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Safe From Harm - Chapter 8



In a warehouse across town ...

"If this plan of yours doesn't work, I'm a dead man." Lorenzo scowled towards her.

"Don't worry, it's all planned out. What could possibly go wrong?" Faith seethed as her and Lorenzo looked out across the new shipment they swiped from Ric's warehouse.

"For one, you're playing with fire. Sonny and Ric are not going to take it lightly that their shipment was stolen from underneath their noses."

"I know ...."

"Are you insane?" Lorenzo barked at Faith in return. "Starting a war with Corinthos or Lansing is not in your best interests."

"It is when I want what they have." she purred as she rubbed her well built body up against him.

"Yeah and get me killed in the process! I thought we had a deal?" Lorenzo now concerned about his own life and what was rightfully his.

"Shhh .. we do have a deal, Lorenzo. Once I get my hands on what I want, I'll cut you in .... cross my heart." she replied as she made an x over her heart with her index finger.

Lorenzo certainly leery about the deal he made with the devil herself, but this was about survival and if he didn't make the deal, he would for sure be dead already. The silence was broken by the shrill of his cell phone ringing and he reached into his pocket to answer it. He flipped open the phone and said hello.

"Tell me you have good news, Gino ..." he said to the voice on the other end.

"Sorry to say boss, I don't." Gino replied waiting for the tongue lashing he was about to receive from his boss.

"How bad is it?"

"The others got word that Lansing's shipment came up missing, and they've put a hold on all shipments in and out of Port Charles until the threat is eliminated."

"Wonderful, so now no one is receiving anything? Do they realize how this pushes my schedule back? Dammit!" Lorenzo barked and flipped closed his cell phone.

"Ya know you are becoming more trouble than you're worth!" he barked at Faith.

"Now, now, it can't be that bad." she purred.

"Oh yes, it can be that bad! Because of your stunt by taking this shipment, everyone's shipments are put on hold till further notice. I'm going to lose a lot of money because of this!"

"You worry too much, you know that?"

"Oh do I now? Hmm.... let me see .... because of you and your plan, I've lost a few million dollars in the last 5 minutes, and I'm probably going to lose a hell of a lot more till this deal is done. Not too mention losing my life, if Sonny or Ric have anything to say about it. And I'm not suppose to worry?"

"Sonny nor Ric know you are part of this plan, and besides, you'll make more than you know once the deal is complete."

"That is if we don't end up at the bottom of the harbor, first."

Lorenzo turned to leave her, and she latched onto his arm. He looked down at her and pulled back his arm, yanking it from her. "I'm going back to my office, when you have news about what is to come next, you give me forewarning. Till then, we don't know each other." He walked off leaving her alone with the stolen shipment.

Outside the warehouse ...

Three of Ric's guards pulled up in a black Lincoln, hoping to have a chat with Lorenzo about Ric's missing shipment. There were 2 men standing guard at the door to the warehouse. They approached the Lincoln as Ric's guards climbed out, their hands firmly positioned on their weapons, ready to draw if need be.

"The three of you can go back the way you came." one of the brut men snarled.

"I don't think so. We'd like to have a conversation with your boss." Johnny said as he stood by the driver's side door, it still standing open.

"And I said you can turn back around and leave." the guard threatened as he stepped closer to the car.

Mario and Ian came around to the driver's side of the car to assist Johnny as the two guards threatened bodily harm to one of their own. A fight ensued, and Ric's guards soon overpowered the two guards who were to stand watch for Lorenzo.

"No, I told you we wanted to see your boss!" Johnny shouted angrily at the one guard as he stood over his lifeless body.

Mario, Johnny and Ian walked with a purpose towards the warehouse door. The dim light above the door showed them the way and the three of them entered the warehouse without so much as a knock. The three stood in the warehouse gawking at the missing shipment and had their answer. Their boss wanted to know if Lorenzo had his shipment, and there in plain site, it was. All of it. The three of them were made aware that someone had just left the warehouse by the sound of the car tires screeching down the back alley. The took chase after the mystery man in the hopes of catching who they believed was Lorenzo Alcazar.

Meanwhile back at the hospital ...

As Ric rested quietly, Frankie kept his watchful eye on him. Down the hall, the elevator doors opened and Durant stepped out of the car. He walked down towards Ric's room, anticipating to ask some questions about the shooting, but he was stopped before he even had the chance to ask any.

"Mr. Durant?" Zander asked as he stepped out of the shadows and cut off Durant's path to Ric's room.

"Yes, and who might you be?" Durant asked as he looked over the young man who stopped him.

"Oh, I'm sorry ... Detective Smith" Zander replied as he pulled out his badge from the inside jacket pocket.

"Hmm .. okay? What can I do for you?"

"I think you and I need to have a chat."

"And why would we need to do that?"

"Because I think I have some information you'd be very interested in." Zander replied and he noticed he piqued Durant's interest just a bit.

"I'm on my way to interrogate someone, call my office tomorrow and set up an appointment." Durant turned and started to walk away from him.

"I don't think you would want to wait on this information, Durant. It's about Sonny Corinthos."

Hearing the name Sonny Corinthos stopped Durant in his tracks. He turned around and walked back towards Zander. "I'm listening ..."

"I'm sure you are and I'm sure you will find what I have could very well put Sonny Corinthos behind bars for a very long time."

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Lorenzo is a hot mess....loved him telling Faith how it is when dealing with Ric and Sonny.

I figured Zander would gather up all he could to get rid of Sonny; looks like there will be many meetings between he and Durant.

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