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February 2, 2007




-At the Salem Police Station, Roman is making himself comfortable in Abe's office as Abe fills him in on everything that has happened with him being in the hospital. Roman tells Abe that it's good to be back and to not have to continue to charade him, Bo, and Shane pulled. Abe says he is still upset about that. Roman understands and promises to make it up to everyone, including him. Abe tells him he just better hope Victor doesn't find out or, if he does, he is too focused on other things to come after him or Bo.

Roman ponders Abe's words when Sami, Austin, and Lucas burst in. Sami is hysterical and tells Roman about how she told Will about Alan raping her years ago. Lucas and her agreed it was time and he was upset. He did seem fine when he went to his room but, when she knocked on the door to check on him after awhile, he didn't response. Lucas and Austin broke down the door and Will was nowhere to be found. They think he went out the window and fire escape. They have looked at the park, Salem Place, and Salem High. They decided it was best to stop and just seek out the police instead of wasting more time.

Roman says she did the right thing. Sami says she didn't think he would be there as he just was released but she is happy he is. She asks her father where Will could be. Roman says that he and Abe will do what they can. He promises her they will find him and assures her that this is probably nothing. Sami hopes so and her, Austin, and Lucas decide to start calling Will's friends to see if they know anything as Roman and Abe leave the office to take action to find Will.

-On the pier, Will thanks Alan/Ace for the talk. He just really needed to open up about everything that had happened tonight. Alan/Ace tells him again it's no problem. They do their secret handshake once more as Will says he has to be getting home. He just left out the fire escape and told no one. His parents will be worried if they realize he is gone. Alan/Ace understands and tells Will that he is here for him if he needs him and to take it easy. Will thanks him and leaves.

After Will leaves, Alan gets up. He pulls out his cell to make a phone call but realizes the battery is dead. He pulls out his wallet to find some change for the payphone. As he is about to walk off, Shane comes up from behind and takes Alan by the neck. Alan's wallet flys out of his hand and falls behind some crates. Shane asks him what the hell he is doing hanging around Will. Alan insists it's the first time he has met Will and he was only making an effort to get to know him. He is a fine young man and Alan says he is just hoping to mend fences with Sami, Carrie, and the Brady's. Alan claims that Will can help Sami and the others see what Carrie sees...that he has changed.

Shane says he doesn't buy any of that BS. He overhears Alan talking to Will like they met before and also noticed Will was calling him "Ace." Shane accuses him of trying to get revenge on Sami through Will somehow. Alan denies that and reminds Shane of how he has helped Carrie and taken care of her. He nearly gave his life for her. He rescued her from the island and nursed her back to health. He also saved her from falling debris that one time. Shane tells Alan he knows there is more to all this and that he is convincing Carrie he has changed for a reason.

Alan says his only purpose in returning to Salem was to make up for what he had done. Shane asks him why Will calls him "Ace." Alan says that he didn't want to give Will his real name because he was afraid Will wouldn't talk to him if he knew who he was, assuming Sami told him about what he did to her. Shane says he still doesn't trust him and should've never kept Carrie's whereabouts a secret. Alan tells Shane that Carrie is fine and taken care of. Shane ignores Alan's words and says he is fed up. He is telling the truth. He doesn't trust him and now that he is hanging around Will for some reason, this must end now. He is going to Roman and the others right now and telling them everything.

Shane throws Alan to the ground and runs off. Alan picks himself up and seems worried about Shane vowing he is about to tell everyone where Carrie is and about what him and her have been doing these past few months. Alan says that it's not the right time yet and that he isn't ready for this to happen. Will then returns, stunning Alan.

Meanwhile, at the cabin near Green Mountain, Carrie cries out in pain. She manages to get herself to the phone and calls Alan but he isn't answering his cell since it's off. Carrie then tries to call the doctor from the clinic, who has been her doctor these past few months, but there is no answer. She then doubles over in pain again, screaming for someone to help her because she is in labor and the baby is coming!!!

-At University Hospital, Abby and Max remain stunned by the news that Cassie is pregnant with Max's baby. Chelsea claims that she has to be lying but Cassie insists that Max is the only man she slept with. Abby and Chelsea both recall the night in October when they caught Cassie and Max making out and just about to have sex. They never were sure whether they went through with it or not as they left due to Chelsea being drunk and Abby being upset.

Max's can't believe both girls saw that and asks Abby if that is why she followed in Chelsea's rebellious footsteps. Abby says partly it was but it was mostly to get his attention as she thought he was attracted to Cassie because she wasn't a goody goody. Max can't believe this is happening and either can Abby and Chelsea. Cassie tells Max they have alot to discuss. Max is still stunned and can see how this news is tearing up Abby. He tells Cassie he needs to speak with Abby in private and then they can talk.

Cassie reluctantly agrees and goes outside Abby's room with Chelsea. Meanwhile, back in Abby's room, Max comforts Abby and tells her that he will deal with this. Abby asks him what this means for them and the relationship they were beginning to embark on.

-Marlena is walking in the park when she gets a phone call.

Marlena: What? You want to meet now? I am trying to keep a low profile here. I don't want Roman or any of my kids to see me. They have been out looking for me and it seems like they have the whole damn Salem PD out looking for me. What? The park? Well, I'm at the park but this may not be the best place for a meeting. Fine...whatever. I am already here so I will walk over to where you want to meet now. Yeah...bye.

Marlena hangs up and is still worried about being spotted. She is very angry about meeting and such an open area but realizes she has no choice. She begins her walk towards the meeting place.

-JJ and Angel are on their way home and are taking the short cut through the park. JJ is praying that Billie will take their case and agree to help them. They have been unable to make any progress on their own and could use someone with her experience to help. Angel agrees and says she hopes Billie lets them know soon. They need to find out what dad is up to so they can end the uncertaintly once and for all.

JJ hopes their father is innocent. He doesn't think their family can survive another go around of him screwing up and ending up in jail for another decade or more. It was stressful on mom and all of them the first time and this time it will be much worse. Angel is hopeful their father learned his lesson and that he isn't involved in anything illegal or corrupt. JJ hopes she is right.

Meanwhile, Marlena arrives at the place she was told to meet at in the park. It's near a restroom and vending machine spot on the west side of the park. Marlena looks at her watch impatiently, still worried about being seen. She then hears a noise and turns to see...James making his way toward her.

Marlena: Guess you were called too?

James: Well, of course, we are both involved in this. I am always going to be called if there is a meeting.

Marlena: Looks like we might be in trouble, huh?

-Back inside Abby's room, Max assures he that everything will be fine. He wants to be with her. He will work something out with Cassie. Abby asks him how he is going to make this work. Max says he will find a way. He tells her he doesn't want Cassie. He wants her. He can be a father to his baby and still be with her. Abby says she isn't so sure this can work out and she doesn't want to be selfish. The baby comes first. Max agrees but feels sure he can work something out to make everyone happy. He promises her that he still wants to be with her and that will remain the case, if he has anything to say about it.

Meanwhile, Cassie is listening outside as Chelsea lectures her about eavesdropping. Cassie reminds Chelsea it's one of her many specialities as well and tells her not to be a hypocrite. Cassie can't believe that her being pregnant has done nothing to shake up Max and Abby. Chelsea laughs and says that the only think that can keep Max and Abby apart right now is themselves. There is nothing she can do to come between them, baby or no baby. Cassie says she isn't going to give up and then her eyes widen as she realizes she has an idea.

Cassie tells Chelsea that she is wrong. She has an idea that may just work and break Max and Abby apart for good. Chelsea says she would like to see her try. Cassie tells Chelsea she will just need a little help...FROM HER!! Chelsea laughs and says she would never help her, let alone betray Max and Abby like that. They are her friends, despite what went down between her and Max. Cassie laughs and says;

Cassie: Why, Chels, you won't have a choice! You will help me or you will see your life blown sky high.

Chelsea: What do you mean?

Cassie: You either help me or all of Salem...hell, the world, learns that Hope Brady is your mother and that Bo and Billie aren't your parents. Not just that...but they will also learn that you are a cold blooded killer!!!

Chelsea stares at Cassie worried and stunned that she knows about her being a killer too.

Cassie: That's right, Chels. I know you killed your two rapists and, if you don't help me, I am going to make sure you don't continue to get away with it. The choice is your's...save yourself and help me or...don't agree to my terms and face the destruction of your life. Your on the clock, Chels.

Chelsea turns around, clearly shaken and nervous after Cassie's threats, as a very pleased and smiling Cassie looks on.

-Back at the Salem Police Station, Roman and Abe return to Abe's office. Sami tells them that her, Lucas, Kate (who has arrived due to Austin calling her) and Austin called all of Will's friends and they know nothing. Roman and Lucas comfort her and tell her they will find Will. Kate rolls her eyes. Austin warns her that if she doesn't behave he will take her home. Kate tells Austin she doesn't know why he called her to come in the first place. There really isn't much for her to do at the station.

At that moment, Shane bursts in saying he has something to tell all of them and is glad they are all there. Roman asks what's wrong. Shane tells them all that he has something very important to tell them and only wishes he had sooner. He knows where Carrie is. Roman, Abe, Kate, Lucas, Austin, and Sami are stunned.

-Back on the pier, Will tells Alan that he returned because he left his scarf behind. Will finds it and asks if "Ace" is ok. Alan/Ace says he is fine. Alan asks Will if he has any change. He really needs to make a phone call. Will gives him some change and Alan thanks him. Alan goes to the payphone and then remembers that he lost his wallet after Shane attacked him. Will says he can help find it while Alan/Ace is on the phone. Alan/Ace agrees but tells Will not to look at anything in it, fearing he will see his identification and learn who he really is. He tells Will there is something private in there he doesn't want him to see.

While talking to Will, Alan's phone call goes through. Meanwhile, at the cabin, Carrie hears the phone and walks over to it. She answers and Alan immediately asks what's wrong. Carrie tells Alan she is labor and the baby is coming. Her water has broke and she can't get a hold of the doctor. Alan tells her to hang tight and that he will be right there. Carrie says ok and hangs up, just as she screams in pain again and falls to the floor in agony.

Alan seems very upset and tells himself that he isn't ready for any of this to happen. Meanwhile, Will continues looking for the wallet and finds it behind some crates. He looks at it and jokingly says:

Will: So...what is so private in here that you don't want me to see Ace? Girlfriend's picture? Oh, I know, I hear this all the time from people. It's a bad driver's license photo. I hope mine is never like that when my parents finally let me drive. If that's what it is, it can't be that bad.

Alan sees will fiddling with the wallet.

Alan/Ace: Will, don't...don't open that. Seriously, there is something in...

Will (laughing as he opens the wallet): Oh, come on man. It can't be that bad whatever it is.

Will's face then turns pale. A frightened look crosses his face. He shakes his head in disbelief at what he is seeing.

Will: This...your license.

Alan: Will, I...

Will: This can't be right. You told me you were Ace...but this says...this says your Alan Harris.

Alan: Will...

Will: Is this a joke? I mean...is this true?

Alan stares at Will and can't seem to find a way out of this.

Will (as tears well up in his eyes): It is true, isn't it? You don't even have to say it. I can see it. Your Alan Harris. Your the man that raped my mother!!! Aren't you? AREN'T YOU!!

Alan (looking at Will coldly): Yes. Yes...I am Alan Harris.

A shocked Will looks into Alan's cold eyes and stoic face, confused and wondering what exactly is going on.

-Back at the park, James tells Marlena he isn't sure if they are in trouble. It may just be a planning meeting or something. Marlena just wishes they could get this over with before they are spotted. Meanwhile, JJ and Angel are continuing their walk home when they hear voices. JJ recognizes one of the voices as their father's. They end up walking behind the restroom building and hide in some bushes and shrubbery. They are stunned to see their father and a women that Angel recognizes from St. Luke's and the newspaper as Marlena Evans Brady. They both wonder what she is doing with their father.

At that moment, both JJ and Angel see someone else walking up as they notice Marlena and James' heads turn in the right direction.

Marlena: It's about time.

James: Yeah. What the hell is so important that you called us here? This place isn't exactly the smartest place for a meeting spot.

Marlena: Agreed. Now how about we get on with this and discuss the next phase and steps in our grand plan so we can get the hell out of here before we are caught and all the planning we have done for weeks ends up being for nothing.

JJ and Angel are confused by what is being said and wonder what is going on. They wonder what their father and Marlena are mixed up in. They try to see around the other edge of the building as it is blocking their vision of whoever just walked up as the third member of the meeting. JJ and Angel move over a bit to the right and get a glimpse of the person who has just joined Marlena and James. It's....

the MCF!!!!!

JJ and Angel both look on in shock and wonder who this cloaked figure is and how their father and Marlena are linked to this person. The screen then fades out on a split screen of their faces surrounded by the faces of Marlena, James, and the MCF.

On the next Salem Lives...

Max to Cassie: We need to talk.

Abby to Chelsea: Are you ok? What's wrong?

JJ to Angel: I get the feeling our father is in alot of trouble.

Angel to JJ: And this time he could very well put us all in danger.

Marlena (with James) to MCF: No more games. Let's get this show on the road or count me out!!

Roman to Shane: How could you lie to me?!!! About my own daughter!!!

Carrie: Something could be...wrong with the baby.

Will to Alan: Tell me the truth now. What are you up to? What do you want with me?

Alan to Will: You don't want to know.


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