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Episode #258 - Wednesday, December 6, 2006:


- Jan tells Jeremy that she is going to win the love of her life, Shawn Brady, back! Jan and Jeremy bicker back and forth until Jeremy reveals that Shawn is his cousin!

- Cassie reveals to herself that she had sex with someone in Salem before she was moved into Witness Protection.

- Marlena has another startling hallucination about Kristen. It is clear Marlena is LOSING it!

- Victor tells Vivian that he will not give into her demands. She tells him to prepare to lose his kids, his business, and the love of Caroline because she is going to expose him!

- Shawn and Belle decide it is best Shawn stays at his apartment so they don't confuse Claire.

- Greta and Melissa's argument grows even more heated! They begin to shove each other. It leads to a hair pulling war between them.

- Meanwhile, Eric and Frankie are also in a fist fight over Greta.

- Roman tells Sami about the gun he found in her apartment. She is shocked. She breaks down and tells Roman that someone must have planted it.

- Annie flashes back to Alan growing violent and about how he learned Annie stole Carrie's baby.

- Austin and Carrie have a romantic getaway at the Green Mountain Lodge. They make lover over and over again.

- Belle walks Shawn to the door so that he can go back to his apartment. At the doorway, they kiss each other on the cheeck goodbye...that leads to a peck on the lips....which leads to a passionate kiss....which leads to them ripping and tearing their clothes off once again. They go back inside the apartment and slam the door shut behind them.

- Cassie vows that Max can never learn he is not this baby's father!

- Jan is shocked at Jeremy's news. Her ears perk up. Jan wonders how this will help her get Shawn back.

- Melissa and Greta are broken up by Jack! While Steve manages to tear Frankie and Eric off of each other. Steve tells the uncle and nephew to cool off. At the other end of Salem Place, Jack tells Melissa to take a hike. Greta and Jack begin talking about the predicament she is in and how she's inadvertantly broken up Frankie and Melissa. While Steve and his nephew, Eric, talk about his deep feelings for Greta.

- In an emotional scene, Carrie finally comes to terms with her baby's death and gives up on the notion that someone took her baby.

- Roman tells Sami that this is not looking good for her. When alone with Will, she asks Will if he brought a gun into the apartment. He says he cannot remember that night! Sami tells Will to keep quiet about everything about that night! Sami plots and schemes to make sure Will is not sent to prison!

- Jeremy wonders to himself what is up with the people in this town. He decides that he is going to set out and destroy all of the evil people in Salem. He tells them he is going to show them a thing or two about scheming and manipulating.

- Marlena has a disturbing dream about Kristen and wakes up in fright! Marlena is becoming unhinged.

- Roman learns the gun he found in Sami's apartment is the gun that killed Alan! Lucas overhears the reading of test results. Lucas is devastated....and furious! He sets off to find Sami.

- Jeremy tells Jan that he will help her get Shawn back....for a price! Little does she know, it's all a big trick!

- Victor tells Vivian that he will sell her the stock back as long as she keeps his secret. When alone, however, he says that he needs to figure out Kate's big secret so he has some leverage with her. Evil Victor is back!

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