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Safe From Harm - Chapter 5



"Your husband is a very lucky man." the doctor began and Alexis let out a sigh of relief. "We stopped the internal bleeding and removed the bullet. We repaired the lung which had collapsed because of the damage done by the bullet. He's resting comfortably now, but I don't see him coming out of the anesthesia till sometime tomorrow."

"Thank you. Can I at least go sit with him?"

"Sure .. I'll have a nurse take you up to recovery. He'll be there till he comes out of it and we can get him into a private room."

As Alexis and Zander were happy to hear that Ric had pulled through the surgery, there still were questions the police were going to have as to why Ric was shot. While Alexis went to be with her husband, Zander made a few phone calls.

The duty nurse led the way to Ric's room, Alexis followed close behind. She stood in the doorway of her husband's room, and couldn't believe what she saw in front of her. The man who was her world was now fighting for his life and she couldn't do anything to help him. She approached the bed and looked at all the machines that were attached to him by tubes and wires. She sat down on the swivel stool and reached for his hand. She held it in hers hoping that he could feel her there with him, even though he was still under medication. She sat and talked to Ric for hours, telling him all about the kids and how much they needed him, and how much she needed him. She was startled by Sonny who stood in the doorway, not wanting to interrupt her time with Ric.

When she saw him standing there, she got up from the chair and went out into the hallway with him. She had a few words to say to him, but she would leave it for another time, the hospital was no place for what she had to say to Sonny.

"How's he doing?" Sonny asked as they stepped away from the door.

"He's doing fine. They'll be moving him to a private room as soon as he wakes up."

"Any questions yet from Durant about why Ric was shot?"

"Not yet, but I'm expecting they'll show up here any time now."

"Well I'm sure you'll know what to say ... or not to say when they come around asking questions."

"Oh yeah I'm sure I will." Alexis replied with an eye roll and a smirk.

"She doesn't need to worry about that." Zander said as he approached Sonny and Alexis.

He had a hug and a kiss on the cheek for Alexis, but only a snide look for Sonny. The bad blood between the two of them was still evident as Sonny made himself scarce once Zander showed up.

"I know Sonny is Ric's brother, but dammit, I can't help but dislike the man."

"I know the feeling." Zander replied as he turned her towards him.

"What did you mean I didn't have to worry about the questioning in the shooting?"

"I took care of it, at least for now."


"I had a chat with Mac. I'm a detective now, remember."

Alexis smiled ..."Oh .. well thank you."

"No need for thanks .... you and Ric have been through enough, you certainly don't need the cops hanging around asking questions ... at least not now."

Zander may be a detective on the Miami Dade-County police force, but he is still Alexis friend. He's been involved in the business Ric's in and knows how the business operates. Zander left her go back to sit with her husband and he went to meet up with Emily for breakfast. He would check back on Alexis later, hopefully Ric would be awake when he returned. Zander had a few questions of his own for Ric.


Sonny was surprised to see Zander was back in town and it raised some questions as to why. Once he got back to Greystone, Sonny made a few phone calls. He wanted to know what Zander was doing back in Port Charles, there had to be another reason besides Alexis.

He didn't have to wait too long for the answers about Zander being back in Port Charles. And he didn't like what he heard. Zander being a detective from Miami, didn't sit well with Sonny. Zander was fishing for some answers about a case he was working on and had hoped that those he was looking for were now in Port Charles and could be the reason for Ric getting shot. If there wasn't enough Sonny had to worry about, now he had to worry about Zander getting enough evidence against them to help Durant put both he and Ric in prison.

Max knocked on the door to the living room and then left Jason in. He had gotten Carly and the boys settled in and was back to take care of business.

"I think you better have a talk with your sister."

"Emily's back in town?" Jason surprised to hear she was back.

"Yeah her and her cop of a husband." Sonny replied.

"And what does that have to do anything?"

"Ric was shot last night, and if I'm not wrong, I think it was Faith who ordered it."

"And .... still doesn't tell me what that has to do with Zander being a cop?" Jason replied still not understanding what Sonny was trying to say.

"It does because he's here on business .... another case he's working on, I'm sure of it. If he finds out why Ric was shot last night, I would hate to think of what he'd do with that information. Durant is already sniffing around. And let's not forget Zander and Ric are not friends, he tolerated Ric because of Alexis. Alexis had become as close to a mother as Zander has got, and the two became very close when he lived in Port Charles. If he's fixed anything, he did it for Alexis." Sonny answered.

"I did find out where Faith is staying while she's here ..... she's at Metro Court."

"Yeah and I'm sure didn't do the hit last night, but I'm sure it was on her orders. I just don't understand why she would go after Ric when she still has Alcazar to contend with. Faith wouldn't of made a mistake like this."

"So what do you want me to do?" Jason asked.

"I need you to keep an eye on Faith. I need to know where she goes, who she talks to ... and info on anyone else who could be connected with her, anyone she may have helping her, perhaps she struck a deal with someone for part of the territory. When you find anything, call me." Sonny instructed.

"I'm on it." Jason replied and left.

As soon as Jason left, Sonny picked up the phone and dialed. If Faith was in town to take his territory, she must be in the market for territory elsewhere. Sonny sat down at his desk and pulled out a black book. He paged through the book till he found the phone number he was looking for .... "Felix Escobar ..... good place to start" .

Sonny dialed the number and waited for someone to answer.

"Felix Escobar, it's Sonny Corinthos." Sonny said as soon as someone picked up on the other end.

"Yes, Corinthos, what can I do for you?" Escobar said when he picked up the extension

"Faith Roscoe ...." was all Sonny replied

"Oh that vixen, yeah she's been through here .... shot 5 of my good men. The orders have been executed by Sabata."

"Sabata? And Faith's still alive? I didn't think he was one to miss his targets?" Sonny questioned. He had known Sabata for years, and when Sabata ordered hits, he never missed. He always got his man.

"Yeah well that slippery little vixen has dodged the bullet once to often for my tastes, but with the contract still out there from Sabata, no one else has dared to go over his head. Sabata is no girl scout these days."

"Has he ever been?" Sonny chuckled.

"No but Faith hit him pretty hard, you know how she can be, Corinthos."

"Yeah I do, and now she's here."

"If you take her out, Corinthos, Sabata would be ever so grateful ..."

"The information is appreciated, Felix."

After talking with Escobar, Sonny started making plans for a meeting. Faith was making mistakes and she needed to be taken out before she could gain anymore strength. Sonny called a meeting of the 5 families, it was time to take care of Faith once and for all.


It had been hours since Ric's surgery, and Alexis had sat with him the entire night by his side. She sat with him holding his hand and talking to him, hoping he would hear that she hadn't left his side. She was hoping it wouldn't be too long before he woke up.

"Ric .... please if you can hear me, wake up for me .... please. The doctors tell me it's not good that you are still sleeping. Come back to me, Ric ...." she tearfully said to him as she held up and kiss his hand.

"Kristina and Emma miss their daddy, Ric .... I miss their daddy ..." she continued.

As she sat talking to him, she felt a slight squeeze from his hand and a surprised look overcame her face. "Ric? You can hear me! Open your eyes for me, please ...."

He tried with all his might as his eyes fluttered open, still very groggy but he was awake and that's all she cared about. He had come back to her and the girls. She quickly went out to the nurse's desk to tell someone he was awake.

The duty nurse followed her into Ric's room and checked the machines and his vitals. Ric's eyes followed the nurse around the room, he still didn't seem to know where he was or what had happened to him. They had intubate him because he needed help breathing, so they had inserted a tube down his throat and into his airway, so he couldn't talk. As soon as he was give a thorough examination, the tube would be removed from his throat. The duty nurse asked Alexis to leave for a few minutes while the attending physician gave Ric a full examine.

Alexis stood outside in the hallway and watched through the glass window while the doctor and nurses removed the tube and attended to her husband. She wiped the tears from her eyes as she waited for any news about Ric's condition.

The doctor soon emerged from Ric's room and stopped to give her an update.

"Ric is still groggy but he is fully aware of where he is and what's going on. He's going to have a rough time talking for a while, it's normally after having a breathing tube taken out, nothing we should be concerned with. We have to keep an eye on his condition, but he is a lot stronger then he was last night. Which is a good sign. And he's asking for you."

"Thank you so much, doctor." Alexis replied, she was so relieved to hear such good news.

Alexis rushed to her husband's side and a tearfully hello was evident.

"The doctor says your going to be just fine. God I thought I lost you ..." she said and he lifted up his hand and brushed the side of her face.

"You're never going to lose me, Alexis ..." he replied, his throat was hoarse and rough. "Where are our girls?" he added.

"They're with Viola ... they're fine, but they miss you ..."

"I miss them too .." he replied. He just couldn't stop staring at her, he was so happy she was there with him. He wouldn't know what he'd do without her.

"I love you so much ..." she said as she smoothed back the hair around his temples.

"I love you too .." he replied wanting so much to kiss her like he used to.

"Greg? and Mario and Davis?" he asked

"We're fine sir ...." Greg said as he stood in the doorway of Ric's room. "I'm sorry for barging in ..." he apologized.

"Don't worry about it ..." Alexis said as Greg stepped into the room and stood at the foot of the bed.

"The guys and I were concerned and thought we should come by and see how he was doing." Greg replied as some of the men moved towards the doorway of Ric's room.

"He's doing much better than last night."

"Sure seems like it." Greg replied with a smile. "You don't have to worry about anything, sir .... just get better." he added before turning to leave.

"Greg ...." Ric called out to him.

"Yes sir ..." Greg stopped and turned back towards Ric.

Ric looked at Alexis and she knew it was her cue to go get some coffee. She offered her seat to Greg as she got up and walked towards the door. "I'll be back in a few minutes." she said before leaving Ric with Greg.

Greg sat down next to Ric's bed waiting hear what his boss had to say.

"Faith Roscoe .... find her and take her out, Greg...take whomever with you, I trust your judgement."

"Yes sir..." Greg replied not questioning Ric's order to kill Faith.

"It's business as usual ...."

"Yes sir ... is that all, sir?"

"I want Frankie outside this room at all times, got it?" Ric instructed.

"Yes sir. I pray for a quick recovery for you, sir."

"Thank you, Greg."

Greg got up from the stool and walked towards the door. The other men stood just beyond the doorway and waited to hear any instructions Ric may have given for them. Thomas stepped up and was the first to ask.


"Frankie .... he wants you on guard at this door at all times." Greg replied as Frank stepped forward. "And he's says it's business as usual."

Ric's men dispersed and left Frankie standing guard at Ric's door. "We have business to take care of ..." could be heard from Greg as they all walked away from the room.

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