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S&L: Episode 126



Secrets & Lies: Episode 126
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Opening Video

Sarah couldn't keep her mind on the conversation that she was having with Audrey over breakfast this morning. All she could focus on was Patrick Drake. Despite the fact that Robin made it clear that he was her boyfriend, Sarah really didn't care. She wasn't doing anything wrong by talking with him; so she really didn't understand why Robin wanted to pull the whole territorial card out on her.

"Sarah, dear, what do you think about taking Cameron for a quick walk in the park,"Audrey asked, sipping her coffee. She was extremely happy that Sarah opted to stay at the house with her and Liz. "Dear, did you hear what I asked?"

Startled a little, Sarah immediately spilled her coffee on the table. "Oh, dear, I am so clumsy this morning," she said, quickly wiping up the mess. "Um, yeah, I'd love to take Cameron for a walk," she quickly answered back, hoping her grandmother didn't pick up on the fact that her mind was elsewhere. "I can take him right now, if you would like."

Smiling a little, Audrey pretended not to notice that her granddaughter was obviously in another world. "Elizabeth is at work, and I have a few things to take care of, so I figured what better way for you and your nephew to spend time together."

Making her way up the stairs, Sarah was all set to gather up Cameron and set out for their little journey to the park.

- At the park, Robin and Patrick pretended to believe that everything was going well between the two of them. No matter what, though, tension was definitely keeping the two of them at odds with one another. A part of Robin was angry that Patrick couldn't own up to the fact that she wanted to be exclusive with him; and a part of Patrick was angry that she basically assumed the worse of him where a mere conversation was taking place.

Trying to break the tension some, Robin scooped up some snow and tossed it at him. Unfortunately, it was the wrong move to make, especially when she saw the scowl appear on his face. "What is your problem, Patrick? How many times do I have to say that I am sorry?" she asked in exasperation. Wiping her hands clean, she glanced at him. "What?"

"What's the point in telling you how I'm feeling?" he snapped, using his scarf to wipe off the snow from his face. "You are just going to turn what I say around, and put the blame all on me."

"Do you think I'm going to 'pee' on you again," she snipped sarcastically. "I don't see what was so wrong in letting Miss Sarah know that you were spoken for; that we were an item," Robin was growing tired of talking about Elizabeth's sister. Liz was one of her closet friends, however, Sarah was another matter she wished would disappear.

Rolling his eyes, Patrick turned on his heels and began walking in the opposite direction. "If you're going to make little snide comments about what I was trying to get across to you, we can end this whole discussion right here and now, Robin" Stopping in his tracks, he kept his back from her. "You know exactly what I was saying when I made that comment about you always peeing on me. You get pissed when I even come within an inch of another female; and in all honesty, I'm making conversation. Am I to just close my eyes and turn off my hearing when any lady on the staff says hello to me?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Patrick," Robin snapped, walking towards him. "I didn't say that at all. But don't deny that you were way curious than need be when you were sitting at that table with Sarah. I had every right to let her know that you were my boyfriend, and won't be sorry for making her aware of that."

The two of them continued to argue about Sarah. Neither one paid much attention that Sarah was standing a great distance from the two of them, watching the entire heated exchange. Sarah definitely could pick up on the tension that was going on between the two of them, and to be honest, she was rather enjoying Patrick standing his ground.

- At the Quartermaine Mansion, A.J. was still brooding over the way Carly reacted to his wanting to spend time with Michael. He won't deny that she was incorrect in her saying how much he hurt Michael in the past; however, now, he wanted to do his best to make things right. Now that Michael was getting older, A.J. felt that he had the right to make his own decision in whether he wanted to spend time with him or not.

"What are you moping around about, A.J.," Edward bellowed, walking into the master study. "If anyone should be looking grumpy, it should be me. I can't believe Tracy wants to conduct yet another business meeting on things that don't need changing to begin with. What in the world was I thinking letting her take control the way she did."

"Why don't you just tell Tracy that you are stepping back in and taking control from her, I mean, grandfather, it can't be that hard to do."

"I supposed you're going to sit there and tell me that you have a solution as to how to get Tracy to tone down the 'holier than thou' act too, right?" he snapped, tossing his newspaper on the desk. "What you should be doing is thinking over my wanting you to come in and join the ELQ fold."

Waving his hand absently, A.J. wasn't at all interested in coming to ELQ at this time. He only had one thing; or person in mind; and that was Michael. "As much as I would love to have you attempt to bully me into giving you your way, I have other things currently on my mind."

Snorting in disbelief, Edward approached his grandson. "What could be more important than being a part of ELQ?"

"Michael," A.J. replied, quietly. "I went over to see Carly the other day, in hopes that she would let me see Michael. Not only did she tell me to stay away from him, but she proceeded to slam the door in my face. Chalk it up as her way in adding insult to injury."

"I don't know why you wasted your time in believing that you could reason with Carly Corinthos. As long as she's still a part of Sonny, you can pretty much forget about forming a closer relationship with him." Edward knew all too well that his attempts to get Jason to return to family fell flat. "What you need to do is attempt to see Michael when neither Carly nor that mobular hoodlum Sonny is around. You keep going over there, pleading and begging Carly to let you see him, you'll see for yourself that you will fall flat on your face. You, my son, are a Quartermaine, and a Quartermaine’s always find alternative methods in of getting what they want."

Smirking a little, A.J. took Edward's words into deep consideration. "Grandfather, I must admit, even to myself, that you are absolutely right. If I want to have a relationship with Michael, I'm going to have to do it on my own terms; not Carly's." Getting up from the couch, A.J. grabbed his jacket and car keys.

Frowning a little, Edward stared at him. "Now, where in the hell are you going?"

"I have a few things to take care of, I don't know when I will be back, so if I don't see you, take care....and, good luck with Tracy."

- Back at the park……

"Hey, Cameron. Are you enjoying this walk in the park as much as I am," she cooed, bending over to smile at her nephew. Standing back up, she continued to watch the two of them.

"If you are going to be so pig-headed about this, then there is really no point in talking to you any longer," Robin barked, turning her back on him as well. "I'm going back to house." She immediately started to stomp off, making it clear that she did not want to let him get the last word.

Sarah immediately saw her opportunity to get closer to Patrick; and made sure that Robin wasn't out of viewing range when she did so. "Patrick, is that you?" she said, pretending to just discover that he was there. When she saw him turn around to look at him, she quickly pushed the stroller to approach him.

"Hey, Sarah. What brings you out to the park?" he asked, still burning from his argument with Robin. When he saw Cameron smiling at him, he couldn't help but smile back. ”I see you brought company," he said, smiling back at the toddler.

Sarah smiled back, bending down by the stroller. "You've seen Elizabeth's son, Cameron, right?"

"Of course," he answered back, shaking hands with Cameron. "Hey, buddy, what's happening?"

From a distance, it was Robin's turn to look on at the 'bonding' moment between Patrick and Sarah. She stopped walking the minute she heard Sarah's voice calling out to Patrick. Furiously wiping a tear that was about to trail down her cheek, she turned on her heels, and opted not to go home, but to the hospital instead.

On the next GH: Secrets & Lies….

A special ICU episode featuring the Spencer Family. Luke, Noah and Carly finally confront Bobbie about her drinking and are surprised by Bobbie’s response.

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