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Safe From Harm - Chapter 7



It was getting late and Alexis said goodnight to Ric, the children were waiting for her at the cabin with Viola. She hadn't spent any time with them on her brief return to home earlier that day. She gave Ric a soft kiss goodbye and walked towards the door. She looked over her shoulder to see him smile, one last reassurance for her that everything was going to be all right. Greg waited for her outside Ric's room, ready to take her where ever she wanted to go. The two of them said goodnight to Frankie, who stood guard outside Ric's room, and then they headed for the elevators.

The night was sure to be lonely for Ric as he had not spent one night without Alexis since they had married. He closed his eyes and tried to get the well needed sleep his body was asking for. As he slept, the elevator doors opened and a well dressed man stepped out. He seemed to not know where he was to go next but he followed the hallway to find Ric's room.

Frankie noticed the stranger looked lost and approached him. "Can I help you, sir?" The gentleman was startled by the young man. "Yes, I guess I'm a little lost. I'm looking for Ric Lansing's room?"

Frankie skeptical of the stranger and would need to know more about him before getting close to Ric or his room. "May I ask who you are, sir and why you've come looking for Mr. Lansing?"

"I understand, you must be one of Ric's bodyguards? I'm sorry I should of introduced myself, I'm Ric's father, Trevor Lansing." the older gentleman extended his hand to Frankie.

"Hello sir, Mr. Lansing didn't mention you would be visiting this evening."

"I don't think he knew I was coming early, I was to arrive tomorrow. I heard about the shooting and I came a day early. I guess I should of called him."

Frankie looked through the glass window in the door to see Ric sleeping peacefully and made a decision not to disturb him. "I'm sorry sir, but your son is sleeping, maybe you want to come back tomorrow?"

"I'd really just like to tell him I'm here, do you think I could sit with him for a while?"

Frankie hesitant but he opened the door for Trevor and left him inside. Trevor walked into Ric's room, the room dark but a dim light was lit above Ric's head. Trevor sat down on the chair next the bed and reached for his son's hand. Ric felt the touch of a masculine hand and his eyes slowly opened to see his father sitting next to him.

"What are you doing here?" Ric asked still not fully awake and coherent.

"I heard you were shot and I jumped on the next plane out of Miami."

"You didn't have to do that .... I wasn't expecting you for another day or so." Ric replied as he propped himself up against the pillows that supported his back.

"I know but you're my son, I wasn't going to not be here with you. How are you feeling?" Trevor replied concerned for his son.

"I'll be fine ...." Ric winced in pain as he adjusted his position.

"And the family?..."

"They're safe .... I have guards on them 24 hours a day."

"I'm sure you do. Faith is not one to take lightly."

"You know Faith is here?"

"Yeah I figured she'd make her way up here after she left her mark on Miami. She's out for blood, Ric."

"Yeah I take notice." Ric chuckled under his breath.

"Why don't you let me handle Faith? You're in no shape to run things." Trevor replied worried about his son.

"Thanks but no thanks. I've got things under control."

"Yeah I see that." Trevor raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not 10 anymore, dad .. you don't have to protect me. I can take care of myself, my family and my business. Even if it's from a hospital bed." Ric replied hoping to convince his father he didn't need his help against Faith.

"Look, I know you can, I'm just concerned that Faith will come back and do the job right the next time, Ric. She knows you're vulnerable now, she's got you where she wants you."

Ric knew his father was right. Faith wasn't going to stop till she got what she came for. Trevor saw Ric's hesitation to give up control on his territory and pressed him even more.

"Think of it this way, I still own partial shares in this territory, I'm protecting my investment. You can still run the organization from this bed, I'll just be out there where Faith can see me and she can think that you are unable to run this business, but really, you've just added re-enforcements."

"I can't let you do that. I can't just let you put yourself out there in the open for Faith."

"You're not letting me do anything .... I'm volunteering. Your objection is dually noted." Trevor replied hoping that Ric would agree to his plan.

Ric's meeting with his father was interrupted by one of his men who had rushed to inform him of some not so good news. Frankie opened the door and Johnny stepped into the room.

"I'm sorry for interrupting sir, but we have problems." Johnny said not wanting to upset his boss.

"What's the problem, Johnny? Don't tell me there's trouble with the shipment that came in tonight?"

"Yes sir ... it's missing."

Not wanting Ric to get more upset then he already was, Trevor stepped in.

"What do you mean it's missing?" he asked. Johnny hesitating to speak freely.

"It's okay, Johnny. He's my father ... you can tell him."

"We unloaded the crates, took inventory of what had been delivered, and somehow now the entire shipment has been removed from the warehouse."

Trevor raised an eyebrow. "Sounds like Faith has struck again."

"No I don't think so, sir. I recognized a few of the men as they took off with it."

"Who were they, Johnny ...."

"They were part of Alcazar's crew, sir."

"Could Faith be working with Lorenzo?" Trevor asked, knowing of Lorenzo Alcazar, he had dealings with him in the past.

"If she is, he's dumber than I thought." Ric replied not amused by the latest developments.

"What do you want us to do now, sir?"

"Go see Lorenzo ... I want my damn shipment back! Take Mario and Ian with you."

"Yes sir." Johnny replied and went to do as instructed.

"If Faith has struck a deal with Lorenzo, you can bet she has organized a fatal assault against your territory, Ric."

"Yeah, yeah ..." Ric waved off his father's concern.

"Faith is no one to mess with Ric ... she will eat you alive if you are not careful. I know I've been up against her before and she takes no prisoners."

The more Ric thought about his father's plan, the more it became the only way to hold on to his territory. He needed his father's help, though he didn't want to admit it and was hesitant to agree to such a foolish plan, but it was his only option at this point.

"Okay .... "

"Okay....what?" Trevor questioned.

"If this plan of yours doesn't work, and you get hurt or worse ... I will never forgive myself." Ric replied and agreed to Trevor's plan.

"Oh it's going to work, don't you worry about that. Faith can't resist a vulnerable territory, but little will she know, and I'll be there waiting for her." Trevor replied and walked towards the door to leave.

"Dad ....."

"Yeah ...."

"Thanks. If this works, I owe you one."

"Ric ... you won't owe me anything. I'm protecting my son, that's my job." Trevor turned and left Ric alone to get the rest he needed to get well.

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I hope Trevor doesn't cross the line with Ric...he seems overly anxious to help Ric....then again, maybe having more reinforcements will help bring down Faith/Lorenzo....

Another Excellent entry Jen :)

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