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Safe From Harm - Chapter 3



The long black limo turned off the main road and onto a dirt drive lined on both sides with dense forest. Alexis, Viola, and the children sat in the back seat for the last hour awaiting their arrival at their final destination. Ric promised her he would be at the cabin later that night after he dealt with some business regarding the new threat that was in town. Derek pulled the limo up to the cabin that sat deep in the woods, away from every one and every thing back in Port Charles. Mario and Davis helped Alexis and Viola with their bags as they all walked up towards the log cabin. Kristina stopping at the bottom of the stairs to the porch and smelled the colorful flowers that outlined the covered front porch. Mario took the keys to the cabin out of his pocket and opened up the door for it's guests.

Alexis with Emma in her arms walked into the rustic cabin as Viola walked in with Kristina, Mario and Davis set down their bags by the door and closed the door behind them. Alexis explored the kitchen while Kristina ran upstairs to see which room was going to be hers. Viola chased after her and Davis followed. Mario stood in the foyer as Alexis walked from room to room taking in every inch of her new home.

"Everything should be ready for you, Mrs. Lansing." Mario said to Alexis as she passed by him.

"Thank you, Mario. I think we'll be fine."

"Davis and I will be here for the duration. If you need anything, just call us." he said as Davis came back down the stairs with Kristina in his arms.

"We're going to have to keep a special eye on this one." Davis laughed and Kristina giggled.

"Put me down!" Kristina wiggled away from him and jumped from his arms to the floor.

"Thanks Davis." Alexis replied as the two guards stepped outside onto the front porch.

"Viola!" Alexis called from the bottom of the stairs.

"Yes, maam .."

"I assume one of the bedrooms is set up for Emma?"

"Yes, Mr. Lansing thought of everything."

"I'm sure he did. Could you watch Kristina while I put Emma down for her nap?"

Viola came down the stairs and took Kristina's hand. "Sure .... "

"I shouldn't be long. If Daddy thought of everything, I'm sure he thought of the chocolate chip cookies you like so much." Alexis said to Kristina and she took off towards the kitchen.

"You said those magic words again, Alexis." Viola giggled and went after Kristina.

Alexis headed up the stairs to the nursery to put Emma down for her nap. As she turned the corner to go down the hallway, she noticed the master suite's door was ajar. She pushed it open with her foot and stepped inside. There were rose petals sprawled across the king sized canopy bed, a bottle of wine sitting on the dresser with two crystal glasses waiting for her and Ric. Her eyes widened as she noticed the gift box sitting on the chair in the corner, and she couldn't resist taking a peek at what he bought her. Emma wiggled in her arms and she decided to put the baby down before exploring the rest of what was waiting for her.

She closed the door behind her and walked down to the end of the hall to the nursery. She opened the door and was taken back by what was waiting there for her. The room was decorated in a delicate pink with a rocker in the corner, and a mahogany crib just waiting to hold Emma. She placed the baby gently in the middle of the crib, hoping not to wake her, she covered her with the pink blanket that was draped over the railing. She snuck quietly out of the room and closed the door. She then scurried back to the master suite to see what else her sweet husband had waiting for her. Before she even reached the bedroom, Kristina came running down the hall towards her with chocolate fingers ready to grab her.

"Mommy, are you coming down for some cookies?"

"You going to show me the way?" Alexis asked and the toddler took her hand.

Alexis followed her daughter but still keeping her eye on the master suite as long as she could before reaching the bottom of the stairs. "Hurry up, Mommy...."

Alexis looked back up the stairs before turning towards the kitchen and following Kristina to the cookies. "I hope you saved some for me?" Alexis smiled as she sat down at the table with Viola and Kristina.

The afternoon passed fairly quickly as Kristina was entertained by the cartoons on the television and Viola had brought along those romance novels she likes to read so much. Alexis of course, sat and worried about her husband and hoped everything was going okay back in town. She sipped the tea Viola had made for her as she sat and watched out the window just waiting for Ric to arrive.

"He'll be here, Alexis ...." Viola spoke up as she saw Alexis watching for Ric.

"I know, I'm just ...."

"Worried ..." Viola finished Alexis's thought.

"It shows, huh?"

"Yeah it's quite obvious." Viola replied as she laid down the book she was reading.

"You're right, he'll be here." Alexis replied as she looked once again at the clock that sat on the mantle of the fireplace.

The darkness began to fall upon the log cabin and Alexis worries overcame her as she began to pace the hard wooden floors. Viola was in the kitchen making dinner as a black limo pulled up in front of the cabin. Alexis didn't hesitate as she went out onto the front porch thankful he was there with her now. Almost knocking him over as she took him into her arms and embraced him.

"It's okay, I'm here now ...." Ric said as they stood on the front porch together, she not wanting to let go of him.

"Everything quiet here?" he asked Davis as he walked with Alexis into the house.

"Everything has been quiet here, sir." Davis replied and Ric nodded in acknowledgement.

Alexis's fears disappeared as soon as Ric had arrived. The two of them sat together on the couch, till Kristina came flying down the stairs and into Ric's arms. The toddler climbed all over him and finally settled herself in his lap. "I missed you Daddy.." she said as he kissed her on her cheek. "I missed you too, sweetheart." Ric replied and than looked over at Alexis. He gave her a kiss on the cheek too. Kristina giggled as she felt Daddy's fingers tickling her tummy. Viola came around the corner of the staircase to let them know that dinner was ready.

After the family ate dinner, Alexis excused herself to go feed Emma. She didn't feel comfortable feeding the baby during dinner, she always made it a private time between her and the baby. Viola cleared the table and kept a watchful eye on Kristina as Ric quietly followed Alexis up to the nursery. Alexis sat in the rocker with Emma in her arms and gave her access to the nourishment she hungered for. As Alexis fed their daughter, Ric stood in the shadows of the doorway and watched over them. It was the most precious thing he had ever seen. In those few minutes he stood and watched Emma suckling, all that was going on around them seemed non existent. He wished they could stay in that moment forever. He walked away from the moment and left Alexis feeding Emma in the quiet of the nursery. He walked quietly down the stairs just as the cell phone he had attached to his belt loop began to ring. He quickly went into the study and closed the door before answering it.

"This better be something I want to hear." Ric said once he flipped open the phone.

"Well, hello to you too, son ..."

Ric groaned when he heard it was his father, Trevor. "Yes dad, hello to you too. What can I do for you?"

"Isn't it okay still for a father to call his own son without asking what he wants?" Trevor replied a little disappointed.

"Sure it is, but right now, I am a little busy for you, dad." Ric walked with purpose to his desk and began looking over some warehouse files that laid staring back at him.

"I just wanted to let you know that I'll be arriving in Port Charles the day after tomorrow."

If he wanted Ric's attention he certainly had it now. "What for?"

"I hear through the grapevine that my help is needed."

"Well, news travels fast, doesn't it? Who called you .. wait let me guess .... Alexis?"

"No she didn't call me, should she have?"

"No, Sonny and I can handle this, there is no need for you to come to our rescue."

"Rescue nothing .... I'm coming and you have no say. Plans are already made, Ric."

"Okay ... if you think you need to be here, I'm not going to argue with you."

"Thank you. Finally doing something I ask of you, perhaps this is the start of a trend."

"Let's not push it."

"I'll call you when I get into town. I'll be staying at Metro Court."

"I guess I'll talk to you in a few days."

Ric flipped his cell phone closed and was ready to throw it across the room, but thought better of it. He rolled his eyes as he thought of his father getting involved in the situation, but he wasn't going to argue with the man. It was just as much his father's territory as it was Ric and Sonny's. But he hoped just this once, his father would stay out of it and let him handle it. He and his father had some serious trust issues to work on, but he couldn't worry about that right now, he had other things that weighed heavily on his thoughts. He poured himself a snifter of brandy and fell back into his leather desk chair, just wanting some time to himself to think about the next move he and Sonny needed to make.

The time he had to himself didn't last long when his cell phone rang once more. He flipped it open hoping there was good news coming in from the other end.

"Lansing..." Ric answered

"Sir, we have problems."

"Don't tell me that, Thomas!"

"Sorry sir, but we need you back here at the warehouse, right away."

"What's the problem now?!" Ric demanded to know.

"John Durant."

"Dammit! Do not tell him anything till I get there!"

Ric flipped closed the phone with anger and stormed out the door of his office. Alexis came down the stairs just as he was about to head out the door and back to Port Charles.

"Where are you going now?" she asked as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

"I have to go back to town. There are problems at the warehouse." he gave her a kiss goodbye. "And don't wait up .... I'm not sure how long this will take."

As Ric walked out the door, Alexis over heard him telling Mario to call Justus and meet him at the warehouse. She knew there was trouble once he called Justus ... legal troubles ... and she guessed it was John Durant trouble.


"I want every inch of this warehouse searched!" Durant bellowed as he and the officers entered Ric's warehouse.

He slapped a search warrant in Thomas's hand as he brushed passed him. "You can tell your boss, I have all the paper work in order."

Thomas, Frank and Johnny stalled the officers as long as they could, but Durant didn't want to hear what they had to say. It wasn't long before Ric walked through the door of the warehouse with purpose.

"What do you want now, Durant?!" Ric demanded as he approached.

"Oh lookee here, the big boss man is here now. Should I be scared?" Durant remarked as Ric came upon him.

"Yeah, perhaps you should be." Ric threatened.

"Ooh is that a threat, Mr. Big Bossman?"

"Take it anyway you want to Durant."

"Oooh I'm quivering in my wingtips. Perhaps it should be you who should be scared, bossman."

"Oh and why is that, Durant?" Ric blew off Durant's comment

"I have a search warrant." Durant slapped the warrant against Ric's chest and smirked.

"What the hell is this?"

"That is a search warrant, a warrant to search the premises and anything and everything inside and outside of this said building." Durant now becoming more cocky.

"Gimme that ..." Justus said as he came up behind Ric and reached for the warrant.

"It's all legal like counselor." Durant said as he dispersed the officers to search the building.

"Yeah I'm sure it is...." Ric replied with an eye roll.

Justus read over the warrant as the officers ransacked the warehouse in search of evidence. "What exactly is he searching for, Justus?" Ric asked his lead counsel.

"Apparently looking for evidence in regards to the shootout last night." Justus replied.

"Well, he isn't going to find any."

"Oh maybe not, but I'm sure I'll find something to arrest you for." Durant smirked. "If there's something here, I'll find it."

"Don't worry, you won't."

"We'll see Lansing, we'll see ....."


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I'm thrilled that Durant is in this fan fic, Jen....Causing trouble as always, and as often...Love the surprise that Ric gave Alexis, creating a nice safe haven for her and the girls.

Thomas.... is he the same person that is in your Wicked fan fic about Zander and Emily?

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