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Episode 024: "THE LIGHT"



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The Light: Episode 024

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Nighttime falls over Springfield as lives begin to change forever…

  • Phillip leaves Blake at Outskirts unsure of what she is avoiding…but not one hundred percent caring, until he gets his car. However he quickly has a change of heart and goes back into the bar…Phillip questions what is going on with her…

  • Danny attempts to reason with Marah about why he didn’t press charges against Roxie…she tells him that what her aunt did was wrong, but she wasn’t stable enough to understand that. Marah tries to argue with him, but Danny sees right past that and asks Marah what she’s feeling guilty about, she tells him she is feeling guilty about nothing…but Danny insists that she is…Marah tells him that he does not know what he’s talking about and asks if he is going to let her stay with him and Danny says that he already said yes as Marah goes off to shower…

  • Harley arrives at Olivia’s bar to have a drink with Cassie. Harley fills Cassie in on what has occurred with Gus and the women talk about that and later about Blake and her problems with Ross and Holly. Cassie then tells Harley she is having men problems as well and Harley questions if she is talking about Danny. Cassie says that she has invited him to dinner a few times but it’s not any use…Harley suggests Cassie try something non-romantic, like work, mixed with dinner giving Cassie an idea…

  • Marah steps out of the shower and wraps herself in a robe…she finds some clothes that Danny laid out for her…after she is dressing, Marah is gazing in the mirror…when Tony [Jordi Vilasuso] appears to her…Marah says that she’s sorry for ever doubting him…Tony says that he forgave her long before he ever died. Marah questions why he is here and Tony tells her she knows why…and leaves.

  • Olivia arrives at Lillian’s to see Beth. Olivia reasons with her to reunite with Phillip because she can tell that he isn’t happy. Beth suggests that maybe Phillip isn’t happy because Olivia left him and the woman exchange heated words…Olivia said she had no other choice other than to leave him for Alan, because at the end of the day Phillip’s acts may show that he loves her, but she knows his heart is telling a different story…one that begins once upon time there was Beth and Phillip…and ends with happily ever after...

  • Cassie arrives at the Santos mansion to find an unshaven Danny who seems to be busy and unwilling to talk. Cassie enters without being invited and sets up floor plans for a new restaurant/club where Inferno used to be…but Danny says he’s really not in the mood and wants to be alone. Cassie relucantely agrees to go, without Danny showing her out and listens at the door when he gets a phone call…Cassie hears Danny say that he wants to see her…but she doesn’t finish listening and leaves…with a clear cut agenda on her mind…to get and keep Danny no matter the cost!

  • Blake tells Phillip that she’s changed over the years, matured…made mistakes yes, but always knew who she was. Phillip asks what has made her act this way because it does not seem very Blake like. She asks him if you ever really get over the one…your soul mate…then Blake says look who she’s asking, Phillip, who married and left half the women in Springfield for his soul mate. Blake says she go home…wherever that is, leaving Phillip very confused…he pays the tab and leaves to go see Beth…

  • Danny is shaving when Tony also appears to him…Danny questions why he is there and Tony says he knows why…Danny questions, “Marah?” Tony says they need one another.

  • Olivia asks when Beth is going to wake up from this dream world she is in and realize that Phillip Spaulding is the best thing that has ever happened to her. Olivia tells Beth that Phillip is a catch and the sooner she realizes that the better off she’s going to be…Beth asks Olivia what that means and Olivia tells her that something could happen to Beth, to Phillip and then she would have to live the rest of her life without him…Olivia asks if she is willing to do that…

  • Marah comes into the living room where she finds Danny in the living room with a roaring fire…he tells her that it’s starting raining outside…Marah sits down and tells him that she feels comfortable here…almost safe…Danny tells her it has a weird feeling to it and she says that it most certainly does…as she moves in to kiss Danny…

  • After Olivia leaves Beth tries to lie down and go to sleep, but with the rain it becomes almost impossible and she decides to take a sleeping pill that Lillian has and she immediately drifts off to sleep. After sleeping for awhile, Beth hears two gunshots ring out and she jolts from bed screaming, “Phillip!”

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