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January 23, 2007




At the Horton house. Doug is sitting with Alice while Julie comforts Maggie upstairs. Doug tells Alice they have no idea why Maggie was outside and what caused her to breakdown like that. She seemed much clamer earlier. Alice thinks Maggie just went outside for some air and was thinking about Victor's "death." Doug thinks that may have been it.

Alice asks if things are back on track with him and Julie. Doug smiles and says they just agreed to disagree and decided not to bring the subject of Victor up. Alice asks Doug point blank if he is jealous of Victor because Julie and him had a brief fling while he was away from Salem. Doug says the way he feels about Victor has nothing to do with that. He thinks that Julie was wrong to encourage Maggie's friendship with Victor. It helped push them closer and she fell for him. Now she is falling apart from loss all over again and could turn back to the bottle, just like after Mickey died.

Alice says that Maggie is strong and this time she isn't pushing her family away so they will help her get through this. Doug isn't so sure. Alice tells him to have faith. She reminds Doug of his past and how Bill first met him in prison. Doug turns away in shame, saying those were different times. Alice says it doesn't matter. He was once a con artist. Victor may do worst but Doug did some bad things too. Everyone has a dark side. It all depends on how much a person let's that dark side consume them.

Doug thinks that Victor is a bad influence and is glad he is gone. He just can't understand why Julie and Maggie could look past the war he started and all his crimes. Alice says it's all about seeing the good in people. There is good in everyone. She reminds Doug that Victor was a changed man for years. He was still underhanded but was nowhere near what he is now. He could always revert back to the changed man he was after Isabella died. Doug doesn't think so and says it's a non-issue now. He is gone and never coming back.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Julie is embracing Maggie. She asks her again why she was outside and what caused her to breakdown again. She was much calmer when they arrived at the house from the hospital. Maggie remembers saying goodbye to Victor and is about to tell Julie what has happened but stops herself, telling herself she can't blow Victor's cover even if Julie is much more supportive of Victor then others. She can't risk it. She tells Julie she was outside getting some air and was thinking about Victor.

Julie tells her it's going to be ok. She gets up to get her some water. There is a magazine by Maggie's bed and it's turned to a page with a liquor ad on it. Maggie notices it and begins to stare at the ad. Her eyes are fixated on it when Julie returns with some water. Julie shakes her head and tells Maggie she doesn't need what is in that ad. She is a strong woman. A Horton. Mickey and Victor would not want her to fall off the wagon again.

Maggie turns towards Julie and says she is right. It's just hard. The temptation is so great right now. Julie asks if she has been attending AA meetings. Maggie says she has but not lately. With all the happenings at the ball and all, she hasn't had time. Julie thinks she should call Lucas but Maggie says they shouldn't wake him. He is being released tomarrow from the hospital and there is no need. She is fine. Julie tells her not to shut her family and friends out this time and to remember they are all there for her. She says she knows. They embrace as Maggie secretly looks at the liquor ad in the magazine, clearly interested in what she is seeing.

-Kayla asks Steve what he remembers. He says he remembered what she just told him-the time she tended to him when he was hurt and she saw what was under his patch for the first time. She is overjoyed. Steve calms her, saying it's nothing to be excited about. Kayla says it's a start and it's the first time he had an actual memory flash, except for the painful memories that have caused him to have outbursts.

Jack enters to check on Steve and Kayla fills him in on what is going on. Jack smiles and says that's great. He is happy to hear Steve remembered something. Steve just wishes he could stop the outbursts from happening but the memories are so strong. The only time he seems to get a handle on them is with Kayla around. As soon as he sees her, he is able to fight the effects off. Jack smiles and says it must be because he is looking at the love of his life, even though he doesn't remember her. It's the kind of stength he used to get when he looked at Jennifer. She inspired him and there were times where he drew all his strength from her and their love and he did some things he never thought he could.

Steve says he knows what Jack means. These episodes tear him apart but somehow Kayla gives him the strength to control them and beat them. Kayla asks him what he is saying. He says he needs her and that she is the key to him beating this thing. Kayla think the sedatives help too as they calm him but Steve mentions how he was able to handle the effects of the memories much better when she was with him like at the ball and the past few times at the hospital. Even though he only has one memory of her, the connection is still there. Somehow he has always felt it since they came face to face in Sydney and now it's what is helping him control whatever the hell these memories do to him.

Jack smiles and tells Kayla that it looks like she will just have to be by Steve's side alot from now. Kayla says she will do what she must to help him. She promises Steve that she will be by his side and help him get through this. Jack says the same. Steve looks at Kayla and admits that he feels this strange sensation when he is around her. Like he can do anything. Kayla smiles and says that she feels like her husband is slowly coming back to her. He seems like he is beginning to remember. Steve just wishes the painful memories didn't come with it so they didn't have to deal with this. Kayla promises they will deal with it and it will all work out. They will have a happy life and future. She promises him.

-Dr. Glancy is examining Bo and tells Caroline and Hope that he seems fine. His blood pressure and heart rate are normal now. They will keep him overnight for observation, though. He leaves. Billie arrives, saying she heard the good news from a nurse outside. Caroline tells Bo that she is happy he is ok. She only wishes that he and his brother did not lie to all of them. Bo realizes that the truth is out and apologizes. He was only doing what he had to do. Roman and Shane needed him. Billie is confused and asks what is going on.

Hope and Caroline fill her in on the ISA operation and how everything was a setup. Billie smacks Bo with her purse and says she understands why he did it but still is mad because of what he put them all through. Bo apologizes again. A nurse then comes in to check something and asks if Hope, Billie, and Caroline would step outside. They agree and go for a walk.

While walking, Hope explains to them how Bo said he remembers nothing about his outburst at the warehouse. His last memory is of the explosion that killed Victor. He doesn't remember what caused him to react so violently at the warehouse or the hospital. She is very concerned, as are Caroline and Billie. Billie wonders if he could be lying to them but Hope wonders why he would. Meanwhile, Kimberly is overhearing all this and decides to wheel herself to Bo's room to check for herself.

Kimberly arrives in Bo's room just as the nurse is leaving. Bo is happy to see her and tells her not to lecture him. He knows she is pissed about the ISA operation. Kim says they can talk about that later. She begins to ask him questions about what happened after the explosion that killed Victor. Bo claims he doesn't remember. Kim asks if he was thinking about something upsetting. She fills him in on the violent outburst he had with Hope at the warehouse and at the hospital. She wonders why he had them.

Bo says he remembers none of that happening and asks Kimberly why she seems so worried about it. She is almost in a panic of sorts. She says she is just worried about him and that they are all concerned he has no recollection of anything after the explosion. Bo says he hit his head during the explosion while falling down to shield himself and Hope. That may have something to do with it. Kim agrees it might. Hope, Caroline, and Billie return. Caroline hugs him, saying she is happy he is alright and says she is hopeful that things will get better now for all of them. Kim looks on and can't shake the feeling Bo is hiding something. She wonders why he would. At the same time, Bo tells himself that he has to lie. He needs to deal with whatever these memories are on his own until he knows what they mean and what they have to do with.

-Back at the Cheatin Heart, James reaches out for Marlena. He grabs her arm and says they need to go. The man that threatened James earlier tells him to back off and leave the lady alone. Marlena smiles and turns back toward the men. She begins dancing wildly with them again. James is fed up and is worried about Marlena and him being seen. He then sees two men begin to fight over her. The fight turns violent as fists fly. The whole bar breaks out into a brawl. James gets in the middle and manages to pul Marlena out. She gets a kick out of all the fighting over her and doesn't want to leave.

James slings her over his shoulder and carries her off, kicking and screaming. They exit the bar. Outside, she demands he put her down. He does and she claims to be dizzy and sick. James says she probably partied and drank too much. Marlena shakes her head, saying she was fine until he carried her out of the bar. She tries to walk past him into the bar but he stops her. She demands he let her pass. He refuses. Marlena tries to fight her way past him but then stops. She holds her mouth and turns around. James asks if she is ok. She then bends over and vomits.

James pats her on the back, saying it's ok and encouraging her to let it out. Marlena irrationally blames this on him for making her dizzy while carrying her. James blames it on her drinking and partying. Once she stops, she says she needs to get cleaned up so she can go back in the bar. James won't let her through. She tries to fight him again and then falls back, holding her head. James asks if she is ok. She starts to say she is fine but passes out halfway through the sentence and lands in James's arms.

-Belle is leaving her father's hospital room when a nurse walks up to her, saying her husband wants to see her. Belle is afraid to see him after what happened the last time. She flashes back to the last visit she had with him. The nurse says that she is under strict orders to make sure Belle sees her husband immediately. Belle reluctantly agrees, realizing that Philip either threatened the nurse or bought her off.

She arrives in his room and hesistates before going on. The nurse tells her she must go in or else. Belle asks her what she means by "or else." The nurse is silent and then tells her that her husband would not be happy and that can't be good. Belle takes a deep breath and slowly enters the room. It's all dark. The nurse leaves and closes the door behind her. Belle calls out Philip's name. There is no response. She is stunned to see no one in the bed. She then looks into the corner and sees someone sitting in the chair. It's Philip!!

Philip: Wow...nice to see you, my beloved wife.

Belle: Surely you didn't expect me to come back here after the last time.

Philip: My father is dead, Belle.

Belle: I know. I heard.

Philip: Oh, really. Tell me, Izzy. How do you think it feels to find out that your father was killed from a nurse? A NURSE!!!

Belle: Well, I...

Philip: Bad, Belle. Really bad. Especially bad when you know that everyone else is in the know but you. You all were in the ER waiting for word on Bo but no one had the common courtesy to come to me and tell me that my father is dead!!!

Belle: Alot was going on and...

Philip: NO!!! No more excuses. There is always an excuse with you...with everyone. I don't accept excuses anymore!!

Belle: Philip, I'm sorry about your father.

Philip: No. No your not. You hated him. You hated what he did to your family...to your father. save me the pity and save me the lies!!! I am not the stupid, naive Philip I once was. I am a new man, especially now. All of Salem will know that soon. They will feel my presence full force.

Belle: What are you talking about?

Philip: My father is dead, Belle. I am his heir. Titan and the whole Kiriakis empire is mine. The power is mine. It's funny because I had asked my father when we first got back to give me more responsibility. More of a role in his dealings. Now, I control them. I control everything.

Philip looks at a trembling Belle.

Philip: What? Nothing to say.

Belle: Uh...

Philip: Fear...your scared of me. You should be. All of Salem should be. I have it all. The name, the power....it's mine.

Belle: You don't seem to broken-hearted about your father. You seem almost happy.

Philip: Oh, I loved my father. I did and still do but one thing he taught me is you take advantage of what you are given and I plan to do that. His death makes me one of the richest, most powerful men in the world.

Belle: I don't have time to sit here and watch you glorify yourself. I am outta...

Philip gets up and grabs Belle, holding her close to him. He turns her around and holds her close to his face, saying:

Philip: Your not going nowhere. Don't you understand? You do what I tell you to do, Mrs. Kiriakis. You better not cross me or you will face the wrath of the new head of the Kiriakis empire...me...


Belle then pushes him off her, sending him falling to the floor. Belle races out in tears. Philip picks himself up, laughing. He then walks outside his room and watches her run down the hall. He continues to laugh and smiles an evil grin as the screen fades out.

On the next Salem Lives...

Frankie to Greta: What are we celebrating?

Greta to Frankie: The future.

Billie to Jack: I feel like I am finally moving forward.

Jack to Billie: So do I. Thanks to you.

Nicole to Eric: What are we going to do? The life we wanted...we are never going to have that.

Cal to Katherine: I don't even care about the past. I only care about the future...and you.

Cassie to Abby and Chelsea: I will have it all and all you two will have is broken hearts and immobile limbs.


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