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S&L: Episode 44-46



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Secrets & Lies: Episode 44-46
Friday, December 08, 2006

Written by: Ryan Chandler & NaVell J. Lee
Produced by: NaVell J. Lee

Opening Video

- Lorenzo arrives home from a trip to Manhattan to find his house empty. He remembers that both he and Diego have an appointment with Lainey today so he goes upstairs to look for Diego. On his way up, he notices that the painting covering his safe is ajar and rushes over to it. Damn it, his money is missing. He calls Diego’s name once again, but gets no answer. When he opens Diego’s door, he is shocked to find most of Diego’s belongings gone. On the bed is a letter addressed to Lorenzo:

Dear Pop,

I am sorry for leaving like this. But I couldn’t take living in Port Charles any longer. I need to find myself. I need to figure out who I am before I can return. I am glad that we found each other and I wouldn’t erase any of the time that we spent together. But I need to be my own man pop. I need to get away from this town and the people in it. This includes you. I’m sorry I took your money without asking. I’ll pay you back, I promise. Oh, and I took one of your cars too. I’ll keep it in great condition. I swear it. Don’t come looking for me either. I need to do this on my own.

Hasta Luego,


A tear slowly falls down Lorenzo’s cheek. He stares at the room that used to belong to his son, shakes his head, and walks out.

- At Wyndemere, Nikolas is feeding little Spencer when Carly storms in.

Carly: Nikolas, you have got to do something about your brother.

Nikolas (looking up at Carly): And good afternoon to you too Carly.

Carly: Oh. Sorry. Good afternoon Nikolas. Now…what are you gonna do about Lucky?

Nikolas: I’m not going to do anything about Lucky. He’s a grown man.

Carly: But he listens to you. If you don’t convince him to go back to Elizabeth, then she’s going to hook up with Jason and I cannot have that happen. Jason’s been lost since Sam died, and I think Liz is trying to capitalize on that.

Nikolas: Capitalize? She’s not like that Carly.

Carly: Oh please, she’s always wanted Jason. And now, she has the perfect opportunity to snag him. Jason isn’t thinking clearly.

Nikolas: He’s not the only one taking Sam’s death hard. Alexis was here and broke down.

Carly: Well, Lucky didn’t take her death too well either.

Carly (walking over, taking Nikolas’ hand): I want my cousin to be happy Nik. And as much as I hate the woman, Elizabeth makes him happy. Would you please talk to him?

Nikolas: I’ll tell you what. What I’ll do is talk to Lucky about talking to Alexis, so they can work through heir issues regarding Sam’s death. And I’ll also suggest that Lucky let Elizabeth back into his life. Will that make you happy?

Carly: Aww! That’s great! Thanks Nik!

Carly kisses him on the cheek, then grabs her things. She turns around before she leaves.

Carly: And don’t forget to watch my press conference tomorrow. I’ve got some big news.

Nikolas: I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

- While at the MetroCourt with Kristina, Alexis thinks she sees the woman from the lake. She tries to convince herself that she’s just imagining things, but a part of her wants to believe this woman is her daughter. She runs up to the woman and grabs her, only to be disappointed when it’s not Sam. “Sorry,” she says. “I thought you were someone I knew.” Ric comes up and asks what’s wrong, but she shrugs it off. Unbeknownst to the two of them, the woman Alexis saw backtracks and makes her way to Helena who's been watching from afar. Helena hands the woman a wad of cash and tells her she's done well. She stands proud that her actions from the summer continue to mess with Alexis’ head.

- Back at GH, Alan tries to surprise Monica with a bouquet of flowers. Alan apologizes for picking a fight with her after the ELQ meeting, but couldn’t understand why she supported Tracy over Skye. Monica flashes back to seeing Kevin flirt with Skye before the meeting. She tells Alan that she can do whatever she damn well pleases, and is sick and tired of answering to him. She shoves the bouquet back into his arms and tells him to get out. Tired of being treated this way for months, Alan tells Monica that he’s sick of her attitude. He can’t make their marriage work if he’s the only one who wants to save it. He tells Monica that he’s tired of making an ass out of himself by being nice to her, when all she does is show him her ass so to speak. He calls her an ungrateful, soulless, bitter woman who wants to make everyone miserable because she’s not happy. He tells her to get out of his office and not to come back in until she learns to show him respect. Monica then storms out of his office. She tries to keep her composure and go on with her day, but can’t bring herself to do it. She finds herself walking around in circles until she gets to Kevin’s office….

- The camera finally cuts to the workings of ELQ. It appears that Tracy has called most of the important employees to the auditorium of the building for an important meeting. After going through the basics, such as informing them of the power change, she focus her attention to more important business.

Tracy: It has come to my attention that there are some people who we just cannot work with under any circumstances. As your CEO, I want ELQ to have a healthy work environment, but unfortunately, there are those who will never be able to go along with the changes and be a “team player.” After much consideration, I’ve decided to eliminate the Villa Interior department.

The employees begin to talk amongst themselves. Skye stands up and begins to yell at Tracy.

Skye: Tracy what is wrong with you? These people work hard at what they do and don’t deserve to loose their jobs just because you don’t like the fact that I got Edward to sign off on the department.

Tracy: It doesn’t matter what you think Skye or my father. I am running things now. Now I think you should sit down.

Skye: No, you should sit down. I am so sick of you throwing around your weight. Luke, how can you just allow her to act this way?

Luke: Easy….I realized that Tracy will do what she wants, no matter what anyone thinks about it. You need to realize that things are changing Skye. Either get with the program or leave.

Skye looks hurt that Luke didn’t back her up on anything.

Tracy: You know…..someone told me a while back that a little public humiliation is just what a person needs sometimes. So….with that said…

Ned: Mother, don’t.

Tracy: Skye Chandler, your services are no longer needed here at ELQ. Pack your things at get out.

Skye: Excuse me?

Tracy: You heard me. You’re fired. Security, please escort Ms. Chandler to her office to collect her belongings, and then take her out of the building.

Tracy smirks at Skye evilly as Skye is taken away by security personnel.

On the next GH: Secrets & Lies-

- Carly has a press conference, revealing her new company!
- Nikolas shows up Lucky’s and find someone he didn’t expect
- Monica & Kevin make love in his office, but someone oversees the entire thing!
- Lorenzo wants to continue therapy with Lainey

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