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February 7, 2007




-At Chez Rouge, Julie is still stunned by what Maggie just told her...that Victor is still alive. Julie tries to wake a passed out Maggie up but she doesn't respond and what little she says is in gibberish. Realizing Maggie is too drunk to help her, Julie wonders if it is true and Victor is alive.

Julie then recalls that on the evening of the day Victor died, Doug and herself found Maggie outside in the backyard of Alice's house. She was in the cold and devastated, almost like something had happened to put her in that state since she had been fine and composed when they last saw her. Julie realizes that it would be very much like Victor to fake his death. He always planned ahead in case his enemies were on his trail. He may have set the whole explosion up to get away.

Julie realizes that Victor may have visited Maggie to say goodbye that night and that is why they found her outside alone and a emotional wreck. Maggie overhears Maggie murmuring in her sleep about Victor and how much she misses him. Julie also hears her say she already lost Mickey, she can't stand losing him too. Julie realizes that she needs to do something or Maggie will self-destruct. All the drinking and guilt is eating a way at her.

Julie realizes there is something she can do but first she needs to make sure that what Maggie said about Victor is true for sure. Julie then calls Doug, who answers the phone with Alice sitting in the background. Julie lies and tells Doug that Maggie is fine for the moment but it's going to be awhile before she comes home. Doug says ok and asks her to call if she needs anything. They say I love you and hang up. Doug tells Alice that Maggie is doing fine. Alice tells him that she hopes and prays that it stays that way.

Meanwhile, Julie puts a blanket on Maggie and tells Uncle Mickey to watch over her. She hopes that Maggie doesn't stir any more trouble while she is gone and then races out the front door.

-At the Kiriakis Mansion, Philip arrives. Henderson greets him and tells Philip how nice it is to see him up and around. He expresses his condolences concerning his father but adds that he is happy to serve him.

Philip: Good. Now, Henderson, Spare me the pleasantries. Let's get down to business. This empire is mine now and it's time for me to run it my way. Therefore, I don't want constant reminders of how my father did something. I am not my father. I am Philip Kiriakis. I command respect and, if I don't get it, there will be hell to pay.

Henderson: Of course, sir. Is there anything I can get you?

Philip: Yes. Have cook prepare something. My wife will be here soon and I would like to sit down and have a normal meal with her. Oh, and Henderson, one more thing. I probably don't have to tell you this but I will anyway. This goes for all the staff as well. If anyone in my employ doublecrosses me or betrays me, they will suffer a horrifying and unimaginable fate. Do you understand?

Henderson: Yes, sir. I understand. Your the boss now. It's your house. It's your rules. It's...

Philip: My empire. Mine. I am glad you understand. I knew there wouldn't be an issue. Now, run along. Belle will be here shortly.

Henderson walks away, looking up to the sky and saying to Victor that he longs for the days when he worked under him. Philip is out of control and just plain cold-hearted. It's like he doesn't have any feelings within him besides hatred and a desire for revenge. Henderson leaves as Philip sits down with some brandy and toasts to the sky.

Philip: To you, father. As horrible as your death was, it gave birth to a new era. It's my era and my time. I now have the power to accomplish my goals and get exactly what I want. Those that crossed me will pay dearly. Very dearly.

-At the cabin, Roman is trying to keep Carrie conscious. Austin and Lucas want to know what happened with the baby. Kate goes over to Shane and tells him this is all his fault. Alan ran off with the baby and it would've never happened had it not been for his discretion. Carrie yells out that it was her decision to go into hiding. Everyone looks at her stunned.

Carrie says that she had her reasons and begged Shane not to say anything. Roman asks why she would do that and why she would stay with Alan. He is dangerous. Carrie insists that Alan has changed. He saved her on the island and brought her to the cabin. He nursed her back to health and took care of her. He saved her life from the falling debris the night she called Sami. She then returned the favor and mended his wounds. He is different now and wants to repent.

Sami doesn't buy it and either does anyone else. Austin asks her about the letter Shane gave them, about her leaving town with the baby because Salem was unsafe with people like Stefano around. Carrie says it was all made up so they would all give up looking for her and leave her be. Lucas can't understand why she would take off like that being pregnant. Carrie says she had her reasons and then begins to pass out.

The ambulance arrives to take Carrie. Roman notices all the blood and realizes she has lost alot. An EMT says it appears she just gave birth and that she isn't clotting. There is definitely something wrong as she is hemorrhaging. They need to get her to the ER ASAP. They put her on a gurney as Roman assures her that he will find her baby. He knows Alan is responsible and will make sure he is brought to justice.

Carrie continues to insist that Alan didn't do anything she didn't tell him too and that he has changed. Roman calms her and agrees just to relax her. He promises her that he will find her baby and that they will deal with the rest later. As he walks away, Carrie screams out "NO!! You can't." Roman and everyone else is confused and stunned.

-Outside the cabin, Alan is holding Carrie's baby as he officers close in. Abe comes outside and orders his officers to canvas the area and to phone in for more manpower. If Alan or anyone else has the baby, they are going to find them and they are likely still in the area as it appears that it hasn't been long since Carrie gave birth. The officers agree to the orders and begin searching the area again as Alan keeps lurking and moving about in a state of confusion and panic.

-Back at the Kiriakis Mansion, Belle arrives. She rings the bell and Henderson answers. Belle says hello to him and he does the same back. He then takes her aside and warns her to be careful and not to tell Mr. Kiriakis he said that. Belle thanks him and says she of all people knows what her husband is like, especially now.

Belle walks into to the living room and finds a note asking her to meet him in the dining room. She does so and is shocked when she enters the room to find a well-set candlelit table. Philip then enters behind her and welcomes her to their home. He hopes that tonight can be the first of many wonderful evenings and meals for their family. He asks where Claire is.

Belle: She isn't here. You really think with all the hell you are putting me through that I would bring her here? I had no idea what I was walking into and if I wasn't so damn afraid of what you might do...

Philip: Claire is my daughter. This is her home. She is my heir. She belongs here and you can't keep me away from her. I would never hurt her and you know that.

Belle: Maybe but I know you would hurt me. You already have and I don't want her exposed to that or any of this tension. This meal you have arranged is nothing but a charade. We will never be a family, Philip. You can try to force it but it changes nothing. I can't stand the sight of you and I will do everything in my power to make sure you never have full custody of Claire. I don't need you influencing her or molding her into what you have become.

Philip: You really think you can fight me. You have always underestimated me. Everyone has. I am the head of the Kiriakis empire and with, so much power on my side, I can't lose. I will never lose. I will have everything I desire. That includes Claire and you, my darling (cresses her face as she turns away in disgust). No matter what I have to do.

Belle: Go to hell.

Belle tries to run away but Philip grabs ber and pulls her close to him.

Philip: Not a good idea, Izzy. You tell me to go to hell but I've already been through it. Now, it's time that my enemies felt the pain and agony I have. You, my beloved, will be immersed in your own personal hell and I will enjoy every minute of it.

Belle: Let go of me!!

Belle kicks him and runs out the back door and off the Kiriakis grounds, crying and worried about Philip's threats and what she may have to face when he unleashes his wrath. Meanwhile, inside, Philip looks out the window. Henderson asks if there was a problem with dinner. Philip tells Henderson to put it away as there will be no dinner tonight. Belle had other plans but, he says with an evil smirk, that will all change in the future.

-Outside the Kiriakis Mansion, Nico is watching the happenings inside. He can't believe how much Philip has changed and thinks that maybe he should inform Victor about how cold and calculating his son has become. The power and prestige is really getting to his head. Nico then hears footsteps and races in the bushes. He then hears a voice call out to him. It's Julie, telling Nico she knows he is here.

Julie admits that she saw him as she walked up. She parked down the block so she wouldn't be heard, knowing full well that Nico would be lurking about so she would have to sneak up on him. Nico reveals himself from the bushes, saying she knows him so well. Julie reminds him that knows Victor and his operation very well from her time with him and she remembers the way Nico operates too. She knew if she wanted to catch him she needed to be discreet and smart.

Nico smiles and Julie smiles back, as she asks him if he still has a crush on her. Nico remains silent as Julie laughs and says she will take that as a yes. Nico asks what she is doing at the mansion. Julie realizes that in order to get what she wants she needs to act like she knows Victor is alive for sure. Julie tells Nico she knows Victor is alive and needs to get in contact with him. Nico tries to refute the fact that Victor is alive but Julie is adamant and says she knows and so does Maggie. She needs to talk to Victor now.

Nico tells her she can't. Julie touches his face lovingly, using his crush on her to her advantage. She tells Nico she only needs to talk to him. It can be on the phone. There are matters they need to discuss. That's all. Nico gives in and agrees but says she only has a few minutes. Julie understands and thanks him.

-At the cabin, Roman asks why Carrie doesn't want him to find her baby. Carrie looks at Roman, Austin, Lucas, Kate, Sami, Abe, and Shane. With tears in her eyes, Carrie says there is no reason to look for her baby because there is no baby. Her baby died. Roman looks on stunned, along with Abe and Shane. Kate, Lucas, Austin, and Sami's reactions are similar as they can't believe what they just heard. Roman asks Carrie what she is talking about but Carrie then passes out and the EMT's reveal that her blood pressure is dropping and they need to get to the ER now.

Carrie is wheeled out to the ambulance. Roman goes in it with her as Abe offers to drive Kate, Sami, Austin, and Lucas and Shane agrees to drive in the other squad car. Abe tells the officers to keep searching until they know for sure if Carrie was really serious when she said her baby was dead. The officers agree.

Meanwhile, Alan manages to find another cabin in the woods. There is an old truck outside of it. Rememebering that the officers are searching the area and he can't get to his car, he realizes this is his best way out. He gets in and lays the baby down. He then hotwires the truck and gets it started. He drives away as the owner of the cabin comes out, screaming for whoever stole his truck to come back.

Alan puts his foot on the gas and sees nothing but open road ahead as the baby cries. Alan rubs the baby's stomach and tells him it will be ok. It will all be over soon.

Back outside the Kiriakis Mansion, Nico is using his cell and manages to get through to one of Victor's operatives. Nico tells the operative to put Mr. Kiriakis on the phone. Victor picks up and asks Nico what is going on. Nico tells him someone wants to talk to him and gives Julie the phone.

Julie: Hello, Victor. Maggie was right. You are alive.

Victor: Julie?

Nico: So, you didn't know for sure?

Julie: I had to make it seem like I did or there was no way I would get what I wanted.

Nico turns away, shaking his head.

Victor: Julie, what is the meaning of this? How do you know...

Julie: Maggie was drunk. She told me and I just came to the conclusion she was telling the truth. That doesn't matter. We need to talk, Victor. About Maggie.

Victor: Look, I know she is going through a hard time but...

Julie: Victor, just hear me out. I think once you hear what I have to say you won't be so quick to dismiss me.

Victor: I know better then to argue back and forth with you. I don't want to continue this on the phone. There is too much risk of someone in Salem overhearing you despite Nico being there. I will arrange for you to be brought to me tomarrow. Just be ready and I will have Nico take care of the rest.

Julie: Ok. Will do. Thank you Victor. I appreciate this and you won't be sorry.

Victor: I better not be. What you have to say better be good. See you soon.

Julie: It will be. Don't worry.

Julie hangs up.

Julie: He is making arrangements for me to see him in person tomarrow. He should be in contact with you to give you instructions. Now, I have to go home and think of something to tell my husband. Thanks for the help and you have a good night.

Julie kisses Nico on the cheek and walks off but, not before Nico calls to her, and says:

Nico: Hey!! Remind me never to mess with you. You are one smart, resourceful lady. And pretty tough and beautiful to boot.

Julie: Thanks. You keep telling yourself all that and there shouldn't be any problems between you and me.

Julie smiles as Nico smiles back. Julie leaves and, as she walks off, says:

Julie: I have to convince Victor to come back to Salem and then help him get the charges against him dropped. Maggie needs him or there is no telling what may happen to her. I just have to make sure Doug never finds out what I am up to or him and I may never get past it. I hate lying to him but I need to do this. For Maggie...before it's too late.

The screen then freeze frames on a determined Julie.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Lucas to Austin and Sami: I can't believe this. The baby...can't be gone.

Roman to Carrie: Tell me the truth. Is your baby really dead?

Alan: Don't worry, baby. You will have it easy, unlike your parents and everyone else in Salem who are going to feel like they are living through hell on earth.

Angel to JJ: So, do we tell Mom and the others what we saw or not?

Jack to Billie: Looks like we have something here to work with, partner.


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