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Chapter 12 - Episode 1



At the hospital --

Emily's test results are in and the doctor is sharing the results with Emily and Zander.

"Emily is going to have to take it easy for the next few days, and I'd like to keep her in the hospital for observation." the doctor informed them.

"Are she and the baby okay, though? I mean no complications, right?" Zander spoke up concerned for his wife and child.

"They're fine, this time. I don't mean to scare either of you, but this is going to be a delicate pregnancy and Emily will need to live a stress free life for the next 6 months. Which is why I'd like to keep her in the hospital the next few days to monitor the baby and to be sure she/he is okay."

"Stress free? Yeah like that will happen." Emily joked.

"I know stress free is almost impossible, but having you in the hospital can at least give you a better chance at achieving it. I'll check back with you tomorrow. My suggestion for you, is to get plenty of rest. Use the time here in the hospital to relax and rest. You and your baby need it."

With that the doctor left the room, leaving Zander and Emily alone together.

"He does realize I'm a cop's wife, right? Stress free does not exist for us, Zander."

"Yeah well, its going to have to for the next 6 months, I don't want anything to happen to you or our baby. And if he says bed rest is what you need, bed rest is what you and the baby are going to get." Zander replied and gave her a kiss.

"Yeah but I hate hospitals!"

"Em, your a doctor ...." Zander joked.

"Yeah but I'm not always a patient and you know what they say .... Doctors make the worst patients." she smirked.

"Oh I can see that ..." he laughed and quickly gave her a kiss to stop her from replying with a comeback.

Emily's parents entered the room, and they were filled in about Emily's condition and that she was to stay in the hospital for a few days for rest. As they all sat conversing, Zander's cell phone rang. He excused himself and went out into the hallway to answer the call.

"Smith ..." he answered after he flipped open the phone.

"Hey, it's Jameson .... I'm at the PCPD with Escobar. Drop what you're doing and get down here ASAP."

"I'll be there as soon as I can." Zander replied to his partner, Detective Lee Jameson who had escorted a suspect, Carlos Escobar from Miami to Port Charles. A suspect who they had hoped would connect Sonny and Ric to an incident that occurred in Miami last year.

Zander went back into Emily's room and told her he had to leave on police business. He gave her a kiss goodbye and quickly left the hospital, heading to the PCPD to meet up with Jameson.

At the PCPD --

Detective Jameson and Escobar entered the squad room, and were met by Mac Scorpio, the police commissioner. Escobar in handcuffs and walking with confidence alongside the Detective.

"Can I help you?" Mac said as he approached.

"I hope so. I'm Detective Jameson from the Miami-Dade Special Investigations Unit and this is our suspect Carlos Escobar. I believe someone was suppose to get a call from my superiors that we were arriving today."

Mac recognized the name and he had received a phone call a few days prior from a Captain Cortez from the Miami-Dade Police Department about a Detective escorting a suspect connected to the Sonny Corinthos case.

"I'm Mac Scorpio, the Police Commissioner and yes I did get a phone call that you and the prisoner would be arriving. You can put him in the cage and we'll have a chat about the case."

Jameson uncuffed Carlos and tossed him in the large metal holding cage that sat in the corner of the squad room. He followed Mac into the interrogation room to discuss the case and waiting for Zander to arrive.

"Miami-Dade, huh? The same police department Detective Zander Smith is associated with?" Mac asked as he closed the door of the room.

"The one and the same. Detective Smith and I are partners. I called him when I arrived, he should be here shortly." Jameson replied and he took a seat.

They didn't have to wait long before Zander arrived. He walked into the squad room and noticed across the room, Escobar was sitting in the cage, waiting. Mac came out of the interrogation room, Jameson followed and met up with Zander.

"Hey, man ... any problems getting him here?" Zander greeted as Jameson approached.

"No problems at all, he was a good boy all the way from Florida." Jameson joked as he eyed Escobar.

Escobar smirked because he realized they were discussing him and their travels from Miami. "Yes I was a good boy, now what do I get? A cookie?"

"Maybe, just maybe, the judge will see to it you keep on breathing." Jameson snarked back. "That is if Corinthos lets you live that long." Zander added.

"Now come on Detective, that's not a nice thing to say. I mean, I've been a good travel companion, haven't I? I didn't give you any trouble, did I? And that's how you talk to me ...." Escobar replied, being the smartass that his is.

Jameson just sneered back at the prisoner and then followed Zander and Mac back into the interrogation room for a discussion about the case.

As the three of them were discussing the case, John Durant entered the squad room with Detective Lucky Spencer by his side. The men following them held in the hands bags of evidence that needed to be logged in to the evidence room.

"Take that stuff and get it all logged in!" Durant ordered as the officers did as they were told.

"I'll start on the paperwork ..." Lucky said as he went to his desk and then noticed the new prisoner in the cage.

"It was a good bust tonight, Detective." Durant praised.

"Thank you, sir." Lucky keeping his eye on Escobar, wondering where he had come from and who he was.

Mac, Zander, and Jameson emerged from the interrogation room. Durant was the first to ask questions about Escobar.

"Mac, I see we have a new guest tonight. Care to explain?"

"John, this is Detective Jameson from the Miami-Dade Special Investigations unit. He escorted Carlos Escobar from Miami. He's a suspect involved in an incident with our very own Sonny Corinthos. Jameson hopes to shed some light on our case against Sonny and Ric."

Durant shook hands with Jameson. "John Durant, Federal Prosecutor and the lead on the case against Sonny Corinthos and Ric Lansing."

"Detective Jameson and I have been working this case for 3 years now, and the case has led us to believe Escobar and Corinthos had dealings in Miami for the past 3 years. We hope he can lead us to the bigger fish, who we really are after .... Salvador Sabata."

Coming up --

~ Durant's case against Sonny starts to build

~ Ric fears for his family's safety

~ Faith and Trevor meet


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Tick/Tock...looks like Durant is going to be make sure he comes out on top in getting Sonny/Ric....Escobar could be his ticket to destroying Sonny, or be something entirely different.

I know much as I am reading it, that Emily will in fact have stress coming her way....with Zander's quest to get the goods on Sonny, it will be that which will put her in the line of fire, so to speak. She has a brother that hates the man she's married to, and vice versa...that's stress. Her best friend is married to her brother, so of course her best friend, Liz will of course stand by her man; that's more stress....I just hope nothing happens to her baby :(

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Hot damn Soapy. That is a lot of sexy guys in one small jail.

We got Greg, Chad, John J, John-Paul, Corbin, Robert LS.....

Whewwww.....what's a girl to do tonight I wonder? ;)

Uh-oh poor Emily :( Hopefully she and Georgie become close friends that would rock.

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