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January 22, 2007




-In th backyard of the Horton House, Maggie comes to and is convinced she was dreaming. There is no way she saw Victor. She then sits up and finds herself staring right into the eyes of Victor, who is sitting right next to her. She is about to scream but he covers her mouth and hushes her.

She apologizes. They stand up and share a warm embrace. She asks how this is possible. Victor explains that he knew the SPD and crew were on to him. He knows it was this MCF that tipped them off and tipped Hope off to where they were in the warehouse district as well. His people reported seeing the MCF lurking about and they tried to track the person to make sure they didn't interfere but they lost him near the pier. They just assumed the MCF was out of the area but the person must have come back and tipped the SPD and Hope off to Bo and his whereabouts.

Anyways, Victor explains how he and Nico used the other limo knowing full well that Bo knew he was in the other. He hated putting Bo in that situation but he had to set Bo up to be outside. He knew he would see Hope somehow as Nico told him she was near and, this way, Bo would tell Hope that the limo that exploded was Victor's. Everyone would think he was dead as Bo is working for him and they would take his word for it.

Victor also explains that the people inside the limo who exploded were mercenaries and agreed to die for the cause. The limo was rigged to explode once it was shot at. It was all a setup. Maggie is pleased he is ok and embraces him again. She vows to help him get out of the mess he is in, saying there is no need for him to run. Victor looks down and then tells Maggie they need to talk. He doesn't have much time and he says they must say goodbye.

-Hope is by Bo's side at the hospital. She begs him to come back to them and wake up. She tells him she knows about the ISA operation and she apologizes for actually belieiving he did what it appeared he did. It all seemed real but it was no excuse. They have alot trust issues to work out but she knows they can do it together.

Caroline arrives and asks how Bo is doing. Hope says there is no change. They continue to speculate as to what is going on with him. Hope thinks they can rule out brainwashing as he was undercover working for Victor. Caroline then wonders what could be causing her son's outbursts and condition. Hope shakes her head, saying she has no clue.

-James is down walking by the pier, worried about what he is involved in and what effect it may have on his family. He is frustrated as he wishes there was a way out but the consequences may be too dire if he was to back out now. He decides to go to the Cheatin Heart to have a drink and take the edge off.

Meanwhile, at the Cheatin Heart, Marlena continues to dance on the bar. She then throws herself right into the arms of a man, who is holding his arms out to catch her. She smiles at him as well as the many other men who have surrounded her and are fixated on her. Marlena, soaking up all the attention, tells all the men there is enough of her to go around.

James then walks in and is stunned when he sees Marlena in the arms of one man and surrounded by a bunch of others. James notices some of the men getting quite rowdy. The bartender is worried about a brawl breaking out and warns some of the men to calm down. James realizes that Marlena may be in trouble and that he needs to get her out of the bar now before a brawl breaks out over her.

-Kimberly and Roman continue to discuss the situation with Bo in Roman's hospital room.

Roman: I can't believe this. After all these years, he may be remembering.

Kim: What are we going to do? You know what could happen if he is indeed remembering. Not to mention what the rest of the family will think! There are enough secrets and lies to deal with. Our family has been through so much in the last year, Roman, and I'm not sure it can withstand this if the truth comes out.

Roman: Kim...calm yourself. We will figure out a way to deal with this.

Kim: How! We can't stop him from remembering. Oh my...imagine what ma will think. She has been through so much...Roman, how will she forgive us? How will anyone? We kept this hidden for years.

Roman: We did what we thought was best for Bo and the family. Things would not have turned out how they did if we didn't. I would do it all over again.

Kim: I guess I would too but I stil regret not involving the rest of the family. At least, then, we only had to deal with Bo finding out and we all could've came together as a family to support him and help him through this.

Roman: Kim, look, it's going to be fine. We will think of something. If Bo does remember and the truth comes out, we will just have to handle it and hope for the best. I think our options are limited as to what we can do to stop it from happening now.

Kim: Then God help Bo and are family because I am so afraid that this will destroy what is left of our family.

-Steve is in his room, tossing and turning. We then see he is having yet another memory flash, only this time it's choppy and the flashes are running through his mind fast. We see Steve in a dark room once again, trying to force himself out of the restraints he is in on a gurney. He is screaming to be let go but some men in the white coats surrounding him are holding him down while two other white-coated men are preparing a syringe.


Steve's eyes then grow wife with fear and nervous curiosity as he sees the two men coming at him with a syringe.


The men stand by him and prepare to inject him as the restaints and the rest of the white-coated men are holding Steve down to the gurney.


Steve is injected.


Kayla races into Steve's room. She tries to wake him up as he continues to toss and turn.

-Back at the Cheatin Heart, James approaches the large crowd of men surrounding Marlena. He excuses himself and makes hi way through. He pulls Marlena out of the crowd as all the men moan and groan. Marlena turns around and realizes that James is who pulled her out of the crowd of men.

Marlena: Jimmy boy!! What are you doing here?

James: Oh...(waving his hand to keep the smell of her breath away) your drunk.

Marlena: Maybe...(laughing) so, why did you have to take me away from my boys? (raises her shot glass as the crowd of men raises their glasses in response to her doing so)

James: Come on, we need to get you out of here before you tease anymore men and cause trouble.

Marlena: Oh, but I love trouble.

James: I can see that.

Marlena: Jimmy boy, you need to lighten up. Just trying to loosen up and have fun. You and I are under so much pressure. A night of good times won't hurt anyone.

James: It will if the wrong people see you. Now, come on. Let's go!

Marlena: Aww...you want me all for yourself. It's not nice to share...right boys?

A man then walks up, pulling Marlena away from James:

Man: Hey, if the lady wants to stick around and party who are you to tell her she can't?

James: Look, I don't want no trouble. I just want to leave with my friend, ok?

Man: Miss, do you want to leave with this guy?

Marlena: Hmm...well, he is cute in a way but...no. I don't want to leave right now. I'm just getting warmed up, baby!!

James: Marlena...(reaches for her arm)

Man: (grabs James by the shirt) The lady said she doesn't want to leave. Now, leave her alone or deal with me.

James look at Marlena then at the man, wondering how to get Marlena and himself out of this situation.

-Kayla begs Steve to wake up but he won't wake as he is still caught up in his memories. Kayla is about to call for help when Steve grabs her arm and pulls her close to him. Kayla tries to calm him by caressing his forehead and hair and telling him she is there for him. She assures him she will never leave him and they will get through this, just like they have gotten through so much in the past. He just needs to trust her.

She then tells him of the time that she tended to him while injured and she saw what was under his patch for the first time. He was reluctant but he trusted her then and that was the beginning of building the trust they had for each other. She tells Steve to listen to her and to wake up. She begs him to have faith in her and to trust her to help him get through this.

Steve's tossing and turning stops, along with his screaming and moaning. We then see Steve have a brief flashback of the memory Kayla was just describing where she tended to him and took off his patch to treat him. Steve's eyes flutter open as he quitly murmurs "I remember." Kayla looks on, stunned and overjoyed when she hears him say that.

-Roman continues to assure KIm they will get through this and hope for the best. It's really all they can do. Kim says she needs to get going and again lectures Roman about the ISA operation and what he put them all through. He apologizes again but says it was necessary if they are going to keep Salem safe. They still have much work to do, though. Kim nods and says she will have to talk to Shane too about his role in Roman and Bo's operation.

Roman urges her not to tear Shane apart. They all had good intentions. She shrugs and says she agrees in a way but, the way it went down, wasn't good for any of them. Roman says he's sorry and says he will work to make it up to everyone. As Kim leaves, Roman tells her again that everything will be alright. Kim says she hopes and prays he's right.

-Hope and Caroline are by Bo's side when his eyes slowly open. They are both overjoyed. Hope asks Bo how he is feeling as Caroline goes to get the doctor. He says he has a killer headache but is fine. She asks if he remembers what happened at the warehouse and what caused him to lash out and have the violent outbursts he did. Bo flashes back to what happened and to having the memory flashes and visions he has been having.

Hope is waiting for an answer. Bo tells Hope he remembers nothing, not wanting to get Hope involved at the moment since he has no idea what these visions or memories are about nor does he know whether they are visions or memories. The last thing he remembers is Victor's limo exploding. Hope is stunned and asks if he is sure. Bo nods and says he is, trying to be as convincing as possible so she doesn't know he is holding something back.

-In the Horton House, Alice is up late watching the 11:00 news. Julie comes down with Doug. Alice asks what they are doing up as she beleived they were turning in early. Julie says she went to check on Maggie and she is not in the bedroom. She's gone!!

Meanwhile, outside in the Horton backyard, Maggie and Victor continue their discussion.

Maggie: Goodbye. No!! Your not still running.

Victor: I am afraid I am. I must. I can't stop now. I must finish what I started or things will just get worse. I can't accomplish what I hope to if I am in jail. I need to lie low and bide my time until things are settled.

Maggie: Victor...I can help you. I' m a Horton. Mickey knew some good lawyers. I can look them up. Julie and I will support you and that will carry some clout in Salem because of our family. We can work it out. You can stay!!

Victor: Maggie, I can't. I have the perfect opportunity here to make a break for it. Everyone but you beleives I am dead. I have to move now . Once I get out of here, I just make myself scarce and plan my next move.

Maggie: Victor...

Victor: Before I go, though, I want to tell you something. Something I wanted to at the warehouse. That is why I revealed myself to you. I couldn't leave and not...not tell you how I feel about you. I don't know when...or if...

Maggie: (crying) Don't say that!!! Please!!! We will see each other again. We have to!!

Victor: Well, just in case...Anyways, I've never had alot of friends in my life. A person like me can't. I had my family but there were always complications and we didn't always see eye to eye. The bottom line is I have never...(turns away and then faces her again) I have never had someone like you in my life. You see and understand who I am. I love Caroline and always will but...the man she loves is not me. She loves the man I was when I sat back and watched criminal masterminds like Stefano Dimera and his family run amok and destroy lives, including the lives of some of my loved ones. She doesn't love the whole me. She wants me to be that man but I can't anymore. After the island, I can't be that man. I will not let my loved ones suffer anymore. I will not sit back and watch Stefano, Ernesto, and whoever else that tries to screw with those I care about continue to terrorize Salem. I can't...

Maggie: I know. You know I understand. I felt the same way after what happened on the island. Mickey dying...Jennifer...so much loss and pain. All of us have suffered so much but that island was the worst. I know what you mean about wanting to do something. You don't want to feel helpless anymore. I wanted so much to find Stefano and everyone else that created that island mess and kill them with my bare hands.

Victor: See...that is why you are so special. Caroline doesn't see that. Most people don't. You may not like what I am doing and how I am handling it but you don't make me conform to some mode or model that you have set for me. You know who I am and you don't judge.

Maggie: I care about you for you. All of us have different sides. You have a dark side and demons just like all of us. You also have a good side...a caring side. The side of you that shows how much you love your family and want to protect them. The side of you who helped get me through the worst time in my life. Victor, I don't know where I would be without you in my life these past few months and I am afraid of what I will become if you aren't here. The last time you cut me off I nearly fell apart completely.

Victor: (grabbing a crying Maggie) You listen here!! Your strong. Your a Horton woman. Julie, Alice, you...you can take on anything. You were shook up after Mickey's death and fell off the wagon. Like you said, we all have demons. You battled them and you always had the strength in you. I just reminded you of it but you have your family and friends...you will be fine. They are all here for you and you probably don't even need them. You are strong enough to make it on your own.

Maggie: You have too much faith in me.

Victor: No I don't. I just know you. Very well. I saw how strong and brave you were in Sydney, at the ball...you can do and beat anything.

Maggie: You can't leave. What am I going to do without you!!

Victor: It's for the best. I care far too much about you. I can't risk anything happening to you. You were shot in Sydney, you could've been hurt at the ball...

Maggie: But I wasn't!!

Victor: You could've and I can't risk it. Please, understand...I have to go. I have to go before I'm seen

Maggie: Victor...I can't say goodbye.

Victor: Before I go...I need to tell you one more thing. Thank you for your loyalty and for your support. Most importantly, thank you for being you.

Maggie (crying): No...thank you. For always being there and for being my rock in my time of need. Oh God!!! How am I going to...

Victor: It's ok. It will all be ok.

Maggie: I never thought I would feel...after Mickey died...I always thought he was the only love I would have in my life but then you came along like an angel. I still think you and I were thrown together so we could find each other and be there for each other through these past 6 months. Victor...you don't know how much you mean to me. I...I love you. I love you, Victor Kiriakis.

Victor: Maggie...I never thought I could feel this way about someone. Caroline was always...no. She is the past now. I should really get going...but...not before I do this.

Victor grabs Maggie and kisses her and then says:

Victor: I love you, Maggie Horton. Please...remember that always.

Maggie: I will. You will always be in my heart and in my thoughts.

Victor: Well then, the time has come. Be safe and you have a happy and full life. You deserve it and are entitled.

Maggie: (shaking and crying) This isn't goodbye. You will be back or...we'll see each other. Things will work out. They have to.

Victor slowly begins to walk away and let go of Maggie's hand. He turns and looks at her one more time. He smiles and then walks away. Maggie is about go run after him but stops herself, realizing her attempts would be futile. Doug and Julie then appear outside and ask Maggie what she is doing outside. She looks at them both and then breaks down. Julie embraces her as Maggie cries uncontrollably in her arms, ignoring Julie's as she continues to ask her what is going on and why she is outside in the cold.

Meanwhile, Victor gets in delivery van. Nico tells him that everything is set for their departure once they arrive at the airfield. Victor is ignoring him. Nico tries several times to get his attention and asks if he is ok.

Victor: I'll be fine, Nico. I just hope...she will be too.

The screen then fades out on a split screen of Victor and Maggie crying on Julie's shoulder.

On the next Salem Lives...

Julie to Maggie: Do you want to tell us what was going on out there?

Hope to Caroline and Billie: He says he doesn't remember why he lost it in the warehouse. What the hell is going on?

Bo to Kim: What is with all these questions? Why do you seem so worried?

Kayla to Steve: What are you saying?

Steve to Kayla: I need you. You are the key to me beating this thing.

James to Marlena: If we don't get out of here now, we both may wake up in body bags. You want that?

Philip to Belle: You better not cross me or you will face the wrath of the new head of the Kiriakis empire...me.


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