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Episode 034: "THE LIGHT"




The Light: Episode 034

Friday, January 05, 2007

Written By: Dan Gobble & Josh Hawkins

  • Danny meets Cassie at Company for a quick business meeting regarding the Towers renovations. The two-talk business and Cassie shamefully flirts with and it seems to be going unnoticed. Cassie asks him what is going with him, with them and explains that they had something going…romantically and she wants to know what happened.

  • Michelle secretly goes to a doctor’s appointment with a new OBGYN at Cedars. She explains that her father and her brother cannot find out about her pregnancy just yet because she has not told the daddy. The OBGYN agrees and Michelle is told she five months pregnant.
  • Beth awakes in the arms of Phillip after spending the entire night making love! She relishes in the fact that she is finally Mrs. Phillip Spaulding again and feels that she is ready to conquer the world.

  • Alan and Olivia pass Michelle in the hallway at Cedars on their way to an appointment with the same OBGYN. Alan and Olivia decide to go ahead and learn the sex of their baby. The Spaulding couple learns that she is five months pregnant with a healthy baby girl!

  • After flying all night and a layover in New York City, Alan-Michael and Lucy (Cooper) Spaulding arrive home in Springfield after nine years absences from Springfield. While Lucy (Heather Tom) waits for Alan-Michael (Dan Gauither) to get the luggage she reads the registered letter they received before leaving Europe. “As a majority shareholder in Spaulding Enterprise you are hereby required to attend…” Lucy sighs and wonders if her marriage can survive this trip to Springfield.

  • At the Las Vegas International Airport, Sandra boards a plane destination Springfield!

  • Danny explains that he harbors some intense feelings towards her and Reva regarding Tony’s death. He goes on to explain that Marah has been staying at the mansion with him and Cassie slowly begins to understand things much clearer as Michelle enters Company, suddenly occupying Danny’s attention! Cassie also begins to wonder what role Marah is playing in Danny’s life while she’s residing at the mansion!

  • Alan…India…Mindy…Blake…Harley all simultaneously receive summons, much like the one Lucy has received regarding an emergency board meeting the following day. Lillian signs for Beth’s letter and immediately telephones her daughter as Phillip’s assistant does the same. After hearing what is going on in Springfield, Phillip and Beth decide they must return home to reality!

  • Alone in her office Alexandra signs the letter removing herself as CEO of Spaulding Enterprise and awaits the following day when she will leave Springfield again, this time for good!


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