Episode #317 - Tuesday, February 27th, 2007:
- Rex confronts Cassie on what he overheard between her and Jan. He asks her if Jeremy was really the father of her baby and NOT Max!
- Max stops Connor and Abby from making love and confesses his love for Abby to her!
- Kate confesses to Phillip and company that Jan is her granddaughter. Cassie and Rex realize that Jan is their niece through Stefano!
- Kristen and Eric bond when she tells him Peter has vowed to find Alan Harris’ real killer.
- Jan confesses to her aunt Cassie she kept her baby’s paternity secret because she found out they were related!
- Connor overhears Jan and Cassie discussing how Max was NOT the father of Cassie’s baby.
- Abby tells Max to get out of her life and enjoy Cassie! She says she cannot be with a man who refuses to believe her!
- Marlena’s insanity continues thanks to Kristen’s pills.
- Bo and Hope vow to find out the identity of the Fury…TOGETHER - as friends, as partners, as lovers.
- Greta is perturbed when she sees Kristen and Eric bonding.
- Marlena cannot look at John…or Greta! They serve as constant reminders of John’s deception.
- Jeremy confesses to Jan that he has strong feelings for her, and he has never had feelings for another person like this before. He says he is scared and excited at the same time, and he will die if she goes to prison for murdering Willow!
- Bo and Hope theorize the key to finding out the identity of the Fury is finding Stefano.
- Greta is shocked when she sees Kristen drugging Marlena’s drink.
- Vivian wonders what to do with the information she has learned in the Dimera Basement about the identity of Stefano and Kate’s other daughter.
- Greta makes sure she spills Marlena’s drink so she does not drink the drugged drink from Kristen.
- Connor struggles with whether to tell Abby the truth about Cassie or not. He knows if he does, then Abby will reunite with Max!
- Kate sits Jan down and breaks her heart by telling her Megan has been murdered by The Fury.
- Jan is devastated over mother, Megan, and her grandmother, Kate, tries to comfort her.
- Shawn, Belle, Philip, Rex, and Mimi recognize the great act of kindness Jan has done for them, and they actually feel very sorry for her. They wish there was something they can do. Shawn says there is. Shawn says he has talked to his father who has revealed that Jan WILL be imprisoned and tried for what she has done to Willow. Jeremy overhears.
- Kate leaves a grief-stricken Jan in the arms of Jeremy who comforts her. He confesses his feelings for her again, and he reveals what he has just overheard being said by Shawn. Jeremy tells Jan he has to get her out of here and take her far away from this awful place! Jan says they can’t. Jan says it’s time she pays for all of her crimes! Jeremy tells her to stop being a fool. Jeremy says this is not the time to develop a conscience. The police pull up the hotel. Jeremy can see the blue and red police lights shine through the windows. Time is running out. Jan says she has a confession to make. Jan confesses to Jeremy that he was the father of Cassie’s baby! Jeremy is floored. Jan says she kept it a secret since the New Year’s Party because she had just found Cassie was her family, and she has learned nothing means more in this world than family! Jan breaks down over everything going on in her life. She says she did not have feelings for Jeremy then like she does now. Jan begs Jeremy to forgive her. She wants to runaway with him. She wants him to save her, but he has to forgive her for her lies first! Shawn and Belle regrettably lead the police to Jan and Jeremy’s hotel room……they’re gone. The window is opened, and the curtains blow into the room thanks to the howling winter wind.
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