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January 11, 2007




-Maggie is still at Alice's house. Alice notices how confused and down Maggie looks and asks Maggie if she is right about her having very strong feelings for Victor. As Maggie sits down next to her, she sighs deeply and looks at Alice, conflicted about telling her what she is getting involved in.

Maggie finally, after some time, tells Alice that she is falling for Victor and it’s really starting to put a strain on her friendships with Caroline and others, not to mention feeling so damn guilty about Mickey as well. Alice looks at her and then places her hand on Maggie’s telling her hat the best thing she could do.....is follow her heart.

Maggie asks her if she minds her being involved with Victor in the first place and Alice responds that for one, it’s really none of her business, and two, Mickey would not want her to be lonely for the rest of her life. Their time together is over and it’s been about time for her to get on with the business of living life the best way she knows how, Alice tells her.

Doug and Julie then loudly saunter in, having just returned from visiting Lucas. They greet one another, with Julie mentioning that Alice is right. Julie mentions how she overheard their conversation and hopes Maggie will be careful but happy having Victor in her life.

Doug tells her that it really is none of her business and that they both should stay out of anything concerning Victor. Julie wonders if there is any jealousy still there between the two as she did once have a fling with Victor. Doug walks over and embraces her, telling her that all that is between them.....is undying love. He then leans in and kisses her gently on her lips, which she returns. They then look at each other and smile and Julie suggests that they go upstairs. She takes his hand and goes upstairs with him.

Julie later returns downstairs with Doug and she hugs Maggie, warning her to be careful. Being involved with a dangerous man like him is something you don’t take lightly but she hopes she finds happiness with him or whoever she decides to be with. Maggie thanks her and they hug once again, as Doug and Alice look on....

Worried about Maggie’s future with Victor.

-Back at the hospital, Belle runs into Caroline and Hope and asks how things are going. Both women tell her that Roman is doing well, but:

Hope: There is a possibility of infection, so no one can see him.

Caroline: Which is a shame. I just want to tell him how much I love him.

Belle: Oh, Grandma, I think he knows. If he doesn’t know anything else.......he knows that.

Hope: She’s right, Caroline. He’s out of the woods for now, so please, try your best to calm down. I know it’s hard, believe me, but.......Roman is a very strong man, who comes from good stock. He’ll be fine.

Belle reaches her hand out to touch Caroline but both women see the bruise on her arm. When they both get quiet and look at her, she pulls her arm back, embarrassed. Belle turns away and, with her back to both ladies, tries to explain:

Belle: I know what you both are thinking but it’s really nothing. (Turning back around slowly) Philip was having trouble getting out of his bed and when I helped him, he just held on too tight. That’s all there is to this, ok?

Neither lady buys her story but they say nothing. Hope pinches Caroline slightly, as a sign to her that something is wrong. Caroline slowly turns and looks at Hope, silently agreeing with her that Belle may be in trouble. She feels powerless to help, though:

Caroline: I just don’t know what to do anymore. I feel lost. My oldest son in intensive care, my youngest son being sought by the police and the I.S.A. for his attempted murder. And I blame one man for this.........Victor. (Growing more angry) All that man has done is destroy lives. He isn’t even the same man I grew up with. And cared for. Well........(Staring straight ahead) his time will come. Oh, yes. I’ll see to that.......myself.

Hope: Caroline......what do you plan to do?

Belle: Grandma......you’re starting to scare me. Look. Why don’t you come over here and sit down. It’s been a very long night and it’s daylight now.

Hope: You know, that’s a great idea. You look exhausted.

As both Hope and Belle try to walk her over to one of the couches, Caroline snatches herself away from them violently and announces:

Caroline: Leave me alone! I’m sick of everyone treating me like some damn invalid! I told you what will happen......and damnit, I meant every word I just said! Now......


Caroline stomps off, leaving both Belle and Hope wondering where she’s going.......and hoping that she doesn’t get herself in deep trouble.

-In his hospital room, Roman hears his mother storm off. He wonders:

Roman: Damn. What have I gotten myself into with this thing?

He now feels very guilty, having executed a undercover operation, never considering the pain he would be putting his family and friends through. He gets out of his bed and walks over to the window, looking out into the morning sunlight, trying to get a handle on this entire situation.

A moment later, Kayla walks into his room. Roman jumps back into his bed, throws the covers over him and lays still, hoping that no one just heard him. Kayla looks around the partition blocking Roman’s bed and says to him, in a joking manner:

Kayla: Now, that brings back memories. It sounds just like when you used to sneak back into the house after meeting some girl when you weren’t supposed to.

Roman: That is still our little secret. Ma would kill me now if she knew what I did when her and Pop were out for the day.

Kayla: Yeah, it’s our secret. And Kimberly’s. And Bo’s.

Roman: (Shocked) You told them?

Kayla: Of course I did. Me and Kimberly always laughed about it. Bo loved you for it. He was going through puberty, so those stories helped him out.........so to speak.

Roman: Oh, man.

Both brother and sister laugh quietly at these wonderful memories from their youth, before bringing everything back to the very serious present.

Kayla: Everything is going very well. All the I.S.A. doctors and nurses are doing what they have to do. The family only knows that you are in stable condition and that, because of the risk of infection, no one but hospital personnel........I.S.A. personnel.......can see you. It finally gives you some breathing room.

Roman: Thanks, sis. I surely appreciate it. You know....no one in the family can find out. Lives are already in danger.

Kayla: Yeah, well, it’s too late to worry about that now. All you and Bo need to remember.....is that your family will understand what you both had to do to protect the family and the people of Salem.

Roman: Kayla, that is one prediction that I pray comes true. That is.....if we all survive this thing.

Kayla: Well, just as long as we don’t end up on some damn island, ok?

Roman: That’s a bet, sis.

Kayla bends down and kisses her big brother on the forehead, smiles, and then leaves his room quietly. He hears her talking to someone outside and then notices that all their voices trail off. He then sits up in is bed and sighs deep and long. His back is sore and his neck is stiff from all the time he’s spent laying in his bed still. He then gets a message from a secret device that Shane slipped him on his way to the hospital the night before.

This message is from another state. A very important man is on the other end. His counterpart, so to speak. His name........

Roman: Hey, Cruz. Glad that you called.

Cruz Castillo: No problem, Roman. Glad that I could help. Both of these men are very famous, even out here in Santa Barbara.

Roman: I can imagine. Any word on that information I asked you about?

Cruz: Yeah, there sure is. You were right. That businessman from Dallas that Victor is in contact with does have a very serious beef with Stefano and, apparently, this Mysterious Cloaked Figure you told me about. I couldn’t get much of anything on that person but it seems that this businessman’s family and him think that the MCF is responsible, on DiMera’s orders, for the death of their father. They may be involved in this up to their necks.

Roman: Damn. That’s what I was afraid of. It’s also the last thing we need here in Salem.

Cruz: I know. It also seems that a secret assassin has been sent also to eliminate someone. Even with C.I.A. and F.B.I. help, we can’t target who it is. I know we started in training class together so I have some advice. Roman, it seems to me that you have one option.

Roman: And what is that, my friend?

Cruz: You better figure out how to stop DiMera, Kiriakis, this secret assassin and this MCF cold......

Before there is nothing or no one left in Salem.

Roman thanks Cruz for his help and deactivates his device. He now knows that Victor is getting outside business help from someone powerful and knows that the stakes for him and Bo have just been raised once again. He sends Shane a message to get to the Commander of the I.S.A. Division in Washington, telling him to get him some secret protection for his family.

He also tries to get a message to Bo, telling him of this latest information. He hopes Bo can retrieve it and get back to him......

Before it’s too late.

-As Roman tries to coordinate with Bo, Victor is with Nico, hiding out at Salem Pier No. 9. He turns to Nico, asking him where his son is. Nico replies that he doesn’t have one clue where Bo is. Just then, someone sneaks into the side door. Victor hides, while Nico goes and checks it out. When Nico turns his back, he is surprised to notice a gun sticking in his back. And the man holding it?

Victor: Bo. Nice entrance. You can start telling me where you’ve been by putting that gun away.

Bo: Sure, Victor. No problem. Sorry about that, Nico.

Nico: No harm done, Bo. Tells me I have to keep on my toes.

Bo puts the gun away, then fills Victor in on what’s happening on the outside:

Bo: The entire city is under a dragnet. They are not only looking for us but DiMera and that MCF as well. I don’t think Al Capone could get out of Salem if he wanted to.

Victor: Capone never had these kind of problems. Well, son, what do you think should be our next move?

Bo: Victor, my feeling is we should get to somewhere right outside of the city limits, lay low, and plot our next move.

Victor: Excellent advice, Bo. I would take it but I just don’t know.

Bo: Victor, look.....

Victor: Bo, one day, maybe, you will be running this entire family. But not today! This is still my empire and what I say.......goes. Clear?

Bo: Then, if that was the case, why in the hell did you ask me my opinion?

Victor: To see where your head is at. (Walking over to him) Don’t take this personally, son. I put every single trusted member of this organization through the very same tests. You have passed with flying colors. Trust me on that.

Bo: Well, thank you, Victor. But I still say we should keep close to Salem, to keep our eyes and ears on the action.

Victor: No, no. We’ll leave. I already have things taken care of. A trusted man who still does contract work for me......from time to time......has given us the use of a limousine. He and a friend of his, who will be in another car, will drive it here soon. We’ll make the car switch then.

Bo: Nice.

Victor: (Smiling) Then we’ll go to the airport and, with the help of some other allies on our payroll, we’ll take a third friend’s private jet out of Salem. No one will know that we are gone.....and no one will be the wiser.

Bo: Victor......my compliments. You thought of everything.

Victor: Thank you, my son. I trust that you are coming with us, yes?

Bo hesitates but only for one reason. The device that he’s carrying is sending a homing signal message to Roman, Shane and other I.S.A. operatives. He turns once again to face Victor:

Bo: Of course. All I want to know is.....what about Philip? You.....just going to leave him here?

Victor: He’s being attended to and watched as we speak. No harm will come to him. He is my son, as you are. I wouldn’t let anything happen to him.

Bo: That’s nice to hear. And Lucas? Austin?

Victor: I will be in contact with them as soon as we have made our escape. Everything is under control, Bo. I just need to know......will you still stand by my side.....until the end?

Bo: Victor, after everything I’ve done to prove my loyalty, what more do you want? I set out to kill my brother, on your orders, turn my back on my family......I just don’t know what else there is to say.

Victor: Bo, my point is this. If you stay.....you may be captured by Stefano’s people or the SPD and ISA. If that happens, I can’t guarantee that I could return to save you. You may have to.....pay the price for that decision. That’s all I’m saying.

Bo turns and stands off from Victor for a moment. Victor gives him a moment, then walks up to him, suddenly remembering:

Victor: Did you take care of your brother like I ordered?

Bo: Roman is near death. Kayla even said that he doesn’t have long to live. Before I could finish him off, though, I was almost caught and had to leave. You understand.

Victor: Yes, yes I understand. It will do.....for now. But......you still have not answered my question.

Bo: And that is?

Victor: Are you staying and risking almost certain death........

Or will you stand by your father’s side?

The screen freeze-frames on Bo’s face and as he contemplates this important decision, the screen slowly fades to black.

Next Time, On Salem Lives........

Abe to Shane: We have a tip...on Victor and Bo.

Hope: Who is this? How do you know where my husband is? (Clip of MCF hanging up their cell phone)

Kayla to Belle: I'm worried, Belle. I'm worried about what may go down in that warehouse district.

Victor to Bo: We have to do what we must...to accomplish what we need to. No matter how far we need to go.

Caroline: This all ends...today. (finished loading a gun)

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Very good episode. Once again have to praise you for the scenes with Alice, Maggie, Doug & Julie. Very Very Well Done.

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