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January 4, 2007




-On the pier, Alan is still taken aback by Will revealing he was gay. Will explains that he was confused for awhile but realized it over the summer. He really liked this senior at Salem High and that is why he wanted to be on the basketball team so bad. It was his best chance to get to know him better. This guy was what made him realize he was what he is and that is why he was disappointed he didn't make it. Having his Uncle Austin living with his mom and walking around shirtless did not help matters either. He felt very unconfortable.

Alan nods and sees why it would be. He begs Alan not to reveal what he has told him. No one can find out. He is afraid how others will react, especially his parents who have all these dreams and expectations for him. He just doesn't want to deal with what might happen if his secret comes out. Alan vows to keep the secret and reminds Will that he is his friend. Will thanks "Ace" and they do their secret handshake that they do.

Carrie is racing to find Alan and nearly runs right past Will and Alan. Will nearly spots her but doesn't see her. Will turns on his cell phone and realizes he has a ton of messages. He listens to them and realizes his father has been shot. He tells Alan he has to get to the hospital. Alan spots Carrie watching them out of the corner of his eye and tells Will it's fine. They will catch up soon. Will thanks him again and leaves.

Carrie comes out of the shadows after Will leaves and asks what was going on with Will and Alan. Alan explains that it's just him trying to mend fences for what he did to Sami and her family. Carrie is proud of Alan for his efforts and fills him in on what happened at the ball. Alan is happy she is ok but reminds Carrie he warned her she needs to stay out of Salem before she gets caught, like she nearly did tonight. Carrie asks Alan to take her back to the cabin and says she will stay there this time until the situation with her baby is resolved. Alan promises Carrie it will all be ok as they go off to return to the cabin.

-At the hospital, Sami is awaiting word on Lucas. Kate and Austin are with her. kate asks Austin again if he is sure he is ok after being shot on the arm. Austin says he is fine. Kate thinks he may have hit his head. Austin knows Kate said that because she thinks he is crazy to have saw Carrie but he knows he saw her. He just can't figure out why she would run away or be wearing a mask. Kate still thinks Austin was mistaken but Austin is sure he didn't.

Austin goes to comfort Sami. Sami says Lucas has to be ok. She warned the both of them what would happen by joining Victor in this war and now they are living their worst nightmare. She can't lose Lucas just when they were finding each other again. Austin says he knows they have been getting closer. Sami asks if that bothers him. Austin says it's fine...Sami and Lucas are meant for each other just like he is meant for Carrie. Sami agrees and wishes they all hadn't been so stubborn and stupid. It shouldn't have taken this long to figure out.

Kate overhears and says Austin may be meant for Carrie but Sami is not meant for Lucas or any of her sons. In fact, she partly blames the so called "love" Sami and Lucas have for Lucas being shot. Sami rolls her eyes and says she thought Kate and her hand a breakthrough after Lucas was shot but, apparently, not. Kate says she did that for Lucas's sake. She didn't want to upset him. Plus, she really was trying to make an effort to change but she can't stand Sami sitting there spewing how Lucas and her are destined to be.

Sami thinks Kate is lying and says she felt Kate was sincere in the ballroom. She thinks Kate was shocked by how much she had changed the past few months and was finally realizing that she is capable of being the person her family and friends wanted her to be. Someone they can be proud of. She reminds Kate of her vow months ago to turn over a new leaf. Kate knows she promised that but says she was just overcome with emotion with everything tonight. She will never like or get along with Sami no matter how much she may change or act like she has changed.

Kate walks off. Austin tells Sami he thinks she is right and that his mother realizes she has no reason to hate Sami anymore with all she has done to turn herself around. He thinks she realizes that she can't stop what is meant to be and Lucas and her are probably meant to be. Sami agrees but says she is only worried about Lucas now and not what Kate is thinking and doing. A doctor comes out of ER just as Kate returns and says that Lucas will be fine. The bullet missed the spine and there is no permanant damage. He will be sore and numb for a bit but that's it. Sami and Austin embrace in celebration, followed by Kate and Austin.

-Roman is raced into the ER with Kayla and Caroline by his side. Belle and Hope show up too and pray Roman makes it. Frankie and Greta race in, saying they heard the news. Kayla asks how Steve is and both Frankie and Greta say there is no word yet on Steve or Lucas. They are still running tests on Steve. Kayla goes into the ER with Roman and promises to return with news ASAP. Belle, Hope, and Caroline comfort each other, as Frankie and Greta hope everything turns out well.

-Abe, Shane, and Maggie discuss the MCF escaping. They wonder who this person was as it seemed they were acting on their own and that they weren't one of Victor or Stefano's men. Shane says it seems this person had their own agenda and infiltrated Stefano and Victor's plans to accomplish something. Maggie wonders who it could be. Abe says it's someone to definitely be worried about that's for sure.

-Billie and Jack can't beleive what is going on with Bo and hate to bring Hope the news he got away. Billie says it seems Bo is a fugitive. Jack says they have to tell Hope. Billie can't beleive this and says this is not how none of them wanted to start 2007. Jack warns Billie he thinks what has happened tonight is the tip of the iceberg.

-Stefano is in a black van in an alley. The van is loaded with camaera that monitor the Salem Towers ballroom and other locations around Salem. He is with some of his associates and they discuss what happened at ball. Stefano laughs that with all of the SPD and Victor's planning, they still couldn't take him down. He is disappointed he didn't take out Kiriakis or more of his enemies but he loves seeing all the strife between Victor. Bo, Roman, Caroline, and the rest of the Brady's and Kiriakis's. Stefano says it's like all the good families in Salem are tearing themselves apart. He loves it.

He also celebrates seeing Roman Brady gunned down by his own brother. His associate tells him that there was some masked, cloaked figure lurking about and that the figure was also aiming at Roman at the same time as Bo. Stefano finds that interesting and also beleives the mysterious person took other shots at others during the intial shootout since the cloaked person did infiltrate their operation at the ball by posing as one of his disguised associates.

Stefano says that this mysterious cloaked person does concern him. The fact that they found one of their men tied up outside and this cloaked person took their place makes him wonder what this person is up to. He doesn't like someone using his plans for their own gain and can't risk this person interfereing and messing up future plans of his.

Stefano: Someone used our operation tonight to complete their own mission. I want to know who this cloaked person is and what they are up to now, got that?

The associate agrees to get their men on the case. Stefano is sure this person is also the person who blew up Samantha Brady's apartment, something the SPD is pinning on him for obvious reasons. He wonders who this cloaked person is and what their agenda is in Salem as it seems the person is targeting the Brady's, something he has in common with the mysterious figure. Stefano looks back at the camera footage and wonders how big of a threat the MCF is to Salem.

-Jack and Billie arrive at the hospital and break the news to Hope that Bo got away. Hope can't understand what is going on with him. Caroline can't believe what is happening with her boys and can't beleive she ever cared about Victor after all that he has done to her sons. Caroline looks at Belle and says she is lucky that it seems Phillip is nowhere near like his father. Belle seems upset by Caroline's words but hides it.

Abe and Shane arrive with Maggie and they fill everyone in on the MCF. Hope says the don't need another dangerous threat to deal with in Salem. Caroline wonders who this person is and why they have showed up in Salem. Abe says they plan to find out. They also plan to find both Victor and Stefano, both of which are MIA and seem to have gone into hiding after the evening's events. Caroline says she hopes both of them burn in hell, as does Hope.

-Belle goes to check on Philip and learns he is doing well and will be just fine. She opts not to go and see him when a nurse asks if she wants to visit her husband. She then bumps into Sami, who fills her in on Lucas. Belle informs her about Roman and Sami is devestated. Belle also says that their mother is still missing since she knocked her out after seeing her aim her gun at their father. They both wonder what is going on with her but, in the meantime, race off to check on Roman.

Belle and Sami join Caroline, Abe, Shane. Hope, Jack, Billie, Frankie, and Greta in the ER. Kate and Austin soon do as well. Sami informs them all that Lucas is fine and Belle informs everyone that Philip is fine too. Both girls are worried about their mother. Abe says he has his people searching for her. He also has people looking for Bo, Victor, Stefano, and the MCF. Just then, Kayla comes out and says that Roman is going up to OR and she is going up with him. Jack says he will go watch over Steve and tells Kayla to do what she has to. Kayla thanks him as Caroline, Hope, Belle, Maggie, Greta, and Sami go to the chapel to pray for Roman.

-Outside the hospital, Marlena appears from behind a dumpster and wishes she could find a way to get into the hospital and learn what she has to without being spotted. She hopes that the plan can be salvaged after everything that has gone wrong tonight. She goes in search of a less public entrance to the hospital and is grabbed from behind by someone. She is shocked and asks what he is doing there. They can't be seen together. The camera then slowly pans up from the person's hands to reveal.......James McClure.

-Meanwhile, Bo is in his car out in the country. He seems very upset and can't beleive what has transpired tonight. He then gets a call. It's Victor, who tells Bo that he is lying low for awhile after what has happened. However, he tells Bo his task has not been completed. Roman is still alive and in OR right now. Bo says he has already done what Victor asked but Victor insists that isn't good enough.

Victor: You must make sure Roman is dead. You know what will happen if you don't carry out my orders, Bo. Your my son but your either with us, or against us. I don't have to go over this with you again. Just finish him off and I will be in touch soon. I am watching, my son. Don't disappoint me.

Victor then hangs up. Bo realizes what he must do and that he has no choice. He starts the car and says it's time to make a visit to the hospital.

The camera then fades out on Bo's face and the screen goes black.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Nicole to Eric: It's time you knew the truth.

Cal to Katherine: OH my God...I remember!

Abby to Max: I want this night to last forever.

Cassie (holding herself up on a wall): What is wrong with me?

Marlena to James: Get out of here now!! No one can know we're involved.

Bo to an unconscious Roman: I'm sorry, bro. This is the way it has to be.


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