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December 14, 2006




-At Salem University Hospital, it's a new day and it's the morning of Christmas Eve. Jack is by Abby's bedside. Doug and Julie are watching outside with Bill and Laura when Maggie arrives, asking if there is any change. Julie shakes her head solemnly saying she was hoping they would have good news before tonight's tree-trimming party. The news about Roman isn't making things easy either. Maggie says they just need to have faith things will get better.

Jack is holding Abby's hand when he feels it move and turns to see his daughter's eyes slowly flutter open and she mutters "daddy." He calls for a doctor as Maggie and the others watch with joy.

-Billie walks in Chelsea's room with Kate, who is mentioning to Billie how she feels there is something Belle and Philip are withholding from all of them and she is very suspicious. Billie tells her it's best if she just minds her own business. Billie looks at Chelsea and is shocked to see Chelsea awake. Both Billie and Kate embrace Chelsea, happy to have her back. Kate goes to get Bo and the others.

-Frankie is with Max, who is worried sick about Abby having not awakened yet. Frankie tells Max that he should've been honest with Abby about how he feels. Life is too short to waste. He also tells Max not to deny it anymore and to just admit how he feels about Abby. A frustrated Max finally does tell Frankie he feels more then friendship for Abby, as Cassie listens nearby.

-Sami is with Lucas, who asks if she is ok. She tells Lucas that she just found out John was her real father and she finally made peace with herself to accept him and now he may gone. Lucas tells her to have faith it will all be ok. Kate arrives with news that Chelsea is awake. Bo asks Caroline if she will be ok and she nods. Bo takes off with Hope. Sami tells Lucas and Austin to go to Chelsea and that she will be fine. Will will stay with her.

Sami and Belle, who is with Philip, ask Shane and Abe if there is any word. They insist they just need to be patient but with the storm it is very hard to find out anything. Victor arrives and tells Caroline he heard. He comforts her. Caroline looks at him and says it was supposed to be him on that helicopter. Victor says he knows and asks if she blames him for this. Caroline says she knows that Roman forced himself on board the helicopter so it's not Victor's fault.

Greta overhears Victor and Caroline's exhange and realizes her father could've died if it was him on that helicopter. Nicole comes out and Greta, Will, Sami, Belle, Philip, Caroline, and Victor ask how Eric is doing. Nicole says he is fading and has been since last night after word of Roman got out. He feels guilty and is losing the will to live. Dr. Rowen told her he doesn't have long. Nicole says she is going to call Fr. Jansen for last rites. Everyone is devastated and they are beginning to lose all hope for Eric and, possibly, Roman.

-Sami vows not to lose her father and her brother. Her mom is watching up above and wouldn't want her to give up. She wasted too much of her life being bitter, immature, and angry. She owes everyone she loves and needs to redeem herself somehow.

-Kate, Lucas, Austin, Bo, and Hope are with Billie in Chelsea's room. Billie whispers to them all not to tell Chelsea about her condition and that she may be able to use her arm fully again. They all agree. Hope reminds Bo that his daughter will need him now and so will his loved ones, which is why he should stop working with Victor. Kate tells Lucas and Austin the same thing. All three men grow frustrated and tell Kate and Hope to back off. Hope hears about Abby and goes to check on her.

Chelsea is told about how she ended up in the hospital and what happened. She apologizes and vows to change. Billie says she will hold her to that. Chelsea asks why she can't feel her arm and Billie says it's just numb from pain meds.

-Doug, Julie, Bill, Maggie, and Jack rejoice in Abby waking up. Jack reminds them all not to tell Abby about her possibly being paralyzed for life. Laura watches from outside, not wanting to cause trouble. Hope arrives and asks Laura to come in. Laura says she shouldn't.

Meanwhile, Jack fills Abby in on what happened tp her and she apologizes to her father for her actions and vows never to act out like that again. Jack says it's forgotten and warns her not to do that again. He assures her that Billie and him will make sure Chelsea and her are done with that kind of lifestyle. Abby says she also needs to apologize about the way she treated Billie and came between his and Billie's friendship. She knows they are just friends and she should've never treated a family friend like that even if him and her were more then friends. Jack says it's ok.

Hope comes in and extends her best wishes to Abby. She asks Abby if she would like to see her grandmother and ushers Laura to come in. Jack turns and sees Laura enter and ask Jack if it would be ok to see her granddaughter. Jack is silent and she loses it and begs Jack to give her another chance and to forgive her as Abby wonders what is going on. Abby asks her father to let Laura stay.

-Frankie tells Max he is going to check on mom but orders him to tell Abby how he feels when and if she wakes up. Max sits down and decides Frankie is right. He needs to tell Abby how he feels. He just hopes he gets the chance. Cassie listens nearby and goes into panic. She vows to make sure Max and Abby don't get together.

-Kate is on her way to get some coffee when she sees Belle and Philip arguing. She stands aside and sees Philip grab Belle by the arm and warn her to keep her mouth shut about their agreement and what happened in San Francisco. Nobody must know anything and she needs to do a better job of covering it up. Belle tells him to let go and that he is hurting her. They walk off as Kate is stunned by this and wonders what the hell is going on. She vows to find out as the screen fades out.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Bo: Why do I keep having these memories? What do they mean?

Eric to Nicole: So...you finally lost hope, huh?

Abby to Jack and Billie: Forgive her. Please forgive my grandmother.

Greta to Chelsea: You need to tell Hope the truth.

Sami to Shane: I am doing this and you won't stop me.


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