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January 31, 2007




***For those that want to listen to the song with the Sami/Lucas/Will stuff, you will have to find it on your own. Unfortunately, Roman and I were unable to provide a link to it. Our apologies but please enjoy it and feel free to find the song and listen to it during those scenes. It really enhances them.***

-At the Java Café, Frankie is waiting for Greta, who he had called some time ago. As he sits in a booth looking at the door, he sees a very beautiful woman walk in. Frankie stands and shows gentlemanly courtesy to Greta, who smiles and thanks him for the call before she sits down. She is very excited about the new opportunity she has received, saying that it will be fun. Frankie is happy for her, seeing as they are building a friendship that is starting to become very important to him.

She feels the same. All of her previous relationships have crashed and burned, she says, and she now feels that this may be different because the two of them are starting off as friends first. Frankie tells her to not get ahead of herself, which causes her to smile and then look down into her lap. He says that with everything the family is going through, on top of this thing with this mystery person who is helping to keep Salem as a battleground, no one is safe.....not friend or family.

But, Frankie says, enough with the doom and gloom. He gets tired of talking about that. He asks Greta about her new opportunity and, before she can respond, she looks down at her watch and says it’s time for her to split. She gets up and hastily bids Frankie good-bye and rushes out of the Café. Frankie then quietly wishes her good luck and then chuckles before taking another sip of his coffee.

-At the busy offices of The Spectator, Jack is sitting at his desk typing up another Kiriakis/DiMera mafia war story when someone stands over him and blocks his light. When he remarks that people have shot for doing less in a newsroom, Billie starts laughing saying that he really needs to take a break from all his worries. Jack asks if she is a Cheers fan and she says she used to be before all the bullets, death & destruction descended upon Salem. That’s one of the major reasons why she had decided to open up her own P.I. firm, she says.

Jack agrees and tells her how happy he is for her. Then he tells her how nervous he is to meet the new editor-in-chief and owner. He types the last of his story and sets it aside for proofreading. When he places it in his basket, James Jr. picks it up, telling him that he is one of the newest interns and that he’ll proofread his article, if that is alright with Jack. Angel, who has came along with him, and Billie laugh at Jack’s demeanor. He stands there looking at the young hotshot and then snatches back his article, telling him that protocol is something he needs to work on.

J.J apologizes, saying that the day before, he and his sister couldn’t get in to do anything because the new ownership had yet to check everything out and the guards weren’t letting anyone in. Billie tells Jack that he should understand that and Jack turns his head to look at Billie, giving her a glance to stay out of this conversation. Billie smiles, as does Jack, because it is then that she realizes that Jack is giving J.J a hard time. Jack tells him it’s ok......this time. He guesses the new people want to keep a low profile. J.J. & Angel then look at each other before asking for permission to do some work on another computer. Jack grants it and the two run off before Jack can tell J.J. good luck.

As Billie & Jack look at the siblings go to work, they sit down and activate the computer, looking up information on Victor and his past dealing in Salem and around the world. They hope that they can find anything that may connect their father with Victor.....and what James Sr. may be involved in. What neither of them notices is Billie sneaking up on them to see and hear what they are getting involved in. Jack watches Billie start her detective work and, while he just shakes his head at her, he turns and walks into the offices to wait for the new owner and editor-in-chief.

J.J. & Angel work feveriously at trying to find any information but then notice someone standing behind them. When they slowly turn to see who it is, they smile at Billie, who is standing there with her hands on her hips. They then tell her what they are doing and when she inquires as to what their last names are, J.J. responds McCluer. Billie then says that she remembers that name from Caroline Brady telling her. Angel says that they all go to the same church. Billie acknowledges that and, when she looks to see what they are working on, she looks back at them with dread.

She says that she can see they are good kids but they would be very wise not to get involved with any matter concerning Victor Kiriakis. She knows, seeing as she used to be a police officer & I.S.A. agent before becoming a P.I. J.J. then has a thought. He mentions having money saved and when Angel looks at him with surprise, he asks Billie if she would take on a case for him. Angel sighs deeply, telling him that she is very worried about where this could lead to. J.J. then pulls Billie to the side and, as Angel watches on, tells her about his father’s history.

He explains about him being an ex-con and the trouble he’s been involved in. He also says that, no matter what, that his father is truly a good and decent man, who has just made the wrong choices in his life. He has heard rumblings when he was younger about some work his father has done in the past. Deep, covert stuff that he didn’t understand because of his age. He knows that his father can also be a very dangerous man when crossed or when he feels his life and lives of his family are threatened. So, he tells her, she can hopefully see what they are up against. They have tried to find out on their own what is up with him but have not been that successful so far.

They both tell her that they don’t have very much to pay her but hope that she would take on their case, seeing as they need a professional like her. While Billie thinks over their offer, she hears footsteps behind her. When she then notices someone standing behind her, she turns and asks “What are you doing here?” Meanwhile, in the editor’s office, Jack is sitting in a chair, having fallen asleep. He doesn’t hear the person walk into the office and sit behind the desk in the big chair. He does hear the person bang on the desk, waking Jack up, and causing him to almost fall out of his seat.

When Jack looks up, he notices that the chair is turned and asks.........

Jack: Excuse me, Mr Editor? Or, is it Mrs? Or Miss? Whatever! Is that you?

The chair turns to reveal the face of the newest editor and owner of The Spectator as Jack stands and looks on.........with an expressionless face.

-At the cabin near Green Mountain, Alan still hasn't left for Salem. Carrie has just woke up and is angry that Alan hasn't left. She reminds him that he should be back in Salem by now. She needs him there and he needs to be there to mend fences. Alan says he knows but he is reluctant to leave her so close to her due date. Carrie insists she will be fine and will call if something happens or if she goes into labor. She also has the phone number for the doctor she has been seeing. If something happens, she will be sure to call him as well. Alan is still reluctant to go but Carrie gets his coat and begins to force him out.

Carrie tells Alan to keep in touch and assures him she will be fine and will let him know if something happens. They embrace and she thanks him for his concern and for everything he has done for her. He says it's no problem and thanks her too for giving him the benefit of the doubt and being there for him. She wishes him luck back in Salem as they bid each other goodbye. Once the door is shut, Alan flashes a devilish grin as he walks away from the cabin.

-At Lucas’s apartment, both of them have sat down to watch the movie Hitch on cable. Sami mentions that it’s one of her favorites and says that Lucas could stand to learn a thing or two from it. Lucas replies that he is the most romantic dude both of them know, to which Sami laughs. She says that she knows that and has known that ever since he showed up on her doorstep in his military uniform ready to take her to her first dance. Lucas is shocked she still remembers that but she isn’t. She says that is the moment she fell in love with him.......even though she didn’t know it at the time.

The tone of the evening turns somewhat serious then as Sami gets up and walks over to the fireplace. Lucas sets up the DVR to tape the movie and then gets up himself, walking over to Sami. He hugs her from behind, telling her that he also didn’t realize how much he loved her back then. As he turns and walks away, he stops in front of the window, saying that his eyes were only for her sister. Carrie was, at the time, all he could think about. He didn’t start realizing that Sami was the woman for him until later on.

When Sami walks over to him and hugs him from behind, asking if it was after the first time her wedding was stopped, Lucas smiles. He says that she shouldn’t be surprised. As pissed as he was at her, that was the day he found out that Will was his. It was also a day that changed his life. He decided to start growing up and stop acting like a spoiled rich kid. He wasn’t that successful, though, with his battle with alcohol starting sometime after that. Sami tells him how sorry she is for saying that he hit Will when he was drunk, knowing that it was a lie. She still regrets that more than anything else.

She walks slowly back to the couch and sits down as Lucas follows her. When he sits next to her, he tells her that he forgave her for that a long time ago. He knew that even though her methods were wrong, he sees where her heart was. Sami tells him that the only person who had loved her unconditionally or, so she thought at the time, was Will. All the lies, backstabbing, and despicable things she did, she always felt his love for her and never questioned it, even when she would mess up and he would say how disappointed he was in her.

Lucas tells her he has done things wrong himself and for her not to place all the blame on her. Sami agrees, making Lucas look at her shocked, before he smiles at her once again. But, she says, she thanks God for the love of her son. He is the biggest reason, she says, why she decided to change her life. She loves her child too much to let him down again. Lucas then asks her a very difficult question. He wants to know..........if she does feel like that about their son, does she think it’s time to tell him her darkest secret........

About the time she was raped by Alan.

Sami is quiet now. She sits back on the couch. She looks at Lucas, who takes her hand gently. He sees a tear come down her face and now regrets asking her that question. She places her hand on his cheek, saying for him to not blame himself for that. She knows that is the worse time of her life. She still doesn’t know how she came through it without grabbing one of her father’s handguns and blowing her brains out. She also blamed Carrie for a lot of that because she told the truth on the witness stand during Alan’s trial, which ended up with him getting off scot-free. That’s what started her downward spiral.......and ruined her relationship with her sister, which she regrets to this day.

And now.......Alan is here. In Salem. He could come after her and, more importantly, Will or anyone she cares about. She stands up and stares straight ahead, vowing that she will kill him if he ever hurts her boy like he hurt her. Then, Lucas says, this may be the time to tell him. She looks at Lucas and starts crying, saying that Will might think that she is lying to him just to get closer to him or make him forget all the bad things she has done. Lucas walks up to her and holds her by both arms, saying that Will loves her more than anything in this world. He will believe her and understand, trust him. He feels that he will love her even more, knowing what she went through before he was born. And, he tells her........he will be right there, by her side. She is his lady and no one will change that. When Sami asks him if he still loves her, Lucas tells her to never wonder about that again.

The love he has for her spans the universe. No matter where he goes for the rest of his life, one thing will always be certain.......that he loves her more than any woman he’s ever known. He would lay down his life for her that very second and gladly go to Heaven knowing that he did the right thing. She steps forward and hugs Lucas, holding him tightly, and telling him that she prays to God every day and night to keep him in her life and, if something ever happened to him,.......for God to just take her. She honestly doesn’t know how she would go on. Lucas then asks that if this is their new beginning, she responds yes. They have been through way too much for it not to be.

While they hold each other, Will walks in the door, remarking about how long it will be before the building is back to normal. Sami and Lucas wipe the tears from their eyes and look at their son. When Will asks what’s going on, Lucas looks at Sami and asks if she is ok and she says that yes, she is fine and she’ll be alright. Lucas tells her ok and walks over to Will, telling him that he is leaving so he and his mother can talk. He pats Will on his back and walks over to the door, turning on the radio on the desk to play some music to help Sami through what she is about to do. He puts on his coat and looks back at Sami, who winks at him, and then he smiles as he leaves.

The song "Believe Me" by Rie Sinclair comes on the radio and Sami smiles once again, saying to herself how appropriate the song is. Will asks what she means and Sami asks him to sit down. They have something to talk about. She pats on the couch and Will walks over to it, sitting down slowly and asking his mother what is wrong. He can sense that she is very sad and wants to help any way she can. Sami takes the deepest breath she ever has before taking his hand and looking at her son. She tells him that what he’s about to hear is the hardest thing she’s had to say to him and that it will be the hardest thing he’s had to hear but it must be done........he needs to know this and he is ready to know it.

She tells him about when she met a man named Alan Harris. How handsome she thought he was and how much of a friend she thought he was when she was going through her bulimia crisis when she was a teenager. Will’s eyes grow wider at that news and before he can say anything, Sami squeezes his hand saying that this is very hard so she has to say it all at one clip or she will not get out the words. Will doesn’t say a word and lets his mother continue. She says that she started liking Alan as more than a friend. She thought that he was so wonderful and that he was the best man she had ever met.

Lucas quietly walks back into the door and closes it behind him. He puts up his coat and stands next to the door as Sami continues. She continually wipes tears from her eyes as she says.......

Sami: Baby, I don’t know what I was thinking. I had turned over everything to him. My heart belonged to him. I thought he felt the same way about me, you know? Because he kept telling me how special I was. And, at the time, I thought I was less than nothing. So.......I fell for his charms. I was trying to deal with just being a teenage girl and it was so much easier for me hearing about how pretty I was and about how I was the best thing in his life.

Sami looks up at Lucas, who nods his head in approval. She then looks back at Will, who is worried about where she is headed with all of this. She continues........

Sami: But...........it was all a lie, Will. He didn’t realize then that who he really wanted to be with........was your aunt, Carrie. I was just a substitute for her. He didn’t care about me at all. And.....I didn’t realize that.......until it was too late.

When Will asks her what does she mean by that, Sami pauses for a while. Lucas then walks over and stands behind Sami and Will looks at his father. Lucas asks him to listen to what his mother is saying to him and Sami looks at Lucas, who smiles and tells her that she is doing great. She's almost there. With tears coming down his face once again, Lucas tells her to continue with the rest. Sami turns back slowly and looks at her son and starts crying uncontrollably. Will doesn’t know what is happening and is now very scared of what will be said next to him.

Sami can barely look at him but she rocks back and forth and then calms down enough to continue....

Sami: Ok. Here it goes. One night, I went over to his apartment. I wanted to cook him a special dinner so I could show him how much I thought I loved him. Everything was going so wonderfully. We laughed and joked and he was so sincere. Later that evening (Wiping the tears from her eyes), we were sitting on his couch and he started kissing me. Now, that was the first time I had been kissed by a boy so I was excited.

He kept kissing me but then he started kissing me harder and harder. I told him to stop because I was starting to get scared. I started to get up and then.......he grabbed me. He kissed me real hard and wouldn’t let me go. (Crying very hard) I yelled at him for him to stop and then........he started calling me Carrie.

Will is shocked at this statement. Sami looks at him and continues.......

Sami: I tried so hard, Will, to get him off of me. But......he pushed me down on the couch. I started fighting him to get him off.........off........me but..........he wouldn’t stop. Then.......he started ripping off my clothes.........and touching me all over. I couldn’t...........I couldn’t get.............his hands off me. I was so scared.

Will looks at his mother. A tear comes down his cheek. He sits closer to her and asks her....

Will: Mom, what happened? What did he do to you, Mom?

Sami can’t control the emotions she’s going through right now. Lucas holds her from behind and she draws strength from him as she breaths in deeply for blurting out that.......

Sami: Oh.......Dear God......He raped me, Will! Alan raped me, Will!

Will looks at his father, who confirms what his mother just said by shaking his head. Will can’t believe it and turns away from Sami. He stands up and walks slowly to the window and slowly......starts crying. He hits the wall near the window frame and then starts banging on the wall itself, yelling over and over.....


Sami jumps up and runs over to him. He turns and looks at his mother and, taking one step forward, hugs Sami tightly. He buries his face into her shoulder and cries uncontrollably while she keeps telling him to let it all out. He barely can stand at this point and Lucas walks over to them and hugs both Sami and his son.

Will tells Sami & Lucas how sorry he is. He looks at Sami, saying that he was so wrong for giving her such a hard time. She tells him that nothing is his fault. She just wanted him to know what she went through. It's not an excuse but it was the beginning of her life spiraling out of control. She loves him more than her own life and begs him to be careful around Alan. He is back in town and there is no telling what he could do.

Will realizes that this is why everyone was so upset about some Alan guy being back a few months ago. Sami says that it was the reason why Austin and Lucas were staying with her. The other reason was Stefano and the whole mafia war. Sami begs him to stay clear of Alan. Will says he will but it will be hard not knowing what he looks like. Sami searches for a picture, along with Lucas, but neither can find one. She just tells Will to be careful and she will be sure to give him a picture when she can since a description of his looks won't be enough. Will says he understands and then........starts crying once again, hugging his mother and telling her how much he loves her.

The camera then gives us a overhead shot and then very slowly pans upward, as Believe Me plays once again. The ending credits roll as the family hugs and then slowly fades to black as the song ends.

On the next Salem Lives...

Kayla to Steve: You ready to go?

Steve to Kayla: No, I'm not.

Jack: Oh my God...your my boss?

JJ to Billie: Please...you have to help us.

Abby to Max: There is no hope. Chelsea is getting better but I'm not. I am going to be like this forever.

Cassie: It's time to dtop my little bombshell. Geat ready Max and Abby.

Sami to Lucas: I'm worried about him Lucas. I'm worried about all of us.

Will to Alan: I need to talk to you, "Ace." I really need a friend right now.

Carrie: Argh...oh my God. The baby...


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