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Wk of 12/26/06 Edition



TL-Tim Lowery (Phoenix)


I: Great to have you with us again.

TL: Great to be here.I:It was a great Christmas week. Salem Lives definitely delivered.TL: Yeah. I think we did. The fans seemed to like it. We would've liked better ratings but they will come.

I: Reflect a bit on last week, if you will.

TL: Well, it seems the fans loved the return of JT. Marlena's return was definitely a biggie and it was the emotional center of the week. I think we did well with those two returns. I think the returns of Kimberly and her kids and Stephanie were a treat. My co-HW wrote amazing stuff for Sami and Roman last week. The Hope/Chelsea reveal and Max/Abby scenes were fabulous. It seems the fans loved our emotional supercouple-themed Friday episode too. I think the stunning end with Lumi and the Bope stuff really had them cheering.

I: Yeah. It was great to see the couples coming together but we will discuss their futures next week. Now, reflect on 2006. How far do you think the show (blog) has come since your regime began?

TL: Well, when I took over from JER in May, I saw potential. I studied what was there and went about using it and trying to rectify the damage done to the show and it's history. Captive Island 2 did that. I know fans hated going through that again but it allowed us to focus on some characters we needed too and it moved everyone on the canvas to one place. It's laid the groundwork for so much of what we have now and it also helped clean up the canvas a bit. We calmed things down in Fall and that is when we started to build out stories. I think November and December we hit our stride and we will be alot more consistent in 2007.

I: What was your favorite thing to write? Any favorite/least favorite stories? Best moments?

TL: I love writing anything but my favorite thing, personally, to write was the day before and day after Thanksgiving episodes. I think those were very well-rounded and had everything you could want in a soap. Before that, it would've been writing Jennifer's death and Marlena's "death." I love all the stories. As for least favorite, I am going to shock people and say that I wish the Greta/Eric/Nicole stuff was better. I wish I could've improved on that since it was my idea. It was meant to be much better but it got so draggy towards the end. I thought it was dragging in the beginning so I moved the story up and gave it major focus but I think many people weren't interested enough. I wanted it to be a nice miracle and it was but people just wanted the story done. That is one thing I wish I could change. My favorite moment was more of a few moments. The Sami and Roman stuff my Co-HW wrote last week was amazing and those scenes were my favorite moments of the year. They were so emotional and really evolved both characters.

I: What do you wish to improve on Salem Lives and what do you wish to improve on as a writer? What do you do well and not so well?

TL: My co-HW and I both feel the same. The episodes need to be shorter consistently. We will always have long shows from time to time and we are using more dialogue now because the flow is better. Most of the time we need to keep it short. Pace we need to work on a bit and keeping things lighter, even during the dark stories, is a must. I think there was a time in the last two months were things got too dark and we will work on that. I think a writer can always improve. No one is perfect. I think both my co-HW and I are good at writing the relationships and grasping the characters. We both know the history well and our planning ahead is a strength but so is our ability to write great stuff on the fly.

I: What are your goals for 2007?

TL: Well, we will discuss them more next week, but I think we want to be a show (blog) that helps you escape from reality. Our vision focuses on the relationships, family, romance, etc. It's traditiona soap. It doesn't mean we won't do unbeilievable things from time to time. We will always stay grounded and will make sure things make sense. Character motivations are always important and staying true to characters is a must. We will also balance things out a bit with the characters. We will try to get everyone involved and umbrella stories will be in use big time, much like our fans know to expect from us based on 2006. We aren't afraid to take risks and we will big time in 2007. We aren't afraid of backlash or criticism. I am a firm believer you need to take big risks to get big rewards and we will do that. 2007 will be a HUGE year and my co-HW and I got big stuff in store so it should make 2006 look like child's play.

I: Anything else to add?

TL: I just want to thank everyone at SON for their support, especially my fellow blog writers. I also want to thank readers of the blog and I want to continue to encourage commenting and feedback. I try to give it to other blogs when I can and it's a definitely helpful in story planning. Most of all, I want to thank my partner and co-EP/HW (Roman). Our visions mesh together so well and he has been nothing but supportive and a true friend. He is an exceptional writer and he has a true passion for writing and for Days. I think our love for the show is what makes Salem Lives what it is. I don't know where I would be without him. It is so great to have a talented partner you can trust and depend on. Our collaboration was the highlight of my year and it was the best decision I ever made partnering with him. There are no egos or disrespect. The partnership is equal and respectful in every way and it has become more then a partnership, it's become a strong friendship. To my partner and everyone here at SON and the readers-HAPPY HOLIDAYS and we hope you stick with us and enjoy Salem Lives in 2007.



PE-Patrick L. Ewing (Roman)

I: What are your thoughts on where Salem Lives is now at the end of 2006 based on where it was when your regime started in mid-late 2006?

PE: I've always thought Salem Lives was a great show (DOOL blog). But now, with the collaboration that has been in place since the middle part of the year, the blog has really improved on what was already there. Two minds working on a common goal are better than one and helps keep everything fresh and exciting.

I: What were your favorite stories?

PE: I like the Kiriakis/DiMera mafia war that is going on and really enjoyed the Captive Island 2 story arc because things are still coming about from that storyline even today. So, that tells you how well it was written. But, I also liked Sami's transformation, which is still very much on-going. It has been past time that she grew up into womanhood. Hopefully, she will keep her edge but use her powers for good, not for evil. (Laughs)

I: What were your least favorite stories? What do you think could've been done better, if anything?

PE: I can't really say that I have a least favorite storyline. There have been stories that have dragged a bit but those are getting wrapped up very soon and we're on our way to an exciting and action-packed 2007. The one thing that my partner and I really try to do is listen to the fans who read the blog. Get their reactions to what is occuring on the pages of SL. That's where we would make changes or do something different but always stay true to what our vision is and stay true to the spirit and essence of DOOL.

I: What was your favorite thing to write for Salem


PE: You know, if I had been asked this question earlier, I would have stuck with the episode in Sydney where the all-out battle occured between Stefano's men and Victor's men, with Salemites caught in the crossfire. But now, I really have to say that I get the greatest joy out of the Sami/Roman scenes in which she finally asked for forgiveness from her father for all the terrible things she did. They were very emotional scenes to write and touched me a great deal when I did write them. I will always be proud of that piece of work. And, of course, any chance to write for Roman, Victor, Bo or Stefano is a treat. I love writing for all the characters but those four are personal favorites and a real treat to write for.

I: What was your least favorite thing, if anything?

PE: No least favorite thing. When you are accepted by a person to become your writing partner, you take the opportunity to appreciate every single time you get the chance to write. That's what I take from it. The joy of writing. It's so much fun and really quite humbling for people to read what ideas you have or a turn of a phrase you wrote. Now, after that, how could I find anything not worth writing?

I: How do you think you have improved as a writer and how do you think you have helped improve Salem Lives since joining the regime as Co-EP/HW?

PE: My improvement has come from the fact that I feel every writer must not have an ego when it comes to constructive criticism. Some will be rude and say that your writing sucks but, for the most part, people are very kind and tell you in a positive manner what they would like to see and what they think should be changed. And you must admit when your writing stinks too. If you think that every single thing you write for your blog is always on point - you're way too damn arrogant to admit when it falls short. Stay humble. That's the key.

I: What about Salem Lives do you wish to improve on in 2007 and what do you think could be done better, if anything?

PE: The one thing that we have to improve on is what we have been constantly working on - the length of our episodes. Every now and then, we will write an episode that is rather long on the tooth but we only do that because there is alot going on. Now, we are adding more dialogue into the episodes that we write so even if it may seem long, dialogue flows much faster than writing paragraphs. We'll still do that but when something big or emotional is going to occur, that's when the character's P.O.V. will be implemented.

I: What are your goals for Salem Lives in 2007? What are you most excited about?

PE: I'm very excited about some of the huge things we have planned and some of the truly exciting storylines that have been in the works for the last 6 months. This material will blow readers away. When I say classic DOOL, that's exactly what I mean. Romance, humor, action, adventure but, most of all, family, friendships and relationships. That's what's in store. We are also working on some great things that are under wraps but will change SL in many ways. It's truly a very exciting time coming up

I: Any other thoughts on how far Salem Lives has come since the new regime started in May and since you

joined this past summer? Also, any more thoughts on 2007 and beyond?

PE: SL has come a long way since the collaboration started. It is very hard work trying to do a blog based on a soap opera by yourself so I give 1 million percent credit to anyone who does that. I'm just so very glad that we could start doing this wonderful thing together and there are no egos involved. It wouldn't have lasted one day if our egos would have went haywire.

I: Anything else you wish to add?

PE: There is only one thing I would like to add and that is a Thank You to all of the people who take the time out of their "Days", as it were, to read Salem Lives. You don't know what it means to me to read the comments of fellow blog writers and fans who like what we do. I also want to thank my partner for changing 2006 for the better and giving me the opportunity to let our creative juices flow. It has truly been an honor and privilege to work with Phoenix on this blog.

And get ready everyone. 2007 will leave this year in the dust. If you thought 2006 was something, you haven't seen anything yet. Have a safe and joyful New Year, and may all that you wish for come true. Take care.



As previously reported, Roscoe Born is joining Salem Lives. He will first air on December 26 but, until this point, the character's name was yet to be announced. Well, now the identity of Born's character has been revealed. Born will be playing James McCluer, the patriarch of the McCluer family. "James is a shady character that the fans will slowly learn about," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "They will know he is an ex-con with a rap sheet. He takes a job working under Victor (John Aniston) but seems to have a hidden agenda." In addition to James, fans should be on the lookout for the rest of the McCluer family to be introduced. "We will see the wife and two children very soon," says Lowery. "We are casting them now and they will be pivotal in the fans learning about James. There is alot to focus on with the McCluer's. It's all part of a larger story."

Fans should also look forward to seeing Born's character shake things up with a very popular Salem female. "The fans will be stunned," enthuses Lowery. "I don't think the fans truly know where all this is going so I'm excited for us and for them. It's great having Roscoe with us and I am excited for this story."

Again, Born debuts December 26. Expect to see the rest of the McCluer family in early-mid January.



Roscoe Born (James McCluer): Born's character finally has a name. He will debut on December 26.

Joseph Mascolo (Stefano Dimera): Stefano finally resurfaces this week in Salem. As for Renee Jones (Lexie), look for her to resurface from her hiatus in early 2007.


Jaime Lyn Bauer (Laura Horton) and Kale Browne (Bill Horton): As previously reported, Laura and Bill leave for Africa on December 26 as the short-term run for both characters comes to an end.

Lisa Trusel (Melissa Horton), Alli Browne (Sarah Horton), and Jed Allen (Don Craig): The three actors, who returned in October, will end their runs on December 26.

Shayna Rose (Stephanie Johnson): Rose ends her short stint on December 27 when Stephanie returns to LA.

Tom Welling and Michelle Williams (Andrew and Jeannie Donovon): Both actors end their short stints on December 26 when Andrew and Jeannie say goodbye to Kimberly (Patsy Pease) and Shane (Charles Shaughnessy) and return to London.


-Laura, Bill, Melissa, Sarah, and Don say goodbye to friends and family.

-Stephanie, Andrew, and Jeannie leave Salem while Kimberly remaind.

-Word of Stefano's impending return rocks Salem.

-There is more to James McCluer then meets the eye.

-Abe, Roman, and Shane work to stop tragedy.

-Victor makes a stunning request of Bo.

-Philip wants in on his father's business.

-Marlena's behavior has friends and family concerned.

-The reunions are short-lived for Bo and Hope and Sami and Lucas.

-Steve isn't well.

-Caroline issues a warning to Victor.

-Celeste has a horrible prediction.

-Will reveals his secret to Alan.

-Sami, Kate, Jack, Billie, Hope, Steve, Kayla, Caroline, and Maggie try to save their loved ones.

-Marlena disappears.

-Several Salemites are in harm's way at the Titan/Horton Foundation New Year's eve ball as Victor, Stefano, and the Salem PD's plans collide leading to a shocking end to 2006.


Wednesday December 27: Victor makes a stunning request of Bo!!

Friday December 29: 2006 comes to a stunning end as all hell breaks loose at the Titan/Horton Foundation New Year's Eve Ball!!

Next Week: Chaos erupts in the ballroom. Cassie collapses. Max has a romantic surprise for Abby. Cal has a memory flash. Eric and Nicole make a big decision. The mystery surrounding Marlena deepens.


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