't go anywhere. I'm on my way to see you. We might have some trouble we didn't think was possible."

Maxie was sitting at Kelly's looking at the little vial of powder that she just received. Tonight's party would be the night she changed everything for Dillon and Lucas. Putting the vial in her purse, she sipped her coffee. The thoughts and possibilities were endless. Dillon would have to face the fact right then and there regarding his harboring feelings for Lucas. As for Lucas, well, he would soon see Dillon in a whole new light.

"Maxie, I want to talk to you," Lulu demanded, startling Maxie from her devious thoughts. Lulu, for weeks, had known that Maxie was constantly trying to set Dillon off; and she was beyond tired of it. "Amanda told me you cornered her, demanding she tell you about a conversation she had with Dillon and Lucas. Do you want to tell me about that little 'interrogation' Maxie?"

Scowling at her, Maxie sat her coffee cup down. "You know, you could have made me spill my coffee, Lulu. I find it kind of you just making it a point of sitting down at a table you so clearly weren't invited to," she snapped, wiping coffee from the edge of the table.

"Save the speech, and tell me why you are so concerned about what Amanda was talking to Dillon and Lucas about," she demanded again, this time glaring directly at Maxie. "She already told me that there is going to be a party tonight, so my question to you is this: Why are you so worried on whether Dillon goes or not?"

Rolling her eyes, Maxie was beyond tired of Lulu Spencer's guardian angel routine. "If you already know what Amanda told me….Then tell me, why are you here at my table, harassing me? Why should you even care about my wanting to know if Dillon would be there?"

"Because, I know you've been giving Dillon a hard time; constantly riding him, trying your best to bother him about his friendship with Lucas. I mean, come on, Maxie. What is so wrong with Dillon being friends with Lucas? I didn't figure you to be the type to look down at someone that has a different sexual preference."

Having heard enough of the conversation, Maxie, proceeded to get up from the table. Unfortunately for her, Lulu was on her feet as well. "As much as I would love to sit here and talk to you about nonsense, I have things to do". Slipping on her coat, she grabbed her purse and walked out the door, hoping that Lulu would not follow.

Not taking kindly to the brush off, Lulu grabbed her coat and followed right behind. "I'm not done talking with you Maxie," she bellowed, snatching her arm. In the midst of the struggle, Maxie's purse fell, spilling all of its contents. Bending over, Lulu's eyes zoomed in on a folder Maxie had containing private journal entries from Dillon’s journal. While she looked through the folder, Lulu stepped on Maxie’s vial. "What the hell...." she said, snatching it from a frantic Maxie, who was obviously trying to keep it out of sight. "You little bitch; you were going to go to that party and..."

Pissed off that her vial was broke and angry that Lulu discovered her folder, Maxie, lunged at Lulu. "Give it to me," she screamed, trying her best to get the contents out of Lulu's hands. A smack in the face was all she received.

"I wonder what Mac would say to this," she challenged, waving the vial in the air. "Granted he's no longer commissioner, I still would reckon he would be none-to-pleased to find out that his step-daughter is breaking into the private computers of Port Charles citizens." When she saw Maxie proceed to lunge at her, Lulu purposely dropped the folder into the sewer drain. "You're despicable, you know that?"

Screaming in anger, Maxie shoved the rest of her contents in her purse. "You are going to regret what you just did, Lulu Spencer. I promise you that." Anger shown in her face as she watched the petite blonde walk off. Rubbing her face where she had been slapped, she continued to glare at her. A part of my plan may have been ruined, but I have a bigger plan now, and Lulu and Dillon will soon regret it."

At Wyndemere, Nikolas was frantic when he was told by Alfred that Sam left hours ago. The first person he had called was Lucky. Maybe he stopped by and took her somewhere, he thought, dialing the number. "Lucky, it's me, Nik. Is Sam with you?"

"No, why would she be with me," Lucky answered, puzzled by the phone call. "Are you telling me that Sam disappeared? Where the hell were you?!" he shouted, trying not to get too worked up.

"Look, now is not the time to start hollering on the phone. Just get over here, and help me find her, alright?" Slamming the phone down, Nikolas ran his hands through his hair. "Sam, where in the world could you have gone?" he asked silently, getting ready to head out the door to look for her. Realizing that he just told Lucky to meet him at the house, he threw his coat back on the couch.

If Sam was out on the streets of Port Charles, there was no telling who might have seen her; who could have approached her. If someone did see her, Lucky and Nik would have some serious damage control to do. His thoughts immediately went to the discussion he and Lainey had at Sam's session. His silence would definitely hurt a lot of people; one of them being Alexis.

Minutes passed when Alfred came into the study. "Sir Nikolas, a Mr. Lucky Spencer is here to see you," he said, waiting for his command to show the guest in.

"It's okay, Alfred, tell him to come in. Please close the door behind him for me."

Lucky wasted no time coming into the study. Waiting until the door was closed, Lucky glared at Nik. "How could you be so careless as to let Sam leave the house? What if someone saw her, Nik?"

'Don't you think I know the chances of her being seen, Lucky, huh? Don't come in here snapping at me about the risks. If it weren't for you keeping Sam a secret to begin with, then maybe we wouldn't be in this mess right now."

Plopping on the couch, Lucky put his head in his hands. "I told you, I was trying to keep Sam from being hurt again. I won't regret trying to protect her. We just need to get out there and..." he pleaded, but stopped when the door to the study opened. "Oh my God, Sam."

Nik and Lucky both raced to the frightened woman's side, each asking tons of questions. Stepping away from them, Sam sat on the couch. "I went to the park to clear my head."

"You have an entire island to yourself! You have to promise me you will never leave unless one of us is with you, okay?" Nik requested, still shaken by the fact that Sam was gone to begin with. Sitting beside her, he took her hand in his after seeing that she looked scared. "What happened in the park?"

Tears flooded her eyes, as she admitted to being discovered while there. "I saw a woman there at the park, and I tried my best not to be seen, but I dropped my glove. She must have seen it and followed me to give it back," she said. "She saw me and said my name. I got scared and ran off."

Trying to calm her down, Nikolas suggested that Sam go upstairs to her room and rest. "I'll come up to check on you in a few hours, just go upstairs and rest a bit, alright?" Once she retreated up to her room, Nik faced a nervous Lucky. "We have a serious problem Lucky, you do realize that don't you?"

"Why, thanks for reminding me, Nikolas. I think I am very well aware that we have a problem," he snapped back, pacing back and forth. "Who was the woman that saw her? That's what we need to be finding out?" Lucky suddenly feared who the person could have been. "My God, what if it was Elizabeth that saw Sam? If it was Liz at the park, you know she's going to make her way toward Jason and tell him."

Waving a hand, Nik had someone else in mind. "It might not have been Liz; what if it were Alexis that saw Sam in the park? I know she had errands to run today, so it could have been her that came face-to-face with her." He suddenly grew agitated and took it out again on Lucky.
"I told you the risks you created when keeping folks from knowing Sam was a live. Was getting back at Jason worth it, huh, Lucky? My aunt could be going crazy right now."

Taking the attack on him, Lucky couldn't do anything but agree with Nikolas. "It doesn't matter who saw Sam, whether it be Liz or Alexis. The person that saw her will tell someone; and when they do, all hell is going to break lose."

Back at her apartment, Robin Scorpio picked up the lone glove, putting it in her purse. Checking her watch, she gathered up her things and proceeded to meet with Jason.

On the next GH: Secrets & Lies….

-Jason has a hard time believing what Robin has to tell him regarding Sam
-The fraternity party is underway and Maxie sets off to make her move.


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I have had to catch up but you have done a great job! I love that Robin saw Sam. Nice play on history as it somewhat parrallels her telling AJ about Michael. Nice touch of Alexis selling out Sonny. I love how Anna is being written as such a smart, feisty woman.

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I agree with Tishy on how your writing Anna, but im not sure how i feel about Alexis giving up Sonny. But great episode. I love what your doing with the teens. It's better than any other teen scene on TV.

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Just because Alexis gave Anna evidence doesn't mean it's credible evidence or evidence even relating to his criminal activities, lol.

I'm glad you all are liking the episodes. Venus is an amazing co-writer. She and I work very well together.

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Just because Alexis gave Anna evidence doesn't mean it's credible evidence or evidence even relating to his criminal activities, lol.

I'm glad you all are liking the episodes. Venus is an amazing co-writer. She and I work very well together.

That's very true, because Sonny is the father of her child. She hardly knows Anna.

Bit I am still loving how Anna is being written. Will we see any David and Anna interaction? Maybe some wild, unadulterated lust?

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oh yes. There are a lot of David/Anna scenes coming up. Do you like the ICU episodes Tishy? Where we focus on a select group of characters for that episode?

I plan on having one where David sorta promotes himself as a changed man and talks about all of the wonderful things he's done since coming to town (and getting a promotion so fast). It'll be filled with a lot of angst with them beginning to address some of the reasons why their marriage fell apart in the first place.

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Yes I do. I try my hardest to comment but have been just crazy busy. The Bobbie intervention one was great. One thing that still sticks out is Carly going to get the tea. That is something small, but it is an important detail. The ICU remind me of the GH primetime specials that they had a few years back, you know it will be good.

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