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Episode 029: "THE LIGHT"




The Light: Episode 029

"IN the LIGHT" with Beth Raines Winslow

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Three Days After Phillip’s Tragic Murder…
Afternoon of Phillip's Funeral...
  • The entire town of Springfield is at a stand still. Company is closed because of a death in the family as Harley, Gus, Buzz, Frank and Marina arrive at the church for Phillip’s service.

  • The Beacon Hotel is being cared for by hourly associates as Cassie, Reva, Josh, Billy and Tammy arrive. Cassie enters the church and has a flashback of Richard’s funeral, Tammy takes her hand and they walk in together.

  • Other citizens begin to file into the church as well as the limos carrying the Spaulding family arrive. India, Mindy, Olivia and Shayne go on ahead into the church and await the arrival of the family.

  • Alan enters the church first followed closely behind Alexandra and when he sees Phillip’s casket he chokes up and reaches out his hand, saying her name softly, “Alexandra.” She immediately takes his hand and walks to the front of the church and takes a seat. Once seated on the front row Olivia touches Alan’s shoulder, assuring her husband that she is right there for him!

  • Lucy enters the church foyer…however Alan-Michael is having doubts and voices them to Lucy, but she tells him that Phillip would want him there for Alan, for Beth, for Alexandra…and more importantly for his daughter. Alan-Michael says that he’s not ready for this…Lizzie takes Alan-Michael’s hand and leads him to Lucy, she says that he has to do this, for her. Alan-Michael gives her a kiss on the cheek and enters the church.

  • Beth is still sitting in the limo as Lillian and Lizzie wait for her outside. Lillian opens the door and tells her that everyone is waiting on her to begin…Beth says that she won’t go because if she doesn’t go inside, then this is no happening! Lillian tells her that Lizzie needs her to be strong now…and Beth finally agrees and enters the church in tears!


  • With the altar adorned with white lilies…a portrait of Phillip is setting to the left of Phillip’s dark oak brown casket, which has white lilies on top of it. The service begins with Father Ray Santos reading Phillip’s obituary…followed by a song and then Mindy Lewis who reads the 23rd Psalm and then speaks, “A lot of us here today was fortunate to have been loved by Phillip at some point in our lives. I, myself was privileged to have been loved by him, twice over. But no matter how many women desired or had him, none of us were able to capture his heart quite like the way Beth always did. The truth of the matter is any woman other Beth was just a second fiddle. Honey, he loved you…more than he loved anyone. Carry that with you always.”

  • Amazing Grace softly begins playing softly as mourners make their way to pay their final respects. After all have gone through, the family does the same, however Lizzie and Beth stay behind together. Mother and daughter go to the casket and say their goodbyes...Beth assures Lizzie that the two of them are going to survive this, one way or another! Lizzie tells her father goodbye.

  • Beth is standing alone in the church…she tearfully declares her love for Phillip will go on…memories begin to flood her mind of happier times...she vows that she will never love another man like she has loved him. As she kisses the casket, she thanks Phillip for always loving her through it all!

  • Following the services everyone goes back to the Spaulding Mansion for a service and Beth tells Lillian that she has to go lie down for a nap…

  • Upstairs she drops her earrings into her jewelry box and she sees her wedding ring from Phillip, she snaps the box shut and tells herself she has to move forward that he’s gone. Beth slips on the same nightgown she had on the night Phillip died and lays down to rest. She begins tossing and turning, as she does so she hears two gunshots ring out! And her mind races with memories…Phillip at the hospital, the flowers Phillip was going to give her, the funeral and then she hears someone calling out her name…”Beth. Beth…wake up.”

  • Beth jolts from her slumber and finds herself in another room that is not at the Spaulding mansion in the same nightgown and Phillip standing before her!

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