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January 17, 2007




-At University Hospital, Julie tries her best to comfort Maggie as she grieves over Victor’s tragic death. Maggie keeps saying how first Mickey and now Victor’s blood are on her hands:

Maggie: He kept telling me that if I had just stayed out of everything, it would have been ok. Damn, how hardheaded do I have to be before I get the hint, you know?

Julie: Maggie, this is not your fault. As much as I liked him, Victor is to blame for his own fate. No one told him to do any of the stuff he did so, I guess, in the end.....he had to pay the piper. We all do at some time, my dear.

Maggie: I know that better than most. But, why him....and why now? He’s the first man I’ve cared about since Mickey’s death and it once again turns out like this?

Julie: Victor did what he did to protect his family and friends. Remember that part as well......

Doug overhears their conversation and leaves Alice seated in the waiting area, telling her he will be right back. Alice warns him not to do anything rash. Doug looks at her and then walks a few steps closer to Julie and Maggie.

Julie: And, if given the same choices, I bet he would not change one thing. What was most important to him...was family. And you. Don’t forget that, Maggie.

Maggie: That is one thing I’ll try to hold on to. Thanks Julie, for helping me through this.

Julie: My pleasure. Anytime you need someone to talk to....just call on me, ok?

Maggie: (Wiping her tears) You got it.

Maggie and Julie hug as she goes to the ladies room to clean herself up. After she leaves, Doug walks into the living room and blasts Julie:

Doug: Why is it necessary for you to always defend that man? Do you know what you did by pushing a relationship between her and Victor?

Julie: Oh, I pushed them together? You sure didn’t seem to have a problem with it when he and I had split apart. Now, you don’t want him with me.....or Maggie.

Doug: No, that’s not it. All I’m saying is that, with your words constantly in her ear, Maggie felt it was alright to turn her friendship into a relationship with him. Now look where she’s at. She is once again blaming herself for someone’s death. Hopefully, she won’t go back to the bottle after this one.

Julie is blown away by what Doug is implying.

Julie: You think I am the one who would drive her back to the bottle?! She’s a grown woman, capable of making her own decisions. As for Victor, he’s made some very bad mistakes but, at heart, he was a good, decent man.

Doug: Really, Julie? Ask Roman about how good he is. Oh, wait. You can’t! And why?! Because he’s in a coma!

Julie: Doug, I don’t care what you say. He was good to her during a difficult time in her life and he was good to me when you and I were apart. That’s what I saw in him then and that’s what I’ll always see.

Doug: Well, Julie, if that’s how you view him.....fine. I am through with trying to convince you how badly you screwed this whole thing up. You know, maybe you should have stayed with him instead of coming back to me!!

Julie: You know....maybe I should have. At least he never came off as some pompous jackass who never listens to anyone but himself.

Doug: Really? Well.......it beats acting like a mafia don’s whore!

With that last statement, Doug turns around and walks off, leaving Julie behind to grow more and more angrier.....and sadder at the same time as Alice looks at what just transpired, shaking her head in frustration.

At the McClure household, the family has just finished dinner and James and Renee silently do the dishes as the children clear the table. Jonathan picks up on the tension:

Jonathan: Ok. What is going on between you two? It felt like the sun was in here with all this heat between you.

Both James & Renee look at each other silently, not wanting to talk about their problems in front of the children.

Renee: Well....you see that your kids are very astute, don’t you? Even they see what’s going on between us.

James: Well then, why don’t you tell them what it is, then.

Renee: Because I’m not the one working for Victor Kiriakis!!

All three kids look at James in shock.

James: Oh, thanks. Thanks a lot. Now, my kids think I’m some nothing once again.

James, Jr.: Well, not really, Dad. Mom, I see what you are saying and where you’re coming from. But, do we know what Dad is doing for Victor?

Jonathan: J.J., I don’t think it matters what he’s doing for him. Have you read the papers? Our father is working for a man who started a mafia war with Stefano DiMera, of all people.

James, Jr.: Oh, I see your point now. Guilt by association, right?

At this moment, Angel steps in:

Angel: Look. Why don’t you two knock it off! Daddy is trying his best to make a better way for all of us and if he has to get involved with a man like that....I don’t like it but, what’s so bad about it?

Jonathan: Look, sis. Just stay out of this, ok?

Angel: (Walking over to Jonathan) Umm, question. Are you my father....(Pointing at James Sr.) Or is he? I forget every time you talk down to me.

Jonathan grows silent as James Sr. and Jr. smile slightly.

James Sr.: She does know how to hold her own, doesn’t she? Must take after her mother.

Renee looks at James Sr. and smiles ever so slightly, before she once again remembers how mad she is it him.

Renee: Don’t try to change the subject with the same sweet talk you used to make me marry you.

James Sr.: Well.....I thought it would work. Guess I was wrong.

James Jr.: You weren’t wrong, Dad. She still loves you like she always has. (Walking over to him and whispering in his ear) She’s just a little pissed at you right now, that’s all.

James Sr.: You think so?

Even Jonathan laughs at that. Renee is not amused, though, as she tells him:

Renee: Look. I’m just scared for you, ok? You’ve had a tough time after you got out of prison so I just don’t want this to come back and bite you in the end, ok?

James Sr.: (Talking her in his arms) I know and appreciate it so much. But, who do you think is going to hire an ex-con who was locked up for so long, hmmm? No one. I had to take what I could. And....I did it for all of you, the only great things that have ever happened to me. Please remember that.

James kisses his wife on her cheek and then walks outside to smoke a cigarette. As he sits on a ledge, he looks back inside at his family and promises to himself:

James Sr: I have got to end this thing before the family find out. If something happens to them because of this....it will be the death of me.

James turns around and looks up to the sky, hoping that he can end his involvement with Victor and his associate before someone is placed in danger....or worse.

-At Salem University Hospital’s Physical Therapy room, both Abby & Chelsea are having a tough first session rebuilding their limbs and lives after their separate tragedies. Chelsea can barely raise her arm, needing words of encouragement and guidance with the five pound weight she is using. Tears scream from her eyes as she struggles through her pain, trying to get back every ounce of mobility in one day.

Abby is on the other side of the room, wearing special shoes and braces on both legs, trying to walk upright for the first time since her accident. What neither girl sees is Jack and Billie looking on quietly through a small one way mirror. Billie breaks down crying, watching the young lady she thinks is her daughter struggle through her therapy session, while Jack fights tears as he watches Abby almost fall over when she loses her balance. He smiles a short time later as he watches her stand herself back up and continue on.

Both Jack & Billie silently leave, not being able to handle watching their children in so much pain. One person sees them leave and takes that opportunity to also walk up and watch their progress. But......she is not teary-eyed one bit. In fact, this person is quite happy to see them have such a hard time. The camera pans up from the person’s stomach to reveal the identity of the individual.........

One Cassie DiMera.

Cassie then walks around to the other door and, when she sees the doctor leave, barges in the room. Chelsea looks up startled upon seeing her and catches her breath before she says anything to her. Cassie, instead, opens up her mouth first, saying that there are men who like cripples. Chelsea responds, telling her:

Chelsea: Well, well, well. Coming from the family slut, that is quite the compliment. You know, if you hurry, you’ll be able to catch the crewmen in town from the Navy before they get re-deployed. I hear you give great group rates.

Cassie: (Leaning in to her) You know, that smart mouth of yours is probably why you and Miss Prissy are in the boat you’re in now.

Abby: Oh, I see. You’re now giving lectures on bad behavior. By the way, where is your grandfather? Running from the law once again?

Cassie: Oh, I see you have grown a pair. Too bad you can’t use them though. You have to be able to walk first.

Chelsea: And this......coming from a little girl who can only get a man when her grandfather kidnaps them, brainwashes them and gives them a new face. Clever.

Both Abby & Chelsea laugh as Cassie tries to say some thing else. When she calls Chelsea a river slut, all three girls start yelling at the top of their lungs, causing the doctor to rush back in and calm everyone down. Cassie then tells both girls that she will get what she wants........and soon. She then turns to Abby, telling her that she’ll find a man soon. One that likes someone with no working legs.

-Meanwhile, Hope, Kayla, Max, Frankie, Billie, Jack, and Caroline all worry if Bo can keep himself safe long enough to not get killed. Frankie tells everyone that Abe and Shane went back to the cop shop to get in touch with contacts and to keep the pressure on. Billie tells Caroline that she may be right and hopes Bo wasn’t brainwashed by Victor. Jack hopes so too, saying that it happens way too much in Salem. He walks off, leaving everyone else to wonder if Bo will come through this alive or if the effects of these memories will kill him.

-Sitting in the cafeteria, Jack and Billie talk about their daughters. She thanks Jack for calming her down after they saw them earlier that day and Jack says no problem. It’s nice for him to feel needed by a woman again. Billie smiles as they look at each other silently. Jack then continues the conversation, saying that this is the first time in a while that they’ve had some sort of peace, for what it’s worth.

Billie agrees, saying she’s really sick of thinking about the tragedies, much less talking about them. So, she then asks him, what about the future? Jack slightly turns his head, saying that since Jo moved to Florida with Vern to retire and Harold found a new job with a big magazine in NYC, the paper is in danger. He can’t afford to buy it and they have no editor or funding, so if no one steps forward, it just may shut down. He hopes whoever does buy it, they will consider him for Editor-In-Chief.

Billie says that sounds great and is sure it will work out in that fashion. When Jack turns to her and asks about her future plans, she says she’s gotten to the point where she doesn’t have much trust in the system but knows a lot about the law, so to speak. After they both chuckle at what she meant, she says that she wants to start back.....as a private investigator. Jack calls her Angie Dickerson as Police Woman, to which Billie responds not like that. She just wants to do the job without all the damn hassles.

They both stand up and look at each other, as Jack leans in and gives her a hug. He then says that it does look promising for her. She says they will be able to work cases together. They smile at each other and, as they walk off, Billie hopes that their dreams will start a new chapter for them in Salem, to which Jack hopes for the very same thing. They walk off down the hallway, heading towards the elevators.

-Back in Bo’s hospital room, Caroline and Hope stand on either side of Bo’s bed, wondering why he suddenly lost it earlier that day in the warehouse and why he’s done some of the things he’s done for his father. Hope wonders if Bo has something deep inside of him, pushing him to act out like this. Caroline says she doesn’t have one clue but, with Victor gone, it may be their best chance to find out. Both ladies sit down and spend the time looking at a sleeping Bo, hoping for answers when he wakes up out of his slumber.

Kimberly, in the meanwhile, is worried about everything. Worried about everyone thinking that Bo has this suppressed memory that is bothering him, worried about it coming out, and worried about Bo himself. She walks up to Kayla, asking if she could see Roman and talk to him. Kayla responds by telling her about the infection risk that’s on him and it wouldn’t be safe. She then goes back over to be near her little brother.

Kimberly knows that what she has to tell Roman may upset him but she desperately needs his help. She hopes Bo doesn’t start mumbling in his sleep and tell everyone what is terrifying him by accident. Unfortunately for him and Kimberly, he has another memory flash of the person who is scaring him, telling him once again in a deep voice that it will be ok and that everything will be fine, even though Bo is telling the person to stay away from him. Bo reacts to this as Hope, Caroline, Kayla & Kimberly all stand by, looking at him react to this latest flash of memory.

Kimberly then backs off as Bo starts getting more and more upset and then he starts mumbling what he is telling the person as a little boy. Frankie, Max, Jack, and Billie come racing into Bo’s room to join the others as he starts shaking violently in his bed. Kimberly puts her hands to her face, terrified at what Bo is remembering, and hoping it doesn’t come out in front of everyone.

-Back in the therapy room, the doctor tells Chelsea that she’s staying to do some experimental procedures and then turns to Abby, telling her that she will be going back to her room. When Cassie opens up her mouth, the doctor tells her he’s had about enough of her and tells her to leave before he calls security. When Cassie leaves, Chelsea thanks the doctor and then.....suddenly breaks down as the doctor goes to help Abby get back to her room.

Chelsea wonders if this is punishment due to her past sins. She then flashes back to her rape and the fact that both men ended up dead. She says, out loud, that she is glad she killed them and that no one, least of all her family and grandfather, got blamed for it. Unfortunately, what she doesn’t know is that someone is standing outside the open door, and that someone.....

Once again, is Cassie, who stands there smiling, thinking to herself, that she knows that, not only is Hope her mother, but that she killed two people and told no one. She then wonders to herself, how can use this to her advantage. She then slowly walks off, knowing that she has the upper hand...

as the screen fades out.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Nicole to Eric: You may have good news but I have very bad news.

Greta to Frankie: I think it's time that I change my life.

Belle to Sami: Our mother is sick, Sami. I know it and we need to find her before it's too late.

Marlena: What is wrong with me? Did I really do what Belle says I did?

Shane to Roman: I think it's time.

Roman to Shane: Yeah, time to tell everyone the truth.

Kayla to Steve: It's ok, Steve. I'm right here. I'm not leaving you.


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