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February 5, 2007




-At University Hospital, Max keeps trying to reassure Abby that he still wants to be with her. He will talk things over with Cassie so there aren't any issues. He will still be able to be a good father and still be with her. Abby has her doubts but Max asks her to trust him. He tells her he will send Chelsea in to be with her while he goes to talk to Cassie. Max hugs her and promises her that everything will work out.

Meanwhile, Chelsea is stunned to learn that Cassie knows that she killed Jason and Barry, the two guys who raped her. She had already known that Cassie knew about Hope being her mother. Cassie warns Chelsea that the choice is her's, help her win Max from Abby or see her secrets blown sky high. Her life will be over and she will end up behind bars or worse. Chelsea begins to shake and turns away, as tears stream down her face. She tells Cassie that Abby is her best friend and despite the past Max and her share, she cares about him and doesn't want to hurt them. They have been through enough. She has been through enough.

Max comes out of Abby's room and asks to speak with Cassie alone. Max asks Chelsea if she would sit with Abby and she agrees. Cassie agrees to talk and walks off with Max but, not before turning to give Chelsea a look to remind her of the choice she must make. Chelsea goes into Abby's room to find her crying. Chelsea hugs her and asks what is wrong. Abby tells her she is afraid of losing Max now. Cassie has a tie to him that will last forever. Abby can see that Chelsea is also upset and tells her that she knows why she is upset but not why Chelsea would be. She asks her what's wrong.

Max and Cassie sit down in the waiting area. Max starts off by telling Cassie that he is happy to be a father. Cassie tells him that makes her happy and that she knows he will be a wonderful father. Max promises her that he will provide for her and the baby and that he will give this child a better life and home then he had growing up. Cassie says that she is sure that Max will keep to his word but reminds him she has the Dimera money and power. Max doesn't want his child brought up like that and tells Cassie that he thought she wanted to stay away from the Dimera empire and it's influence.

Cassie lies and says she will never be like them but will utilize what is provided for her, which is the Dimera money and power. There is no reason why her child can't be exposed to that. Max says they will discuss all that later. There is something else they must discuss first. It's about their future together.

-At the park, JJ and Angel are still shocked to see their father with Marlena and the MCF. They are both confused as to what could possibly be going on. JJ says he gets the feeling their father is in alot of trouble. Angel agrees and says that this time he may put their whole family in danger.

Marlena and James urge the MCF to get on with with what the meeting is about. The MCF pulls out a device of some kind and puts it under their cloak James asks what the device is.

MCF: It's a voice changer, you idiot. We are out in public. I must be careful in case anyone was to walk by or hear us.

Marlena: Oh, look at that. You cover your own ass and leave both of us like a couple of sitting ducks. What about us getting caught or seen? Huh? (Marlena pushes the MCF)

MCF: Don't touch me. You know better. You two need to remember who is in charge here. I decide when things go down, I decide the meetings and the meeting spots. I decide everything. Got that?

Marlena: Whatever.

James: Look, what Marlena is trying to say is that this isn't the wisest idea. It's so easy for someone to see or hear us. Of course, you don't worry about that. You have this voice changer that you use on the phone and in public. Then, there is the cloak and being all in black.

MCF: Well, why don't you and doc over there cover yourselves up if it makes you feel better. Now, on to bigger things, some things have changed. It's time to up the ante and start pushing forward with the plan. We have much to accomplish and so much has already failed to go the way we need it to.

Marlena: Well, then let's stop procrastinating and get moving. Our failures so far have been due to a tendency of taking too long to execute strategy.

MCF: You mean...your failures, dear. You and James here.

James: Alright. Let's just move this along a little quicker. What's the next step?

MCF: Well, the next step is...

Angel then falls back a bit into the bushes nearby, getting the attention of the MCF.

MCF: I heard something.

James: Probably just the wind.

Marlena: It's never just the wind.

The MCF tells Marlena and James to spread out and canvas the area. JJ helps Angel off and they manage to sneak away, right before James goes over to the area they were lurking in. JJ and Angel race to the other end of the park. JJ says they need to tell Billie what they say. It might help convince her to take on the case.

-At The Spectator, Jack is cleaning up from the celebration earlier in Greta's office. Billie comes in and tells him that Frankie and Greta left and that Frankie drove. Greta was a little tipsy. Jack laughs, saying she has a tendency of drinking too much when she does drink. He recalls the time he, Greta, and Jennifer got drunk at the Horton House. Jack says those were good times. Billie can see they were by the smile on his face. Jack then asks her about JJ and Angel. Billie fills him in and Jack asks her if she is going to take on the case. Billie tells him she isn't sure that it's something that is worth the time and that there isn't enough to go on yet.

Just then, JJ and Angel burst into the office and tell Billie they have something to tell her. They fill her in on what they say in the park between Marlena, James, and the MCF. Billie and Jack are stunned. JJ asks if this is enough for Billie to take on the case. Billie asks JJ and Angel to let her have a minute alone with Jack. When they leave, she remains silent. Jack asks if she is ok. Billie nods and says that this mystery could behuge. There is no telling who is involved. They already know the MCF is a major threat. This James person is very mysterious. The SPD and all of Marlena's loved ones have not been able to find her. She has been acting weird and now is spotted with the MCF and this James guy.

Jack wonders if JJ and Angel could be making this up. Billie says she doesn't think so. She reminds Jack of how reliable and level-headed he said that JJ was as an intern. They don't seem like the type of kids to exagerate or fabricate something like this. Jack asks if what JJ and Angel saw is enough reason for Billie to take on this mystery.

-At the police station, everyone is still in shock over Shane announcing he knows where Carrie is. Shane apologizes and says he knows that he is going to take alot of heat for this. Roman asks where she is. Shane explains she is in a cabin outside of Green Mountain. She has been there all along. Alan took her there after the island, nursed her back to health, and she has been there ever since. She saved his life and took care of him too after the debris incident and that is when he found them. Roman remembers the day he went into the woods and brought back the letter from Carrie.

Shane explains that Carrie wrote the letter and made him vow to keep her secret concerning her whereabouts. She had her reasons and they will all have to ask her what they were. All he will tell them is that she is at the cabin and that Alan was there with her for most of the duration, except for the times he has been in Salem recently. He adds that Carrie believes he has changed. Sami doesn't buy it and says that there is no telling what Alan will do to Carrie or the baby. Lucas and Austin agree.

Roman can't believe that Shane would lie to him all this time about his daughter. He was a trusted, loyal friend. Shane apologizes and urges him to wait until he hears what Carrie has to say before passing judgement. Roman tells Shane that he will deal with him later. Kate asks what they are waiting for. Abe asks Roman if he wants to bring some men along. Roman says to bring along some but there is no need to bring many. Lucas and Austin wonder why Carrie would do all this and stay nearby to Salem while they all worry about her. Austin thinks this validates his claim that he wasn't imagining...Carrie was at the ball on New Year's.

Kate, Lucas, Austin, and Sami tells Roman they are going to the cabin with him. Roman is ok with it, providing they stay out of the way should Alan be at the cabin and try something. They agree. Roman tells Shane to come along to. They may need him for directions and other info. Shane follows Roman and the others out as Abe motions to four officers to follow him and walks out behind the others.

-At the cabin, Carrie is on the floor in pain. She cries out for someone to please come and help her. She feels like the baby could come at any moment.

-On the pier, Will is still stunned after learning his friend "Ace" is really Alan Harris, the man who raped his mother.

Will: All these months...you saved me from getting in trouble with the principal. You let me tell you my secrets. Was that all an act? Oh...I get it. You needed me for info. Now you are going to use what you know against me...against my family. Right?

Alan stands silent.

Will: Tell me the truth now!!! What are you up to.? What do you want with me. man?!!!

Alan: You don't want to know.

Will: What's that mean? Damnit, answer me!! Why did you lie to me? You needed me for something right? Wait...back when mom's place blew up, she was talking about a guy named Alan. She was really upset. That was you. I just never caught you with my mom or dad so I never figured out who you were. I remember...mom and dad and Uncle Austin...they said that this guy, Alan, had disappeared when I showed up at the scene. You didn't want me to find out...you did need me for something.

Alan: Perhaps. The less you know the better, Will.

Will: Great!! I out you for who you are and you don't even tell me what the hell you are doing? Why you used me? Why did you act like my friend? How stupid!!! I should've known. Kids my age never are friends with guys as old as you. It's always seen as creepy and I never felt like it was because I trusted you!!! You were there for me every time. With the principal...my God, I told you I was gay!!! I told you so much!! Damnit!!! What the hell, man!!

Will looks at a stoic and silent Alan.

Will: Say something, damnit!!

Alan: I wanted you to say what you wanted to. Get it out of your system. Look, Will. I don't have much time and I am kinda in a rush. I don't have to give you a detail by detail analysis of why I did what I did and all that other great stuff. I have someplace to be...like now. However, we will talk later.

Will: No, we won't. You can tell everything to the cops because that is who I am calling. They can tell me everything when they are finished with you.

Will turns and begins to run but Alan grabs him and pulls him close to himself. He then pulls out a pocket knife and begins to scream in his ear:

Alan: IDIOT!! Telling someone you fear and view as dangerous that you are going to tell the cops. Your just asking to be subdued and silenced, aren't you?

Will: Let go of me!!! What are you going to do to me?

Alan: Right now I am going to take you somewhere for you to relax and wait and, then, I have a little business meeting of sorts to attend. After that, I will be back to deal with you. Now, come on!!!

Alan drags Will, who remains silent due to the knife being held right to his back, off.

-Back at University Hospital, Abby asks Chelsea again if something is wrong. Chelsea lies and says she is fine and is only upset for her. She is afraid for her and Max too but is sure that it will work out. Abby hopes so.

Meanwhile, Cassie begins to get her hopes up. She tells Max that she would like to see if things can work out between them two. They had a passion between them and, obviously, that passion created a child. Max tells Cassie she is misunderstanding. He vows to take care of her and the baby but doesn't think a relationship would work between them. He wants to be with Abby, whether she walks again or not. It wouldn't be fair to her to be with her just because of the baby and try to make something work that he already knows won't.

Cassie is stunned and silent. Max asks if she is ok. She nods and tells him she's sorry. The way he was talking made her think that he wanted more. That he wanted to make things work between them. Max apologizes and asks her again if she is ok. She answers yes. Max tells her that they will have to talk more but he wants to get back to Abby. He reiterates that he is happy that he has a baby on the way and thanks her for understanding. Cassie says it's no problem. Max leaves.

Cassie throws her purse and hits the wall in front of her. She vows that this isn't over and that she is not going to lose Max. She has his child and that is more then anything Abby can give him. Chelsea comes up behind her, saying that Abby can give Max what he wants and, what he wants, is Abby. Cassie gets up and takes Chelsea by the arm, telling her she is going to shutup and listen to her. She is going to help her break up Max and Abby or she her life crash and burn. Cassie lets go of her arm and walks away while Chelsea looks on, worried and confused over how to deal with this.

Max then returns to Abby and tells her he talked to Cassie. It's all going to work out and she took it well. He tells her that she has nothing to worry about. Abby smiles and says she is very happy. Max promises her that everything will be ok and that things are going to get better from now on. Abby knows that everything will be fine, just as long as he is with her and by her side. They embrace as a jealous Cassie looks on outside.

-At the park, Marlena and James meet back up with the MCF after finding nothing and no one in the area. The MCF suggests ending the meeting now and tells them both that they will be informed of their next instructions soon. The MCF warns them both to remain vigilant and to be careful. No one can catch on to their plans. As the MCF leaves , Marlena tells James she is sick of this and wishes things would just get moving. She is almost ready to pull out of this but the consequences of such a move prevent her from doing so. James tells her to be patient and just hope that they get everything accomplished and that this all ends soon. They both then leave.

-Back at The Spectator, Billie tells Jack that what JJ and Angel say makes the case a whole lot more worthwhile and interesting. It just seems like it could lead to something huge. It's time someone got to the bottom of all this. Jack asks if she means them. Billie smiles and asks Jack "why not?" Jack says that it could be a big story since there is no telling where all this may lead. Jack tells Billie that he's game if she wants to take on the case. They can work together and blow the lid off this mystery. Billie then agrees to take on the case. She walks out of the office and tells JJ and Angel. They thank her and hope they can find out what is really going on. Jack tells them there is no need to worry, you have a PI/former ISA agent and an ace reporter on the case. They all laugh.

-Roman is driving Sami, Lucas, Austin, and Kate up to the cabin. Meanwhile, Shane is following in the back with Abe in another car. Shane feels horrible about the lies and knows he will have to make up for them. Abe says he has alot of making up to do and better hope Carrie or her baby hasn't been harmed because, then, his ISA position may be in jeopardy.

Back in Roman's car, Sami tells Roman he better hurry. There is no telling what Alan could do as he hates Carrie just as much as he does her. She then begins to worry about Will again. Roman assures her he has men in Salem and around it looking for Will. They will find him and everything is going to be fine. Sami hopes so but can't shake a terrible feeling she has that something bad is going to happen.

The scene then shifts to a broken down hotel room. The camera pans up from the floor and slowly reveals an unconscious Will tied to a bed.

The scene then shifts to Alan in a car, on his way to the cabin.

Alan: Hang on, Carrie. Don't have that baby yet. I'm on my way!

-At the cabin, Carrie is still on the floor sweating. She tries to get herself up but yells out in pain again. She wonders if something could be wrong with the baby. She then has another sharp pain and screams out for help before passing out as the screen fades out on her motionless body, lying on the floor of the cabin.

On the next Salem Lives...

Victor: This cloaked figure...maybe it's time that I start thinking of getting rid of you.

Stefano to Lexie: I think it's time to return to Salem.

Julie to Maggie : What are you doing? Oh my...you are drinking again!!

Eric to Nicole: I have a preposition for you.

Carrie to Alan: It's coming.

Alan to Carrie: Push!!!

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Poor Will! He just can't catch a break. I hope he's ok.

Hmmm....the MCF calls Marlena Doc. Is that a slip of the tongue? I so want to know who the MCF is! It's like Christmas!

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