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Interviewer (I): Hi again, Tim.

Tim Lowery (TL): Hey. Nice to talk with you again.

I: It's been a huge sweeps. Salem Lives is doing well in the ratings and things seem to be happening at a breakneck pace.

TL: Yes. This is the best pace we have had since our regime took over. The island stuff was kind of like this but what is happening now is a little different. It's not all action and adventure. It's mostly emotional, dramatic kind of stuff. It's fun right now because alot of last Fall was building the stories and I think that took longer then any of us thought. Sure, we had the Sydney adventure and the stuff around the holidays but I really feel like we have hit our groove. I said that 2007 would be a HUGE year and, so far, I don't think we are disappointing. Things are happening every day, especially this sweeps, which is what was promised to the fans. I feel we are delivering and, judging by the ratings and comments, I think fans are satisfied.

I: The Carrie baby story seems to have been the big focus this sweeps this far. It seems like the story has finally come along after being on the backburner for awhile. Obviously, it had been 9 months and Carrie as due to go into labor but it seems like the Alan part of the story has finally exploded too. Why choose Ferbruary sweeps for that?

TL: Well, alot of what we wanted to do with Carrie, Alan, etc revolved around Carrie's labor. We also wanted to get the Stefano and Victor stuff and some of the other stories to a point where we could move them out for a bit to play other stories. That is why this sweeps has dealt with Carrie, Austin, Lucas, Sami, Alan, Will and with Max, Cassie, Abby, and Chelsea. Those stories have been off the stove for awhile. Sami was being featured but the other characters were being tossed in here and there just so we could remind fans that those stories were still around. We really wanted the beginning of this sweeps to be about those stories and setting them up for what will happen in those stories during VENDETTA. Now, the second half of sweeps will be focusing on Bo and the aftermath of what he remembered, the aftermath of Alan's attack on Will, the returns of Victor and Stefano, Lexie's return, and the MCF storyline. We still have some huge twists left to go and, at the same time, we are setting up for Vendetta and it's launch on March 1. We will save the Vendetta stuff for another time though (laughs).

I: Ok. We will stop asking about the rest of sweeps and let the fans be surprised. I am sure you wet their appetites enough. Now, on to this past Friday's episode. You promoted it as a shocker and boy, was it ever. Can you tell us your feelings on the episode and what transpired with Bo, Will, and Alan?

TL: Well, for starters, we wanted it to be powerful and emotional. Bo remembering what happened to him in the past was to parallel what was happening to Will in the present. I am glad the fans liked that and caught on to that because that is what makes it so powerful. It adds to the essence. We had alot of concerns about this and I need to give all the credit concerning this Bo story to my co-HW Patrick L. Ewing. Going back into Bo's past and bringing this issue to light with this character was his idea and this story was his brainchild. He wrote Friday's superb episode and I just want the fans to know that and credit him with that. I had this story in mind for Will since we recasted with Jeremy Sumpter so, when my co-HW pitched the story about Bo being molested in the past and blocking it out, I began to think about how we could parallel both stories. That is how we came up with the plan to have Bo remember as Alan carries out the very same horrible act on Will. It's powerful and emotional. Everything you could want in a drama. We were careful not to be too graphic. We didn't want to turn people off to the story or the issue at hand. I love every aspect of this story and I hope the fans stick with it and enjoy it because it has a powerful message and is just a good, solid story.

I: Why write this for Bo and why have Alan do this? What was the motivation and where is this story going?

TL: Bo has always had a temper and this anger inside him. He was always rebellious since the character appeared. He flies off the handle so much and doesn't care about rules or going by the book. My co-HW and I think this incident from his past is a good way of explain so much of the rage that Bo often feels. He always has this need to put criminals behind bars at any cost, especially if his family is in danger. He doesn't care about protocol and his only focus is on putting the person behind bars, whether it be on the right side of the law or not. Bo being molested in the past kind of is an underlying cause to alot of Bo's behavior and why he does what he does, even if he never remembered it until now. Roman and Kim were the only ones that knew and he blocked it out for years. He felt alone during and after the incident and was completely horrified. It's traumatizing for a child that young and, even if you have no memory of the incident, I think somehow it always stays with you and drives alot of your emotions and your actions. The aftermath of this is going to really affect the Brady's, especially given Kim and Roman knew and never told him. It's going to be really emotional and gut-wrenching. There is also Hope and his family with her. This will really affect them and Bo's relationship with Hope. His manhood comes into play and as does so many other issues.

As for Will and Alan, the motivation behind doing this with them was to being the growth and maturation process of the Will character. We have been slowly doing that but now it ups the ante. We felt doing this was good because he is going through what his mother did in a way. She had just finally told him about Alan raping her and then this happens. It also ups the stakes in the Alan story and brings us full circle to when Alan raped Sami. The fallout from this is huge for Sami, Lucas, Will, Carrie, Austin, and so many others. It all ties together in a dramatic way. Sami and Lucas will have to come together for their son and we will see Will go through a long journey of self-discovery and we will see him grow up having to deal with what Alan did to him. His sexuality is big here as well. He was coming to accept being gay and was contemplating how to deal with that in regards to telling his family and so on and now this.

Both stories will go in stunning directions from here. The parallels will continue as we see Bo and Will deal with what has happened to them. There will be some great interactions between them too and they will work to get through this together. I know the fans will love it.

I: Sounds good. Can you tell anymore about what is coming up?

TL: Not too much. In addition to what has already been said, this Friday will be the last in our 4 Fantastic February Fridays so don't miss that. There is a huge ending to that episode that will be stunning. The following week will deal with the aftermath of that episode and on February 28 we end sweeps in dramatic style with a big Marlena reveal and another huge twist that sets up for the first day of VENDETTA on March 1. The March 1 episode contains a huge twist to kick off VENDETTA too. Things aren't slowing down any time soon that's for sure. It's a mile a minute on Salem Lives and you just can't miss an episode, especially with VENDETTA coming up. Missing a day is definitely missing alot.

I: It was nice talking with you again. We will do this again.

TL: Definitely. Thanks for having me.


-Bo confronts Kim and Roman.

-Caroline learns the truth.

-Will falls apart.

-Sami and Lucas worry about Will.

-Julie tries to persuade Victor to return to Salem.

-Maggie's drinking becomes worse.

-Billie and Jack issue a warning to JJ and Angel.

-Carrie remembers and then contemplates telling the truth.

-Abby lashes out at Chelsea.

-Max vows to stand by Cassie.

-Marlena threatens James.

-Celeste tries to convince Abe to give Lexie another chance.

-Lexie and Stefano return to Salem.

-Victor makes his choice.

-Roman is faced with a difficult decision.

-Shane gets a frantic call for help.

-The MCF takes action to cover his or her own tracks.

-Murder rocks Salem.


Monday February 19: Bo confronts Kim and Roman as Caroline learns the truth. Meanwhile, Will deals with the aftermath of what Alan did to him.

Tuesday Ferbruary 20: Julie tries to convince Victor to return to Salem.

Friday February 23: Lexie and Stefano return to Salem as Roman is faced with a difficult choice. Also, murder rocks Salem.

Next Week: Eric and Nicole have hope. Victor seeks out an old flame for help. Lexie vows revenge. The truth about Belle and Philip is revealed. Nicole reverts to old ways. Philip has an interesting reaction to Victor's return. Murder sends shockwaves through Salem. The truth about Marlena is revealed. VENDETTA begins with several huge twists.


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