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Wednesday December 13, 2006




-Fr. Jansen arrives and the final preparations for the wedding are made. Nicole tells Caroline that a nurse is going to film the wedding so Roman doesn't miss it. Caroline still would like to know how Roman ended up on the mission instead of Victor. Sami comes down and explains. Caroline is worried about the growing feud between Roman and Victor.

-Sami and Belle share a heartfelt reunion. Bo and Hope show up and they embrace Belle too. Hope asks her about San Francisco and what she did with Claire there but Belle tries to duck the question by saying everything was fine and she is happy to be home and trying to make her marriage work. Sami picks up on Belle seeming tentative and she asks Belle if things are going well for her and Philip thus far. Belle says everything is fine and it's all going to work. She walks off as Sami and Hope wonder if there is more to this then Belle is saying...

-Bo reunites with Philip and says he is looking good. Philip says it's hard to adjust to a new face and having lost as much weight as he did. He is just a completely different person when he looks in the mirror. Bo says he will be ok and tells Philip about Shawn. He says he heard and that he hopes Shawn ends up better then he did. Bo leaves as Philip's polite face turns to a evil grin and he laughs, while saying he really hopes Shawn gets blown to smithereens!!!

-Nicole is done filling in Fr. Jansen about the wedding. Eric reaches out to Bo and asks him to be his best man. It's what his father would want and it's the least he can do as he is off trying to save him. Nicole realizes she needs a maid of honor and she walks over to Greta. She tells her she isn't sure they will ever be friends. She understands why Greta kept the truth and isn't mad. After all she has done of late to help Eric, Nicole owes her and she feels Greta should be her maid of honor since it is because of her that Eric has made it this far.

Greta is touched and says she hopes her and Nicole can put all the tension between them in the past. Nicole hugs her and thanks her again.

-Frankie, Max, Laura, Bill, Doug, Julie, Jack, Billie, Will, Steve, and Kayla all arrive and gather with Hope, Kate, Lucas, Austin, Sami, Caroline. Greta, Bo, and Fr. Jansen as the wedding begins.

-Meanwhile, at Chez Rouge, Maggie and Victor enjoy a private dinner and talk about recent happenings. She asks if there is word on Stefano and he says nothing concrete. She says that he needs to pay for what he has done. Victor agrees. He asks when the restaurant will be re-opening. She answers in the new year but she felt like decorating it for the holidays anyway.

Victor and Maggie get up after dinner and thank each other for being there for one another and for not judging each other.

Victor: I went through a rough year and, even with me involved in this war with Stefano, you never stopped being supportive. You saved my life and put your own on the line. You never judged me and criticized. You were just there...a true friend. These past months with you since the island have been a joy. It's the joy of having a loyal friend, someone I know I can count on.

Maggie: I feel the same way. We were thrown together during that island fiasco and you have been there ever since. Through Mickey's death, my falling off the wagon, saving my life...I don't know where I would be. I would not have had the strength to go on after losing Mickey. You were my rock and it was you that helped bring me out of my relapse and, during that whole ordeal, you never once judged me either. You had faith I would find myself but also were there for support. You showed true loyalty as a friend and the fact that you beleived in me as a person...I am eternally grateful to have you in my life. It is my belief that you were brought into my life to help me through the past 6 months and I thank God every day for that.

Victor grabs Maggie's hand.

Victor: Thank you, Maggie. Thank you for being you.

Maggie: No, Victor. Thank you for being you.

As a romantic Christmas song plays, Maggie asks Victor to dance to help keep their mind off everything. He agrees and thanks her for all this. He feels like the rest of the world is miles away. The dance and drift under the mistletoe. The look into each other's eyes and slowly lean in and kiss.

The song then ends and they stop. Both remain silent until they see the mistletoe. Victor says he was just caught up in the moment and the tradition. Maggie says the same thing and that she got swept away in the music. Victor thinks it's time to end the evening and Maggie says that she will have everything cleaned up. Victor bids her farewell and kisses her on the cheek. He leaves, clearly flustered by what happened. Maggie is flustered too and knows it was more then a kiss to go along with tradition.

-Fr. Jansen begins the wedding. We see some Eric and Nicole flashbacks as Fr. Jansen talks about love and the obstacles some must overcome to be together. He blesses the rings and the traditional "I do's" and giving and recieving of rings takes place. Eric then stops Fr. Jansen and says he wants to say something.

Eric: When I returned to Salem after years of being away, I was lost...until I first saw you at the Java Cafe. Your face and smile...so innocent. Of course, we know now your not so innocent. Deep down...you always had that desire and need to be loved and you are still that woman I saw that very day. I know now there is definitely more to you but that makes it more exciting. Life with you is exciting and I hope I get the chance to discover a new part of you each and every day we are together. I love you and I am so happy that I brought you back to Salem when I returned. Being together feels right...it always has and I think it always will.

Nicole wishes to say a few words:

Nicole: I don't know how you just said all that being so weak but I am going to try to follow that. No man has ever treated me like you have. I have either hurt them or they have hurt me. You knew the truth about my past and still stuck by me. Years later, we came full circle and were reunited here in Salem...where it all started for us. I have lost my way over the years recently but I think I found it again when you asked me to meet you here in Salem back in May. I am thankful for that and for every day I have spent and will get to spend with you. I will cherish every moment with you and will never feel the way I do about you with any other man. You have always been the one and there were times when I forgot that or didn't realize it but now I do. We were meant to be and that is why we came together again. I never beleived in happily ever after growing up the way I did and having the life I have led but our love makes me believe in it and...(crying) even if I lose you now...it is because of you that I will still beleive in happily ever after and dreams coming true because my dream has come true. Today...on this day. I'm your wife and that is all I want in this world. The money and power...overrated. None of it compares to how I feel when I am with you. I love you Eric Brady and I will go to my grave loving you. Always...

Fr. Jansen then pronounces them husband and wife as they are already kissing. Everyone applauds as Shane and Abe race in. They have news about Roman. Everyone goes silent. Shane says they have learned that Roman's helicopter went down in the snowstorm shortly after he picked up the drug at the clinic. They have lost communication and have no word of surivivors. Everyone in the room is stunned and the Brady's are devastated. Eric looks at Nicole and whispers:

Eric: It's because of me. He is dead because he was trying to save me.

Nicole embraces him as the screen fades out on his pale and horrified face.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Philip to Belle: No one must know what happened in San Francisco.

Kate (watching Belle and Philip): What the hell?

Sami to Lucas: He can't be gone. Not when we finally found each other.

Frankie to Max: Tell her. Tell Abby how you feel.

Cassie: I can't let this happen.

Abby to Jack: Daddy...I need to apologize.

Laura to Jack: Can I see my granddaughter?

Nicole: Fr. Jansen, I need you to give Eric last rites.


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