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February 1, 2007




-At University Hospital, Max is in Abby's room waiting for her to return from therapy. He takes a seat to relax a bit just as Abby is wheeled in, with Chelsea behind her. Max is shocked to see Chelsea on her feet. Chelsea tells Max that she is being released and that her arm has slight mobility now and she will continue her therapy on a outpatient basis. Max is happy for her and embraces her, while Abby begins to wipe tears from her eyes.

Max hears her sniffling and asks if she is ok. Abby says that Chelsea is progressing and she is being left behind. She is even going home. Chelsea reminds Abby that she isn't much better. She can barely move her arm. The only difference between them is that she is going home. She vows to be there for Abby so they can keep helping each other through this. Max tells Abby he isn't going anywhere either.

Abby says she is losing all hope. She is having trouble keeping the faith when she hasn't gotten any better and Chelsea has accomplished something, even if it is minor, and is going home. Abby says she has to accept the fact that she will be like this and unable to walk forever. Max takes her in his arms and holds her, saying it's going to be ok and that she has to have faith. Meanwhile, outside Abby's room, Cassie is watching with a devilish grin on her face.

Cassie tells herself that maybe it's time to kick Abby while she's down and drop her little bombshell on her and Max. This will cause her to push Max away even more then she already is due to her paralysis. Cassie looks in on a devestated Abby and decides it's time to shake things up.

Cassie bursts in the room and looks at Chelsea. She tells her she is pleased to see her up and around. Chelsea sarcastically says that she doubts it. Max asks what she is doing here and adds that it is not a good time. Cassie looks at Abby coldly and says that she is sorry that Abby is upset about something but that, perhaps, her good news will brighten up her day. Max asks what she is talking about.

Cassie tells them all that she has known this for a few days but wanted to wait until the perfect moment. Now seems right as she hopes it will make Abby and others feel better given how bad things have been lately. Chelsea tells her to just spit it out. Cassie calms Chelsea and then says that her news is....she is pregnant!! Max, Abby, and Chelsea are stunned. Chelsea asks who the hell would want to sleep with her. Cassie grins and says that you already know someone who would and did...MAX!!!

Abby and Chelsea look on stunned as Max begins to realize what this means. Cassie then smiles as she tells them all that they heard right...MAX IS HER BABY'S FATHER!!! Chelsea stands in shock as a stunned Abby looks at Max with worry, wondering what this means for them.

-Kayla enters Steve's room and asks if he is ready to be released and to go on their trip. Steve says he isn't and isn't so sure this is a good idea. He is afraid to hurt her if he has another outburst due to those painful memories. Kayla says she can handle him and that it's going to be fine. Shane then stops in and tells Steve to listen to Kayla. She is a doctor afterall.

Steve isn't so sure about this as there will be no one else around to stop him from hurting her. Kayla tells Steve that she knows deep down that despite him not remembering all of the good times and love they shared, he still has those feelings inside of him. She believes he would never hurt her and that something would stop him if he tried. Steve isn't so sure but Kayla tells him to have faith. She knows that everything will work out and that this trip will be a nice journey down memory lane. This may be what he needs to remember everything and for them to finally get their lives back. Steve hopes so. Shane wishes them luck and helps them carry their bags out of the room and to the car.

-At The Spectator, Jack is still stunned after learning the identity of the new owner and editor of the newspaper. It's GRETA!! Billie then enters, with a smiling Frankie just behind her. Jack asks what he is doing there. Greta says that she called him. She wanted him there to see his face. Jack asks Billie if she knew. She says she didn't and that she only found out as Greta and Frankie walked in.

Jack asks how this is possible. Greta says she was sick of being content fulfilling her responsibilities as princess. She hardly ever does anything except the occasional event she must attend or when she must travel to settle a dire situation. She wants to do something to influence people and better society. Frankie informed her of The Spectator being up for sale and needing new ownership and an editor so she bought it. Jack reminds Greta that she knows nothing of journalism or the field. Greta smiles and says that is what he is for.

Greta wants Jack to be her co-editor. He can help her learn the ropes and can handle the responsibilities he has always liked handling. Jack says he would rather have the editor position to himself. Greta gives him a angry look but Jack assures he is joking and that he accepts. It will be great being around her again, just like the good old days of him playing gay. Greta sarcastically laughs.

Frankie pulls out some champaigne to celebrate. Billie says she is in AA so she won't be drinking. She tells Jack she will be right back and leaves. She returns to the newsroom. JJ and Angel are sitting in a cubicle talking. Billie scares them when she comes up behind them. She apologizes and says she will have to get back to them about taking their case. She needs to think it over. JJ says ok but pleads with her to help them. They really could use her assistance. He gives her his cell number and Billie promises to call him when she has an answer. JJ and Angel thank her as they leave.

Billie goes back to Frankie, Greta, and Jack. She fills her glass with Sprite and says that will be her champaigne. They toast to new beginnings and to a prosperous future.

-Sami and Lucas are in the kitchen, talking about Will. Sami wonders if she did the right thing telling him about Alan raping her. Lucas says she did, he had to be told sooner or later and he is old enough to handle it. She hopes so. Austin arrives and says he just wanted to drop off some information for Lucas on Roberts & Associates. Austin sees Sami looking upset and asks if everything is ok.

Lucas explains to Austin what has happened. Austin tells Sami that she did the right thing. Will had to be told eventually and he is capable of understanding now. Sami just hopes it wasn't too much for him to handle. She is worried about him. He has had to deal with so much in his life and she hopes this doesn't impact him in a negative way. Lucas laughs and says he has been through worse. Sami shows him an angry look and says that isn't funny. Sami decides to knock on his bedroom door. She wants to make sure he is ok as he has been in there for awhile. She knocks and there is no response.

Sami begins to get upset as she knocks and calls out for Will, with no answer. Austin and Lucas knock and call out for Will too, with no response. Lucas and Austin decide to break down the door, at Sami's urging, and are shocked when they do so and Will is gone. Sami gets hysterical and asks Lucas where he could be.

Meanwhile, Will is walking the pier. He turns around and smiles, as Alan walks toward him:

Will: Ace, I am glad you made it. I really need to talk to you. I just really need a friend right now...someone mature enough to understand this and not make fun of me. You know, like my other friends would.

Alan/Ace: Hey, man. You know I am always here for you.

Will: I know that. You have helped me alot. From saving my ass in the principal's office last May to just being here to talk...I don't know where I would be without you, man. Some people would think it's creepy that I am hanging out with a guy like you. You know, you being so older then me. But...you've been great.

Alan/Ace: Anything I can do, man. So, what did you need to talk about?

Will fills Alan in on his mother telling him she was raped. Alan acts horrified, saying that is horrible. Will asks Alan/Ace not to say a word to anyone. This is very private. Alan/Ace reminds Will that he has kept the truth about his sexuality a secret so he can trust him. Will says he knows. Alan/Ace tells Will that he feels so horrible for him and his family. They have been through and had to deal with so much. Will agrees and says he is so happy he could talk to "Ace" about it. It's good to have someone to talk to and confide in. Alan/Ace says he will always be there for him.

Meanwhile, Shane is on his way back from the hospital via the pier. He looks ahead and sees Will and Alan, doing their secret handshake.

Shane: Oh my God...what the hell...why is that bastard with Will?

-Back at the cabin near Green Mountain, Carrie sits near the fireplace. She is wondering if she made the right choice deciding to give her child up for adoption. She just wants to keep the peace between Lucas, Austin, Sami, and everyone she cares about. She just hopes that she can give up her baby when the time comes. She just prays that her baby is adopted by a nice family, who will love it and care for it.

Carrie finishes her milk and tries to get up from her seat. As she does, she feels a a sharp pain and falls back to the couch. She screams out in pain and prays nothing is wrong with the baby. She then looks down at the floor and says:

Carrie: Oh my...my water broke!!! I'm in labor!! The baby...the baby's COMING!!!

The screen then fades out on Carrie screaming in pain.

On the next Salem Lives...

Abby to Max: What is going to happen to us?

Cassie to Chelsea: You are going to help me or you will see your life blown sky high.

JJ to Angel: Oh my God...it can't be...

Marlena to James: Looks like we might be in trouble, huh?

Shane to Alan: What the hell are you doing here with Will?

Sami to Roman: Daddy, where could he be? Where's my son?!

Carrie: Argh...someone...someone please HELP ME!!!


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