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January 12, 2007




-At the cop shop, Abe and Shane have gotten word back from all their contacts and officers that Bo, Victor or Stefano have been seen since the massacre at the Party. The dragnet continues but both lawmen know that:

Abe: If we don’t get lucky and soon, all three of these men may skip town.

Shane: And.....the country.

Abe: Don’t say that, Shane. I don’t even want to think that. How did I let this city come to this?

Shane: Don’t blame yourself, my friend. (Patting him on the back) This is the work of men who feel they are above the law. Don’t worry. We’ll get all of them, soon. And then.....

Abe: And then....there will hell to pay. No one, no one, turns my city into a battleground. I intend to teach these men a lesson they will never forget. And then, I intend to see that they are locked up behind bars.....

For the rest of their miserable lives.

Abe then turns and storms out of his office, slamming the door behind him. Shane knows that this is headed for one gigantic collision and he silently hopes that Bo and Roman can come through and end this, before many innocent lives end up destroyed.

-Back at the hospital, Belle and a very depressed Hope sit and wonder where Caroline has stormed off to. Hope also asks the same question once again.....what has happened to her husband. Belle comforts her, saying that Bo is still the same man she fell in love with and married all those years ago. Hope would like to believe that but finds it harder and harder to deal with.

Belle tells her that their love will show him the way through but Hope is not so sure. He tried to kill his own brother and turned his back on his family. That is not her man. That is not Bo Brady......or, maybe she should call him Kiriakis once again. As Belle hugs Hope, trying her best to comfort her, Caroline walks back into the hallway.

When they ask her where she went after that tirade, she apologizes for her behavior and also says she went for a walk. Hope tells her she would've acted the very same way if that was Shawn laying on that table and a much older J.T. had shot him. Just then, Maggie shows up at the hospital inquiring about Roman’s condition. Belle tells her:

Belle: No one can see him. There is an infection risk order for him.

Caroline then turns to her and asks:

Caroline: So, has your thinking changed about Victor yet or are you still putting what he’s done to the side because of what you may or may not feel about him?

For the third time, Maggie is completely silent. This response quickly angers Caroline once again, making her exclaim:

Caroline: You know.....that silent crap has really gotten on my last nerve! Maybe if I slapped the taste out of your mouth that would have the desired effect!

Caroline starts towards Maggie, which causes her to back up and throw her arms up in a defensive motion. Kayla runs from down the hall, asking what the hell is going on here as she sees her mother trying to get at Maggie. Kayla then joins in with Belle and Hope as they restrain Caroline and try their best to get her to calm down.

-Back at the warehouse near Pier 9, Victor is still waiting for Bo’s answer to his question. Bo takes a few more moments, as he walks around Victor and goes to a one-way window, looking out into the distance. When he turns to face him, Bo says:

Bo: Well, Victor, I don’t really see where I have a choice, now do I?

Victor: Bo.....we all have choices but, remember, you made yours after I told you what something like this would incur. You knew the risks.....and the sacrifices.

Bo: Yes, I did indeed. It’s just....

Victor: What, Bo?

Bo: To leave the ones you grew up with....the ones who raised you. To not see them again.....that is the hardest part of all of this. Taking on the DiMeras is child’s play compared to taking off on the people you love.

Victor: (Looking off into the distance) Yes, Bo. I know exactly what you mean. (Putting his hand on Bo’s shoulder) Believe me, son, I know.

While Bo and Victor have a secure bonding moment, the Mysterious Cloaked Figure looks on sinisterly, taking out a phone and a special device. The device is a voice changer and he snaps it into place as he dials a number. He holds the phone up to his/her ear, all the while monitoring the activities of the Kiriakises and their associates inside.

Nico has went outside under disguise, waiting for Victor’s friend to arrive, so they could make the car switch. He doesn’t even notice the person observing him at that very moment.

-Abe has returned to the cop shop after calming down. Shane asks him if he’s alright and he responds yes. He just needed to blow off steam. Shane says that everyone needs to do that from time to time. Abe is grateful that he understands. Just then, Abe’s phone rings and he goes to answer it. When he does, he keeps saying hello, hello, but the person on the other end says nothing. What Abe doesn’t know, is that the person on the other end is......

The MCF, who then suddenly starts talking in a distorted voice, telling Abe that he/she knows the location of Victor, his son Bo and his men. He tells them that they can be located at the Pier 9 Warehouse near the river. When Abe asks who the person is.......the call abruptly ends. He then looks at the phone and then hangs it up hard, while turning to Shane and telling him that someone with a voice changer just told him where Bo and Victor can be found. Shane says that it’s time to bring them in before they take of for good. Abe agrees and both men grab extra officers as they race off to find these two fugitives.....

And bring them to justice.

-At Salem University Hospital, Hope and Kayla are still trying to calm Caroline down when anurse comes to Hope and tells her she has a phone call. Caroline stops suddenly, and all the women hope that it isn’t more bad news concerning Bo, Victor or Stefano. When she answers, no one is there, but then the distorted voice of the MCF speaks, telling her the exact same information that was delivered to Abe and Shane a short time ago. Caroline, Kayla and Maggie slowly walk over to Hope after overhearing her loudly ask if the person is sure Bo and Victor are at the warehouse.

The MCF hangs up her and Hope says out loud that she knows where Bo and Victor are. As she gets ready to run out of there, Kayla stops her by grabbing her arm and warns her:

Kayla: Hope, don’t do this. It’s way too dangerous. Plus, you have not had any sleep in the last 48 hours. You are exhausted.

Hope: Kayla, I know that I could still reach him and maybe get him to turn himself in before he gets himself killed going on the run. He’s too old for that, no matter what he says.

Caroline: Hope.....are you sure about this?

Hope: Yes, I am. I’m a trained cop and used to also work for the I.S.A. This is a golden opportunity for me to not only bring Bo home....but stop Victor as well.

Kayla: Well, Hope, if your mind is made up, I guess I can’t stop you. You are...as stubborn as my brother. Maybe that’s why he loves you so much.

Hope: Thank you for that. It still feels good to hear that, even if it isn’t from him. I’ll fill you all in when I can.

Hope kisses Kayla on her cheek and runs off. Kayla then turns towards the phone, deciding that:

Kayla: I better call Shane on this one.

She gets Shane on the phone and tells him that Hope got a call from some stranger telling her where Bo and Victor are. Shane pulls the phone away from his ear long enough to tell Abe that Hope also knows where Bo and Victor are through what seems to be the same mysterious benefactor. He gets back on the phone with Kayla, telling her thanks for the call and that he will get in touch when he hears something. They both say their good-byes and hang up.

Kayla and Belle, who was standing next to her, then turn to tell Caroline what Shane had said. But when they do, they see that both Caroline and Maggie are gone. Belle looks over to the nurses’ sation and notices one standing at the counter. When she walks over and asks if she has seen either Maggie or Caroline, she responds that both women matching their descriptions flew out of there, with the brown-haired woman running past her and the redhead getting on an elevator. Belle goes back to Kayla and tells her that those women must be Caroline and Maggie. She also summarizes that they must have left like that to catch up with Hope.

Kayla calls Shane back and tells him that Caroline went running past a nurse in the hallway out of the hospital and that Maggie took an elevator. She knows that Abe has officers there and wants to know if he can give them the order to stop them before they get hurt. Shane tells her to hold on and informs Abe of what has just happened at the hospital. Abe tells him that he’ll get his men on it, which Shane relays to Kayla before they hang up again.

Both men are beyond furious at these women. Abe exclaims:

Abe: What the hell are they thinking?! Since when did Maggie or Caroline turn into Cagney & Lacey?!

Shane: You’re asking me?! They were probably following Hope, who should also know better no matter what training she has.

Abe: Yeah, well, they have a great head start. The hospital is closer to the pier than we are. (Slamming his hand on the dashboard) This is probably the dumbest thing they ever did. I should have all of them arrested!!

Shane: (Calling Kayla a third time) Kayla.....stay right there at that hospital! Don’t move! Got me?

Kayla: You got it, Shane.

Shane: Good. Bye.

As they hang up, Kayla turns to Belle and worries what will happen when they get to the pier.....and who will get caught in the crossfire.

-Returning to the warehouse, Victor tells Bo to go outside and make sure everything is in place when the cars get there. When Bo asks him about being recognized, Victor hands him a bag with a disguise in it and then he tells him that his men have the front and back of the warehouse district covered. He then pats him on the back, telling Bo he has nothing to worry about.

When Bo asks why he has to go out there and check, Victor tells him because one, he said so. Two, he’s a former cop and will see if they have been infiltrated. And three, he wants to make sure that no one is doing their own thing and has let the S.P.D or the I.S.A. get inside the perimeter. Bo just nods his head and then races out the back door down the alleyway, to make sure everything is on point for the transfer.

When he rounds the corner, he is suddenly brought to a dead stop. He is shocked to see that the person who is now standing directly in front of him........

Is his wife, Hope. They lock eyes with one another and she tries her best not to cry in front of the man she still loves as Bo stares at her with an unexpressive gaze.

-Meanwhile, back inside the warehouse, Victor paces back and forth nervously. He hopes everything goes off as planned. While he paces, he hears a door close. He curses himself for being so deep in thought that he didn’t hear someone sneak in. He then hears a light tapping noise....

Almost sounding like a pair of high heels shoes. He pulls his gun and aims determinedly at the sound of the footsteps. He then sees a shadow of a female figure coming towards him. The woman then steps behind some crates. When Victor slowly goes to investigate, the figure jumps out from behind the crates....

And the woman reveals herself to be..........Maggie. Victor sighs deeply then angrily puts his gun away as Maggie runs crying into his arms, begging him not to continue this vendetta and not to leave her. He returns the hug but now wonders what he’s going to do with her.....

And how he’s going to get himself out of this.

-At the very same time, Abe and Shane have parked outside the warehouse district and are about to sneak their way in. They both pull their guns as Abe tells Shane that he hopes it ends today. He also hopes that Caroline, Hope and Maggie don’t get hurt.....or killed. He also wants to get Bo and Victor into custody so they can put all their resources behind stopping Stefano. Shane says that if he had a penny for every single time he’s heard that.....he would be a rich man. Abe smiles and both men walk off towards the district.

-On the outside of the warehouse, Caroline is lurking about. She keeps running into henchmen who are not noticing her. She then reaches into her purse and slowly pulls out a gun. She then has a memory of going back to the Pub after she went ballistic and getting it from under the counter. She then has another flashback to Roman and Bo getting her the weapon to protect herself in case anyone broke into the Pub.

She then vows that she will do everything in her power to protect her family from Victor. He will not ruin it anymore than he already has. She finishes loading her gun and smiles, saying that if she has her way, this will be Victor’s last day on this Earth.

The screen then splits into four vertical boxes with Hope and Bo facing off, Maggie and Victor hugging, Abe and Shane jogging across the street towards the warehouse district, and Caroline outside Victor’s warehouse with her gun......cocked and loaded.

The Mysterious Cloaked Figure observes all of the activity from a safe vantage point and then, slowly......and methodically.........

Lets out a very low and sinister laugh, which echoes as the screen slowly fades to black.

Next Time, On A Special Salem Lives...............

Abe to Shane: Tell the men to move in NOW!!!

Hope to Bo: I want the truth. I want you to tell me everything.

Maggie to Victor: Don't do this, please!!

Victor to Maggie: Maggie, I...

Maggie to Victor: You can't leave. You can't leave me!! I love you!!

Caroline to Maggie: The hell you do!!!

James (on his cell phone): I'm doing what I can. Lay off of me, damnit!!

Marlena (looking into a room): Your time is up. It's time to take care of this once and for all.


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I have a feeing I know who the MCF is, but of course I may be wrong as well. I can't wait for the next episode and see what happens. Nice touch with Maggie's high heels, I have to admit I giggled because I could so picture her in a flowing Chanel suit and the highest heels possible taking on Victor. Great episode

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