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S&L: Episodes 118-120



Secrets & Lies: Episode 118-120
Sunday, February 11, 2007

Opening Video

GH begins will Anna Devane reluctantly releasing Lorenzo Alcazar from jail. She informs Lorenzo and Skye that due to “lack of evidence”, she’s been ordered to release Lorenzo and drop the charges. Lorenzo hugs Skye and kisses her. Anna rolls her eyes and walks away steaming. “Not too good for your first few weeks Anna,” she tells herself. She takes a sip of her coffee and thinks her day couldn’t get any worse….until David walks in that is.

At Wyndemere, Nikolas walks in while Courtney is spending time with Spencer. She takes this time to try and get in some personal talk with the man she still loves.

“So…..I hear things are going well for you and Carly. I hope she’s treating you well.”

Nikolas looks up at Courtney from his desk and glares. After putting down his pen he begins to speak. “Not that it’s any of your business Courtney, but yes, we’re doing great.” Nikolas look at his watch and asks how much longer she’ll be there.

“Listen…I know things haven’t been great between us Nikolas but I think I deserved a second chance.”

“Second chance? Second CHANCE?” Nikolas stands ups and walks over to Courtney. “You don’t deserve anything. You left me. You walked out on me. On top of that you took my child with you. You disappear for months, come back and just expected us to pick up where we left off. I’m sorry I didn’t wait by the couch and cry for you.”

Courtney angrily replies, “You don’t have to be so damn nasty. Little did I know that you’d shack up with the first person who showed you a little attention! I was confused Nik and I need time away. I thought you loved me enough to wait for me.”

“Well I’m sorry I didn’t. You left me at the worst time. I needed you, you weren’t here—”

“And Carly was right?”

“Yes she was. She made me realize that I needed to put myself first. Look, I don’t want to argue with you. Things are civil between us Court. I allow you to visit Spencer as much as you want. You have free access to our child.”

Carly walks into Wyndemere at this time, unbeknownst to Courtney and Nikolas. Courtney continues to talk to Nikolas.

“This is not about our child. This is about us. I miss you. I need you.”

“But you can’t have me and you’re just going to have to accept it. Look….I want you to be happy.”

At the Quartermaine mansion, Edward poured himself a cup of coffee and sat at his desk. Now that AJ was back home, he had big plans for him. The first being, getting him back into ELQ. A shiver went through the elder Quartermaine's back as he thought of Tracy making the employee of ELQ's lives miserable. Although he trusted Tracy to a a certain extent, there was no way in hell he was about to let her run amok with his empire.

A knock on the door prompted Edward to bellow for them to come in. AJ stepped into room, closing the door behind him. "You wanted to see me?"

Standing up and stepping away from his desk, Edward approached his grandson. "As a matter of fact, I did, AJ," he said motioning for him to sit down. "Now that you are home, I have great plans for you, son."

Looking a little puzzled, AJ was about to ask what his grandfather could possibly have planned for him. Immediately, he thought of the only thing that would have Edward smiling the way that he was. "Oh no...." he began raising up his hands in protest.

"Listen before you hastily tell me 'no', Edward snapped. "By the way, you know I hate that word, especially when it comes to securing my family's future. AJ, I want you to involved with ELQ. I need you to be involved with ELQ."

Stifling a laugh of sarcasm, AJ immediately took the bait for the moment. "Okay, tell me why you want this so much? Seriously. You already have Tracy as CEO of the company. Doesn't she have to know about what you have planned?"

Waving a hand in the air, Edward frowned at the notion. "I may not be in the CEO position, but I am still the man that makes the decisions around here; and that decision is getting you into ELQ."

At General Hospital, Robin was wrapping up her shift. She couldn't wait to wrap up her shift; anything to get with Patrick and have some steamy sex with him. A smile played at her lips at the thought of their night together. Patrick always had a way of making her forget about the negative that came into her life. Headed towards the elevator, she focused on the last patient she had to tend to; after that, her plan for the night was to give tons of TLC to a certain doctor she had in mind.

Patrick, who had just arrived at the hospital, was headed towards the cafeteria when he spotted a dark-haired woman trying to juggle a lunch tray in her hand, while trying to carry packages in her other hand. Running over to her, he offered his help.

"It looks like you have a lot to juggle. Let me help you with that," Patrick offered, taking the tray from her hand.

Blushing a little, Sarah Webber looked at the kind doctor, thanking him. "I haven't been having the best of luck when it comes to getting something from this cafeteria," she chuckled, putting her packages down.

"So, are you here to visit a patient," he asked, obviously interested in knowing a little bit about her. "I mean, do you have a loved one here that you are seeing?"

"Actually, I have a loved one here, but they aren't a patient," she laughed, opening her bottle of juice that was on the tray. "My sister works here."

Immediately taking a seat at the table, Patrick definitely wanted to know who she could possibly be related to; because whoever it was sure was lucky to have a good looking relative such as her.

"You might know her, since you are a doctor and all," she flirted a little bit. Sarah was taken by his good looks immediately, and was instantly curious to get to know him better. "My sister is Elizabeth Webber."

Smirking a little, Patrick pointed a finger in her direction. "Are you serious? Elizabeth Webber is your sister?" Rubbing his chin a bit, he sipped his coffee. "So, does 'Elizabeth Webber's' sister have a name?"

Sarah and Patrick both started laughing at the statement, so loud that some patrons glanced their way. The laughter did, however, catch someone else's attention; Robin Scorpio's who happened to step in the cafeteria to get something to drink. Putting her hands on her hips, she just stood watching the two of them.

Back at the table, Sarah extended a hand to him. "I'm Sarah Webber," she said, quickly glancing at the tag on his uniform, "and you are, Dr. P. Drake. Um, is Dr. Noah Drake your father?"

Putting a finger to his lips, Patrick mocked secrecy. "Shhhh, don't say that too loud, you'll ruin my good reputation," he teased, causing the two of them to start laughing again.

"Your reputation was already ruined, don't ya think," Robin said, standing behind Patrick. Looking in Sarah's direction, she wanted to make her last words crystal clear. "Hey Sarah. I see you met my boyfriend, Patrick."

Back at the PCPD, Anna asks David to leave. He tries to convince her to have lunch with him so they can catch up on time lost. Anna snaps at David, telling him she has no intention of having lunch with him now or ever. David appears to be hurt and apologizes for disturbing her. Anna is tempted to stop him from leaving and almost does, but gets a call from the Mayor to attend a special taskforce meeting with the FBI.

On the next GH: Secrets & Lies….

- Patrick is upset with Robin for acting territorial.
- Bobbie flashes back to her big fallout with Lucas

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I am glad that Courtney was told exactly how Nik felt in regards of her leaving him. Now that she's back, she all of a sudden wants to be with Nik? Uh uh... I want Nik and Carly...they have chemistry, and I want to see their relationship to develop a bit more.

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