S&L: Episode 125

Secrets & Lies: Episode 125
ICU: Lainey/Nikolas/Sam and Dillon/Lucas/Maxie
Monday, February 26, 2007
Opening Video
- When Dillon made his way into Kelly's, he didn't plan on staying for a long time. His plan was to grab something to eat, look over psychology notes, and head to class to take the test. The minute he sat down, however, something told him that he wasn't going to get much studying done; and he was very much correct.
Ten minutes passed when Lucas came into the restaurant. Immediately spotting Dillon, he made his way towards his table.
"Dillon, how's it going," he asked, placing his backpack next to an empty chair. Taking off his coat, he draped it across the chair and sat down. "It's been a while since either of us talked."
Trying not to sound nervous, Dillon nodded his head. "Yeah, it's been awhile. I've been so busy with classes and dealing with some family matters," he fibbed. There was an obvious reason as to why Dillon and Lucas haven't talked; he couldn't get over what he saw months earlier. Now that Lucas was sitting next to him, the feelings were coming back.
"Come on man, you can't drown yourself in school work. You do have the right to hang out with your friends and let off some steam," Lucas teased, playfully punching Dillon in the arm. "I will admit, I have been dealing with some things I wish I could soon forget, however, the more I am with Brandon...." he stopped in mid-sentence when he heard a few college students coming into Kelly's.
Glancing in the direction of the college students, Dillon looked at Lucas for a moment. "Do some of the people at school still give you a hard time being with Brandon?" he asked, looking briefly at the students again. "I mean, do you feel uneasy when you two are together?"
Laughing abit, Lucas merely shook is head. "Earlier, yeah, folks gave us a hard time, said hateful, cruel things. Now, however, I couldn’t care less what others think of me. I'm not ashamed of being gay, nor ashamed of being with someone that I truly love." Smiling a little, Lucas said something that automatically sent shivers through Dillon. "I think about you as well."
"What do you mean?" he immediately asked, feeling his body tense up a bit. "Why would you think about me?"
"Out of everyone in this town, you remained true to who you are. When you found out about my being gay, you didn't turn your back on me. Instead, you continued to be my friend, and that means a hell of a lot, considering all the things I've been through recently with my own family." He was going to say more, however, one of the college students approached their table.
"Hey, Dillon, what's up Lucas?" the young girl said to them. When they looked on not sure as to whom she was, she giggled a little. "I'm Amanda, We have a few classes together."
As Amanda continued talking to both of them, Maxie made her way into Kelly's. She immediately stopped in mid stride, locking eyes on Dillon and Lucas. This should be interesting, she thought to herself, quickly sitting down, continuing to keep her eyes on them. She definitely had to get the goods on what was going on at that table.
"Well, Friday night there is a joint party sponsored by one of the sororities and fraternities on campus. On behalf of Alpha Gamma Alpha, I thought I'd extend an official invitation to you both," Amanda said, smiling in Dillon's direction. It was obvious that she was a bit interested in Dillon Quartermaine, and getting him to come to the party would be a good way of trying to get to know him a little bit more. As for Lucas, she thought he was cool too, so it was only right to extend the invitation to him as well. "So, what do you say? Will you come to the party Friday night?"
Remembering what Lucas said earlier about getting out and being with friends, Dillon quickly piped up, looking in his direction. "Of course. I'll come to the party; after all, everyone needs to let off a little steam every now and then, right?"
Patting him on the arm, Lucas also agreed to come to the party. When she left, he leaned over across the table "I'm glad you are finally taking some much needed advice. I think the party Friday night will be one you will always remember." Looking at his watch, he quickly grabbed his backpack. "We better get to class, man."
Grabbing his stuff as well, Dillon quickly followed Lucas out the door of Kelly's unaware that Maxie was lurking around, watching the two of them. Once they were gone, Maxie slid from out of her chair and made her way towards Amanda, who was grabbing her books from the table.
"Hi, Amanda," she greeting, planting a fake smile on her face. Amanda was the last person she would ever have thought about talking to, however, she needed the dirt, therefore, if she must use her to get it, she would. "I couldn't help but notice that you were chatting with Dillon and Lucas."
Rolling her eyes, Amanda glanced at Maxie. "You're quite the observant one, now aren't you," she said, looking back at her friends, who were heading out the door. "I have to get to class soon, so what do you want?"
Fake smile and all erased immediately from Maxie's face. "What were the three of you talking about," she asked, folding her hands on her arms. "I strongly doubt all that giggling was for some tips on how to pass a test or anything. So, Amanda, what was it that you were talking about?"
"Since you're so nosey, I'll tell you what we were talking about," she snapped, walking towards the door, "I was telling them about a party Friday night at one of the frats. Now, if you will excuse me, some of us actually have things to do with our time."
"Bitch," she mumbled, as she watched the door close behind her. “Whore,” Amanda yelled back.
Grabbing her cell phone out of her purse, Maxie quickly dialed some numbers. "I need to see you in thirty minutes, and you better have the stuff that I asked for," she demanded the person on the other end of the phone. "I wouldn't be asking to meet you if I didn't have the money, you moron!"
Closing the phone shut, Maxie's plans on setting up Dillon with Lucas were well underway.
- Lainey arranged the photographs that Nikolas gave to her a few days earlier. This would be her ninth session with Sam, and they had not yet made any progress in trying to get her to remember who she was. Hopefully, the pictures might possibly jog her memory a bit...hopefully.
As she glanced at the clock, she realized that Nik would be bringing Sam to see her shortly. For Lainey, it was proving to be harder than she thought in getting Sam to recall the summer her life changed; perhaps, she thought, deep down, Sam didn't want to remember all that happened to her. What made matters worse was the fact that both Nik and Lucky were keeping the poor girl out of sight from everyone who knows her; letting everyone involved that summer to believe that she was truly dead.
A knock at the door broke into her thoughts. Opening it, Lainey smiled at Sam, who arrived with Nik. "You are right on time," she said, motioning for Sam to sit down. When she saw that Nikolas was sitting next to her, Lainey quickly approached him. "I think for today's session, it will be just the two of us. I feel that if you are here, it will only be a distraction."
"What do you mean by 'distraction'," he asked, a little agitated that he was being excluded from the session. "I have been trying my best to get her to remember things."
Lainey quickly excused the two of them, making sure not to let Sam hear what she had to say. Once outside of her office, Lainey firmly glanced at Nik. "I need to know if you or Lucky are truly trying to help Sam get her memory back. I mean, you come to me, requesting my help, however, in the process; you drop the bomb on me that only two of you know that Sam is alive. How am I to help her, knowing that she's already being kept from everything and everyone that could possibly help her?"
Sighing deeply, he put his hands in his coat pockets. "Lainey, it was never my intent in dropping a load of information on you at once. Lucky and I both handled things the best way we could," he tried to reason. When he saw that she was waiting for him to continue, he did so. "When I saw that Sam was alive, believe me, I was furious that Lucky kept it a secret; however, at the time, we just couldn't take the chance. There was no telling what could have happened if she saw everyone that was involved in the fire last summer."
"I don't fully agree with what either of you are doing; simply for the fact that too many people are going to be hurt and angered by what you know. Even Sam could become furious with you both; just be aware of the consequences, Nikolas." Without saying anymore, Lainey excused herself and went into her office to start her session.
Sam, who was waiting for Lainey to return, looked around the office. With a finger, she traced the certificate that hung on the wall. Looking over at Lainey, she smiled nervously. "I really don't know what to say to you, or how to answer the questions you may ask."
"We'll start off slow, and go from there," Lainey replied, taking the folder of photos from her desk. Approaching Sam, she sat across from her. "I thought we would start off by looking at some pictures. Perhaps once you look at them, you might remember some things about the person you are looking at."
A puzzled look came across Sam's face. "You think that if I look at these pictures, I'll remember who I am and what happened to me?"
She suddenly felt a tightness in her chest; perhaps fear of what the outcome would be. Nodding her head, she complied. "Let me see the pictures."
The first picture she showed was of Jason. "Take a look at the picture very carefully, and tell me if you remember anything at all about this person," she said, keeping a close watch of any expressions that Sam may make. "When you look at this picture, do you remember anything at all?"
A quick flash of memory hit her. Looking up at Lainey, she handed the picture back to her. "I remember him reaching out to a woman. He was trying to save her," she murmured closing her eyes briefly.
Placing the photo back in the folder, she took another one out. This time, it was a picture of Lucky and Elizabeth. Holding it up, Lainey spoke, "Take a look at this one, Sam. Tell me if looking at this picture may help jog something for you." She hoped that it would. She could tell that this wasn't working too well as she had hoped.
"That's Elizabeth and Lucky," she answered quickly, nearly startling Lainey. Pointing in the direction of Liz, Sam continued to talk. "She's his wife, but when I saw her, she was with the guy in that other picture." A frown suddenly appeared on her face as she looked at the picture of the two of them. "I don't know why she would be married to Lucky but be with someone else. I know if I were with Lucky, I would never do him badly."
Immediately putting the picture away, Lainey was curious as to what Sam was telling her. "You think very fondly of Lucky, am I correct?"
Blushing a little, Sam glanced up at Lainey, suddenly becoming shy in what she said. "He makes me feel completely safe, and I know that he would never hurt me. Dr. Winters, I think about him constantly," she confessed. "I know it sounds weird, but…….knowing that he is married doesn't stop me from having feelings for him
On the next GH: Secrets & Lies…
-Sarah sees the tension between Patrick and Robin, and uses it to her advantage
-A.J. confides in Edward in regards to wanting a relationship with Michael
-Robin feels threatened by Sarah
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